SVM Research Faculty Profiles

The following profiles represent the SVM faculty involved in research and SVM Adjunct and Cooperating faculty who collaborate with SVM researchers.  SVM faculty also collaborate with many other researchers at institutions in North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.  These collaborations are reflected within the individual SVM faculty research profile.

SVM Faculty

The following individuals are full-time faculty in the SVM involved in research.  These profiles reflect primarily those faculty engaged in hypothesis-based, original research.  Also included are faculty who contribute to veterinary scholarship through authoring book chapters, being on editorial boards and by being major organizers/contributors to symposia, workshops and continuing education.

SGU Cooperating Faculty

The following individuals are full-time SGU faculty who are either in the School of Medicine, the School of Arts and Sciences or the School of Graduate Studies and collaborate with SVM faculty on research.

Name Faculty Type Area of Interest
Atoum Abdullah Atoum Abdullah
Instructor, Biochemistry Department
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Full-Time Faculty E-learning, curriculum design and development, pedagogy and andragogy, technology in education, science education, public health education, community health and mental health.
headshot placeholder Josephine Azikuru Afema, BVM, MPVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVPM
Associate Professor, Department of Pathobiology
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Full-Time Faculty Integrated approaches (epidemiology, mathematical modeling, molecular techniques, human behaviors and cultures) to understand disease transmission at the human-domestic animal-wildlife interface., Contribute to research to raise awareness about neglected zoonotic bacterial and parasitic infections (brucellosis, cysticercosis, salmonellosis, Q-fever, leptospirosis,) so that they can be prioritized for public health intervention. , Antibiotic use in livestock, emergence, dissemination, and persistence of antimicrobial resistance in animal production systems and environments.
Firdous Ahmad Khan, BVSc, MVSc, DVSc, DACT
Assistant Professor
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Full-Time Faculty Theriogenology, Equine and bovine endometritis, Uterine proteomics, Follicular dynamics, Canine transmissible venereal tumor
Justina Aire, B.Ed, M.Ed, PhD
Assistant Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
Adjunct Associate Professor, Preveterinary Program/Leadership Programs

