Research Publications
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2024 Publications
School of Medicine
Basic Sciences (112)
Anatomical Sciences
- Hernández L, Quiñones S, Konschake M, Tubbs RS, Olewnik L, Slocker A, Sañudo JR, Maranillo E (2024). Variations of the human hyoid bone and its clinical implications. European Journal of Anatomy, DOI: 10.52083/LLMG1458
- Asghar A, Narayan RK, Pushpa NB, Patra A, Ravi KS, Tubbs RS (2024). Exploring the variations of the pancreatic ductal system: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Anat Cell Biol. 2024 Mar 31;57(1):31-44. doi: 10.5115/acb.23.148. Epub 2024 Feb 14.
- Boezaart AP, Server A, Tubbs RS, Carrera A, Reina F, Reina MA (2024). Infectious meningitis. Why are the leptomeninges preferentially involved? Electron microscopic insights. Clin Anat. 2024 Sep 18. doi: 10.1002/ca.24228. Online ahead of print.
- Capek S, Tubbs RS, Spinner RJ (2024). Letter to the Editor: Terminology of intraneural invasion, perineural invasion and perineural spread. World Neurosurg. 2024 Jan;181:196-198. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2023.10.086.
- Cardona JJ, Dumont AS, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Influence of Morphological Changes on Dural Venous Sinuses Hemodynamics. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2024 Aug 30. doi: 10.1002/jmri.29590. Online ahead of print.
- Cardona JJ, Iwanaga J, Chaiyamoon A, Wang A, Nickele CM, Amans MR, Heiferman DM, Johnson KD, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS (2024). Angulation of the dural venous sinuses of the posterior cranial fossa: Anatomical study with clinical and surgical applications. Clin Anat. 2024 Jul;37(5):546-554. doi: 10.1002/ca.24154. Epub 2024 Mar 12.
- Cardona JJ, Iwanaga J, Chaiyamoon A, Wang A, Nickele CM, Amans MR, Heiferman DM, Johnson KD, Loukas M, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS (2024). Bony prominence and variations of the transverse sinus groove: novel anatomical findings in relation to sinus pathologies. Neurosurg Rev. 2024 Nov 26;47(1):869. doi: 10.1007/s10143-024-03072-x.
- Chaiyamoon A, Boontem P, Samrid R, Cardona JJ, Khanthiyong B, Yurasakpong L, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). An anatomical study of the nasal foramina. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Sep;46(9):1495-1500. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03414-w. Epub 2024 Jul 29.
- Chaiyamoon A, Yurasakpong L, Mo-Thong W, Kankuan Kaewborisutsakul W, Mahakkanukrauh P, Putiwat P, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J, Suwannakhan A (2024). Impact of a religious leader on body donation trends: Insights from a recent event from Thailand. Med Teach. 2024 Nov;46(11):1517-1518. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2024.2382481. Epub 2024 Jul 25.
- Cohen A, Kim CY, Raeburn K, Bubb K, Tabira Y, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). A review of the ethmoidal foramina and their clinical application Anat Cell Biol. 2024 Dec 3. doi: 10.5115/acb.24.202. Online ahead of print.
- Donofrio CA, Cardona JJ, Riccio L, Chaiyamoon A, Shekhawat D, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Jackson N, Badaloni F, Tubbs RS, Fioravanti A (2024). The Posterior Auricularis Muscle as Superficial Landmark for the Sigmoid Sinus and Transverse-Sigmoid Sinus Junction: An Anatomical Study. World Neurosurg. 2024 Jun;186:e721-e726. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.04.040. Epub 2024 Apr 12.
- Ezra D, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon, Better Known as Rambam (1138-1204): Physician, Philosopher, and Adjudicator. Cureus. 2024 Oct 16;16(10):e71591. doi: 10.7759/cureus.71591. eCollection 2024 Oct.
- Franco-Riveros VB, Pividori SM, Martin TI, Nicora FE, Lallana MC, Pontecorvo AA, Flores JC, Tubbs RS, Boezaart AP, Reina MA, Buchholz B (2024). Anatomical study with clinical significance of communicating and visceral branching of the cervical and upper thoracic sympathetic trunk. Clin Anat. 2024 Mar 12. doi: 10.1002/ca.24149. Online ahead of print.
- Fukino K, Iitsuka M, Kitagawa N, Tubbs RS, Akita K, Iwanaga J (2024). Three-dimensional Analysis of the Muscles Related to the So-Called “Pterygomandibular Raphe”: An Anatomical and Histological Study. Dysphagia. 2024 Aug;39(4):642-647. doi: 10.1007/s00455-023-10645-3. Epub 2024 Jan 10.
- Gaydarski L, Landzhov B, Tubbs RS, Olewnik Ł, Piagkou M, Georgiev GP (2024). The enigmatic os supratrochleare anterius: from rarity to recognition in elbow pathology-case report and review of literature Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Apr;46(4):483-487. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03321-0. Epub 2024 Feb 26.
- Georgiev GP, Tubbs RS (2024). What is the axillary arch (of Langer)? Journal of Anatomy,
- Georgiev GP, Yordanov Y, Gaydarski L, Tubbs RS, Olewnik Ł, Zielinska N, Piagkou M, Ananiev J, Dimitrova IN, Slavchev SA, Terziev I, Suwannakhan A, Landzhov B (2024). Are There Any Differences in the Healing Capacity between the Medial Collateral Ligament’s (MCL) Proximal and Distal Parts in the Human Knee? Quantitative and Immunohistochemical Analysis of CD34, α-Smooth Muscle Actin (α-SMA), and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Expression Regarding the Epiligament (EL) Theory 2024 Mar 15;12(3):659. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12030659.
- Georgiev GP, Yordanov Y, Olewnik Ł, Tubbs RS, LaPrade RF, Ananiev J, Slavchev SA, Dimitrova IN, Gaydarski L, Landzhov B (2024). Do the Differences in the Epiligament of the Proximal and Distal Parts of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Explain Their Different Healing Capacities? Quantitative and Immunohistochemical Analysis of CD34 and α-SMA Expression in Relation to the Epiligament Theory. Biomedicines. 2024 Jan 11;12(1):156. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12010156.
- Haładaj R, Tubbs RS, Varga I (2024). Anatomical Study of the Inferior Oblique Muscle and Its Innervation: Morphometric Characteristics, Anatomical Variations, and Histological Evaluation of the Nerve to the Inferior Oblique Muscle. Brain Sci. 2024 Sep 17;14(9):925. doi: 10.3390/brainsci14090925.
- Idowu BM, Onigbinde SO, Afolabi BI, Ogholoh OD, Nwafor NN, Okedere TA (2024). Assessment of shoulder joint derangements with magnetic resonance imaging in adult Nigerians. J West Afr Coll Surg. 2024 Jul-Sep;14(3):307-313. doi: 10.4103/jwas.jwas_144_23. Epub 2024 May 24.
- Idowu BM, Onigbinde SO, Afolabi BI, Oyedepo VO, Ajayi OI, Ogholoh OD, Nwafor NN, Okedere TA, Fanimi OO (2024). Aetiological Spectrum of Pancreaticobiliary Diseases in Adult Nigerians on Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography. Niger J Clin Pract. 2024 May 1;27(5):592-598. doi: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_619_23. Epub 2024 May 29.
- Iwanaga J, Dindial R, Hage D, Mathkour M, Loukas M, Walocha JA, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. (2024). Are the Ethmoidal Foramina Through the Frontal Bone, Ethmoid Bone, or Frontoethmoidal Suture? Kurume Med J. 2024 May 14;69(3.4):195-199. doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS6934012. Epub 2024 Jan 16.
- Iwanaga J, Fukino K, Kitagawa N, Carrera A, Reina F, Manzanares-Cespedes MC, Hur MS, Reina MA, Tubbs RS (2024). Newly revealed anatomy of the bucinator muscle: An anatomical and histological study. Ann Anat. 2024 Aug;255:152297. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2024.152297. Epub 2024 Jun 25.
- Iwanaga J, Kikuchi K, Tabuchi K, Dave M, Anbalagan M, Fukino K, Kitagawa N, Reina MA, Reina F, Carrera A, Nonaka T, Rajaram-Gilkes M, Khalil MK, Matsushita Y, Tubbs RS (2024). A histology guide for performing human cadaveric studies: SQIP 2024 what to look for with light microscopy. Clin Anat. 2024 Jul;37(5):555-562. doi: 10.1002/ca.24156. Epub 2024 Mar 12.
- Iwanaga J, Samrid R, Shelvin KB, Cardona JJ, Kikuchi K, Chaiyamoon A, Suwannakhan A, Tubbs RS (2024). Revisiting morphology of xiphoid process of the sternum in human: a comprehensive anatomical study. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Oct;46(10):1687-1692. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03463-1. Epub 2024 Aug 22.
- Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Impact of articles written in non-alphabet languages Clin Anat. 2024 Oct 12. doi: 10.1002/ca.24231. Online ahead of print.
- Andrew K, Hage R (2024). History of skin grafting: Ode to Dr. Otto Lan. Transl Res Anat,
- Kikuchi K, Holleman GT, Cardona JJ, Lesser ER, Kim CY, Tabuchi K, Watanabe K, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Evolution of the term “epicondyle of the femur”: Revisiting the anatomical and surgical literature. Clin Anat. 2024 Jul;37(5):571-577. doi: 10.1002/ca.24160. Epub 2024 Mar 23.
- Kikuchi K, Tabuchi K, Inoue S, Yamashita A, Kinouchi S, Hashida R, Iwanaga J, Watanabe K, Tubbs RS, Okawa T, Hiraoka K (2024). Anatomical evaluation of the superficial medial collateral ligament distal tibial attachment of the knee. Clin Anat. 2024 Jun 6. doi: 10.1002/ca.24192. Online ahead of print.
- Kim CY, Takeshita Y, Kugimoto T, Harada H, Park JS, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J (2024). Anatomy of the Buccal Space: Surgical and Radiological Perspectives. J Craniofac Surg. 2024 Jun 17. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000010411. Online ahead of print.
- Kitagawa N, Fukino K, Irani C, Abe Y, Kunisada Y, Ibaragi S, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J (2024). Lingual nerve revisited-A comprehensive review Part I: Anatomy and variations. Clin Anat. 2024 Aug 8. doi: 10.1002/ca.24210. Online ahead of print.
- Komune N, Matsuo S, Akiyama O, Sangatsuda Y, Kuga D, Miyamoto Y, Suzuki T, Murakami D, Yoshimoto K, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS, Nakagawa T (2024). The importance of the palatine bone for endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery Clin Anat. 2024 Apr 22. doi: 10.1002/ca.24170. Online ahead of print.
- Lesser ER, Chaiyamoon A, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J (2024). Buccal gland within the bucinator muscle Anat Cell Biol. 2024 Mar 31;57(1):152-154. doi: 10.5115/acb.23.223. Epub 2024 Jan 18.
- Lesser ER, Kim CY, Kikuchi K, Anadkat S, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Novel Muscle in Infraspinous Fossa. Cureus. 2024 Mar 13;16(3):e56100. doi: 10.7759/cureus.56100. eCollection 2024 Mar.
- Lesser ER, Persons EM, Herrera M, Sanchez-Forteza A, Vergara SM, Kim CY, Cardona JJ, Kikuchi K, Tabira Y, Dumont AS, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS, Samrid R (2024). Trans-obliquus inferior capitis course of the greater occipital nerve: A potential cause of occipital neuralgia? Clin Anat. 2024 Sep 27. doi: 10.1002/ca.24226. Online ahead of print.
- Massegur H, Carrera A, Gras-Cabrerizo JR, Tubbs RS, Reina F (2024). Endoscopic Vidian neurectomy for treating postcoital unilateral hydrorhinorrhea: A case report and literature review. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2025 Jan;126:110749. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2024.110749. Epub 2024 Dec 18.
- Neyem A, Cadile M, Burgos-Martínez SA, Farfán Cabello E, Inzunza O, Alvarado MS, Tubbs RS, Ottone NE (2024). Enhancing medical anatomy education with the integration of virtual reality into traditional lab settings. Clin Anat. 2024 Sep 8. doi: 10.1002/ca.24213. Online ahead of print.
- Olewnik Ł, Zielinska N, Ruzik K, Podgórski M, Koptas K, Karauda P, Balcerzak A, Gonera B, Tubbs RS (2024). The morphological variability of the piriformis muscle Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2024 Apr 3. doi: 10.5603/fm.97774. Online ahead of print.
- Ono K, Nishioka T, Obata K, Takeshita Y, Irani C, Kunisada Y, Yoshioka N, Ibaragi S, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J (2024). Lingual nerve revisited-A comprehensive review Part II: Surgery and radiology. Clin Anat. 2024 Aug 9. doi: 10.1002/ca.24211. Online ahead of print.
- Ott KN, Samrid R, Tabira Y, Raeburn KT, Bubb KC, Dumont AS, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Multiple Fenestrated Dural Venous Sinuses: A Case Report. Cureus. 2024 Oct 3;16(10):e70766. doi: 10.7759/cureus.70766. eCollection 2024 Oct.
- Patel J, Iwanaga J, Kitagawa N, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS (2024). Unreported variant foramen of the frontal bone: the latero-orbital foramen. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Feb;46(2):181-184. doi: 10.1007/s00276-023-03273-x. Epub 2024 Jan 24.
- Petrova K, Gaydarski L, Panev A, Landzhov B, Tubbs RS, Georgiev GP (2024). A Rare Case of Sural Schwannoma With Involvement of the Medial Sural Cutaneous Nerve: A Case Report and Literature Review. Cureus. 2024 Aug 5;16(8):e66190. doi: 10.7759/cureus.66190. eCollection 2024 Aug.
- Poodendaen C, Suwannakhan A, Chaiyamoon A, Innoi S, Iamsaard S, Yurasakpong L, Khanthiyong B, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Anatomy of mamillo-accessory foramen and prevalence of ossified mamillo-accessory ligament in lumbar vertebrae related to age. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Aug;46(8):1367-1371. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03412-y. Epub 2024 Jun 20.
- Raeburn K, duPlessis M, Loukas M (2024). Muscularization of the chordae tendinea of the mitral anterior papillary muscle. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Oct;46(10):1693-1698. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03465-z. Epub 2024 Aug 27.
- Raeburn KT, Bubb KC, Tabira Y, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Basilar Artery Band Thrombus: Report of a Unique Case. Cureus. 2024 Sep 5;16(9):e68704. doi: 10.7759/cureus.68704. eCollection 2024 Sep.
- Rampersad K, Montalbano M (2024). A Life on the Frontlines: The Legacy of Norman Bethune (1890-1939). Cureus. 2024 Aug 20;16(8):e67286. doi: 10.7759/cureus.67286. eCollection 2024 Aug.
- Hage R, Andrew K (2024). To hear One’s breath: Unveiling the eponymous quartet – A historical exploration of the eustachian tube. Transl Res Anat,
- Hage R, Andrew K (2024). Venous valves of the azygos arch: A cadaveric study. Transl Res Anat,
- Samrid R, King M, Pujol J, Reina MA, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). Anatomical and histological classification of the stellate ganglion: implications for clinical nerve blocks. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Dec 11;47(1):26. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03533-4.
- Seltzer LA, Couldwell MW, Tubbs RS, Bui CJ, Dumont AS (2024). The Top 100 Most Cited Journal Articles on Hydrocephalus. Cureus. 2024 Feb 19;16(2):e54481. doi: 10.7759/cureus.54481. eCollection 2024 Feb.
- Shekhawat D, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Lesser E, Iwanaga J, Loukas M, Killackey MT, Tubbs RS (2024). Renal vein valves: a prevalence, microanatomical and histological study. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Apr;46(4):535-541. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03330-z. Epub 2024 Mar 6.
- Shimizu K, Tabira Y, Harano T, Iwanaga J, Uchino S, Kikuchi K, Bubb K, Raeburn K, Tubbs RS, Watanabe K (2024). The Transverse Humeral Ligament: An Anatomical Narrative Review. Clin Anat. 2024 Dec 27. doi: 10.1002/ca.24257. Online ahead of print.
- Shoja MM, Tritsch T, Tubbs RS (2024). Lorenz Fries on the defense of Avicenna, the prince of physicians: Addressed to the medics of Germany (1530). Clin Anat. 2024 Apr 17. doi: 10.1002/ca.24169. Online ahead of print.
- Stambuk-Castellano M, Carrera A, Tubbs RS, Alario-Hoyos C, Verdú E, Iwanaga J, Reina F (2024). Personalized strategies for academic success in learning anatomy: Exploring metacognitive and technological adaptation in medical students. Clin Anat. 2024 May;37(4):472-483. doi: 10.1002/ca.24155. Epub 2024 Mar 10.
- St-Onge F, Whitsett A, St-Onge JF, Cruz J, Abdulsadek R, Alghurairy H, Alambrouk T, Hilal H, Coey J, Yussuf Moosa N (2024). The Relationship Between Perimesenteric Fat and Measures of Central Adiposity in Young Adults. Cureus. 2024 Nov 5;16(11):e73097. doi: 10.7759/cureus.73097. eCollection 2024 Nov.
- Sujka K, Zielinska N, Tubbs RS, Olewnik Ł (2024). Possible anastomoses between the long branches of the brachial plexus and their clinical significance. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2024 Apr 3. doi: 10.5603/fm.93685. Online ahead of print.
- Suwannakhan A, Yurasakpong L, Taradolpisut N, Somrit M, Chaiyamoon A, Georgiev GP, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS (2024). An accessory head of the extensor indicis: a rare case report Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Sep;46(9):1465-1468. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03433-7. Epub 2024 Jul 4.
- Tabira Y, Iwanaga J, Tanaka S, Kikuchi K, Shimizu K, Harano T, Han A, Haikata Y, Inoue E, Saga T, Tubbs RS, Watanabe K (2024). Anatomical insights into the median septum on soleal vein network and deep vein thrombosis risk. Thromb J. 2024 Nov 18;22(1):102. doi: 10.1186/s12959-024-00672-x.
- Takeshita Y, Iwanaga J, Ohyama Y, Ibaragi S, Matsushita Y, Tubbs RS, Kitagawa N, Kawazu T, Hisatomi M, Okada S, Fujikura M, Asaumi J (2024). Radiological assessment of the dissection area in supraomohyoid neck dissection. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 Oct;46(10):1643-1652. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03453-3. Epub 2024 Aug 9.
- Thumma N, Pitla N, Gorantla V, du Plessis M (2024). A comprehensive review of current knowledge on penile squamous cell carcinoma. Front Oncol. 2024 May 22;14:1375882. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2024.1375882. eCollection 2024.
- Dawson T 2nd, Iwanaga J, Zou B, Anbalagan M, Dumont AS, Loukas M, Rowan BG, Tubbs RS (2024). Transcription factor support for the dual embryological origin of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. Clin Anat, DOI: 10.1002/ca.24124
- Triantafyllou G, Tudose RC, Tsiouris C, Tsakotos G, Loukas M, Tubbs RS, Kalamatianos T, Chrissicopoulos C, Al-Nasraoui K, Koutserimpas C, Rusu MC, Natsis K, Kotrotsios A, Piagkou M (2024). The anterior communicating artery variants: a meta-analysis with a proposed classification system. Surg Radiol Anat. 2024 May;46(5):697-716. doi: 10.1007/s00276-024-03336-7. Epub 2024 Mar 1.
- Tritsch T, Shoja MM, Schleffer A, Tubbs RS (2024). Examining Atherosclerosis Patterns in the Circle of Willis: A Case Study of Duplicated Anterior Communicating Artery. Cureus. 2024 Jan 31;16(1):e53321. doi: 10.7759/cureus.53321. eCollection 2024 Jan.
- Tritsch T, Shoja MM, Tubbs RI, Tubbs RS (2024). Middle meningeal artery arising from the petrous internal carotid artery: Outcome of unusual stapedial artery regression. Surg Neurol Int. 2024 Feb 23;15:59. doi: 10.25259/SNI_962_2023. eCollection 2024.
- Tubbs RS (2024). A complete and thorough understanding of Anatomy is essential to intelligent, successful, and honest work in Medicine. Clin Anat. 2024 Apr;37(3):253. doi: 10.1002/ca.24158.
- Tubbs RS (2024). Anatomie noe question is absolutely necessary to a Chirurgen. Clin Anat. 2024 Jul;37(5):485. doi: 10.1002/ca.24189. Epub 2024 Jun 6.
- Tubbs RS (2024). The man without insight into the fabric of his body has no knowledge of himself. Clin Anat. 2024 May;37(4):375. doi: 10.1002/ca.24161.
- Tubbs RS (2024). Has anatomy stood still while all else has been on the march? Clin Anat. 2024 Mar;37(2):153. doi: 10.1002/ca.24140.
- Vutukuri R, Kitagawa N, Fukino K, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J (2024). The pterygomandibular raphe: a comprehensive review Anat Cell Biol. 2024 Mar 31;57(1):7-12. doi: 10.5115/acb.23.232. Epub 2024 Jan 30.
