SOM Spring White Coat Ceremony: The Legacy Continues for SGU President and Son

With a distinguished career spanning more than 30 years in medicine, Dr. G. Richard Olds, president emeritus at St. George’s University was thrilled to have his son, Trevor Olds follow in his footsteps. In addition to being this year’s keynote speaker, Dr. Olds also had the honor of coating Trevor at the Spring 2023 School of Medicine White Coat Ceremony.

“I’m extremely proud of Trevor and happy to share in this milestone moment as he takes his first official steps into the medical profession,” said Dr. Olds. “I have three wonderful sons, but none of whom seemed to want a career in medicine. In fact, Trevor started his career as a professional actor, but I’m delighted he decided to transition into the MD program here at SGU and that I had the special privilege of coating him.”

The future Dr. Olds joined his fellow students in the Class of 2027 as they walked across the stage on January 28 at Patrick F. Adams Hall to receive their white coats. At the end of the ceremony, which marks their entry into the field of medicine, they recited the Oath of Professionalism, where they pledge to uphold the highest of ethical standards while treating their patients.

In his keynote address, Dr. Olds shared three moving stories providing lessons on what it means to be a good physician. His second story centered on Trevor giving his family a medical scare but ended with them being comforted by a physician wearing a white coat.

“All of the men in the Olds family are quite sentimental,” shared Trevor Olds. “So, I was glad that I had a bit of time between my father’s keynote address and when I had to go up to be coated—because I needed to compose myself a little bit. It was such a sweet and special moment, and his speech was very touching and meaningful.”

– Ray-Donna Peters

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