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Cooperating Faculty
Tom Aifuo Aire, DVM, PhD
Program Director, Anatomy and Physiology
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Full-Time Faculty Reproductive biology of male laboratory animals, Reproductive biology of male wildlife, Reproductive biology of male birds, Reproductive toxicology in laboratory animals and birds
headshot placeholder Andy Alhassan, DVM, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor
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Full-Time Faculty Infectious Diseases, Zoonoses, Vector- Borne (ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes) Diseases, Genomics; Molecular Biology, Molecular Diagnostics
Yasmin Allison-Burnett Yasmin Allison-Burnett
Associate Professor, Clinical skills Department
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Full-Time Faculty
Dr. Stephan Bandelow Stephan Bandelow
Associate Director of Research, SGU Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Neuroscience & Behavioral Sciences
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Full-Time Faculty Dementia, age-related chronic disease, Cognitive Psychology, Language analysis and modelling, medical semantics, mixed effects models, time series modelling, geospatial analysis.
Adina Bethel Adina Bethel
Demonstrator, Clinical Skills
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Full-Time Faculty Basic Life Support, Information Technology, Simulation.
Muhammad I. Bhaiyat, BVM, PhD
Professor, Veterinary Pathology
Department of Paraclinical Studies
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Full-Time Faculty Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals, Wild Animals, Poultry
Satesh Bidaisee DVM, MSPH, EdD, CPH, FRSPH
Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Assistant Dean for School of Graduate Studies
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Full-Time Faculty Human Behavior, Climate, Zoonoses, Food Safety and Food Security, Human and Animal Refugee Health, One Health Concept
Sonia Cheetham Brow, DVM, PhD
Associate Professor, Veterinary Virology
Department of Pathobiology, SVM
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Full-Time Faculty Viruses, Teaching, Research using both in vitro and in vivo models, Zoonotic viruses, Viruses in Grenada
Brian Phillip Butler, DVM, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor
Director of Diagnostic Anatomic Pathology
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Full-Time Faculty Mucosal immunology, Animal models of infectious disease, Alimentary and hepatobiliary pathology, Dermatopathology, Salmonella pathogenesis
headshot placeholder Stacey Byers, DVM, MS, DACVIM(LA)
Associate Professor, Livestock Medicine
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Full-Time Faculty Livestock medicine and surgery; infectious diseases; gastrointestinal, metabolic, and endocrine disorders; neonatology; communication training and professional development
Alfred Chikweto, BVM, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor, Veterinary Pathology
Department of Pathobiology
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Full-Time Faculty Toxoplasmosis, Cryptosposporidiosis in small ruminants, Animal neoplasms
Alvin Chitterman Alvin Chitterman
Lecturer, Physiology, Neuroscience, and Behavioral Sciences
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Full-Time Faculty Endocrine physiology
Anne Marie Corrigan, MS, DVM, MS DACVIM (SAIM)
Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine
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Full-Time Faculty Infectious diseases
headshot placeholder Mahesh Shriram Deokar, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc
Associate Professor of Anatomy
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Full-Time Faculty Reproductive Biology, Gross Anatomy, Developmental Anatomy, Histomorphology, Histochemistry and Immunohistochemistry, Electron Microscopy, Cytoskeletal proteins, Spermatogenesis and Spermiogenesis.
Samantha Dickson Samantha Dickson
Demonstrator, Clinical Skills Department, Coordinator of Simulation and the American Heart Association (AHA) International Training Center
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Full-Time Faculty Volunteering in Emergencies, Occupational Health and Safety, Workplace Safety, Environmental and Community Health, Health Education, Learning and retention, Behavior Change, Gender equity in the Global landscape, Efficacy of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Testing and Simulation.
Camila B. Dores, DVM, MSc,PhD, ACVP
Associate Professor, Pathobiology
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Full-Time Faculty Reproductive Pathology, Comparative Biology, Animal Models, Toxicology, Tissue Derived Stem Cells
headshot placeholder Jonnel Edwards, BSc, MSc
Demonstrator of Aquatic Animal Medicine, Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine
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Full-Time Faculty Marine Ecology, Marine Turtle Pathology, Wildlife Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health & Safety
Hugh W. Ferguson BVM&S, PhD, Dipl. ACVP, MRCVS, FRCPath
Professor Part Time, Department of Pathobiology
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Comparative pathology, Pathophysiology, Defence mechanisms in lower vertebrates, especially fish
Paul J. Fields, PhD
Professor, Office of Research
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Cooperating Faculty Biostatistics, Biomedical Research
Martin St. Clair Forde, ScD, PEng