- Ward GH, Luchynskyy B, Jones M, Garcia A, Montalbano MJ (2024). NASA Task Load Index and Use in Robot-Assisted vs Conventional Laparoscopic Surgery: Systematic Review and Meta Analysis. J Am Coll Surg. 2024 Nov 12. doi: 10.1097/XCS.0000000000001242. Online ahead of print.
- Włudyka K, Zielinska N, Tubbs RS, Maślanka K, Borowski A, Drobniewski M, Olewnik Ł. (2024). Morphological variability of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and its potential clinical significance. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2024 May 17. doi: 10.5603/fm.98624. Online ahead of print.
- Yurasakpong L, Suwannakhan A, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS, Chaiyamoon A, Kruepunga N, Asuvapongpatana S, Sudsang T (2024). Complete transverse basilar cleft associated with hemifacial microsomia. Anat Cell Biol. 2024 Mar 7. doi: 10.5115/acb.23.289. Online ahead of print.
- Zielinska N, Tubbs RS, Gonera B, Georgiev GP, Paulsen F, Olewnik Ł (2024). The tendon of the fibularis brevis muscle – Systematic overview and new classification system. Ann Anat. 2024 Apr;253:152208. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2023.152208. Epub 2024 Jan 9.
- Sisroe T, Santos AD, Rippert AL, Gray C, Skraban CM, Nelson B, Tefft S, Helbig I, Li D, Bhoj EJ, Sobering AK (2024). Expanding the clinical phenotype and variant spectrum associated with RFX7. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Dec;194(12):e63816. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.63816. Epub 2024 Jul 15.
- Tito Rodriguez PR, Mehta D, Subhan M, Yadav RP, Yousofzai BS, Al-Najjar EH, Bibi R, Idries M, Singh A, Adnan M (2024). Evolving Horizons in Pediatric Leukemia: Novel Insights, Challenges, and the Journey Ahead. Cureus. 2024 Aug 22;16(8):e67480. doi: 10.7759/cureus.67480. eCollection 2024 Aug.
Clinical Skills
- Fletcher JA, Halaharvi SP , Manuvel C , Brooks AL, Wannakuwatte RA , Gomez EL , Reid SA, Karnan N, Reddy S, Maini S, Said BA, Nazi Z (2024). Managing Arrhythmias in Cardiogenic Shock: Insights Into Milrinone and Dobutamine Therapy Cureus, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.76089
- Macpherson C, Cyrus-Murden A (2024). Dear WMA, please better engage LMICs and say more about environmental sustainability. Journal of Medical Ethics,
- Macpherson CC (2024). Thanks IAB, for Caring about Our Planet and Health! Am J Bioeth. 2024 Apr;24(4):48-50. doi: 10.1080/15265161.2024.2308126. Epub 2024 Mar 26.
- Rowaiye A, Ibeanu GS, Bur D, Nnadi S, Mgbeke OE, Morikwe U (2024). Gut microbiota alteration – Cancer relationships and symbiotic roles in cancer therapies. The Microbe,
Microbiology, Immunology, Pharmacology
- Biput SJ, Slouha E, Gregory JA, Krumbach B, Clunes LA, Kollias TF (2024). Pain Management During Adult Laparoscopic Appendectomy: A Systematic Review. Cureus, doi: 10.7759/cureus.52037
- Clementson T (2024). Establishing Psychological Safety within the Hidden Curriculum in Medical Education.
- Farahbod K, Slouha E, Gerts A, Rezazadah A, Clunes LA, Kollias TF (2024). The Effects of Diet Intervention on the Gut Microbiota in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. Cureus, doi: 10.7759/cureus.56737
- Kollias TF, Gallagher CP, Albaashiki A, Burle VS, Slouha E (2024). Sex Differences in Appendicitis: A Systematic Review. Cureus, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.60055
- Ramos-Nino ME, Prakash V. A. K. Ramdass (2024). GSDMB Gene Polymorphisms and Their Association with Asthma Susceptibility: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Case–Control Studies J Respir,
- Samifanni R, Gatt V, Kabore J, Silva M, Khan M, Kollias TF, Clunes LA (2024). Effectiveness of Anti-tumor Necrosis Factor Drugs on Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 2024 Nov 21;16(11):e74172. doi: 10.7759/cureus.74172. eCollection 2024 Nov.
- Slouha E, Mohamed A, Patel B, Razeq Z, Clunes LA, Kollias TF (2024). The Use of Psychotherapy for Refractory Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Cureus, doi: 10.7759/cureus.54138
- Slouha E, Biput SJ, Krumbach B, Clunes LA, Kollias TF (2024). Transvaginal Laparoscopic Appendectomy: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 2024 Jan 9;16(1):e51962. doi: 10.7759/cureus.51962. eCollection 2024 Jan.
- Slouha E, Ibrahim F, Esposito S, Mursuli O, Rezazadah A, Clunes LA, Kollias TF. (2024). Botulinum Toxin for the Management of Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 2024 Jan 31;16(1):e53309. doi: 10.7759/cureus.53309. eCollection 2024 Jan.
- Slouha E, Segal J, White C, Pallotta T, Ghosh S, Clunes LA, Kollias TF (2024). Ovarian Reserve and Hormone Alteration Following Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Cureus, doi: 10.7759/cureus.62092
- Slouha E, Gates KM, Al-Geizi H, Baah E, Clunes LA, Kollias TF (2024). The Relationship Between Gestational Diabetes and the Risk of Cancer: A Systematic Review. Cureus, doi: 10.7759/cureus.53328
- Garg G, Umeano L, Iftikhar S, Alhaddad SF, Paulsingh CN, Riaz MF, Khan S (2024). Breaking It Down: A Systematic Review Unravelling the Impact of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Methylphenidate on Childhood Fractures. Cureus, doi: 10.7759/cureus.56833
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Physiology, Neuroscience, and Behavioral Sciences
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Public Health and Preventive Medicine
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Clinical Faculty (585)
Emergency Medicine
- Fenati, Gregory DO; Youssoffi, Santana BS; Vejendla, Shriya BS; Neeki, Cameron C.; Nguyen, Vinh T. BS; Dong, Fanglong PhD; Neeki, Michael M. DO, MS Use of Commercial Bacon to Extract Maggots from an Infested Chronic Wound Advances in Skin & Wound Care
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- Ivan Ivanov, Michael Cataldo, Alyssa Cocchiara, Rosale Nguyen Vertebral Artery Dissection BMJ Case Rep
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- Thuy-My Le 1, Carlo LaGatta 1, James Lelis 2, Cameron C Neeki 1, Elvin Chiang 1, Arianna S Neeki 1, Amy Choi 3, Ashley Choi 3, Fanglong Dong 1, Michael M Neeki 1 Comparison of Patterns and Demographics of Isolated Traumatic Mandibular Fracture Between Incarcerated and General Populations Cureus
- Arunima Sarkar , Erin Speiser , Susan Dara , Chinwe Ogedegbe , Portia Chinnery , Marie-Therese Estanbouli , Lora Kasselman , Benjamin Kligler , Elli Gourna Paleoudis , The Feasibility of Omega-3 Supplementation Compared to Placebo in the Management of Long COVID Symptoms Among Healthcare Workers: A Randomized Controlled Trial Cureus
- Michael M Neeki 1, Fanglong Dong 2, Louis Tran 2 Our comment on comparing scoring systems for Fournier gangrenes in predicting morbidity and mortality: Is FGSI still reliable? Fr J Urol
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- Michael M Neeki 1 2 3, Fanglong Dong 1, Leo Issagholian 3, Samuel MacDowell 3, Melinda Cerda 2, Natali Injijian 2, Kaya Minezaki 1, Cameron C Neeki 1, Ryan Lay 1, Thanh Ngo 4, Carlos Peace 2, Jeffrey Haga 4, Rishi Parikh 5, Rodney W Borger 1 3, Louis Tran 1 3 Sustainability of Treatment Programs Utilizing Medications for Opioid Use Disorders in Incarcerated Young Adults J Correct Health Care
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- Chris Andraos 1, Sean Hormozian 2, Aldin Malkoc 2, Nia Robinson 2, Michael M Neeki 3, Samuel Lee 2, Samuel Schwartz 2, Keith Glover 2 Anomalous Pulmonary Vein Drainage Into the Innominate Vein Diagnosed After Central Line Placement: A Case Report Along With a Review of Rare Congenital Anatomy Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return J Med Cases
- Emily M. Sze a 1, Jennifer Williams b 2, Nilesh B. Shukla c, Robert C. Lee d, Daniel B. Frank e, Edward Yamin a, Richard Nierenberg a Abdominal compartment syndrome from sigmoid volvulus presenting as acute respiratory failure JEM Reports
- Natalie T. Truong a, Patrick B. Hinfey b Pulmonary embolism: Thrombus-in-transit JEM Reports
- Leo Issagholian 1 2, Aldin Malkoc 3, Kendall A Vignaroli 3, Melissa Miramontes 1, Cameron C Neeki 1, Anthony Nguyen 1, Michael M Neeki 1 3 2 Lymphangiography and thoracic duct embolization for persistent chyle leak following augmentation mammoplasty and mastopexy JPRAS Open
- Tikku George, Alice Basin, Usha Avva 1, Molly Taylor, Jibran Muhammed, Chinwe Ogedegbe 1 Early Recognition and Treatment of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis in Pediatrics: A Case Series Pediatr Emerg Care
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Family Medicine
- Arvelaez Pascucci J, Ghattas PE, Olivas Lerma R, Villa Nogueyra S, Nogales Bernal MB, Milani V, Floridia Rietmann LM, Alvarez SM, Salaz Diaz J. The Role of Microbiome in Cardiovascular Health: Insights for Primary Care Interventions Cureus doi: 10.7759/cureus.70311
- David Lee, Rebedew Does vitamin D decrease the development of autoimmune disease? Evidence-Based Practice
- Michael Ascuitto, Dalia Guertin, Kaycee Weaver Acute unilateral vision loss from central retinal artery occlusion associated with an atrial septal aneurysm and a patent foramen ovale: a case report Fam Pract
- Tochi Iroku-Malize MD MPH MBA, Lori Attivissimo MD, Maureen Grissom PhD Re-Teaching Hospice & Palliative Medicine to Family Physicians “Journal of Pain and Symptom Management”
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Internal Medicine
- Fatima Johari , Rajesh Verma Paxlovid forr nonhospitalized patients with COVID-19 Acad Emerg Med
- Ponnusamy Saravanan, Heather Bell, Uffe Christian Braae, Edward Collins, Alisa Deinega, Ketan Dhatariya, Alena Machell, Antonia Trent, Anna Strzelecka PIONEER REAL UK: A Multi-Centre, Prospective, Real-World Study of Once-Daily Oral Semaglutide Use in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Adv Ther
- Namrita Ashokprabhu, Khaled Ziada, Edouard Daher, Leslie Cho, Christian W Schmidt, Yulith Roca, Cassady Palmer, Sukhleen Kaur, Timothy D Henry, Carl J Pepine, Odayme Quesada Evaluation of coronary microvascular dysfunction using magnetocardiography: A new application to an old technology Am Heart J Plus
- Nicholas Coriasso, Edouard Daher Utility of magnetocardiography (MCG) in the assessment of obstructive coronary artery disease before and after percutaneous coronary intervention: A case series Am Heart J Plus
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- Gagan Aulakh, Rebekah Lewis, Arshdeep Singh, Valentin Marian A 40-Year-Old Man with a 7-Year History of Polyarthritis and a Late Diagnosis of Whipple Disease: A Journey to Resolve the Mystery Am J Case Rep
- Dinh N Nguyen , Abid Qureshi , Michael A Salvian , Phillip Xiao , Cynthia Chen Amyloidosis Found in the Breast: A Case Report Am J Case Rep
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- Ludovic Saba 1, Chieh-Lin Fu 1, Jack Khouri 2, Beth Faiman 3, Faiz Anwer 2, Chakra P Chaulagain 1 Evaluating ChatGPT as an educational resource for patients with multiple myeloma: A preliminary investigation Am J Hematol
- Nawal Khan 1, Maria de la Torre 1,✉, Houyar Moghaddas 2, Nelli Fromer 3, Siarhei Melnikau 1 A case report of synchronous breast and lung cancer with three different pathologic diagnoses AME Case Rep
- Jonathan London , Leilah Tisheh , Michael Brian Lim , Sabrina Bulancea , Ivan Kharchenko , Balaji Pratap , Zubin Tharayil , Ravi Gupta An uncommon combination: a case report of herpes simplex virus encephalitis induced takotsubo cardiomyopathy AME Case Rep
- Modi, Vaishnavi Kalpesh; Allam, Mounika L.; Oza, Jaykumar; Duvvada, Suresh; Tiwari, Nishant; Kaul, Komal Do Steroids Treat Diarrhea? Yes! An Interesting Case of Indolent Intestinal T-Cell Lymphoma American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
- Maurice Policar HIV Treatment at IDWeek 2024 American Medical Journal
- Allison M. Winter MD 1, Olivia Landever 1, Hiruni Mendries 1, Willem Van Heeckeren MD PhD 2, Chieh-Lin Fu MD 3, Robert M. Dean MD 1, Taylor R. Brooks MD 1, Deepa Jagadeesh MD 1, Paolo F. Caimi 1, Brian T. Hill MD 1 Real World Experience with Time Limited Venetoclax and Obinutuzumab (VO) for Frontline Treatment of CLL/SLL with MRD Determination By Clonoseq American Society of Hematology Blood
- Nicholas A Levy, Sarah L Tinsley, Ketan Dhatariya Routine peri-operative cessation of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists has unintended consequences Anaesthesia
- Vishali Moond, Vikram Jeet Singh Gill, Sheza Malik, Ameya Kasture, Sandesh Parajuli, Suha Soni, Saurabh Chandan, Arkady Broder, Babu P Mohan, Douglas Adler Endoscopic dilation of small-intestine strictures in Crohn’s disease by balloon-assisted enteroscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Ann Gastroenterol
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- Zaheer Qureshi , Mikail Khanzada ,Adnan Safi , Eeshal Fatima , Faryal Altaf , Timothy J Vittorio Hypercholesterolemia: a literature review on management using tafolecimab: a novel member of PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies Ann Med Surg (Lond)
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- Courtney M Rowan 1, Brenna LaBere 2 3, Cameron C Young 4, Laura D Zambrano 5, Margaret M Newhams 4, Suden Kucukak 4, Elizabeth R McNamara 4, Elizabeth H Mack 6, Julie C Fitzgerald 7, Katherine Irby 8, Aline B Maddux 9, Jennifer E Schuster 10, Michele Kong 11, Heda Dapul 12, Stephanie P Schwartz 13, Melania M Bembea 14, Laura L Loftis 15, Amanda R Kolmar 16, Christopher J Babbitt 17, Ryan A Nofziger 18, Mark W Hall 19, Shira J Gertz 20, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 21, Matt S Zinter 22, Natasha B Halasa 23, Tamara T Bradford 24, Gwenn E McLaughlin 25, Aalok R Singh 26, Charlotte V Hobbs 27, Kari Wellnitz 28, Mary A Staat 29, Bria M Coates 30, Hillary R Crandall 31, Mia Maamari 32, Kevin M Havlin 33, Adam J Schwarz 34, Christopher L Carroll 35, Emily R Levy 36, Kristin L Moffitt 37, Angela P Campbell 5, Adrienne G Randolph 4 38, Janet Chou 2 Michele Kong, Mary Glas Gaspers, Katri V Typpo, Ronald C Sanders, Katherine Irby, Adam J Schwarz, Christopher J Babbitt, Pia S Pannaraj, Helen Harvey, Natalie Z Cvijanovich, Matt S Zinter, Aline B Maddux, Emily Port, Sara Shankman, Rachel Mansour, Christopher L Carroll, John S Giuliano, Gwenn E McLaughlin, Paula S Espinal, Keiko M Tarquinio, Kelly N Michelson, Bria M Coates, Courtney M Rowan, Kari Wellnitz, Guru Bhoojhawon, Janice E Sullivan, Vicki L Montgomery, Kevin M Havlin, Tamara T Bradford, Melania M Bembea, Ana Lia Graciano, Adrienne G Randolph, Margaret M Newhams, Sabrina R Chen, Cameron C Young, Suden Kucukak, Mary Beth F Son, Janet S Chou, Brenna LaBere, Ryan W Carroll, Phoebe H Yager, Neil D Fernandes, Heidi R Flori, Janet R Hume, Emily R Levy, Brandi A Johnson, Noelle M Drapeau, Supriya Behl, Charlotte V Hobbs, Lacy Malloch, Lora Martin, Sarah McGraw, Jennifer E Schuster, Philip C Spinella, Amanda R Kolmar, Melissa L Cullimore, Russell J McCulloh, Katharine N Clouser, Shira J Gertz, Lawrence C Kleinman, Simon Li, Steven M Horwitz, Joseph Kuebler, Aalok R Singh, Adam J Ratner, Heda Dapul, Vijaya L Soma, Katherine V Biagas, Sule Doymaz, Stephanie P Schwartz, Tracie C Walker, Steven L Shein, Amanda N Lansell, Mark W Hall, Ryan A Nofziger, Mary Allen Staat, Julie C Fitzgerald, Ryan H Burnett, Jenny L Bush, Neal J Thomas, Ericka L Fink, Joseph A Carcillo, Andrew Butler, Elizabeth H Mack, Nelson Reed, Natasha B Halasa, Laura Stewart, Meena Golchha, Laura L Loftis, Marian Samperio, Alvaro Coronado Munoz, Jacob Qurashi, Cindy Bowens, Mia Maamari, Hillary Crandall, Lincoln S Smith, John K McGuire Pre-existing Immunocompromising Conditions and Outcomes of Acute COVID-19 Patients Admitted for Pediatric Intensive Care Clinical Infectious Diseases
- Lisa Beth Ditchek 1, Melanie Cheng 2, Sania Tahir 3, Margaret Hammerschlag 2, Amy Suss 2 Hidden in Plain Sight: Weight Bias and Atypical Anorexia Clinical Pediatrics
- Bianca Patel 1, Mariam Nissan 1, Brian McMahon 1 Atypical Presentation of Appendicitis Leading to Exploratory Laparotomy Cureus
- Sheetal Sriraman , Pavani Chitamanni , Raj Krishna Yadav , Sukhvinder Ranu Improving Procedural Pain Management for Newborns in a Level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Quality Improvement Initiative Cureus
- Mansoor Gullabzada 1, Yesenia Brito 2, Ana I Gonzalez 3, Dawit Zena 3, Mohamed N Jabri 4 5 Infantile Hemangioma in Infancy: A Case Study on the Natural Course and Therapeutic Management “Cureus “
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- Myra Batool 1, Charles L Cai 1, Jacob V Aranda 1 2, Ivan Hand 3, Kay D Beharry 1 2 Early versus late caffeine and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) for prevention of intermittent hypoxia-induced neuroinflammation in the neonatal rat Int J Dev Neurosci.
