Lydia Doyle, DVM, MRCVS

Lydia Doyle, DVM, MRCVS
Graduation Date: 2005
United Kingdom
Dr. Lydia Doyle has a passion for and dedication to the field of veterinary medicine that began at a very young age. Starting when she was 13 years old, she spent afterschool hours, summers, and later term breaks from St. George’s University, at the Barn Lodge Veterinary Hospital in Lancashire, United Kingdom. While at Barn Lodge, Dr. Doyle observed a myriad of clinical cases and participated in routine surgical procedures.
During her time at the Barn Lodge Veterinary Hospital she met her mentor, Dr. Austin P. Kirwan. He suggested Lydia apply to St. George’s University despite its distance from home. While Dr. Kirwan had no affiliation with the University at the time, he was aware of its evolving veterinary medical program.
Dr. Doyle entered St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2000, thanks in part to a full-tuition scholarship and completed her final clinical year at University College Dublin, Ireland. In 2005, she became among the first students from the United Kingdom to graduate from SGU.
“While many of my friends in school in England felt the need to travel to other parts of the world, I was perfectly content with the pristine beauty and vibrant culture of Grenada,” she explained. Lydia believes the University’s most powerful attribute is the student body camaraderie—a shared ambition and focus among students. “The culture at St. George’s University was very accepting, with no prejudices or preconceptions. Every student shared the same goal, which helped set the stage for a successful and memorable experience.”
A native of Southport, United Kingdom, Lydia now calls Co Cavan, Ireland, home. It is there that she oversees a branch of a family-run mixed animal practice. Her academic accomplishments include the Veterinary Council Ireland Examination, the Statutory Membership Examination of the United Kingdom’s Royal College of Veterinary Medicine (RCVS) and the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE). She credits both the University and Dr. Kirwan for helping shape her future.
Dr. Lydia Doyle is a dedicated alumna who frequently participates in University events throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, encouraging future students to follow her example and consider St. George’s University to achieve their dreams. She is grateful to the University for the support it provided her as a student and a graduate. She looks forward to one day returning to Grenada and making a contribution to the veterinary medical program at St. George’s University.
Published April 2009