Professor, Public Health and Preventive Medicine
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Cooperating Faculty Occupational Health and Safety, Workplace Evaluation, Exposure Assessment, Environmental Health, Evaluation of exposures to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS), Pesticides and heavy metals, Biomedical Waste Management, Ergonomics, Industrial Hygiene, Zoonoses
headshot placeholder Hugo J. Hernandez-Fonseca, M.V., MSc., Ph.D.
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Full-Time Faculty His main area of research interest is focused on factors affecting in vitro embryo production and fertility. He has also explored the effects of different environmental and growth factors on embryo development in the bovine and feline.
headshot placeholder Francesca Ivaldi, MS, DVM
Associate Professor Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Academic Program
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Full-Time Faculty Clinical Skills, Dentistry, Education, Small Animal Surgery
Heidi Janicke, VetMed, PhD, MRCVS, Dipl. ECVS, SFHEA
Associate Professor
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Full-Time Faculty Equine Surgery, Large Animal surgery, Equine Inflammatory diseases, Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Assessment in Higher Education, Curriculum Design in Higher Education
Richard Mugwanya Kabuusu, BVM, MPH, CPH, PhD
Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Pathology and Public Health
Department of Pathobiology
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Full-Time Faculty Disease mapping, zoonotics, medical history, diagnostics, injury and infectious disease epidemiology, and ultrastructural pathology
ray kaplan Ray M. Kaplan, DVM, PHD, DACVM, DEVPC
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Full-Time Faculty Parasitology including: anthelmintic resistance in helminth parasites, epidemiology and control of livestock parasites, genetics, genomics and molecular diagnosis of anthelmintic resistance in nematode parasites, new drug discovery, parasites of aquatic animals
afroza khanam Afroza Khanam, BSc, MSc, PhD
Instructor, Department of Large Animal Medicine and Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine
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Full-Time Faculty Antimicrobial resistance, Nanomaterials and their application in medicine, Public health, Food safety, Green research, Molecular biology, Topical and systematic reviews, Theriogenology
Kamashi Kumar, BVSc & AH, MVSc, PhD
Associate Professor of Pharmacology
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Full-Time Faculty Antimicrobial resistance, medicinal properties of natural plants, cell culture studies, nanoparticles, drug toxicity
Marta Lanza Perea Marta Lanza-Perea, Bach in Vet Med, MSc, MRCVS
Associate Professor for Small Animal Medicine and Surgery
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Full-Time Faculty Infectious Diseases, Specially Tick Borne Diseases, Shelter Medicine, One Health Once Medicine, Transmissible Venereal Tumor, Soft Tissue Surgery
Marios Loukas, MD, PhD
Department of Anatomical Sciences
Dean of School of Medicine
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Cooperating Faculty Cardiac Anatomy, Cardiovascular Pathology, Surgical Anatomy and Technique, Arteriogenesis, Angiogenesis, Medical Education, History of Medicine, Molecular Biology, Teaching, Learning & Assessment, Ultrasound, Medical Education, Anatomical Services
Cheryl Macpherson Cheryl Macpherson, PhD
Professor, Department of Clinical Skills, WINDREF Senior Research Fellow
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Cooperating Faculty Bioethics, Public health ethics, Research ethics, Climate change and health, One Health, Veterinary bioethics , The Caribbean,, Small Island Developing States, Low resource settings, Capacity building, Education for critical thinking and writing, Community engagement, Biobanking
Calum N.L. Macpherson, PhD, DIC
Vice Provost, International Development Program
Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Director of Research
Professor, Parasitology, School of Medicine
Professor, Veterinary Parasitology, School of Veterinary Medicine
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Cooperating Faculty Human behavior, Zoonoses, Climate change, Vector-borne diseases and SARS-CoV-2, Epidemiology, Surveillance
Dave Marancik, DVM, PhD, CertAqVet
Associate Professor of Aquatic Animal Medicine, Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine
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Full-Time Faculty Aquaculture, Aquatic Animals, Biomarkers of Disease, Disease Diagnostics, Immunology, Pathology, Wildlife Veterinary Medicine
headshot placeholder Sophie Moittié, LicVet, DVetMed
Assistant professor in zoological medicine
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Full-Time Faculty Primate diseases, biomarker discovery, diagnostic tools, anesthesia, zoo preventative medicine, wildlife conservation, aquatic animal medicine, zoo nutrition.
Clare Morrall, PhD
Director of the Marine Biology Program
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Cooperating Faculty Marine Medicine
headshot placeholder Kerri Nigito, BSc, DVM
Clinical Instructor, Large Animal Medicine and Surgery, SVM
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Full-Time Faculty Food safety, Food residues
Stephen Nimrod, MSc
Instructor in Marine Biology
Department of Life Sciences