- Keanaan Malke 1, Jennifer R Hemler 2, Daniel Lima 3, Pablo Colon 3, Caroline Mendoza 3, Naomy Azcona 3, Katie A Devine 4 5, Thomas I Mackie 6, Usha Ramachandran 5 7, Darlene Forbes 8, Michael Lucas 9, Shawna V Hudson 2 4, Manuel E Jimenez 2 3 10 The application of quality improvement concepts, strategies, and tools to enhance participation in clinical trials among Latino families “J Clin Transl Sci”
- Joanna Newton , Emily Haseler , Colin Higgins , Charlotte Futcher , Cheentan Singh , Manish D Sinha Author response to Reliability of systolic blood pressure measured by parents in young children at home using a hand held doppler device and aneroid sphygmomanometer: methodological issue to avoid misinterpretation J Hypertens
- Joanna Newton , Emily Haseler , Colin Higgins , Charlotte Futcher, Cheentan Singh , Manish D Sinha Reliability of systolic blood pressure measured by parents in young children at home using a hand held doppler device and aneroid sphygmomanometer J Hypertens
- Paul Po-Ting Lu , Amy R Mahar , Hal Sitt , Janet Rosenbaum , Renee Bargman , Thomas Wallach The expanded Child Tax Credit was associated with improved BMI and metabolic outcomes in low-income children J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr
- Saleh A, Awwad A, Bhattacharyya R, Bhattacharyya N. Surgical treatment of coexisting intra and extralobar sequestration in an infant J Surg Case Rep doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjae660
- Rachel S Gross 1, Tanayott Thaweethai 2 3, Lawrence C Kleinman 4 5, Jessica N Snowden 6, Erika B Rosenzweig 7, Joshua D Milner 8, Kelan G Tantisira 9, Kyung E Rhee 10, Terry L Jernigan 11, Patricia A Kinser 12, Amy L Salisbury 12, David Warburton 13, Sindhu Mohandas 14, John C Wood 15, Jane W Newburger 16 17, Dongngan T Truong 18, Valerie J Flaherman 19, Torri D Metz 20, Elizabeth W Karlson 21 22, Lori B Chibnik 23 24, Deepti B Pant 2, Aparna Krishnamoorthy 2, Richard Gallagher 25, Michelle F Lamendola-Essel 26, Denise C Hasson 27, Stuart D Katz 28, Shonna Yin 1 29, Benard P Dreyer 30, Megan Carmilani 31 32, K Coombs 31 33, Megan L Fitzgerald 31 34, Nick Güthe 31, Mady Hornig 31 35, Rebecca J Letts 31, Aimee K Peddie 31, Brittany D Taylor 31 36, Venkataraman Balaraman 37, Amanda Bogie 38, Hulya Bukulmez 39, Allen J Dozor 40, Daniel Eckrich 41, Amy J Elliott 42, Danielle N Evans 43, Jonathan S Farkas 44, E Vincent S Faustino 45, Laura Fischer 46, Sunanda Gaur 47, Ashraf S Harahsheh 48, Uzma N Hasan 49, Daniel S Hsia 50, Gredia Huerta-Montañez 51, Kathy D Hummel 43, Matt P Kadish 52, David C Kaelber 53, Sankaran Krishnan 40, Jessica S Kosut 37, Jerry Larrabee 52, Peter Paul C Lim 54, Ian C Michelow 55, Carlos R Oliveira 56, Hengameh Raissy 57, Zaira Rosario-Pabon 58, Judith L Ross 59, Alice I Sato 60, Michelle D Stevenson 61, Maria M Talavera-Barber 62, Ronald J Teufel 63, Kathryn E Weakley 64, Emily Zimmerman 65, Marie-Abele C Bind 66, James Chan 2, Zoe Guan 2, Richard E Morse 2, Harrison T Reeder 2, Natascha Akshoomoff 67, Judy L Aschner 68, Rakesh Bhattacharjee 9, Lesley A Cottrell 69, Kelly Cowan 70, Viren A D’Sa 71, Alexander G Fiks 72, Maria L Gennaro 73, Katherine Irby 74, Manaswitha Khare 75, Jeremy Landeo Guttierrez 9, Russell J McCulloh 76, Shalu Narang 77, Manette Ness-Cochinwala 78, Sheila Nolan 79, Paul Palumbo 80, Julie Ryu 9, Juan C Salazar 55, Rangaraj Selvarangan 81, Cheryl R Stein 82, Alan Werzberger 83, William T Zempsky 84, Robin Aupperle 85, Fiona C Baker 86, Marie T Banich 87, Deanna M Barch 88, Arielle Baskin-Sommers 89, James M Bjork 90, Susan Y Bookheimer 91, Sandra A Brown 92, B J Casey 93, Linda Chang 94, Duncan B Clark 95, Anders M Dale 96, Mirella Dapretto 91, Thomas M Ernst 94, Damien A Fair 97, Sarah W Feldstein Ewing 98, John J Foxe 99, Edward G Freedman 99, Naomi P Friedman 100, Hugh Garavan 101, Dylan G Gee 89, Raul Gonzalez 102, Kevin M Gray 103, Mary M Heitzeg 104, Megan M Herting 105, Joanna Jacobus 67, Angela R Laird 106, Christine L Larson 107, Krista M Lisdahl 107, Monica Luciana 108, Beatriz Luna 95, Pamela A F Madden 109, Erin C McGlade 110, Eva M Müller-Oehring 86, Bonnie J Nagel 111, Michael C Neale 112, Martin P Paulus 85, Alexandra S Potter 113, Perry F Renshaw 110, Elizabeth R Sowell 114, Lindsay M Squeglia 103, Susan Tapert 67, Lucina Q Uddin 91, Sylia Wilson 115, Deborah A Yurgelun-Todd 110, Andrea S Foulkes 66, Melissa S Stockwell 116 117; RECOVER-Pediatrics Consortium; RECOVER-Pediatrics Group Authors Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents JAMA
- Austin D Rutledge 1, Russell L Griffin 2, Katherine Vincent 1, David J Askenazi 3, Jeffrey L Segar 4, Juan C Kupferman 5, Shantanu Rastogi 6, David T Selewski 1, Heidi J Steflik 1; Neonatal Kidney Collaborative: Subrata Sarkar, Alison Kent, Jeffery Fletcher, Jennifer R Charlton, Jonathan R Swanson, Carolyn L Abitbol, Marissa DeFreitas, Shahnaz Duara, Ronnie Guillet, Carl D’Angio, Ayesa Mian, Erin Rademacher, Maroun J Mhanna, Rupesh Raina, Deepak Kumar, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Ayse A Arikan, Christopher J Rhee, Stuart L Goldstein, Amy T Nathan, Alok Bhutada, Elizabeth Bonachea, Susan Ingraham, John Mahan, Arwa Nada, Jennifer Jetton, Patrick D Brophy, Tarah T Colaizy, Jonathan M Klein, F Sessions Cole, T Keefe Davis, Joshua Dower, Lawrence Milner, Alexandra Smith, Mamta Fuloria, Kimberly Reidy, Frederick J Kaskel, Danielle E Soranno, Jason Gien, Katja M Gist, Mina H Hanna, Aftab S Chishti, Sangeeta Hingorani, Sandra Juul, Michelle C Starr, Craig S Wong, Catherine Joseph, Tara DuPont, Robin Ohls, Amy Staples, Smriti Rohatgi, Sidharth K Sethi, Sanjay Wazir, Surender Khokhar, Sofia Perazzo, Patricio E Ray, Mary Revenis, Cherry Mammen, Anne Synnes, Pia Wintermark, Michael Zappitelli, Robert Woroniecki, Shanthy Sridhar Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes Associated With Recurrent Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury in the AWAKEN Study JAMA Netw Open
- Nathan Dhablania 1, Mina Torres 1, Bruce Burkemper 2, Roberta McKean-Cowdin 2, Rohit Varma 1; African American Eye Disease Study Group: Xuejuan Jiang, Carlos Lastra, Alicia Fairbrother-Crisp, Farzana Choudhury, Tengiz Adamashvili, Elizabeth Corona, YuPing Wang, Judith Linton, Jacqueline Douglas, Kisha Milo, Jaime Barrera, Lisa John, Nicole Weinstein, Natasha Van Leeuwen, James Clark, Sandra Ramirez, Tien Wong, Soundaram Jaganathan, Haslina Hamzah, M Roy Wilson, Julia A Haller, Helen Hazuda, Eve J Higginbotham, Joanne Katz, Irene Dankwa-Mullan, Maryann Redford, Xinzhi Zhang Uncorrected Refractive Error in the African American Eye Disease Study JAMA Ophthalmol
- Christopher Prien , Olga Ostrovetsky , Graciela Wetzler , Kyle Glithero , Daniel Hechtman , Lynn Model Cholecystitis due to gallbladder volvulus in a child JPGN Rep
- Maryam Rahimo, MD; Evgenia Miliara, MD; Monika Piatek, MD; Athina Pappas, MD Department of Neonatology, Ascension St. John Children’s Hospital, Detroit, Michigan Implementation of a Standardized Feeding Protocol in a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit MI Med Ed Health Bulletin:
- Jeff Jones , Sapfo Lignou , Yoram Unguru , Mark Sheehan , Michael Dunn , Rebecca R Seltzer Alterations in care for children with special healthcare needs during the early COVID-19 pandemic: ethical and policy considerations Monash Bioeth Rev
- Laura D Zambrano, Margaret M Newhams, Regina M Simeone, Amanda B Payne, Michael Wu, Amber O Orzel-Lockwood, Natasha B Halasa, Jemima M Calixte, Pia S Pannaraj, Kanokporn Mongkolrattanothai, Julie A Boom, Leila C Sahni, Satoshi Kamidani, Kathleen Chiotos, Melissa A Cameron, Aline B Maddux, Katherine Irby, Jennifer E Schuster, Elizabeth H Mack, Austin Biggs, Bria M Coates, Kelly N Michelson, Katherine E Bline, Ryan A Nofziger, Hillary Crandall, Charlotte V Hobbs, Shira J Gertz, Sabrina M Heidemann, Tamara T Bradford, Tracie C Walker, Stephanie P Schwartz, Mary Allen Staat, Samina S Bhumbra, Janet R Hume, Michele Kong, Melissa S Stockwell, Thomas J Connors, Melissa L Cullimore, Heidi R Flori, Emily R Levy, Natalie Z Cvijanovich, Matt S Zinter, Mia Maamari, Cindy Bowens, Danielle M Zerr, Judith A Guzman-Cottrill, Ivan Gonzalez, Angela P Campbell, Adrienne G Randolph; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators, Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators: Meghan Murdock 1, Heather Kelley 1, Candice Colston 1, Ronald C Sanders 2, Laura Miron 2, Masson Yates 2, Ashlyn Madding 2, Alexa Dixon 2, Michael Henne 3, Kathleen Sun 4, Jazmin Baez Maidana 4, Natalie Triester 5, Jaycee Jumarang 6, Daniel Hakimi 6, Kennis-Grace Mrotek 6, Liria Muriscot Niell 6, Natasha Baig 7, Elizabeth Temte 7, Lexi Petruccelli 7, Heidi Sauceda 7, Nicolette Gomez 8, Mark D Gonzalez 9, Caroline R Ciric 9, Jong-Ha C Choi 9, Elizabeth G Taylor 9, Grace X Li 9, Nadine Baida 9, Heather E Price 10, Mary Stumpf 11, Suden Kucukak 12, Eve Listerud 12, Maya Clark 12, Rylie Dittrich 12, Allison Zaff 12, Patrick Moran 13, Jessica C Peterson 14, Noelle M Drapeau 14, Lora Martin 15, Lacy Malloch 15, Maygan Martin 15, Cameron Sanders 15, Kayla Patterson 15, Melissa Sullivan 16, Shannon Pruitt 16, Elizabeth Ricciardi 17, Celibell Y Vargas 18, Raul A Silverio Francisco 18, Ana Valdez de Romero 18, Sheila Joshi 19, Merry Tomcany 20, Nicole Twinem 20, Chelsea C Rohlfs 21, Amber Wolfe 22, Rebecca Douglas 23, Kathlyn Phengchomphet 23, Jenny Bush 23, Alanah Mckelvey 23, Mickael Boustany 23, Fatima A Mohammed 24, Laura S Stewart 25, Kailee Fernandez 25, Leenah Abojaib 26, Molly J Kyles 26, Amanda Adler 27 Durability of Original Monovalent mRNA Vaccine Effectiveness Against COVID-19 Omicron-Associated Hospitalization in Children and Adolescents – United States, 2021-2023 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
- Mishra A, Mishra A, Taylor MA, Sharma D, Kubesh M. Poor disease-specific survival in Black pediatric patients diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma: An analysis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database Pediatr Blood Cancer doi: 10.1002/pbc.31204
- Yoram Unguru Hope, hype, and cure: Ethics and four-letter words in pediatric cancer care Pediatr Blood Cancer
- Pavani Chitamanni 1, Ahreen Allana 2, Anusha Bai Kalithkar 2, Ivan Leslie Hand 3, Nadine Lahage 3 Hemoperitoneum presenting as hypovolemic shock in an extremely premature infant – Case report and review of literature Pediatr Neonatol
- Nicholas Haynes 1, Jeremiah Bell 2, Russel Griffin 2, David J Askenazi 2, Jennifer Jetton 3, Alison L Kent 4 5 6 7; Neonatal Kidney Collaborative: David T Selewski, Subrata Sarkar, Jeffery Fletcher, Carolyn L Abitbol, Marissa DeFreitas, Shahnaz Duara, Jennifer R Charlton, Jonathan R Swanson, Ronnie Guillet, Carl D’Angio, Ayesa Mian, Erin Rademacher, Maroun J Mhanna, Rupesh Raina, Deepak Kumar, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Ayse Akcan Arikan, Christopher J Rhee, Stuart L Goldstein, Amy T Nathan, Juan C Kupferman, Alok Bhutada, Shantanu Rastogi, Elizabeth Bonachea, Susan Ingraham, John Mahan, Arwa Nada, Patrick D Brophy, Tarah T Colaizy, Jonathan M Klein, F Sessions Cole, T Keefe Davis, Joshua Dower, Lawrence Milner, Alexandra Smith, Mamta Fuloria, Kimberly Reidy, Frederick J Kaskel, Danielle E Soranno, Jason Gien, Katja M Gist, Aftab S Chishti, Mina H Hanna, Sangeeta Hingorani, Sandra Juul, Michelle Starr, Craig S Wong, Catherine Joseph, Tara DuPont, Robin Ohls, Amy Staples, Smriti Rohatgi, Sidharth K Sethi, Sanjay Wazir, Surender Khokhar, Sofia Perazzo, Patricio E Ray, Mary Revenis, Cherry Mammen, Anne Synnes, Pia Wintermark, Michael Zappitelli, Robert Woroniecki, Shanthy Sridhar Receipt of high-frequency ventilation is associated with acute kidney injury in very preterm neonates Pediatr Nephrol
- Shira J Gertz 1, Anoopindar Bhalla 2, Ranjit S Chima 3, Guillaume Emeriaud 4, Julie C Fitzgerald 5, Deyin D Hsing 6, Asumthia S Jeyapalan 7, Francis Pike 8, Colin J Sallee 9, Neal J Thomas 10, Nadir Yehya 5, Courtney M Rowan 11; Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Incidence and Epidemiology (PARDIE) Investigators and the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network, Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Incidence and Epidemiology (PARDIE) Investigators and the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network: Jesica Sforza, Rossana Poterala, Analia Fernandez, Antonio Avila Vera, Daniel Orqueda, Nilda Agueda Vidal, Deheza Rosemary, Gonzalo Turon, Cecilia Monjes, Segundo Fernando Espanol, Alejandro Siaba Serrate, Thomas Iolster, Silvio Torres, Karina Cinquegrani, Maria Jose Montes, Patricia Capocasa, Marcela Ferreyra, Pablo Castellani, Martin Giampieri, Claudia Pedraza, Luis Martin Landry, Maria Althabe, Yanina Vanesa Fortini, Priscila Botta, Fernando Paziencia, Simon Erickson, Samantha Barr, Sara Shea, Warwick Butt, Carmel Delzoppo, Alyssa Pintimalla, Alejandro Fabio Martinez Leon, Gustavo Alfredo Guzman Rivera, Philippe Jouvet, Guillaume Emeriaud, Mariana Dumitrascu, Mary Ellen French, Daniel Caro, I Castillo, E Andres, Pablo Cruces Romero, Tania Medina, Paula Pavez Madrid, Ambar Cortez, Jimena Alvear, Carlos Acuna, Franco Diaz, Maria Jose Nunez, Adriana Wegner Araya, Loreto Godoy Mundaca, Yang Chen, German Perez Lozano, Rosalba Pardo Carrero, Yurika Paola Lopez Alarcon, Liliana Mazzillo Vega, Ledys Maria Izquierdo, Byron Enrique Piñeres Olave, Cesar Zuluaga Orrego, Deyanira Quinonez Lopez, Pablo Vasquez Hoyos, Martin Vavrina, Jiri Zurek, Santiago Campos-Miño, Rocio Yerovi, Armelle Bridier, Valerie Payen, Christophe Milesi, Pierre Bourgoin, Brendan Travert, Mathieu Genuini, Julie Starck, Matthieu Maria, Julie Guichoux, Florent Baudin, George Briassoulis, Stavroula Ilia, Matteo Di Nardo, Anna Camporesi, Fabrizio Chiusolo, Nobuaki Shime, Shinichiro Ohshimo, Yoshiko Kida, Michihito Kyo, Yuichi Tabata, Swee Fong Tang, Chian Wern Tai, Lucy Chai See Lum, Ismail Elghuwael, Nestor Javier Jimenez Rivera, Alberto E Jarillo Quijada, Martin Kneyber, Sandra Dijkstra, John Beca, Claire Sherring, Rea Miriam, Sonia I Vargas G, Daniel Vasquez Miranda, Grimaldo Ramirez Cortez, Jose Tantalean, Izabela Pagowska-Klimek, Carlos Gil Escobar, Marta Sousa Moniz, Cristina Camilo, Tarek Hazwani, Nedaa Aldairi, Ahmed Al Amoudi, Ahmad Alahmadti, Ryan Taylor, Mikel Mendizabal, Concepcion Goni Orayen, Yolanda Lopez Fernandez, Juan Ramon Valle, Lidia Martinez, Javier Pilar Orive, Marta Brezmes, Jesus Lopez-Herce, Julio Parrilla, Mirella Gaboli, Jose Manuel Gonzalez Gomez, Antonio Morales Martinez, Vicent Modesto I Alapont, Juan Ignacio Sanchez Diaz, Ana M Llorente de la Fuente, Daniel Palanca Arias, Paula Madurga Revilla, Amelia Martinez de Azagra, Maria Garcia Gonzalez, David Arjona Villanueva, Paula Garcia Casas, Sonia Brio Sanagustin, Marti Pons Odena, Alberto Medina, Eider Onate Vergara, Patricia Rodriguez Campoy, Susana Reyes Dominguez, Oguz Dursun, Ebru Atike Ongun, Fulya Kamit Can, Ayse Berna Anil, Paul Baines, Laura Walsh, Dawn Jones, Kalaimaran Sadasivam, Reinout Mildner, Adrian Plunkett, Jon Lillie, Shane Tibby, Paul Wellman, Holly Belfield, Joe Brierley, Troy E Dominguez, Eugenia Abaleke, Yael Feinstein, Akash Deep, Santosh Sundararajan, Siva Oruganti, Catarina Silvestre, James Weitz, Victoria Sheward, Duncan Macrae, Angela Aramburo, Peter-Marc Fortune, Gayathri Subramanian, Claire Jennings, Buvana Dwarakanathan, David Inwald, Calandra Feather, Rachel Agbeko, Angela Lawton-Woodhall, Karen McIntyre, Kim Sykes, Jon Pappachan, Helen Gale, Christie Mellish, Jenni McCorkell, Luis Torero, Ryan Nofziger, Samir Latifi, Heather Anthony, Ron Sanders, Glenda Hefley, Manpreet Virk, Nancy Jaimon, Aline B Maddux, Peter M Mourani, Kimberly Ralston, Yamila Sierra, Robinder Khemani, Christopher Newth, Anoopindar Bhalla, Jeni Kwok, Rica Morzov, Sidharth Mahapatra, Edward Truemper, Lucinda Kustka, Sholeen T Nett, Marcy Singleton, J Dean Jarvis, Nadir Yehya, Natalie Napolitano, Marie Murphy, Laurie Ronan, Ryan Morgan, Sherri Kubis, Elizabeth Broden, Douglas Willson, Grace Henderson, Rainer Gedeit, Kathy Murkowski, Katherine Woods, Mary Kasch, Yong Y Han, Jeremy T Affolter, Kelly S Tieves, Amber Hughes-Schalk, Ranjit S Chima, Kelli Krallman, Erin Stoneman, Laura Benken, Toni Yunger, James Schneider, Todd Sweberg, Aaron Kessel, Christopher L Carroll, James Santanelli, Kate G Ackerman, Melissa Cullimore, Courtney Rowan, Melissa Bales, W Keith Dockery, Shirin Jafari-Namin, Dana Barry, Keary Jane’t, Omar Alibrahim, Nikhil Patankar, Haiping Qiao, Shira Gertz, Felice Su, Bereketeab Haileselassie, Hanqiu Song, Kris Bysani, Tracey Monjure, Fernando Beltramo, Balagangadhar Totapally, Beatriz Govantes, Bria Coates, Lawren Wellisch, Kiona Allen, Avani Shukla, Neal J Thomas, Debbie Spear, Steven L Shein, Shira Gertz, Margaret M Parker, Daniel Sloniewsky, Christine Allen, Amy Harrell, Neethi Pinto, Allison Kniola, Chiara Rodgers, Natalie Cvijanovich, Katri Typpo, Connor Kelley, Caroline King, Anil Sapru, Anna Ratiu, Neda Ashtari, Lindsay Sikora, Asumthia S Jeyapalan, Alvaro Coronado-Munoz, Heidi Flori, Mary K Dahmer, Chaandini Jayachandran, Janet Hume, Dan Nerheim, Rebecca Smith, Michael Spaeder, Michelle Adu-Darko, Lincoln Smith, Silvia Hartmann, Erin Sullivan, Courtney Merritt, Awni Al-Subu, Andrea Blom, John C Lin, Philip Spinella, Deyin D Hsing, Steve Pon, Jim Brian Estil, Richa Gautam, John S Giuliano Jr, Joana Tala Immunocompromised-Associated Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Experience From the 2016/2017 Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Incidence and Epidemiology Prospective Cohort Study Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
- Shira J Gertz 1, Sapna R Kudchadkar 2 3 4 Women in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: Translating the Truth in the Trend Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
- Sejal M Bhavsar,Nisha Polavarapu,Emery HaleyORCID Icon,Natalie LukeORCID Icon,Mohit Mathur,Xiaofei Chen,Jim Havrilla,David Baunoch, Kenneth Lieberman Noninferiority of Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Compared to Standard Urine Culture for Urinary Tract Infection Diagnosis in Pediatric Patients at Hackensack Meridian Health Children’s Hospital Emergency Department Pediatric Health Medicine and Therapeutics
- Mary McCord , Arthur Fierman , Sarah Sisco , Caitlin Canfield , Sanjana Manjunath , Natalie Cohen , Jennifer Havens , Wendy Wilcox , Suzy Tomopoulos , Marcy Stein Albert , Tanya Abraham , Ariel Charney , Mary Acri , Katherine Piwnica-Worms A Two-Generation, Early Childhood Advanced Primary Care Model Pediatrics
- Sheetal Sriraman # 1 2, Reem Saadoon 3, Risa Bochner 4, Saema Khandakar # 1 2 Improving Patient Portal Activation for Newborns in the Well Baby Nursery Pediatrics
- Beth Wueste 1, Tatiana Ndjatou 2, Weichen Ling 3, Abena Knight 4, Ana Clara Mauro 5, Molly Rideout 6, Sybil Pentsil 7 Mapping Futures: Early Access to Mentorship Programs in Science and Medicine Pediatrics
- Melina J Saavedra 1 2, Chellapriya Vythinathan 1 2, Ratna B Basak 1 2 3, Siddharth Dubey 1 2 4, Stephan Kohlhoff 1 2 5, Ninad Desai 1 2 6 Prolonged Fever in a 3-Year-Old With Sickle Cell Disease Pediatrics
