Catherine Werners-Butler

Catherine Werners-Butler, DVM, MBA, PhD, Dipl. ECEIM
Dr. Catherine Werners-Butler is a Professor and Chair in the Department of Large Animal Medicine and Surgery. Her area of expertise is equine internal medicine with a special interest in equine vector-borne diseases and further development of simulation techniques in education.
Dr. Werners-Butler’s research interests include the importance of ticks and equine tick-borne diseases, together with prevention strategies for vector infestation in equidae and the influence of the vector-pathogen-host interaction specifically related to the host immune system on disease susceptibility.
Dr. Werners-Butler received her DVM from Ghent University, Belgium in 1998 and a Ph.D. from Utrecht University, the Netherlands in 2012. She received her Diplomate in Equine Internal Medicine from the Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association, through Utrecht University in 2006, and her Diplomate with the European College of Equine Internal Medicine through Utrecht in 2012.
Based on her interest in leadership skills development and business related to veterinary medicine, Dr. Werners-Butler obtained an MBA in multi sector health management in 2022. She intends to use her skills in this area to improve her leadership as a Department Chair and motivate her students to become innovative and mindful entrepeneurs.