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Cooperating Faculty Marine Protected Areas (MPA), Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Bleaching, Threats and Impacts to Coral Reefs, Macroalgal Growth on Coral Reefs, Sea Urchin Fisheries
Trevor Paul Noël, MPH
Assistant Director, WINDREF Research Institute
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Cooperating Faculty Neglected Tropical Diseases, Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatic Heart Disease, Genetic Correlates of Addictive Diseases
Caroline Jane Noel Caroline Jane Noel
Lecturer, Clinical Skills
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Full-Time Faculty Chronic Non Communicable Disease, Child hood and adult obesity, Vaping, BLS teaching, Medical student self-awareness.
Tara Paterson, DVM, MSc
Associate Professor Small Animal Medicine & Surgery department
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Full-Time Faculty Companion animal clinical parasitology (demodicosis, Dirofilaria immitis), Companion animal vector-borne (heartworm disease, ehrlichisis, anaplasmosis) and infectious diseases (Leptospirosis), Companion animal dermatology
Elizabeth A. Peach, BSc,CVT/LVT
Demonstrator Level III Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery
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Full-Time Faculty Shelter Medicine, Animal Welfare, One Health One Medicine Initiative, Public Health, Zoonoses, Non-Surgical Forms of Sterilization for the Control of Overpopulation in Canines and Felines, Disaster Preparedness
Rhonda D. Pinckney, M.S., DVM, PhD
Department of Pathobiology
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Full-Time Faculty Zoonotic Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Parasites of Public Health Significance, Parasitic Diseases, Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Community Outreach Programs
headshot placeholder Rohini Roopnarine, DVM, M.Phil, EdD (Higher Education), MRCVS
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Full-Time Faculty Medical Education, Interprofessional Education, One Health Education, Teaching with Technology
headshot placeholder Bhumika Sharma, BSc., MSc.
Veterinary Teaching Associate
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Full-Time Faculty Microbiology, Anaplasmataceae, Obligate Intracellular Pathogens, Molecular Biology
Diana M. Stone, MPH, DVM, PhD
Professor, Veterinary Public Health
Department of Pathobiology
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Full-Time Faculty Zoonoses, specifically Zoonotic Viruses of Bats, Epidemiology of Zoonotic Diseases, Seroprevalence studies
headshot placeholder Sharianne Suepaul, DVM, PhD, PGCert. UTL
Associate Professor, Department of Pathobiology
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Full-Time Faculty Leptospirosis, Staphylococcus spp., antimicrobial resistance and investigating alternatives to antimicrobials.
Wayne R.B Sylvester, DVM
Assistant Professor/Clinician
Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Program
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Full-Time Faculty Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Vector-borne Diseases
Charlotte Taylor-Drigo Charlotte Taylor-Drigo
Lecturer, Clinical Skills
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Full-Time Faculty Artificial Intelligence in academic medicine
Dr. Shellon Thomas Shellon Thomas
Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry
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Full-Time Faculty Leadership development, Advancement in medical education, Advancement in all areas of medicine
Dr. Sharmila Upadhya Sharmila Upadhya
Professor, Biochemistry and Genetics
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Full-Time Faculty Medical Education, innovation in teaching methods, assessment methods, Nutrition, Metabolism, and impact of integrated curriculum delivery.
Arno H. Werners, DVM, PhD, DECVPT
Professor of Pharmacology
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Full-Time Faculty Innate Immunity, (Equine) Clinical Pharmacology
Catherine Werners-Butler, PhD, DVM, MRCVS, Dipl. ECEIM, Dipl. RNVA
Associate Professor
Diplomate European College Equine Internal Medicine
Large Animal Medicine and Surgery Academic Program
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Full-Time Faculty Equine, Tick-borne diseases, Zoonoses, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi, Theileria equi, Babesia caballi
Melinda J. Wilkerson, DVM, MS, PhD
Diplomate, ACVP Professor and Chair, Pathobiology School of Veterinary Medicine
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Full-Time Faculty Clinical Pathology, Immunopathology, and Vector borne diseases
headshot placeholder Nicki Wise, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Associate Professor, Pathobiology SVM
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Full-Time Faculty Equine Infectious Diseases, Equine Piroplasmosis, Immunology
headshot placeholder Hector Zerpa Gonzalez, MV. MSc. PhD.
Associate Professor, Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology Department
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Full-Time Faculty Cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology, Endothelial function, Vascular reactivity
Ulrike Zieger, MSc, DVM, German Doctorate (Veterinary Physiology)
Professor, Veterinary Physiology
Department of Preclinical Studies
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Full-Time Faculty Wildlife Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Conservation and Management, Wildlife Parasites, Wildlife Diseases and Disease Control, Game Capture, Management of Protected Areas