- Hope P Wilson 1, Maua Mosha 2, Alexandra Miller 2, Marisol Betensky 3 4, Ernest Amankwah 2 4 5, John Fargo 6 7, Courtney D Thornburg 8 9, Cristina Tarango 10, Suchitra Acharya 11, Christoph Male 12, Shalu Narang 13, Sam Schulman 14, Neil A Goldenberg 2 15 Secondary Anticoagulation Use in Patients < 21 Years Old following Primary Anticoagulant Treatment for Provoked Venous Thromboembolism: Findings from the Kids-DOTT Trial “Semin Thromb Hemost”
- Laura D Zambrano 1, Margaret M Newhams 2, Regina M Simeone 1, Katherine E Fleming-Dutra 1, Natasha Halasa 3, Michael Wu 1, Amber O Orzel-Lockwood 2, Satoshi Kamidani 4, Pia S Pannaraj 5, Kathleen Chiotos 6, Melissa A Cameron 7, Aline B Maddux 8, Jennifer E Schuster 9, Hillary Crandall 10, Michele Kong 11, Ryan A Nofziger 12, Mary A Staat 13, Samina S Bhumbra 14, Katherine Irby 15, Julie A Boom 16, Leila C Sahni 16, Janet R Hume 17, Shira J Gertz 18, Mia Maamari 19, Cindy Bowens 19, Emily R Levy 20, Tamara T Bradford 21, Tracie C Walker 22, Stephanie P Schwartz 22, Elizabeth H Mack 23, Judith A Guzman-Cottrill 24, Charlotte V Hobbs 25, Matt S Zinter 26, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 27, Katherine E Bline 28, Saul R Hymes 29, Angela P Campbell 1, Adrienne G Randolph 2 30 31; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators, Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Vaccine-Eligible US Children Under-5 Years Hospitalized for Acute COVID-19 in a National Network The Pediactric Infectious Disease Journal
- English KJ. Transabdominal intestinal ultrasound and its parameters used in the assessment of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease World J Clin Pediatr doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v13.i3.96646
- Ulrick Vieux, Maya P Strange, Theadia Carey, Ana Ozdoba, Sidney Hankerson, Iverson Bell Jr Is It Time to Rethink Psychiatry Residency Training? Meeting the Needs of a Multicultural Population Academic Psychiatry
- Rebecca S Lundquist, Omair Abbasi, Narpinder Kaur Malhi, Salma Malik, Maria P Chona San Gabriel, Jose Zaglul Rethinking Psychiatry Residency Training as Community Program Directors Academic Psychiatry
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- Syed Sadam Hussain, Hanyou Loh, Tanya Paul, Tashvin Paul, Temiloluwa Njideaka-Kevin, Sushmita Bhandari, Harendra Kumar, Alvina Karam, Chiamaka Metu, Ginger Shupe, Gerardo F Ferrer, Shailendra Katwal A critical review of health and financial implications of obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic Ann Med Surg (Lond)
- Trevor Broughton, Toral Thomas The treating psychiatrist as expert witness BJPsych Advances
- Ayomipo Amiola,Holly Anna Marler,Carly Weeks,Vanessa Barnes and Regi Alexander. The Ten-Point Treatment Programme: Design and Evaluation of an Easy Read Document in a Forensic Learning Disability Unit BJPsych Open
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Seewoonarian 25, Barry Rose 25, Georgina Crate 26, Sarah Abbott 26, Christopher Fenner 26, Ryan Geleit 26, Sohail Yousaf 26, Nimra Akram 27, Zahra Al-Hubeshy 27, Bhavi Patel 27, Mohamed Hussein 27, Callum Clark 27, Jasdeep Giddie 27, Raman Dega 27, Kishore Dasari 28, Gurbinder Nandhara 28, Pritesh Kumar 28, Prateek Gupta 28, Hope Poole 28, Pamela Zace 28, Farhan Alvi 29, Jagan Jacob 29, Raji Reddy 29, Vaishnav Sateesh 29, Andrea Gledhill 30, James Craven 30, Matt Cichero 30, Ben Yates 30, Ayla Newton 30, John Grice 30, Nicholas Fawcett 31, Hossam Fraig 31, Farouk Hamad 31, Daniel Marsland 31, Robin Elliot 31, Yaser Ghani 32, Suresh Chandrashekhar 32, Ravi K Millan 32, Andrew Clark 33, Kashed Rahman 33, Mark Sykes 33, Zoe Little 34, Jawaad Saleem 34, Lewis Jolly 34, Aman Jain 34, Ansar Qadri 34, Sophy Rymaruk 35, Avadhut Kulkarni 36, Mohanrao Garabadi 36, Meraj Akhtar 36, Munier Hossain 36, Shamael Yunus 36, Maleeha Saleem 36, Joanna Fong 36, Amirul Islam 37, Ben Nusir 37, James Chapman 37, David Holmes 37, Neville Mamoowala 37, Kieran Almond 37, Claire Wright 37, Ethan Caruana 38, Thomas Watson 38, Georgia Allison 38, Anand Pillai 39, Imad Madhi 39, Mazin Alsalihy 39, Khadija Elamin 39, Chee Rong Yip 39, Lucy Tew 39, Rohan Dahiya 39, Thomas Goff 40, Oliver Bagshaw 40, Henry Slade 40, Paul Andrzejowski 40, Ayoub Gomati 40, Chris Drake 40, Jamie Hind 41, Rebecca Morgan 41, Ahmed Khalaf 41, Adeel Ditta 41, Arul Ramasamy 41, Joshua McIntyre 42, Calum Blacklock 42, Scott Middleton 42, Robert Clayton 42, Alex Hrycaiczuk 43, Christopher Thornhill 43, Gowsikan Jeyakumar 43, Delani Vaithilingam 43, Kate Potter 43, Bilal Jamal/Pete Chan 43, Muyed Mohamed 44, Debbie Fraser 44, Ahmed Elhalawany 44, James Beastall 44, Gerard Cousins 44, Perrico Nunag 44, David Loveday 45, Akshdeep Bawa 45, Rebecca Gilmore 45, Kerstin Schankat 45, Andrew Walls 46, Nicole Corin 46, Peter Robinson 46, Steve Hepple 46, William Harries 46, Andrew Riddick 46, Ian Winson 46, Luke Marsh 46, Muhammad A 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Vladislav Kutuzov 60, James Gibbons 60, Daniel Trussler 60, Eve Hawley 60, Sabeen Akhtar 60, Harshadkumar D Rajgor 61, Basil Budair 61, Hari Prem 61, James Mckenzie 61, Daniel Thurston 61, Michael O’Sullivan 61, Mohammed Elmajee 61, Erika Pond 61, Wajiha Zahra 62, Catriona Heaver 62, Kueni Igbagiri 63, Andrew Gaukroger 63, Matthew Solan 63, Christian Peacock 63, Ka S Fan 63, Tristan Barton 64, Derek Robinson 64, Selina Graham 64, Julian Zeolla 64, Samuel Everett 65, Mohammad Iqbal 65, Lysander Gourbault 65, Shashwat Singh 65, Cary Tang 65, Mariam Tarhini 65, Shahrukh Khan 66, Satishkumar Balasubramanian 66, Caroline Lever 67, Vaibhav Bansod 67, Kartik Iyengar 67, Abdul Wadood 67, Lara McMillan 67, Eugene Toh 67, Stanley Masunda 68, Simon Federer 68, Faheem Ahmad 68, Ahmed Lashin 68, Ahmed Kaddah 68, Emmanuel Oladeji 68, Ed Dawe 68, Ciaran Nolan 69, Khalil El-Bayouk 69, Vivek Dhukaram 69, Anna Chapman 69, Laura Beddard 70, Alex Thomas 70, Vipul Garg 70, Heath Taylor 70, Nikki Kelsall 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Stella Trompet 56 57, Soo-Heon Kwak 58, Jirong Long 59, Meng Sun 60, Lin Tong 61, Wei-Min Chen 62, Suraj S Nongmaithem 63, Raymond Noordam 57, Victor J Y Lim 43, Claudia H T Tam 64 65, Yoonjung Yoonie Joo 66 67, Chien-Hsiun Chen 68, Laura M Raffield 69, Bram Peter Prins 70, Aude Nicolas 71, Lisa R Yanek 72, Guanjie Chen 73, Jennifer A Brody 74, Edmond Kabagambe 59 75, Ping An 76, Anny H Xiang 77, Hyeok Sun Choi 78, Brian E Cade 49 79, Jingyi Tan 28, K Alaine Broadaway 69, Alice Williamson 38 80, Zoha Kamali 81 82, Jinrui Cui 83, Manonanthini Thangam 84, Linda S Adair 85, Adebowale Adeyemo 73, Carlos A Aguilar-Salinas 86, Tarunveer S Ahluwalia 87 88, Sonia S Anand 35 36 89, Alain Bertoni 90, Jette Bork-Jensen 47, Ivan Brandslund 91 92, Thomas A Buchanan 93, Charles F Burant 94, Adam S Butterworth 7 8 95 96 97, Mickaël Canouil 98 99, Juliana C N Chan 64 65 100 101, Li-Ching Chang 68, Miao-Li Chee 102, Ji Chen 103 104, Shyh-Huei Chen 105, Yuan-Tsong Chen 68, Zhengming Chen 26 27, Lee-Ming Chuang 106 107, Mary Cushman 108, John Danesh 7 8 70 95 96 97, Swapan K Das 109, H Janaka de Silva 110, George Dedoussis 111, Latchezar Dimitrov 112, Ayo P Doumatey 73, Shufa Du 85 113, Qing Duan 69, Kai-Uwe Eckardt 114 115, Leslie S Emery 116, Daniel S Evans 117, Michele K Evans 118, Krista Fischer 25 119, James S Floyd 74, Ian Ford 120, Oscar H Franco 121, Timothy M Frayling 122, Barry I Freedman 123, Pauline Genter 124, Hertzel C Gerstein 35 36 89, Vilmantas Giedraitis 125, Clicerio González-Villalpando 126, Maria Elena González-Villalpando 126, Penny Gordon-Larsen 85 113, Myron Gross 127, Lindsay A Guare 128, Sophie Hackinger 70, Liisa Hakaste 129 130, Sohee Han 31, Andrew T Hattersley 131, Christian Herder 53 132 133, Momoko Horikoshi 134, Annie-Green Howard 113 135, Willa Hsueh 136, Mengna Huang 41 137, Wei Huang 138, Yi-Jen Hung 139 140, Mi Yeong Hwang 141, Chii-Min Hwu 142 143, Sahoko Ichihara 144, Mohammad Arfan Ikram 121, Martin Ingelsson 125, Md Tariqul Islam 145, Masato Isono 33, Hye-Mi Jang 141, Farzana Jasmine 61, Guozhi Jiang 64 65, Jost B Jonas 146, Torben Jørgensen 147 148 149, Frederick K Kamanu 16, Fouad R Kandeel 150, Anuradhani Kasturiratne 151, Tomohiro Katsuya 152 153, Varinderpal Kaur 15, Takahisa Kawaguchi 45, Jacob M Keaton 6 59 112, Abel N Kho 154 155, Chiea-Chuen Khor 156, Muhammad G Kibriya 61, Duk-Hwan Kim 157, Florian Kronenberg 158, Johanna Kuusisto 159, Kristi Läll 25, Leslie A Lange 160, Kyung Min Lee 161 162, Myung-Shik Lee 163 164, Nanette R Lee 165, Aaron Leong 166 167, Liming Li 168 169, Yun Li 69, Ruifang Li-Gao 170, Symen Ligthart 121, Cecilia M Lindgren 171 172 173, Allan Linneberg 147 174, Ching-Ti Liu 175, Jianjun Liu 156 176, Adam E Locke 177 178 179, Tin Louie 116, Jian’an Luan 38, Andrea O Luk 64 65, Xi Luo 180, Jun Lv 168 169, Julie A Lynch 161 162, Valeriya Lyssenko 181 182, Shiro Maeda 134 183 184, Vasiliki Mamakou 185, Sohail Rafik Mansuri 63 186, Koichi Matsuda 187, Thomas Meitinger 188 189 190, Olle Melander 84, Andres Metspalu 25, Huan Mo 6, Andrew D Morris 191, Filipe A Moura 16, Jerry L Nadler 192, Michael A Nalls 71 193 194, Uma Nayak 62, Ioanna Ntalla 17, Yukinori Okada 3 20 21 22 195 196, Lorena Orozco 197, Sanjay R Patel 198, Snehal Patil 10, Pei Pei 169, Mark A Pereira 199, Annette Peters 34 53 190 200, Fraser J Pirie 201, Hannah G Polikowsky 24, Bianca Porneala 167, Gauri Prasad 202 203, Laura J Rasmussen-Torvik 67, Alexander P Reiner 204, Michael Roden 53 132 133, Rebecca Rohde 32, Katheryn Roll 28, Charumathi Sabanayagam 102 205 206, Kevin Sandow 28, Alagu Sankareswaran 63 186, Naveed Sattar 207, Sebastian Schönherr 158, Mohammad Shahriar 61, Botong Shen 118, Jinxiu Shi 138, Dong Mun Shin 141, Nobuhiro Shojima 2, Jennifer A Smith 44 208, Wing Yee So 64 101, Alena Stančáková 159, Valgerdur Steinthorsdottir 46, Adrienne M Stilp 116, Konstantin Strauch 209 210 211, Kent D Taylor 28, Barbara Thorand 34 53, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir 46 212, Brian Tomlinson 64 213, Tam C Tran 6, Fuu-Jen Tsai 214, Jaakko Tuomilehto 215 216 217 218, Teresa Tusie-Luna 219 220, Miriam S Udler 14 15 166, Adan Valladares-Salgado 221, Rob M van Dam 43 176, Jan B van Klinken 222 223 224, Rohit Varma 225, Niels Wacher-Rodarte 226, Eleanor Wheeler 38, Ananda R Wickremasinghe 151, Ko Willems van Dijk 222 223 227, Daniel R Witte 228 229, Chittaranjan S Yajnik 230, Ken Yamamoto 231, Kenichi Yamamoto 3 195 232, Kyungheon Yoon 141, Canqing Yu 168 169, Jian-Min Yuan 233 234, Salim Yusuf 35 36 89, Matthew Zawistowski 10, Liang Zhang 102, Wei Zheng 59; VA Million Veteran Program; Leslie J Raffel 235, Michiya Igase 236, Eli Ipp 124, Susan Redline 49 79 237, Yoon Shin Cho 78, Lars Lind 238, Michael A Province 76, Myriam Fornage 239, Craig L Hanis 240, Erik Ingelsson 241 242, Alan B Zonderman 118, Bruce M Psaty 74 243 244, Ya-Xing Wang 245, Charles N Rotimi 73, Diane M Becker 72, Fumihiko Matsuda 45, Yongmei Liu 90 246, Mitsuhiro Yokota 247, Sharon L R Kardia 44, Patricia A Peyser 44, James S Pankow 199, James C Engert 248 249, Amélie Bonnefond 98 99 250, Philippe Froguel 98 99 250, James G Wilson 251, Wayne H H Sheu 140 143 252, Jer-Yuarn Wu 68, M Geoffrey Hayes 253 254 255, Ronald C W Ma 64 65 100 101, Tien-Yin Wong 102 205 206, Dennis O Mook-Kanamori 170, Tiinamaija Tuomi 84 129 130 256, Giriraj R Chandak 63 257, Francis S Collins 6, Dwaipayan Bharadwaj 258, Guillaume Paré 36 259, Michèle M Sale 62, Habibul Ahsan 61, Ayesha A Motala 201, Xiao-Ou Shu 59, Kyong-Soo Park 58 260, J Wouter Jukema 56 261, Miguel Cruz 221, Yii-Der Ida Chen 28, Stephen S Rich 262, Roberta McKean-Cowdin 55, Harald Grallert 34 53 263, Ching-Yu Cheng 102 205 206, Mohsen Ghanbari 121, E-Shyong Tai 43 176 264, Josee Dupuis 175 265, Norihiro Kato 33, Markku Laakso 159, Anna Köttgen 51, Woon-Puay Koh 266 267, Donald W Bowden 112 268 269, Colin N A Palmer 270, Jaspal S Kooner 30 271 272 273, Charles Kooperberg 204, Simin Liu 41 137 274, Kari E North 32, Danish Saleheen 275 276 277, Torben Hansen 47, Oluf Pedersen 47, Nicholas J Wareham 38, Juyoung Lee 141, Bong-Jo Kim 141, Iona Y Millwood 26 27, Robin G Walters 26 27, Kari Stefansson 46 212, Emma Ahlqvist 84, Mark O Goodarzi 83, Karen L Mohlke 69, Claudia Langenberg 38 278 279, Christopher A Haiman 280, Ruth J F Loos 23 47 281, Jose C Florez 14 15 166, Daniel J Rader 13 282 283 284, Marylyn D Ritchie 13 285 286, Sebastian Zöllner 10 287, Reedik Mägi 25, Nicholas A Marston 16, Christian T Ruff 16, David A van Heel 288, Sarah Finer 289, Joshua C Denny 6 290, Toshimasa Yamauchi 2, Takashi Kadowaki 2 291, John C Chambers 29 30 271 292, Maggie C Y Ng 112 269 293, Xueling Sim 43, Jennifer E Below 24, Philip S Tsao 241 294 295, Kyong-Mi Chang 11 296, Mark I McCarthy 171 297 298 299, James B Meigs 14 166 167, Anubha Mahajan 171 297 299, Cassandra N Spracklen 300, Josep M Mercader 14 15 79, Michael Boehnke 10, Jerome I Rotter 28, Marijana Vujkovic 11 296 301, Benjamin F Voight 302 303 304 305, Andrew P Morris 306 307 308, Eleftheria Zeggini 309 310 Genetic drivers of heterogeneity in type 2 diabetes pathophysiology Nature
- Mert Karabacak, Ankita Jain, Pemla Jagtiani, Zachary L Hickman, Kristen Dams-O”Connor, Konstantinos Margetis Exploiting Natural Language Processing to Unveil Topics and Trends of Traumatic Brain Injury Research Neurotrauma Reports
- Wah Yang 1, Daniel Moritz Felsenreich 2, Halit Eren Taskin 3, Reynu Rajan 4, Shahab Shahabi 5 6, Roxanna Zakeri 7, Jose Eduardo Garcia Flores 8, Tamer Abdelbaki 9, Toghrul Talishinskiy 10, Sonja Chiappetta 11, Daniel Gero 12 13, Aleksandr Neimark 14, Karin Dolezalova 15, Sylvia Weiner 16 10th Anniversary of the Young IFSO (International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders): Current Status and Future Perspectives Obes Surg (Springer)
- Laxmaiah Manchikanti 1, Mahendra R Sanapati 2, Amol Soin 3, Alan D Kaye 4, Adam M Kaye 5, Daneshvari R Solanki 6, Grant H Chen 7, Devi Nampiaparampil 8, Nebojsa Nick Knezevic 9, Paul Christo 10, Alexander Bautista 11, Jay Karri 12, Shalini Shah 13, Standiford Helm Ii 14, Annu Navani 15, Bradley W Wargo 16, Christopher G Gharibo 17, David Rosenblum 18, Komal Luthra 19, Kunj G Patel 20, Saba Javed 21, Warren Reuland 22, Mayank Gupta 23, Alaa Abd-Elsayed 24, Gerard Limerick 25, Ramarao Pasupuleti 26, Gary Schwartz 27, Matthew Chung 28, Konstantin V Slavin 29, Vidyasagar Pampati 30, Joshua A Hirsch 31 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Guidelines for Implantable Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) in the Management of Chronic Pain: From the American Society Of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) Pain Physician
- Salita AD, Shaheen MK, Gowda AU, Kouzounis K, Lohasammakul S, Chaiyasate K. Managing Soft Tissue Defects in Parry-Romberg Syndrome: An Individualized Approach Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000006043
- Alba Zevallos , Jorge Cornejo , Jennifer Brown , Joaquin Sarmiento , Fatemeh Shojaeian , Farzad Mokhtari-Esbuie , Alisa Coker , Gina Adrales , Christina Li , Raul Sebastian A superior approach? The role of robotic sleeve gastrectomy in patients with super super obesity using the 2019-2022 MBSAQIP database Surg Endosc
- Jennifer Brown , Jorge Cornejo , Alba Zevallos , Joaquin Sarmiento , Jocelyn Powell , Fatemeh Shojaeian , Farzad Mokhtari-Esbuie , Gina Adrales , Christina Li , Raul Sebastian Concurrent minimally invasive bariatric surgery and ventral hernia repair with mesh; Is it safe? Propensity score matching analysis using the 2015-2022 MBSAQIP database Surg Endosc
- Alba Zevallos , Jorge Cornejo , Jennifer Brown , Joaquin Sarmiento , Fatemeh Shojaeian , Farzad Mokhtari-Esbuie , Alisa Coker , Gina Adrales , Christina Li , Raul Sebastian Correction: A superior approach? The role of robotic sleeve gastrectomy in patients with super super obesity using the 2019-2022 MBSAQIP database Surg Endosc
- Jorge Cornejo , Alba Zevallos , Joaquin Sarmiento , Fatemeh Shojaeian , Farzad Mokhtari-Esbuie , Gina Adrales , Christina Li , Raul Sebastian Increased staple line leak rates following re-sleeve: analysis comparing re-sleeve versus Roux-en-Y gastric bypass conversion and primary sleeve gastrectomy Surg Endosc
- Raul Sebastian , Alba Zevallos , Jorge Cornejo , Joaquin Sarmiento , Christina Li , Michael Schweitzer , Gina L Adrales Predictors of postoperative bleeding after minimally invasive bariatric surgery Surg Endosc
- Angela Ting-Wei Hsu , Joshua H Wolf , Christopher R D’Adamo , Jessica Felton , Sonal Paul , Pallavi Kumar , Arun A Mavanur Adjuvant chemotherapy in stage 1 colon cancer: Patient characteristics and survival analysis from the national cancer database Surg Oncol
- Rachna Vemireddy 1, Hima Bindu Thota 2, Mitchell Chaar 3, Bruno Molino 3 Identifying blunt duodenal injury by bicycle handlebar with methylene blue Trauma Surg Acute Care Open
- Anandrati M, Maini V, Asarian A, Xiao P. Metastasis of malignant melanoma to the urinary bladder & descending colon: A case report and literature review Urol Case Rep doi: 10.1016/j.eucr.2024.102883
- Richard A Watson 1 Editorial Commentary Urol Pract
- Ali Dzhemiliev 1 2, Beck Lienau 3, Nelya Melnitchouk 1 2, Alexis Schmid 4, Gideon Loevinsohn 5, Oleksii Lopatniuk 6, Noah Carton-Rossen 7, Meaghan Sydlowski 8, Anton Darnytskyi 6, Kathleen Murray 9, Olha Kushner 6, Jonathan Strong 5, Lindsey Martin 10, Javed Ali 8, John Roberts 8, David Mooney 11, Beth Hochman 12, Mike Owens 13, Feroze Sidhwa 14, Ivan Rudas 15, Vladyslav Hvozd 15, Susanna Aksenkova 15, Oleg V Mazurenko 16, Kyrylo Kliukach 17, Sean M Kivlehan 5 9, Geoffrey A Anderson 2 3 Enhancing trauma care in Ukraine amid conflict: A successful implementation of the modified advanced trauma life support course in an active war zone World J Surg
School of Veterinary Medicine (41)
- Andrade MC, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Barriers to prevention of premature mortality in rheumatoid arthritis among low socioeconomic status Hispanics in the United States. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Armitage-Chan, E., Bell, M., Cake, M., Cobb, K. A., Janicke, H. J., Kelly, S., …Warman, S. M. (in press) (2024). “Going From Strength to Strength”: Delving into Professional Identity Formation of Veterinary Curriculum Leaders: A Narrative Inquiry. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education,
- Arora K, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on social isolation and mental health of adolescents in the United States. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Birky C, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Survey related to Leatherback sea turtle consumption, of people 18 years or older in Grenada. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Brewster A, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). A comparative review between USDA and FAO meat inspection standards and foodborne illness burdens in the United States and Grenada. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Chikweto A, Beals N, Taylor A , McConnell S, Frank C, Bhaiyat MI (2024). Retrospective study of Oestrus ovis larvae infestation in small ruminants in Grenada, West Indies. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional studies and Reports
- Chikweto A, Mapp-Alexander V, Cummings K, Bhaiyat, MI, Alhasan A (2024). Disseminated Sarcocystis miescheriana infection in a finisher pig in Grenada. VetMed Sci. 2024;10:e1480.
