Over 1600 SGU School of Medicine MD Graduates are from Canada—Your Students Could Be Next.
Current Canadian Students*
*Based on Canadian Citizenship, excludes USPR
USMLE Step 1 Pass Rate for SGU’s Canadian First Time Test Takers in 2018.*
*Data as of October 2019.
% of Canadian four-year MD entering students who obtained an SGU scholarship in the 2018-19 academic year*
*Data as of September 2019
You can become one of over 23K SGU doctors who have practiced in the US and around the world.
Founded in 1976 with the goal of drawing the best talent and practices from around the world, St. George’s University has become a leading center for academic excellence worldwide. With students and faculty drawn from over 140 countries, we truly are an international institution, with a uniquely global perspective, perfectly poised to help educate students in this rapidly shrinking world.
Scholarship Opportunities
The University offers a variety of scholarships designed to recognize academic excellence and provide access to the best and brightest students. Approximately 35% of the students enrolled in the MD program receive scholarship support every year.
Student Support Services
Student support is at the core of the St. George’s University mission. The University offers a wide range of services that ensure that the University is in partnership with each student during his or her academic journey.
Student Housing
The University has beautifully-designed living spaces for students that provide a wide range of accommodations to best suit the needs of our multi-aged and multicultural student community.
Campus Experience
With 65 state-of-the-art facilities, the Grenada campus has the ideal environment for students from around the world to live, learn, and build diverse networks.
One MD Degree Program, Two Locations
St. George’s University is truly an international institution, not only with its diverse student body and faculty but the unique opportunity for students to begin their medical education in Grenada or the United Kingdom. The two paths feature the same curriculum and provide a strong foundation for SGU’s future physicians.
Seeing SGU is believing— and we’ll even pay for the trip.
You and your students can visit SGU—on us.* Fly to the beautiful island of Grenada, tour the SGU campus, speak with current students, and learn why they selected SGU as their medical school. The best part of all—we pay for your trip.
To register for an upcoming advisor trip, visit sgu.edu/advisor-trip.
Students can visit sgu.edu/seesgu to learn more.
Trip includes flights, accommodations, and meals. For terms, eligibility and conditions, please contact SGU.
Our Admissions Team Is Here To Help You.
Jibran Vahidy
Director of Admissions, Canada
St George’s University School of Medicine
Grenada, West Indies
631-665-8500 ext. 9999
Recommend a Student
Choosing a medical school is one of the most crucial decisions of your student’s life, and it’s important that they absorb as much information as possible about the choices in front of them. We encourage them to consult with St. George’s University graduates, students, and administrators, who are available to answer any questions they may have about the University curriculum, campus, and track record of student success.
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