- Curry BA, Drane AL, Atencia R, Feltrer Y, Calvi T,Howatson G, Palmer C, Stembridge MR, Milnes EL, Moittié S, Gorzynski JE, Knauf-Witzens T, Eves ND, Dawkins TG, Shave RE (2024). Divergent evolution of the human left ventricle from a trabeculated to a non-trabeculated phenotype. Commun Biol. 2024 Jun 14;7(1):682.
- Eapen AT, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Mental health stigma and psychiatric services utilization: Narrative review of impacting factors. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Grewal M, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Recognition of intimate partner violence using telemedicine during COVID-19 pandemic. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Hawes M & Werners A (2024). The veterinary educators in pharmacology special interest group: A thriving community of practice. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Ther. (2024) https://doi:10.1111/jvp.13428.
- Hawes M. & Werners A (2024). The future of pharmacology education: The Veterinary Educators in Pharmacology Special Interest Group (VEPSIG). Expert Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. 17, 303–304 (2024). https://doi: 10.1080/17512433.2024.2315309
- Hawes, M, Fajt V & Werners A (2024). Mapping disciplinary competencies and learning outcomes to the Competency-Based Veterinary Education framework using veterinary pharmacology as an example. J Vet Med Educ. 2024 Dec 9:e20240097. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2024-0097. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39652129.
- Hawes, M, Fajt V. & Werners A (2024). Is it time to stop teaching pharmacology and focus on treatment planning instead? J. Vet. Pharmacol. Ther. (2024)
- Hong J, Sylvester W, Alhassan A, Sharma B, Amadi V, Kumar K. (2024). Retrospective Analysis of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Clinical Samples of Dogs in Grenada, West Indies. Indian Journal of Animal Research. https://doi: 10.18805/IJAR.B-5310
- Kaplan, RM (2024) Diagnosing Drug Resistance in Canine Hookworms via Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test, Clinician’s Brief, April 2024.
- Khan FA, Smick S, Werners-Butler C, Karasek I, Beckford G, Winchester N, Khanam AJ (2024). Comparison of two pharmacological protocols for inducing ex copula ejaculation in donkeys. Equine Vet Sci. 2024 Feb;133:105004. https://doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2024.105004. Epub 2024 Jan 13.PMID: 38224790
- Kucinick M, Charles KE, Carter K, Edwards J, Costlow C, Wilkerson M, Seddon D, Marancik D (2024). Comparative plasma biochemistry analyte data in nesting leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), foraging green (Chelonia mydas) and foraging and nesting hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles in Grenada, West Indies, Conservation Physiology, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, coae028,
- Mallikarjuna P, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Restructuring urban zoning policies to reduce childhood obesity rates in New York City. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Mirza U, Singh S, Farooq UB (2024). Transpalpebral exenteration of eye for recurrent squamous cell carcinoma in a Nili-Ravi buffalo – a case report. Buffalo Bulletin 42(2): 185-192. (IF = 0.2)
- Morris S, Hariharan H, Reddy TM, Kumar K (2024). Antibacterial efficacy of plant aqueous extracts against Escherichia coli O157:H7 bacteria in Grenada, West Indies. Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. 75; summer 2024.
- Nakashima A, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Anisakiasis and anisakis larvae in Japan: The prevalence and risk of anisakis infections. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Nielsen, MK, French D, Vaala W, Reuss S, Graves, E., Lockwood Swinebroad, E, Erskine M, Nolen-Walston R, DeNotta S, Kaplan RM (2024). AAEP Internal Parasite Control Guidelines,
- Pedreanez A, Carrero Y, Vargas R, Hernandez-Fonseca JP, Hernandez-Fonseca H, Mosquera JA (2024). Role of Gut Microbiota in Dengue. Reviews in Medical Virology, 34:e2577.
- Perea FP, Pulla AM, Quito KP, Soria ME, Romero A, Hernández-Fonseca H, … Mendez M S. (2024). Moon cycle influences calving frequency, gestation length and calf weight at birth, but not offspring sex proportion in tropical crossbred cattle. Chronobiology International, 1–12.
- Perea MF, Fernández EA, Garzón JP, Rosales CA, Hernández-Fonseca H, Perdomo DA, & Perea FP (2024). The moon cycle influences reproductive and productive traits in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) from a tropical Andean area. Chronobiology International, 41(1), 127–136.
- Rasool N, Baba WN, Rafiq S, Mirza U, Maqsood S (2024). Macro and nano level intervention of reinforcing agents for production of novel edible whey composite films and their applications in food systems: a review. Food Chemistry 437(1): 137715. (IF = 8.8). ( accepted in 2023, pub 2024)
- Roopnarine R, Blue A, Estrada AH (2024). Exploring Veterinary Students’ Perceptions of Teamwork and Learning from an Interprofessional Community-based Experience. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2024 Aug 24 (aop):e20230177.
- Roopnarine, R., Seifman, D. (2024).Veterinarians Needed More Than Ever Given Pandemic Risk. (April 2024) .
- Rubin B, Doucet M, Binning SA, Gara-Boivin C, Marancik D, Vergneau-Grosset C. (2024). Correlation between anthropic pressure scores, coral lesions and skin hyperpigmentation in French grunts (Haemulon Flavolineatum) and ocean surgeonfish (Canthurus bahianus) on the southwest coast of Grenada, West Indies. Caribbean Journal of Science. 54: 286–297.
- Ruch S, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). The impact of antimicrobial resistance: Antimicrobial stewardship. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Schectman S, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Zoonotic microorganisms as agents of agroterrorism in the United States. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Schuster CJ, Marancik DP, Couch CE, Leong C, Edwards JJ, Kaplan RM, & Kent ML (2024). A novel neurotropic microsporidium from the swamp guppy Micropoecilia picta from Grenada, West Indies, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 158:133-141. https://doi:10.3354/dao03789
- Sharp P, Baillie S, Parkes R, Janicke H, Kinnison T, Routh J, Muca E, Forrest N. (2024). Setting Up and Running Online Communities of Practice (CoPs) for Veterinary Educators. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 10.3138/jvme-2023-0042.
- Threadgill M, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). A SWOT analysis of Chikungunya vaccination protocols. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Tucker C, Keyel J, Blue A, Chun R, Estrada A, Khalili H, Riles A, Roopnarine R, Sick B, VandeWoude S and Watson B, (2024). The intersection of Interprofessional Education and One Health: A qualitative study in human and veterinary medical institutions. One Health, 19, p.100767
- Unni S, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). Pandemic perceptions and attitudes towards health risk, adoption and avoidance behaviors. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Verma N, Kumar K (2024). Retrospective Analysis of Antibacterial Susceptibility of Staphylococcus spp. isolated from clinical samples of dogs in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 1, 2024.
- Virendra A, Gulavane SU, Ahmed ZA, Reddy R, Chaudhari RJ, Gaikwad SM, Shelar RR, Ingole SD, Thorat VD, Khanam A, Khan FA (2024). Metagenomic analysis unravels novel taxonomic differences in the uterine microbiome between healthy mares and mares with endometritis. Vet Med Sci. 2024;10(2):e1369. https://doi: 10.1002/vms3.1369
- Wettergren JN, Elzibak S and Bidaisee S (2024). An ecological model: A solution to the increased risk of emerging disease linked to environmental changes impacting the global health interface stability. IPHJ 2024;16(2)
- Yalçın S, Coşgun Y, Dedeoğlu E, Kopp K, Bayrakdar F, Ünal G, Musul B, Sağtaş E, Korukluoğlu G, Raftery P, Kaygusuz S (2024). Genomic surveillance during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic – country experience and lessons learned from Türkiye. Front Public Health. 2024 May 24;12:1332109. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1332109. PMID: 38855447; PMCID: PMC11160438.
School of Arts and Sciences (3)
- Douglas, J (2024). Women and Madness; Women’s Struggle, 19th-20th Century Autobiography. GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN 2659-2193 Vol 10 Issued pp. 34-54 (2c) pub 31-03-2024.
- Packard, M., Frazier, J., Pounder, P., Khurana, I., Beck, T. (2024). Helping Haiti: A New Approach [White paper]. Madden Center for Value Creation.
- Pounder, P (2024). Visualising the Domain of Urgent Projects: A Bibliometric Analysis, The Industrial Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 18-28
School of Graduate Studies (3)
- Coomansingh, K (2024). Research Fatigue in Small Island Countries. The Hastings Center- Voices in Bioethics from the Caribbean Basin. Link:
- Elsai Mati Asefa, Mekuria Teshome Mergia, Yohannes Tefera Damtew, Dechasa Adare Mengistu, Faye Fekede Dugusa, Roba Argaw Tessema, Jerry Enoe, Józef Ober, Berhan M. Teklu, Ermias Deribe Woldemariam (2024). Organochlorine pesticides in Ethiopian waters: Implications for environmental and human health,Toxicology Reports, Volume 12, 2024, Pages 622-630, ISSN 2214-7500,
- Enoe , J., Sutherland, M., Davis, D., Ramlal, B., Griffith-Charles , C., Bhola, K. H., & Asefa, E. M. (2024). A conceptional model integrating geographic information systems (GIS) and social media data for disease exposure assessment. Geospatial Health, 19(1).
2023 Publications
School of Medicine
2023 SOM Basic Sciences Publications (170)
Anatomical Sciences (127)
- Gaurav Mandal, Michael Montalbano, Konstantinos Natsis, Maria Piagkou, R Shane Tubbs, Marios Loukas Musculus pterygoideus proprius: A meta-analysis Clin Anat 1002/ca.24121
- David Elkhoury, Pruthvi Patel, Saalini Sastry, Alireza Tajik, Christina Elkhoury, Michael Montalbano Advancing Preoperative Strategies for Thyroidectomy in Graves’ Disease: A Narrative Review Cureus 7759/cureus.48156
- Gavin H Ward, Michael J Montalbano Postoperative scores for robot-assisted and conventional total knee arthroplasty: A meta-analysis J Clin Orthop Trauma 1016/j.jcot.2023.102189
- Christie Taylor, Mary Maj, Kevin Landau, Dong Li, Elizabeth Bhoj, Helga Toriello, Beverly Nelson, Sarah Gluschitz, Ruth Walker, Andrew Sobering P325: A homozygous novel pathogenic variant in SYNJ1 and its clinical presentation Genetics in Medicine Open
- Kevlian Andrew, Sarah Logie, Robert Hage Debating eponyms: History of ear and eye anatomical eponyms Translational Research in Anatomy 1016/j.tria.2023.100260
- Tolulope Adebayo Okedere, Bukunmi Michael Idowu, Stephen Olaoluwa Onigbinde Ultrasonographic Intravesical Prostatic Protrusion in Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Southwest Nigeria J West Afr Coll Surg 4103/jwas.jwas_270_22.
- Stephen O Onigbinde, Christianah M Asaleye, Abdulkadir A Salako, Bukunmi M Idowu, Abimbola O Onigbinde, Adeyinka Laoye The effect of systemic hypertension on prostatic artery resistive indices in patients with benign prostate enlargement Prostate Int 1016/j.prnil.2022.09.001
- Tolulope Adebayo Okedere, Christianah Mopelola Asaleye, Oluwagbemiga Oluwole Ayoola, Babatope Ayodeji Kolawole, Abdulkadir Ayo Salako, Bukunmi Michael Idowu, Stephen Olaoluwa Onigbinde, Babatunde Opeyemi Oguntade Correlation of Doppler ultrasound resistive index in the prostatic gland with severity of male lower urinary tract symptoms, prostate volume, and concomitant diabetes mellitus Cent European J Urol 5173/ceju.2023.47
- Bukunmi Michael Idowu, Babalola Ishmael Afolabi, Stephen Olaoluwa Onigbinde, Oghenetejiri Denise Ogholoh, Nkem Nnenna Nwafor, Tolulope Adebayo Okedere Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Internal Derangements and Other Knee Pathologies in Adult Nigerians Nigerian Medical J
- Pośnik Marta, Zielinska Nicol, Tubbs Richard Shane, Ruzik Kacper, Olewnik Łukasz Morphological variability of the leg muscles: potential traps on ultrasound that await clinicians Folia Morphol (Warsz)
- Marta Pośnik, Nicol Zielinska, Richard Shane Tubbs, Kacper Ruzik , Łukasz Olewnik Mylohyoid Muscle: Current Understanding for Clinical Management-Part I: Anatomy and Embryology Folia Morphol (Warsz) 5603/fm.94290
- Kyoichi Obata, Norio Kitagawa, Kisho Ono, Hideka Kanemoto, Keiko Fukino, Yohei Takeshita, Soichiro Ibaragi, Richard S Tubbs, Joe Iwanaga The size, number, and distribution of nerve endings around and within the human epiglottis, focusing on tracheal intubation maneuvers J Craniofac Surg 1097/SCS.0000000000009812
- Miguel Angel Reina, Xavier Sala-Blanch, André P Boezaart, Richard Shane Tubbs, Francisco José Pérez-Rodríguez, Rita Riera-Pérez, Margarita Sanromán Junquera The lateral ulnar collateral ligament: Anatomical and structural study for clinical application in the diagnosis and treatment of elbow lateral ligament injuries Clin Anat 1002/ca.24101
- Diana Noriego, Anna Carrera, Richard Shane Tubbs, Jorge Guibernau, Marta San Millán, Joe Iwanaga, Aïda Cateura, Jose Sañudo, Francisco Reina The role of an open artificial intelligence platform in modern neurosurgical education: a preliminary study Clin Anat 1002/ca.23991
- Umut Tan Sevgi, Gökberk Erol, Yücel Doğruel, Osman Fikret Sönmez, Richard Shane Tubbs, Abuzer Güngor Innervation of the heart: Anatomical study with application to better understanding pathologies of the cardiac autonomics Neurosurg Rev 1007/s10143-023-01998-2
- Mailén L González, Sofía M Pividori, Gregorio Fosser, Agustina A Pontecorvo, Verena B Franco-Riveros, Richard Shane Tubbs, André P Boezaart, Miguel A Reina, Bruno Buchholz Human lumbar sympathetic blockade: An anatomical study to address potential block failure Clin Anat 1002/ca.24017
- Maite Bovaira, Carles García-Vitoria, Ana Carrera, Miguel A Reina, André P Boezaart, Richard Shane Tubbs, Marta San Millán, Francisco Reina Accessory part of the deltoid muscle Clin Anat 1002/ca.23938
- Łukasz Olewnik, Nicol Zielinska, Krzysztof Koptas, Krystian Maślanka, Kacper Ruzik, Georgi P Georgiev, Richard Shane Tubbs Lung segments from anatomy to surgery Folia Morphol (Warsz) 5603/FM.a2023.0018
- Jakub Wąsik, Richard Shane Tubbs, Nicol Zielinska, Piotr Karauda, Łukasz Olewnik Two variant muscles in the gluteal region Folia Morphol (Warsz) 5603/FM.a2023.0011
- Nicol Zielinska, Richard Shane Tubbs, Piotr Łabętowicz, Łukasz Olewnik Very rare arrangement of the pes anserinus: potential clinical significance Folia Morphol (Warsz) 5603/FM.a2023.0012
- Nicol Zielinska, Richard Shane Tubbs, Piotr Karauda, Teresa Vazquez, Łukasz Olewnik A very rare case report: accessory head of the sartorius muscle Folia Morphol (Warsz) 5603/FM.a2023
- Nicol Zielinska, Richard Shane Tubbs, Adrian Balcerzak, Łukasz Olewnik Clinical analysis of cavernous sinus anatomy, pathologies, diagnostics, surgical management and complications-Comprehensive review Folia Morphol (Warsz) 5603/FM.a2023.0014
- Adrian Balcerzak, R. Shane Tubbs, Nicol Zielinska, Łukasz Olewnik Radial nerve compression: anatomical perspective and clinical consequences Neurosurgical Review
- Andrzej Węgiel, Piotr Karauda, Nicol Zielinska, R. Shane Tubbs & Łukasz Olewnik A histological study of the adult ligamentum arteriosum: Novel findings with application to a patent ductus arteriosus Neurosurgical Review
- Joe Iwanaga, Humza Choudhury, Aaron Yu, Katsuhisa Matsuo, Hotaka Kawai, Aya Han, Yoko Tabira, Tsuyoshi Saga, Koichi Watanabe, Marios Loukas, R. Shane Tubbs Microanatomical study of arachnoid granulations and meningeal architecture around Meckel’s cave Clinical Anatomy
- Grzegorz Wysiadecki, R. Shane Tubbs, Joe Iwanaga, Maciej Radek, Jerzy Walocha, Piotr Brzeziński, Józef Kobos & Michał Polguj A Highly Unusual Source and Course of the Inferior Gluteal Nerve With Related Variations: A Case Report Neurosurgical Review
- Emma R. Lesser , Mitchell Kilgore , Joe Iwanaga , Anna Carrera , Francisco Reina , Aaron S. Dumont , R. Shane Tubbs Fenestrated popliteal vein pierced by a branch of the tibial nerve Cureus 7759/cureus.48694
- Edward C. Muo, Joe Iwanaga, Juan J. Cardona,corresponding author2 Łukasz Olewnik, Aaron S. Dumont, and R. Shane Tubbs Anatomy and Histology of the Petrous Carotid Membrane: Application to Skull Base Surgery Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.035
- Scott A. McCraney, Devendra Shekhawat, Juan J. Cardona, Arada Chaiyamoon, Francisco Reina, Ana Carrera, Abuzer Güngör, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S. Dumont, R. Shane Tubbs The Parasympathetic Root of the Submandibular Ganglion: A Review Elsevier
- Edward C. Muo , Juan J. Cardona , Arada Chaiyamoon , Joe Iwanaga , R. Shane Tubbs The sphenopalatine vein: anatomical study of a rarely described structure Cureus 7759/cureus.33775
- Joe Iwanaga, Eric Pineda, Yusuke Miyamoto, Grzegorz Wysiadecki, Samir Anadkat, R. Shane Tubbs Preservation of the Nerve to the Mylohyoid Muscle During Submental Island Flaps: An Anatomic Feasibility Study for Facial Nerve Reanimation Procedures Anatomy & Cell Biology 5115/acb.22.231
- Ono, Kisho DDS, PhD; Ibaragi, Soichiro DDS, PhD; Obata, Kyoichi DDS, PhD; Okui, Tatsuo DDS, PhD; Kitagawa, Norio DDS, PhD; Tubbs, R. Shane PhD, MS, Iwanaga, Joe DDS, PhD Clinical significance of morphological variations of the inferior phrenic arteries Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 1097/SCS.0000000000009589
- Marcinkowska, M.Malicki, P. Karauda, R.S. Tubbs, N, Zielińska, L. Olewnik Ascending palatine branch from the lingual artery with multiple other variations of the external carotid artery Folia Morphol (Warsz) 10.5603/FM.a2022.0061
- Escoffier, D. Hage, T. Tanaka, R. S. Tubbs, J. Iwanaga The Sphenoparietal Sinus Revisited: Anatomical and Histological Study With Application to Interventional Procedures and Skull Base Surgery Folia Morphol (Warsz) 10.5603/FM.a2021.0124
- Grace Posey , Viktoriya Grayson , Juan J. Cardona , Joshua Hanna , Marko Konschake , Arthur Wang , Grzegorz Wysiadecki , Joe Iwanaga , Aaron S. Dumont , R. Shane Tubbs Cureus 7759/cureus.33419
- Bajda J, Pitla N, Gorantla VR. Bulat-Klarica-Oreskovic Hypothesis: A Comprehensive Review Cureus 7759/cureus.45821
- Kalloo AE, Slouha E, Gallagher CP, Razeq Z, Gorantla VR. Anticoagulants and Dementia: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.39693
- Parwani D, Ahmed MA, Mahawar A, Gorantla VR. Peripheral Arterial Disease: A Narrative Review Cureus 7759/cureus.40267
- Shapiro S, Parker AL, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Reina F, Carrera A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. The laryngopharyngeal nerve: a comprehensive review Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.22.254
- Tarasiuk A, Tubbs RS, Zielinska N, Karauda P, Gonera B, Olewnik Ł. Variations of the popliteal artery: A review Ann Anat 1016/j.aanat.2023.152100
- Carrasco M, Cabrito TMS, Montalbano MJ, Hołda MK, Walocha J, Tubbs RS, Loukas M. Cardiac ventricular false tendons: A meta-analysis Clin Anat 1002/ca.24116
- Slouha E, Anderson ZS, Ankrah NMN, Kalloo AE, Gorantla VR. Colostrum and Preterm Babies: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.42021
- Chandrasekaran V, Hediyal TA, Anand N, Kendaganna PH, Gorantla VR, Mahalakshmi AM, Ghanekar RK, Yang J, Sakharkar MK, Chidambaram SB. Polyphenols, Autophagy and Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Review Biomolecules 3390/biom13081196
- Bajda J, Park AN, Raj A, Raj R, Gorantla VR. Inferior Vena Cava Filters and Complications: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.40038
- Albuck AL, Techabunyart DB, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Tsang P, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Review of the caroticotympanic nerves: Anatomy, function and pathology Anat Histol Embryol 1111/ahe.12963
- Slouha E, Biput SJ, Kuteyi A, Kalloo AE, Gorantla VR. Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Gallstones: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.45027
- Rajaram-Gilkes M, Shariff H, Adamski N, Costan S, Taglieri M, Loukas M, Tubbs RS. A Review of Crucial Radiological Investigations in the Management of COVID-19 Cases Cureus 7759/cureus.36825
- Gregory K, Warner T, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Innervation of pineal gland by the nervus conarii: a review of this almost forgotten structure Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.037
- He P, Caughey J, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J. Microsurgical Anatomy of the Incisive Canals Kurume Med J 2739/kurumemedj.MS682016
- Pliszka A, Wawrzyniak A, Walocha J, Musiał A, Bonczar M, Ostrowski T, Polguj M, Wysiadecki G, Clarke E, Tubbs RS, Balawender K. Embryological basis of polyorchidism including classification, reproductive potential, and risk of malignancy: A review Clin Anat 1002/ca.24093
- Elkhoury D, Quick S, Kalloo AE, Gorantla VR. Necrotizing Fasciitis Secondary to Mycotic Femoral Aneurysm: A Narrative Review of Diagnosis and Management Strategies Cureus 7759/cureus.37586
- Hampel GA, Shekhawat D, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Carrera A, Reina F, Anadkat S, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS. The superior vesical artery: A review of conflicting definitions and how these could affect invasive procedures Clin Anat 1002/ca.24084
- Niloy N, Hediyal TA, Vichitra C, Sonali S, Chidambaram SB, Gorantla VR, Mahalakshmi AM. Effect of Cannabis on Memory Consolidation, Learning and Retrieval and Its Current Legal Status in India: A Review Biomolecules 3390/biom13010162
- Blair G, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Shekhawat D, Iwanaga J, Loukas M, Tubbs RS. Quadricuspid Pulmonary Valve With Fenestration: Cadaveric Findings Cureus 7759/cureus.42705
- Elkhoury D, Elkhoury C, Gorantla VR. Improving Access to Child and Adolescent Weight Loss Surgery: A Review of Updated National and International Practice Guidelines Cureus 7759/cureus.38117
- Iwanaga J, Kato T, Ono K, Tubbs RS, Ibaragi S. Lingual nerve impairment/injury after retrieval of the displaced mandibular third molar into the floor of the mouth Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1016/j.bjoms.2023.01.002
- Wang C, Iwanaga J, Aysenne A, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Split Spinal Cord Malformation Fed by Bilateral, Enlarged Radiculopial Arteries Kurume Med J 2739/kurumemedj.MS6834003
- Akamefula RA, Chaiyamoon A, Anadkat S, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS. A Three-Headed Piriformis Muscle With Splitting of the Common Fibular Nerve Cureus 7759/cureus.35302
- Boscolo-Berto R, Macchi V, Tubbs RS, Emmi A, Stecco C, Loukas M, Porzionato A, De Caro R. The transversoclasiotome: a novel instrument for examining the vertebral artery Forensic Sci Med Pathol 1007/s12024-023-00638-x
- Ott KN, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Reina F, Carrera A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Small JE, Tubbs RS. Revisiting the Tentorial Venous Sinuses: Anatomical and Histological Study World Neurosurg 1016/j.wneu.2023.02.132
- Wang AB, Iwanaga J, Cardona JJ, Olewnik Ł, Anadkat S, Tubbs RS. A Case of a Previously Unreported Drainage of the Maxillary Vein Cureus 7759/cureus.35272
- Schmidt C, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Mathkour M, Scullen T, Iwanaga J, Kalyvas J, Carrera A, Reina F, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. What is the C2 pedicle, pars interarticularis, and isthmus? Anatomical study and review of the lite+E35:E119rature regarding these confusing terms with proposal of new nomenclature Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1007/s00701-023-05655-x
- Shekhawat D, Gupta T, Singh P, Sahni D, Tubbs RS, Gupta SK. Surgical anatomy of cerebellar tonsils: A cadaveric study Clin Anat 1002/ca.24075
- Dalmau-Pastor M, Alvarez Toledo N, Valdivia-Gandur I, Tubbs RS, Vázquez-Osorio T, de Anta JM, Simon de Blas C, Prats-Galino A, Loukas M, Manzanares-Cespedes MC. International consensus for a dissection room quality system (DRQS): A Delphi panel study Clin Anat 1002/ca.24086
- Annamalai A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Loukas M, Tubbs RS. An Extremely Rare Case of a Sciatic Nerve Variant Kurume Med J 2739/kurumemedj.MS6834001
- Grayson VS, Couldwell MW, Shekhawat D, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Keshavarzi S, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. L5 spondylolysis: Anatomical study comparing healed and unhealed lesions Clin Anat 1002/ca.24094
- Lee SJ, Archang M, Tubbs S, Riew KD, Janus JR, Clifton W. Identification of Deep Cervical Fascial Layers During Anterior Cervical Spine Exposure Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 1227/ons.0000000000000626
- Couldwell M, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Iwanaga J, Ezra D, Suwannakhan A, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Twenty Intracranial Skull Base Variations in the Same Specimen Cureus 7759/cureus.40096
- Iwanaga J, Reina F, Ishak B, Reina MA, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Revisiting the Muscular Innervation of the Obturator Nerve: Application to Neurotization Procedures Kurume Med J 2739/kurumemedj.MS682009
- Futa BA, Olewnik Ł, Konschake M, Cardona JJ, Iwanaga J, Aragones P, Sanudo J, Tubbs RS. Variant plantaris muscle with degenerated accessory head: Gross and histological analysis Anat Histol Embryol 1111/ahe.12921
- Hur MS, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS, Moon YS, Kim H. Width of the orbicularis oculi fibers extending to the upper lip with the lateral and inferior lengths of the orbicularis oculi at the lateral canthus level: application to botulinum neurotoxin type A injection for crow’s feet Surg Radiol Anat 1007/s00276-023-03103-0
- Kitagawa N, Fukino K, Matsushita Y, Ibaragi S, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J. The notch of the mandible: what do different fields call it? Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.022
- Gilkes A, Rajaram-Gilkes M, Cardona JJ, Reina F, Carrera A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Donofrio CA, Badaloni F, Fioravanti A, Tubbs RS. The Occipitalis Muscle as an Adjunct Superficial Landmark for the Transverse Sinus and Transverse-Sigmoid Junction: An Anatomical Study With Application to Posterior Cranial Fossa Surgery Cureus 7759/cureus.39723
- Cardona JJ, Stormes K, Jackson N, Abe Y, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS. Epiglottic Epidermoid Cyst: Cadaveric Case Report and Clinical-Surgical Applications Cureus 7759/cureus.38539
- Iwanaga J, Manoharan S, Cardona JJ, Anadkat S, Saga T, Loukas M, Tubbs RS. Anatomical Study of the Atrioventricular Nodal Branch of the Heart Cureus 7759/cureus.35412
- Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Carrera A, Reina F, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS. Penetration of the facial nerve by the posterior auricular artery: case report, comprehensive review and clinical-surgical applications Anat Sci Int 1007/s12565-023-00708-8
- Ballard C, Iwanaga J, Maranillo E, Sanudo J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. The first report of the buckled thyroid cartilage in a human cadaver Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.22.232
- Patel A, Baudoin J, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Carrera A, Reina F, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. An unusual arrangement between the highest denticulate ligament and posterior inferior cerebellar artery Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.036
- Pękala JR, Tempski J, Krager E, Johansen J, Łazarz DP, Walocha JA, Tubbs RS, Tomaszewski KA. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of the retrotransverse foramen of the atlas J Anat 1111/joa.13894
- Mathkour M, Werner CD, Dallapiazza RF, Loukas M, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Endoscopically-Assisted Percutaneous Trigeminal Rhizotomy for Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Cadaveric Feasibility Study Asian J Neurosurg 1055/s-0043-1761230
- McCormack E, Aysenne A, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Bui CJ, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Effects of intubation technique on intracranial pressure: a cadaveric study Neurosurg Rev 1007/s10143-023-01996-4
- Carrera A, Chaiyamoon A, Reina F, Iwanaga J, Cateura A, Reina MA, Sañudo JR, Tubbs RS. Pectorobrachioepicondylaris musculoaponeurotic band: case description with evidence of median nerve compression Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.004
- Wysiadecki G, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J, Radek M, Walocha J, Brzeziński P, Kobos J, Polguj M. Microanatomical study of arachnoid granulations and meningeal architecture around Meckel’s cave Neurosurg Rev 1007/s10143-023-01954-0
- Guduri P, Ekanem UI, Shekhawat D, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Granular Foveolae in the Groove of the Sigmoid Sinus: An Anatomical Study Cureus 7759/cureus.36678
- Taradolpisut N, Suwannakhan A, Berkban T, Chaiyamoon A, Yurasakpong L, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS, Kruepunga N, Georgiev GP, Samrid R. Accessory extensor pollicis longus from the extensor digitorum: a rare case report and review of the literature Surg Radiol Anat 1007/s00276-023-03155-2
- Janta S, Suwannakhan A, Yurasakpong L, Chaiyamoon A, Kruepunga N, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS, Eiamratchanee P, Paensukyen T. Anatomical Variants Identified on Computed Tomography of Oropharyngeal Carcinoma Patients Medicina (Kaunas) 3390/medicina59040707
- Ballard C, Wysiadecki G, Walocha JA, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J. Duplication of the Hypoglossal Nerve Branch to the Thyrohyoid Muscle: A Case Report Kurume Med J 2739/kurumemedj.MS6834002
- Siddiqui HF, Konschake M, Ottone NE, Olewnik Ł, Iwanaga J, Aysenne A, Xu L, Tubbs RS. A marginal process of the zygomatic bone predicts a lateral exit of the zygomaticotemporal nerve: An anatomical study with application to surgery around the midface Clin Anat 1002/ca.24021
- Chaweeborisuit P, Yurasakpong L, Kruepunga N, Tubbs RS, Chaiyamoon A, Suwannakhan A. The prevalence of Stafne bone cavity: A meta-analysis of 355,890 individuals J Dent Sci 1016/j.jds.2022.08.022
- McCarty PJ, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Carrera A, Reina F, Georgiev GP, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Nerve to subclavius for neurotization procedures: an anatomical feasibility study Neurosurg Rev 1007/s10143-023-02079-0
- Iwanaga J, Jackson N, Toriumi T, Kageyama I, Reina F, Carrera A, Fukino K, Kitagawa N, Tubbs RS. The sublingual branch of the lingual nerve: Anatomical study and suggestion for a new terminology Clin Anat 1002/ca.24030
- Tangrodchanapong T, Yurasakpong L, Suwannakhan A, Chaiyamoon A, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS. Basilar tubercles and eminences of the clivus: Novel anatomical entities Ann Anat 1016/j.aanat.2023.152133
- Gilloteaux J, De Swert K, Suain V, Brion JP, Nicaise C. Loss of Ephaptic Contacts in the Murine Thalamus during Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome Ultrastruct Pathol 1080/01913123.2023.2232452
- Banerjee S, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. An unusual finding of the Porus trigeminus: Case report with histological findings Anat Histol Embryol 1111/ahe.12917
- Marí-Gorreto J, San-Millán M, Carrera A, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J, Cateura A, Acquabona L, Reina MA, Reina F. The anatomy of the tendon of abductor pollicis longus and its morphological variations: An anatomical approach emphasizing the clinical relevance Ann Anat 1016/j.aanat.2023.152068
- Fioravanti A, Badaloni F, Tubbs RS, Donofrio CA. How I do it – The “drum skin” duraplasty technique after foramen magnum decompression for Chiari malformations Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1007/s00701-023-05576-9
- Suphamungmee W, Yurasakpong L, Poonudom K, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J, Kruepunga N, Chaiyamoon A, Suwannakhan A. Radiological Study of Atlas Arch Defects with Meta-Analysis and a Proposed New Classification Asian Spine J 31616/asj.2023.0030
- Cardona JJ, Iwanaga J, Heiferman DM, Amans MR, Nickele CM, Johnson KD, Dumont AS, Shane Tubbs R. Dural sinus septum as an underlying cause of intrinsic venous sinus stenosis: Anatomical, clinical, and stent placement considerations Interv Neuroradiol 1177/15910199231206040
- Yurasakpong L, Suwannakhan A, Kirisattayakul W, Samrid R, Iamsaard S, Limwachiranon J, Khanthiyong B, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J, Chaiyamoon A. Topographical study of scapular foramina and scapular nutrient foramina in dried skeletons Surg Radiol Anat 1007/s00276-023-03132-9
- Kirisattayakul W, Kiatkitkul N, Trakulsantirat M, Munkong W, Pattum P, Iwanaga J, Shane Tubbs R, Chaiyamoon A, Iamsaard S. Anatomical characteristics and morphometric analyses of the internal carotid artery using retrospective angiographic images Surg Radiol Anat 1007/s00276-023-03099-7
- Castellano MS, Contreras-McKay I, Neyem A, Farfán E, Inzunza O, Ottone NE, Del Sol M, Alario-Hoyos C, Alvarado MS, Tubbs RS. Empowering human anatomy education through gamification and artificial intelligence: An innovative approach to knowledge appropriation Clin Anat 1002/ca.24074
- Spencer PS, Cardona JJ, Reina F, Carrera A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Donofrio CA, Badaloni F, Fioravanti A, Tubbs RS. A Newly Discovered Dural Venous Sinus of the Skull Base: The Anterior Petroclinoid Sinus World Neurosurg 1016/j.wneu.2023.01.087
- Eskew WH, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Carrera A, Reina F, Doğruel Y, Güngör A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. The Venous Circle of Trolard: An Anatomical Study with Application to Approaches to the Basal Brain World Neurosurg 1016/j.wneu.2023.03.059
- Atalla M, Yacoub A, Al-Ali H, Lupia B, Ezzeddine L, Barzani S, Moussa M, Coey J, Alambrouk T, Hilal H. Investigating the Skill Development of Medical Students in Focused Assessment With Sonography for Trauma (FAST) Ultrasound: A Comparative Analysis Across Different Stages of Medical Training Cureus 7759/cureus.44414
- Shekhawat D, Kumar D, Tubbs RS. Bilateral Sternalis Muscle With the Absence of Unilateral Sternocostal Part of the Pectoralis Major and Variation of Pectoralis Minor Muscles Cureus 7759/cureus.41653
- Iwanaga J, Kishimoto N, Ibaragi S, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Hur MS, Nakamura Y, Kusukawa J, Tubbs RS. Anatomical Study of the Communication Between the Mental Nerve and Marginal Mandibular Branch of the Facial Nerve Cureus 7759/cureus.33733
- Tucci M, Chaiyamoon A, Suwannakhan A, Cardona JJ, Comert A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. A Novel Direct Pathway of Dural Venous Outflow from the Basilar Venous Plexus via the Diploic Space of the Clivus World Neurosurg 1016/j.wneu.2023.04.093
- Ekanem UI, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Berry JF, Wysiadecki G, Walocha JA, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Prevalence, Laterality, and Classification of Ossified Petroclival Ligaments: An Anatomical and Histological Study With Application to Skull Base Surgery Cureus 7759/cureus.36469
- Dougherty K, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Iwanaga J, Suwannakhan A, McCormack EP, Hanna J, Güngör A, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Direct Hemi-Hypoglossal Nerve and Hypoglossal Nerve for Suprascapular Nerve/Proximal Brachial Plexus Neurotization: A Cadaveric Feasibility Study Cureus 7759/cureus.36472
- Cardona JJ, Shekhawat D, Chaiyamoon A, McCormack E, Anadkat S, Iwanaga J, Keen J, Bui CJ, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Revisiting the transorbital approach for emergency external ventricular drainage: an anatomical study of relevant parameters and their effect on the effectiveness of using Tubbs’ point Neurosurg Rev 1007/s10143-023-02150-w
- Navarro-Cano E, Guevara-Noriega KA, Carrera A, Tubbs RS, Sanjuan-Castillo MA, Iwanaga J, Vizcaya S, Reina F. Distal osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone for the correction of hallux valgus: comparison of the sagittal stability of two percutaneous techniques-a cadaveric study J Orthop Surg Res 1186/s13018-023-03702-y
- Seltzer LA, Ibrahim N, Olewnik Ł, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Amrami KK, Spinner RJ, Tubbs RS. Nerve relationships to the sacrospinous ligament: application to suspension procedures and transgluteal approaches for nerve repair and tumor removal with three case illustrations Surg Radiol Anat 1007/s00276-023-03142-7
- Mignolet M, Gilloteaux J, Halloin N, Gueibe M, Willemart K, De Swert K, Bielarz V, Suain V, Pastushenko I, Gillet NA, Nicaise C. Viral Entry Inhibitors Protect against SARS-CoV-2-Induced Neurite Shortening in Differentiated SH-SY5Y Cells Viruses 3390/v15102020
- Slouha E, Elkersh EM, Shay A, Ghosh S, Mahmood A, Gorantla VR. Significance of Hormone Alteration Following Bariatric Surgery Cureus 7759/cureus.49053
- Slouha E, Krumbach B, Gregory JA, Biput SJ, Shay A, Gorantla VR. Pain Management Throughout Pediatric Laparoscopic Appendectomy: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.49581
- Slouha E, Trygg G, Tariq AH, La A, Shay A, Gorantla VR. Pulmonary Valve Replacement Timing Following Initial Tetralogy of Fallot Repair: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.49577
- Champagne R, Vutukuri R, Kim CY, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J. A comprehensive review of the mental spine Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.220
- Bryant D, McCormack E, Cardona JJ, Chaiyamoon A, Shekhawat D, Reina F, Carrera A, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Histology and immunohistochemistry of the human carotid sinus nerve Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.084
- Iwanaga J, Kitagawa N, Fukino K, Kikuta S, Tubbs RS, Yoda T. Perforation of the temporomandibular joint disc: cadaveric anatomical study Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1016/j.ijom.2023.10.033
- Iwanaga J, Jackson N, Komune N, Johnson K, Donofrio CA, Badaloni F, Fioravanti A, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. An anatomical study of the sigmoid sinus artery: Application to the transmastoid approach Neurosurg Rev 1007/s10143-023-02245-4
- Park HJ, Park JS, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS, Hur MS. Positional relationships of the origin and course of zygomaticus major with the nasal ala, tragus, philtrum, and lateral canthus for aesthetic treatments and surgeries Surg Radiol Anat 1007/s00276-023-03271-z
- Tsakiris E, Kitagawa N, Fukino K, Shekhawat D, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS. A rare case of the auriculotemporal and inferior alveolar nerves communication Surg Radiol Anat 1007/s00276-023-03283-9
- Grayson VS, Couldwell M, Chaiyamoon A, Cardona JJ, Reina F, Carrera A, McCormack EP, Johnson K, Keshavarzi S, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Trabeculae in the basilar venous plexus: anatomical and histological study with application to intravascular procedures Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.171
- Casadesús JM, Nieto-Moragas J, Serrando MT, Boadas-Vaello P, Carrera A, Aguirre F, Tubbs RS, Reina F. Pulmonary barotrauma in SCUBA diving-related fatalities: a histological and histomorphometric analysis Forensic Sci Med Pathol 1007/s12024-022-00567-1
- Chaiyamoon A, Schneider K, Iwanaga J, Donofrio CA, Badaloni F, Fioravanti A, Tubbs RS. Anatomical study of the mastoid foramina and mastoid emissary veins: classification and application to localizing the sigmoid sinus Neurosurg Rev 1007/s10143-023-02229-4
- Gilloteaux J, De Swert K, Suain V, Nicaise C. Thalamic Neuron Resilience during Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome (ODS) Is Revealed by Primary Cilium Outgrowth and ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 13B Labeling in Axon Initial Segment Int J Mol Sci 3390/ijms242216448
- Obata K, Kitagawa N, Ono K, Kanemoto H, Fukino K, Takeshita Y, Ibaragi S, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J. Mylohyoid Muscle: Current Understanding for Clinical Management Part II: Clinical Anatomy, Radiology, and Surgical/Clinical Relevance J Craniofac Surg 1097/SCS.0000000000009797
Biochemistry (6)
- Felicia Ikolo, Sabyasachi Maity, Robert Finn, Atoum Abdullah, Alireza Tajik, Jessie M. Cameron and Mary C. Maj Founder Effect: Breeding a Dog for the Elderly Gentleman Reveals an Animal Model of a Human Genetic Disorder OPEN ACCESS PEER-REVIEWED CHAPTER – ONLINE FIRST 5772/intechopen.113912
- Ashley M Vanasse , Tracey Weiler, Elizabeth A Roth, Sharmila Upadhya, Helga V Toriello, Ariel J VanLeuven, John R Norris, John C Carey, Andrew K Sobering Teaching perspectives on the communication of difficult news of genetic conditions to medical students Am J Med Genet A 1002/ajmg.a.63003
- Tamara Coffin, Jadzia Wray, Ramsagar Sah, Mary Maj, Reetuparna Nath, Shreya Nauhria, Sabyasachi Maity, Samal Nauhria A Review and Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence and Health Impact of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Among Medical and Dental Students Cureus 7759/cureus.40141
- Mary Maj, Christie L Taylor, Kevin Landau, Helga V Toriello, Dong Li, Elizabeth J Bhoj, Hakon Hakonarson, Beverly Nelson, Sarah Gluschitz, Ruth H Walker, Andrew K Sobering A novel SYNJ1 homozygous variant causing developmental and epileptic encephalopathy in an Afro-Caribbean individual Mol Genet Genomic Med 1002/mgg3.2064
- Parminder Nain, Narendra Nayak, Mary C Maj, Rohit Kumar Singh, Jaspreet Kaur, Yujin Jeong, Sabyasachi Maity, Reetuparna Nath, Robert H Hilgers, Shreya Nauhria, Samal Nauhria Efficacy of Lanthanum Carbonate and Sevelamer Carbonate as Phosphate Binders in Chronic Kidney Disease-A Comparative Clinical Study Pharmacy (Basel) 3390/pharmacy11010027
- Fadahunsi AI, Kumm C, Graham K, de León AAP, Guerrero F, Sparagano OAE, Finn RD. Biochemical characterisation of Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase from the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus microplus, highlights potential new acaricide target Ticks Tick Borne Disease 1016/j.ttbdis.2023.102148
Physiology, Neuro and Behavioral Sciences (8)
- Gabrielle Walcott-Bedeau, Ernesto Navarro Garcia, Hiba Al-Rubaye, Ariana Stergiou, Kesava Mandalaneni Exploring the Value of Hosting a Grassroots Neuroscience Workshop That Facilitates Near-Peer Engagement Between Medical Students and High School Students (Local Brain Bee Participants) in a Developing Country in the Caribbean Cureus 7759/cureus.36222
- Kesava Mandalaneni, Priyanka Venkatapathappa, Sarah Koshy, Gabrielle Walcott-Bedeau, Vajinder Singh Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography-Related Research in the Caribbean Region Cureus 7759/cureus.35147
- Ameet Kumar Jha, Samal Nauhria, Sabyasachi Maity Polymelia (thoracomelia), an extremely rare appearance of congenital anomalic limb in a Nepalese child and its embryological basis Anat Cell Biol 5115/acb.23.179
- Sabyasachi Maity, Samal Nauhria, Narendra Nayak, Shreya Nauhria, Tamara Coffin, Jadzia Wray, Sepehr Haerianardakani, Ramsagar Sah, Andrew Spruce, Yujin Jeong, Mary C Maj, Abhimanyu Sharma, Nicole Okpara, Chidubem J Ike, Reetuparna Nath, Jack Nelson, Anil V Parwani Virtual Versus Light Microscopy Usage among Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analytic Evidence in Medical Education Diagnostics (Basel) 3390/diagnostics13030558
- Chitterman, Alvin, MD, MPH Preview author details; Palanichami, Deepak Kumar, BSC; La, Anthony, BA; Adedara, Victor, BSc, MS; Orlando, Lauren, MSc, PhD; et al Evaluation of the effectiveness of ivermectin in chemoprophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 patients: A narrative review Int Publ Health J
- Ramnauth VA, Rooney P. An Atypical Presentation of Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis Cureus 7759/cureus.36929
- Waechter R, Gallant C, De Wilde K, Arens G, Brady T, Custodio J, Wakita Y, Landon B, Boateng Y, Parthab N, Bhagat A. Prevention of mental illness within public health: An analysis of progress via systematic literature review and a pathway forward Prev Med Rep 1016/j.pmedr.2023.102249
- Fernandes M, Evans R, Cheng M, Landon B, Noël T, Macpherson C, Cudjoe N, Burgen KS, Waechter R, LaBeaud AD, Blackmon K. Does Intra-Uterine Exposure to the Zika Virus Increase Risks of Cognitive Delay at Preschool Ages? Findings from a Zika-Exposed Cohort from Grenada, West Indies Viruses 3390/v15061290
Microbiology, Immunology and Pharmacology (6)
- Ashley Garcia, Prakash V. A. K. Ramdass and Maria E. Ramos-Nino Bidirectional Association between Psoriasis and Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Respir 10.3390/jor3020007
- Weiss J, Fewel C, Akinrinade O, Harrington J. Late dumping syndrome preceded by Coxsackievirus B4 infection and cholecystectomy J Surg Case Rep 1093/jscr/rjad205
- Slouha E, Rood C, Burle VS, Al-Geizi H, Clunes LA, Kollias TF. Infective Endocarditis Following Aortic Valve Replacement: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.49048
- Slouha E, Ibrahim F, Rezazadah A, Esposito S, Clunes LA, Kollias TF. Anti-diabetics and the Prevention of Dementia: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.49515
- Slouha E, Rezazadah A, Farahbod K, Gerts A, Clunes LA, Kollias TF. Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and the Gut Microbiota: Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.49740
- Slouha E, Al-Geizi H, Albalat BR, Burle VS, Clunes LA, Kollias TF. Sex Differences in Infective Endocarditis: A Systematic Review Cureus 7759/cureus.49815
Clinical Skills (2)
- Cheryl C Macpherson, Anna Cyrus-Murden Dear WMA, please better engage LMICs and say more about environmental sustainability J Med Ethics 1136/jme-2023-109670
- Haniff S, Shive Gowda A, Sharma M, Baskin C. Parents’ Level of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices and Associated Sociodemographic Factors Regarding Dengue Infection in Children Cureus 7759/cureus.48357
Pathology (5)
- K S Vidhya, Ayesha Sultana, Naveen Kumar M, Harish Rangareddy Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Drug Discovery and Development From Bench to Bedside Cureus 7759/cureus.47486
- Aishwarya Singh, Rohit Mishra, Alvin Billey CARDIAC LESIONS IN SUDDEN DEATH: INSIGHTS FROM AUTOPSY AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Int J Acad Med Pharm 47009/jamp.2023.5.5.308
- Endurance O Evbayekha, Elochukwu U Nwachukwu, Elham Nikravesh, Valene Rosas, Chinwendu A Onuegbu, Obinna F Egwuonwu, Osazee Eguagie, Ogochukwu E Chioma, Awanwosa V Agho, Kemar A Samuels, Anthony Willie, Jane N Nwafor, Laura N Esene-Akhideno, Aisha O Adigun Berberine for Adjunct/Alternative Treatment of Dyslipidemia: A Literature Review Cureus 7759/cureus.39261
- Thakore Krishna, LA Anthony, Palanichami Deepak Kumar, Eguagie Osazee, Adedara Victor Prostate cancer incidence and survival by race: A narrative review Int Publ Health J
- Pearson, Travis; Jones, Victoriann; DeMonte, Evan; Mangat, Chanpreet; Mbouemboue, Jounaidou; Eguagie, Osazee; Keku, Emmanuel O. Sudden cardiac death in basketball players in the United States: Public health implications. Int Publ Health J
Pathophysiology (1)
- Adabanya U, Awosika A, Khan A, Oluka E, Adeniyi M. Pediatric multiple sclerosis: an integrated outlook at the interplay between genetics, environment and brain-gut dysbiosis AIMS Neurosci 3934/Neuroscience.2023018
Medical Humanities & History of Medicine (1)
- Arlette M Herry, Damian Greaves, Pauline Smith, Nilo A Toledo, Ariel Wildman, Trent Wildman, Rosheem Browne, Madison Chen, Matthew Jones, Sebastian Aymat Facilitators of and barriers to COVID-19 vaccination in Grenada: a qualitative study Rev Panam Salud Publica 26633/RPSP.2023.44
Public Health and Preventive Medicine (14)
- Renee Thomas-Venugopal, Shivaughn Hem-Lee-Forsyth, Angela Gomez, Nesta Edwards, Daniella James Review: Evaluating existing policies to address overweight and obesity in the Anglophone Caribbean: A narrative review of Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia, and Trinidad & Tobago Obes Pillars 1016/j.obpill.2023.100060
- Barbara Landon , Elizabeth D Thomas, Lauren Orlando, Roberta Evans, Toni Murray, Lauren Mohammed, Jesma Noel, Rashida Isaac, Randall Waechter Spare the rod, spoil the child: measurement and learning from an intervention to shift corporal punishment attitudes and behaviors in Grenada, West Indies Front Public Health 3389/fpubh.2023.1127687
- Eagel Barry A, La Anthony Palanichami, Deepak Kumar, St Cyr Gerard, Orlando Lauren Dengue vaccine development and safety: What went wrong? Int Pub Health J
- Palmer, Kevin; Adedara, Victor; Ogunmoyin, Temiloluwa; Kuteyi, Azeez; Palanichami, Deepak Kumar; La, Anthony; Orlando, Lauren; Fasanmi, Abidemi; Keku, Emmanuel O. Elective surgical procedures in the COVID-19 era Int Pub Health J
- Kinda Francis, Odran Edwards, Lindonne Telesford Climate and dengue transmission in Grenada for the period 2010–2020: Should we be concerned? PLOS Climate 1371/journal.pclm.0000122
- Nesta Edwards, LaAnthony, Keku Emmanuel, Lindonne Telesford, Workplace safety and occupational health hazards at the General Hospital in Grenada, West Indies Int Pub Health J
- Nicholas Dirienzo, Kerry Mitchell, Martin Forde, Daniel Rainham, Paul J Villeneuve Temporal trends in ambient fine particulate matter and the impacts of COVID-19 on this pollutant in Grenada, West Indies J Air Waste Manag Assoc 1080/10962247.2022.2126555
- Graffam, Jenniffer T.; La, Anthony; Afon, Ifeoluwa; Idahor, Uyioghosa; Oladimeji, Tolulope; Mitchell, Kerry; Keku, Emmanuel O. Particulate matter and infant mortality: A narrative review. Int Pub Health J
- Kayla K Umemoto, Shahini Ananth, Anthony Ma, Anvay Ullal, Prakash V A K Ramdass, Peter C Lo, Dinesh Vyas Novel Application of Hydrodissection in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Gangrenous Gallbladders J Surg Res 1016/j.jss.2022.11.060.
- Anis Hasnaoui, Racem Trigui, Sihem Heni, Prakash V A K Ramdass Iatrogenic incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia following laparoscopic resection of a diaphragmatic cystic lymphangioma: A case report Int J Surg Case Rep 1016/j.ijscr.2023.108947
- Anis Hasnaoui, Racem Trigui, Sihem Heni, Prakash V A K Ramdass Abdominal cocoon: A rare case report of a small bowel obstruction Int J Surg Case Rep 1016/j.ijscr.2023.108897.
- Ashley Garcia, Prakash V. A. K. Ramdass, Maria E. Ramos-Nino Bidirectional Association between Psoriasis and Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Respir. org/10.3390/jor3020007
- Darren Dookeeram, Sabastian Borquez, Hariharan Seetharaman, Satesh Bidaisee, Sandeep Maharaj, Dave Dookeeram Multilateralism as a Determinant of COVID-19 Outcomes in Small Island Developing States: Mitigating Disaster Impact Through Foreign Affairs Investment. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
- Mentor Ali Ber Lucien, Martin S Forde, Marc R Isabel, Maurice Boissinot, Sandra Isabel Infectious diseases genomic surveillance capacity in the Caribbean: A retrospective analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Lancet Reg Health Am 1016/j.lana.2022.100411.
2023 SOM Clinical Faculty Publications (690)
Emergency Medicine (18)
- Nicholas George, Brian Chin, Jamshid Mistry , Rodney Borger , Fanglong Dong , Michael M Neeki Pericardial Tamponade in a Patient With a History of Pneumonectomy J Med Cases 14740/jmc4033.
- Eric Frendt, Momin Masroor, Arman Saied, Arianna Neeki, Santana Youssoffi, Aldin Malkoc, Fanglong Dong, Louis Tran, Rodney Borge, David T Wong, Michael Neeki Characteristics and Outcomes Associated With Emergent Rectal Foreign Body Management: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis Cureus 7759/cureus.49413
- Gregory Fenati , Santana Youssoffi , Dustin Phan , Katharine McManus , Fanglong Dong , Michael M. Neeki Stress-Induced Auto-Cannibalism in Patients With a History of Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury Cureus 7759/cureus.41232
- Jessica M Rabbany, Kaylee Fitzgerald, Jade Bowman, Fanglong Dong, Michael M Neeki Methamphetamine-induced encephalopathy in the absence of hyperammonemia BMC Psychiatry 1186/s12888-023-04764-2.
- Joe Cuthbertson, Eric Weinstein, Jeffrey Michael Franc, Peter Jones, Hamdi Lamine, Sabina Magalini, Daniele Gui, Kristina Lennquist, Federica Marzi, Alessandro Borrello, Pietro Fransvea, Andrea Fidanzio, Carlos Yanez Benítez, Gerhard Achaz, Bob Dobson, Nabeela Malik, Michael Neeki, Ronald Pirrallo, Rafael Castro Delgado, Giacomo Strapazzon, Marcelo Farah Dell’Aringa, Hermann Brugger, Chaim Rafalowsky, Marcello Marzoli, Giovanni Fresu, Knut Magne Kolstadbraaten, Stenn Lennquist, Jonathan Tilsed, Ilene Claudius, Piyapan Cheeranont, Rachel Callcut, Miklosh Bala, Anthony Kerbage, Luis Vale, Norman Philipp Hecker, Roberto Faccincani, Luca Ragazzoni, Marta Caviglia Sudden-Onset Disaster Mass-Casualty Incident Response: A Modified Delphi Study on Triage, Prehospital Life Support, and Processes Prehosp Disaster Med 1017/S1049023X23006337.
- Robert Dang, Leo Issagholian, Tegan Schmidt, Pasha Raoufi, Cameron C Neeki, Michael M Neeki Management of traumatic cervical epidural hematoma in patients on Xa-inhibitors: a case report and review of the literature J Med Case Rep 1186/s13256-023-04069-8.
- Kinza Sultan, Sarala Kal, Leo Issagholian, Birpartap S Thind, Sarah C Neeki, Hovhannes Ghazaryan, Alex Jabourian, Fanglong Dong, Ho-Wang Yuen, Sarkis Arabian, Michael Neeki The Effect of Glycemic Control on Morbidity and Mortality in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Cureus 7759/cureus.47991.
- Tegan Schmidt , Yuliya Matolina , Arianna S Neeki, Carlos Peace, Benjamin Archambeau, Fanglong Dong, Michael M Neeki Correction: Body stuffing during apprehension resulting in distal esophageal impaction: a case report and review of the literature J Med Case Rep 1186/s13256-023-03938-6
- Jeffrey Hong, Aldin Malkoc, Sofia Salahpour, David T Wong, Fanglong Dong, Michael Neeki Emergent surgical interventions in noncritical traumatic long bone fractures and lactate monitoring: a retrospective cohort study Ann Med Surg (Lond) 1097/MS9.0000000000000435.
- Alexandra D Haluska, Austin Davis, Noor Tarabishy, Margarita E Pena Use of Naloxone in Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Overdose: A Case Report J Emerg Med 1016/j.jemermed.2022.12.010
- Elizabeth Brambilla, Grace Groh, Brianna Hicks, Jennifer Kalash, Michael Maddaloni, Rebecca Parada, Michelle McWeeney, Christine Fernandez HPV vaccination: Perceptions and acceptance among college students JAAPA 1097/01.JAA.0000994956.07167.33
- Sam Parnia, Tara Keshavarz Shirazi, Jignesh Patel, Linh Tran, Niraj Sinha, Caitlin O’Neill, Emma Roellke, Amanda Mengotto, Shannon Findlay, Michael McBrine 5, Rebecca Spiegel, Thaddeus Tarpey, Elise Huppert, Ian Jaffe, Anelly M Gonzales, Jing Xu, Emmeline Koopman, Gavin D Perkins, Alain Vuylsteke, Benjamin M Bloom, Heather Jarman, Hiu Nam Tong, Louisa Chan, Michael Lyaker, Matthew Thomas, Veselin Velchev, Charles B Cairns, Rahul Sharma, Erik Kulstad, Elizabeth Scherer, Terence O’Keeffe, Mahtab Foroozesh, Olumayowa Abe, Chinwe Ogedegbe, Amira Girgis, Deepak Pradhan, Charles D Deakin AWAreness during REsuscitation – II: A multi-center study of consciousness and awareness in cardiac arrest Resuscitation 1016/j.resuscitation.2023.109903
- Arlene S Chung, Annemarie Cardell, Smruti Desai, Evelyn Porter, Ridhima Ghei, Joanna Akinlosotu, Chinwe Ogedegbe Educational Outcomes of Diversity Curricula in Graduate Medical Education J Grad Med Educ 4300/JGME-D-22-00497.1.
- Garrett Gianneschi, Sarthak Patel, Patrick Hinfey The sternal brace: a novel osteopathic diagnostic screening tool to rule out cardiac chest pain in the emergency department J Osteopath Med 1515/jom-2023-0103.
- Michael S Beeson, Rahul Bhat, Joshua S Broder, Theodore J Gaeta, Alan Janssen, Erin R Karl, Bruce M Lo, Joel Moll, Laura Oh, Viral Patel, Loren Touma, Melissa A Barton, Julia N Keehbauch The 2022 Model of the Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine J Emerg Med 1016/j.jemermed.2023.02.016
- Yonathan Estrella, Alexander Bronzo, Luke Fey, Aaron Ryoo, Samuel Ayala, Maya Lin, Theodore Gaeta Point-of-care ultrasound: impact on emergency department length of stay for suspected lower extremity DVT Emerg Radiol 1007/s10140-023-02123-y.
- Yenisleidy Paez Perez, Sarah Rimm, Joseph Bove, Steven Hochman, Tianci Liu, Anthony Catapano, Ninad Shroff, Jessica Lim, Brian Rimm Does the Electrocardiogram Machine Interpretation Affect the Ability to Accurately Diagnose ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction by Emergency Physicians? Crit Pathw Cardiol 1097/HPC.0000000000000310
- Savitha Racha, Lyn Manganiello, Mary K. Carney, Alin Mercado, Kara Alpin, Madeline King, Ryan Schmidt, Brian Roberts, Matthew Scott Salzman “Impact of an addiction medicine consult service on patientsadmitted to the hospital with injection drug use-associated infective endocarditis ” Cooper Rowan Medical Journal 31986/issn.2578.3343_vol5iss1.1
Family Medicine & General Practice (8)
- Nada Al-Hashimi, Gurvinder Dhaliwal Black Fingernail Discoloration Am Fam Physician
- Reshma R Nair, Zachery Halford, William F Towers, Lauren D Breite 4, Keith Cooper, Samarth P Shah Perioperative Anticoagulation in Patients with Cancer Curr Oncol Rep 1007/s11912-023-01383-8
- Hans Christian Schueling, Asama Rana, Shideh Doroudi, Mukundha B Maneyapanda, Christine E LeRoy Recurrent Choledocholithiasis: Unveiling the Diagnostic Challenges of Profound Transaminitis Post Cholecystectomy Am J Case 12659/AJCR.941096
- Badar Sabeen, Temilola Majekodunmi, Abdulhusein Kapasi, Sherrie Bieniek, David Leszkowitz A Diagnostic Dilemma: Is It Factitious Disorder With Nonepileptic Seizure or Malingering With Nonepileptic Seizure? Cureus 7759/cureus.39197
- Kerwyn Flowers , Julie Navarro , Stacy A Ogbeide Programs Can Improve the Diversity Workforce in Family Medicine J Am Board Fam Med 3122/jabfm.2023.230113R0.
- Sweta Tewary , Nicole Cook , Desiree Simon , Elizabeth Philippe , Oksana Shnayder , Naushira Pandya Integrating 4Ms Assessment through Medicare Annual Wellness Visits: Comparison of Quality Improvement Strategies in Primary Care Clinics Geriatrics (Basel) 3390/geriatrics8040070.
- Dotun Ogunyemi , Claire Westermeyer , Mason Eghbali , Priyesh Patel , Sarah Struble , Sagarika Arogyaswamy , Amir Teixeira , Niren Raval , Michael Gentry , Tommy Lee , Sarkis Arabian Seeking Equity; Pathway Programs in Liaison Committee on Medical Education Medical Schools for Minoritized Students J Med Educ Curric Dev 1177/23821205231177181
- Adnan Saad Subconscious gender discrimination in primary care Br J Gen Pract 3399/bjgp23X733317
OBGYN (13)
- Clarke S, Jangid G, Nasr Summer, Atchade A, Moody BL, Narayan G. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A Cross-Sectional Observational Study Analyzing the Quality of Content on YouTube Cureus 7759/cureus.45354
- Khair E, Afzal F, Kulkarni S, Duhe Beaux, Hagglund K, Aslam MF. Urinary tract injury during hysterectomy: Does surgeon specialty and surgical volume matter? World J Methodol 5662/wjm.v13.i2.18
- Ershadifar S, Ustrell S, Darrow MA, Birkeland A. Synchronous Undetected HPV+ Cancer in a HPV- Tongue Cancer Patient Ear Nose Throat J 1177/01455613231173456
- Sattar S, Naimzadeh D, Behaeddin Bita C, Fonarov I, Casadesus D. Uterine Artery Embolization in a Patient With Large Uterine Fibroids Cureus 7759/cureus.39740
- Braganza JS, Wilson Madison R, Huang ZL, Shih-Della Penna D, Johnson DE. Recurrent Large Extrauterine Lipoleiomyoma in a Postmenopausal Woman: A Case Report Cureus 7759/cureus.43193
- Connie Cheng , Nicole Jenkins , Noelle Aikman , Karim ElSahwi Secondary cytoreductive surgery in recurrent clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium: A case report Int J Surg Case Rep 1016/j.ijscr.2023.108412
- Margot S Damaser , Françoise A Valentini , Francesco Clavica , Ilias Giarenis Is the time right for a new initiative in mathematical modeling of the lower urinary tract? ICI-RS 2023 Neurourol Urodyn 1002/nau.25362
- Victoria Adewale , Dante Varotsis , Neel Iyer , Daniele Di Mascio , Axelle Dupont , Laurent Abramowitz , Philip J Steer , Martin Gimovsky , Vincenzo Berghella Planned cesarean delivery vs planned vaginal delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 1016/j.ajogmf.2023.101186
- Andrew McCarthy, Dilupa Samarakoon, Joanne Gray, Peter Mcmeekin, Stephen McCarthy, Claire Newton, Marielle Nobbenhuis, Jonathan Lippiatt , Jeremy Twigg Robotic and laparoscopic gynaecological surgery: a prospective multicentre observational cohort study and economic evaluation in England Observational Study 1136/bmjopen-2023-073990.
- David Rankin, Ruth I Hart, Barbara Kimbell, Katharine Barnard-Kelly, Anna Brackenridge, Caroline Byrne, Corinne Collett, Anna R Dover, Sara Hartnell, Katharine F Hunt, Tara T M Lee, Robert S Lindsay, David R McCance, Alastair McKelvey, Gerry Rayman, Rebecca M Reynolds, Eleanor M Scott, Sara L White, Roman Hovorka, Helen R Murphy, Julia Lawton Rollout of Closed-Loop Technology to Pregnant Women with Type 1 Diabetes: Healthcare Professionals’ Views About Potential Challenges and Solutions Diabetes Techn Ther 1089/dia.2022.0479.
- Mikio Nihira 1 Dismantling Structural Barriers: Resident Clinics Refocused on Equity Obstet Gynecol 1097/AOG.0000000000005096.
- Paul I Stanciu 1, Malcolm L Padwick 2 A variation of laparoscopic ovarian transposition: the ovarian pedicle suspension (PS technique) Int J Gynecol Cancer 1136/ijgc-2022-003789.
- Ray Bahado-Singh, Adi L Tarca, Yasmin G Hasbini, Robert J Sokol, Madhurima Keerthy, Gregory Goyert, Theodore Jones, Lisa Thiel, Pooja Green, Youssef Youssef, Courtney Townsel, Shyla Vengalil, Paige Paladino, Amy Wright, Mariam Ayyash 6, Gayathri Vadlamud, Marta Szymanska, Sonia Sajja, Onur Turkoglu, Grace Sterenberg, Alexandra R Mangus, Micheal Baracy, Maria Gibbons, Karlee Grace, Kaitlyn Houston, Jessica Norman, Dereje W Gudicha, Sonia S Hassan; Southern Michigan Regional COVID-19 Collaborative Maternal SARS-COV-2 infection and prematurity: the Southern Michigan COVID-19 collaborative J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 1080/14767058.2023.2199343.
Internal Medicine (392)
- Battah A, Farouji I, Farouji A, John Reshma, Randhawa P, Correia J. Massive Atrial Thrombosis: A Serious Complication of the Maze Procedure Triggered by Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) Cureus 7759/cureus.41568
- Durham Scott, Odegaard J, Reiner W, Sancaktutar A, Klien J, Kropp E, Kilicarslan A, Kropp B. “We the BE”: An educational mobile health application for children and families affected by bladder exstrophy-epispadias-cloacal exstrophy complex J Pediatr Urol 1016/j.jpurol.2023.02.021
- Ali Khan Q, Khan R, Verma Ravina, Shah SD, Vattikuti B, Khan AZ, Shahzadi A, Abdi P, Anthony M, Farkouh CS, Farkouh M, Santiago N, Zepeda D, Nunez A. Non-syndromic Intellectual Disability: An Experimental In-Depth Exploration of Inheritance Pattern, Phenotypic Presentation, and Genomic Composition Cureus 7759/cureus.34085
- Obi MF, Namireddy V, Garg Y, Sharma M. Benefit and Preference of Propranolol Over Metoprolol in Thyrotoxicosis-Induced Atrial Fibrillation: A Case Report and Review of Literature Cureus 7759/cureus.34474
- Saeed S, Naveed H, Maktabijahromi N, Mohammed N, Rehman A. An Atypical Presentation of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva and the Imperative for Multidisciplinary Care: A Case Report Cureus 7759/cureus.43309
- Jarrett O, Heydari Hamed, Elder Z, Casadesus D. Penile calciphylaxis in a patient with concurrent haemodialysis and Coumadin treatment BMJ Case Rep 1136/bcr-2023-254925
- Adedara Victor O, Sharma V, Nawaz H, Reyes-Rivera J, Afzal-Tohid S, Pareshbhai PT, Boyapati SP, Sharafshah A. Transesophageal Echocardiogram Before Cardioversion in Atrial Fibrillation Patients Cureus 7759/cureus.39702
- Redai I, Sizar Abbas, Valentine J. A rash worthy of Hickam’s dictum Vis J Emerg Med 1016/j.visj.2023.101678
- Yousefian F, Hesari R, Jensen Taylor, Obagi S, Rgeai A, Damiani G, Bunick CG, Grada A. Antimicrobial Wound Dressings: A Concise Review for Clinicians Antibiotics (Basel) 3390/antibiotics12091434
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- Tim J van Hasselt, Chris Gale, Cheryl Battersby, Peter J Davis, Elizabeth Draper, Sarah E Seaton, United Kingdom Neonatal Collaborative and the Paediatric Critical Care Society Study Group (PCCS-SG): Matthew Babirecki, Rebecca Kettle, Anand Kamalanathan, Clare Cane, Kavi Aucharaz, Rathod Poorva, Maninder Bal, L M Wong, Anita Mittal, Penny Broggio, Pinki Surana, Matt Nash, Sam Wallis, Ahmed Hassan, Karin Schwarz, Shu-Ling Chuang, Penelope Young, Ramona Onita, Mani Kandasamy, Stephen Brearey, Morris Siramhatia, Yee Aung, Bharath Gowda, Mehdi Garbash, Alex Allwood, Pauline Adiotomre, Nigel Brooke, Claire Hollinsworh, Toria Klutse, Sonia Spathis, Sathish Krishnan, Samar Sen, Alaa Ghoneem, Jennifer Holman, Daniel Dogar, Girish Gowda, Karen Turnock, Sobia Balal, Cath Seagrave, Tristan Bate, Hilary Dixon, Narendra Aladangady, Hassan Gaili, Matthew James, M Lal, Oluseun Tayo, Abraham Isaac, Carolina Zorro, Dhaval Dave, Jonathan Filkin, Savi Sivashankar, Hannah Shore, Jo Behrsin, Jo Behrsin, Michael Grosdenier, Ruchika Gupta, Ather Ahmed, Alison Bedford Russell, Jennifer Birch, Surendran Chandrasekaran, Ashok Karupaiah, Ghada Ramadan, I Misra, Chris Knight, Richard Heaver, Mohammad Alam, Prakash Thiagarajan, Tiziana Fragapane Muthukumar, Bivan Saha, Cheentan Singh, Nick Barnes, Sangeeta Tiwary, Richard Nicholl, Dush Batra, Dush Batra, Victoria Nesbitt, Amit Gupta, Katharine McDevitt, Ruchika Gupta, David Gibson, Peter Mcewan, Sanath Reddy, Mark Johnson, Aesha Mohammedi, Patrica Cowley, Rashmi Gandhi, Charlotte Groves, Lidia Tyszcuzk, Shilpa Ramesh, Salamatu Jalloh, Julia Croft, Bushra Abdul-Malik, Dominic Muogbo, Ambalika Das, Khalid Mannan, Rajiv Chaudhary, Soma Sengupta, Christos Zipitis, Kemy Naidoo, Archana Mishra, Chris Warren, Nigel Ruggins, Chrissie Oliver, Lucinda Winckworth, Joanne Fedee, Anitha Vayalakkad, Richa Gupta, Lee Abbott, Aesha Mohammedi Ben Obi, Rebecca Winterson, Naveen Athiraman, Anjali Pektar, Jim Baird, Adedayo Owoeye, Umapathee Majuran, Richard Lindley, Vineet Gupta, Faith Emery, Donovan Duffy, Salim Yasin, Hannah Shore, Akinsola Ogundiya, Lidia Tyszcuzk, Ngozi Edi-Osagie, Pamela Cairns, Vennila Ponnusamy, Victoria Sharp, Carrie Heal, Sanjay Salgia, Imran Ahmed, Helen Purves, Porus Bastani, Eleanor Bond, Divyen Shah, Esther Morris, Se-Yeon Park, Giles Kendall, Puneet Nath, Igor Fierens, Mehdi Garbash, Hari Kumar, Peter Curtis, Delyth Webb, Sankara Narayanan Bird, Yee Aung, Eleanor Hulse, Tayyaba Aamir, Angela Yannoulias, Caroline Sullivan, Ros Garr, Wynne Leith, Shaveta Mulla, Anna Gregory, Edward Yates, Abijeet Godhamgaonkar, Megan Eaton, Sundeep Sandhu, Arun Ramachandran, Abby Parish, Anitha James, Ian Barnard, Artur Abelian, Shakir Saeed, Nitin Goel, David Deekollu, Prem Pitchaikani Paediatric intensive care admissions of preterm children born <32 weeks gestation: a national retrospective cohort study using data linkage Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 1136/archdischild-2023-325970
- Neaha Patel, NeoTRIPS Collaborative Group, Katie Evans, Janet Berrington, Lisa Szatkowski, Kate Costeloe, Shalini Ojha, Paul Fleming, Cheryl Battersby, Collaborators, Affiliations: Steve Abbey, Bushra Abdul-Malik, Abdulhakim Abdurrazaq, Arameh Aghababaie, Shreya Agrawal, Saud Ahmed, Faith Akano, Muhammad Rehan Akhtar, Oghenetekevwe Patrick Akpofure, Myriam Segovia Almiron, Namita Anand, Jessica Archibald, Harriet Aughey, Lynnlette Aung, Thandi Aung, Moataz Badawy, Pramila Bade, Mary-Rose Ballard, Naomi Bell, Shreesh Bhat, Andrada Maria Bianu, Catherine Black, Gennie Booth, Karla Buerano, Nuala Calder, Claire Caldwell, Chinnu Chandran, Shavin Chellen, Nathan Collicott, Lizaveta Collins, Ruth Cousins, Brandy Cox, Deborah Davidson, Leanne Dearman, Rajkumar Dhandayuthapani, Shweta Dixit, Kouros Driscoll, Alshaimaa Eldeeb, Teim Eyo, Jessica Farnan, Yasin Fatine, Michelle Fernandes, Lauren Ferretti, Poppy Flanagan, Eileen Foster, Caroline Fraser, Christopher Freeman, G Natasha, Neelakshi Ghosh, Abhrajit Giri, Sion Glaze, Amy Grant, Kirti Gupta, Fergus Harnden, Saqib Hasan, Craig Haverstock, Jayne Hillier, Benjamin Holter, Alison Hopper, Kate Hooper, Zoe Howard, Rachel Hutchinson, Shana Irvine, Mais Ismail, Matilda Iverson, Camilla James, Sam Jay, Katie Jenkins, Allan Jenkinson, Swati Jha, Manohar Joishy, Rhiannon Jones, Mia Kahvo, Carla Kantyka, Caroline Kargbo, Almutassem Kazkaz, Shelley Knights, Nikoletta Kottarakou, Carianne Lewis, Christine Lim, Naomi Lin, Helen Lloyd, Catherine Longley, Spandana Rupa Madabhushi, Carys Mangan, Diane McCarter, Joe McConville, Aodhan McGillian, Tasneem Modan, Ahmed Mohamed, Evangelia Myttaraki, Rhianna Netherton, Maria Orford, Tal Oryan, Joanna O’Sullivan, Niha Peshimam, Jennifer Peterson, Salil Pradhan, Patrycja Prusak, Ayesha Rahim, Daniel Ratnaraj, Rosie Roots, Afza Sadiq, Emilie Seager, Naveed Shahzad, Adwa Shalabi, Naseem Sharif, Rebecca Smith, James Stevens, Claire Strauss, Jane Sundarsingh, Jonathan Talbot, Jasmine Taylor, Katie Taylor, Justinas Teiserskas, Sumit Thankur, Toby Thenat, Chibuko Ukeje, Alice Unsworth, Carl Van Heyningen, Elena Raluka Vlad, Anna Waghorn, Emma Williams, Lucinda Winckworth, Aneurin Young How frequent is routine use of probiotics in UK neonatal units? BMJ Paediatr Open 1136/bmjpo-2023-002012
- Jayani Senanayake, Rangin Haji Rahman, Fady Safwat, Suman Riar, George Ampalloor Asymptomatic Lead Poisoning in a Pediatric Patient Cureus 7759/cureus.34940
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- Keerthana Reddy Banala, Shada Al-Anani, Premchand Anne, Stuart Covi Outcome of Post-Covid Vaccination Myocarditis in an Adolescent Male Clin Pediatr (Phila) 1177/00099228221116207
- Irina Gavryutina, Renee Bargman, Asma Shaoba, Hussam Alharash, Anil Mongia Chronic hyponatremia in a 19-month-old child with gross developmental delay: Answers Pediatr Nephrol 1007/s00467-022-05648-5
- Irina Gavryutina, Renee Bargman, Asma Shaoba, Hussam Alharash, Anil Mongia Chronic hyponatremia in a 19-month-old child with gross developmental delay: Questions Pediatr Nephrol 1007/s00467-022-05643-w
- Irina Gavryutina, Risa Bochner, Vivian Chin, Renee Bargman FRI050 A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study of Parental Outdoor Play Preferences and Association With Child Overweight and Obesity Clin Pediatr (Phila) 1177/00099228231176350
- Assia Miller, Shalu Joseph, Ahmed Badran, Vatcharapan Umpaichitra, Renee Bargman, Vivian L Chin Increased Rates of Hospitalized Children with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Central Brooklyn during the COVID-19 Pandemic Int J Pediatr 1155/2023/4580809
- Irina Gavryutina, MD, PhD, Ahmed Badran, MD, Amruta Thakkar, MD, Renee Bargman, MD, Vatcharapan Umpaichitra, MD, Vivian Chin, MD FRI039 Endothelial Dysfunction Is Associated With Adiponectin And Leptin In Adolescents With PCOS Journal of the Endocrine Society, Volume 7, Issue Supplement
- Sara Taub, Robert Macauley, COMMITTEE ON BIOETHICS: Robert Macauley, Ratna Basak, Gina Marie Geis, Naomi Tricot Laventhal, Douglas J Opel, Mindy B Statter, Mary Lynn Dell, Douglas S Diekema, David Shalowitz, Nanette Elster, Florence Rivera, Anjie Emanuel Responding to Parental Requests for Nondisclosure to Patients of Diagnostic and Prognostic Information in the Setting of Serious Disease Pediatrics 1542/peds.2023-063754
- Heidi J Steflik , Jennifer R Charlton, Meagan Briley, David T Selewski, Katja M Gist, Mina H Hanna , David Askenazi, Russell Griffin, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative: Subrata Sarkar, Alison Kent, Jeffery Fletcher, Carolyn L Abitbol, Marissa DeFreitas, Shahnaz Duara, Jonathan R Swanson, Ronnie Guillet, Carl D’Angio, Ayesa Mian, Erin Rademacher, Maroun J Mhanna, Rupesh Raina, Deepak Kumar, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Ayse Akcan Arikan, Christopher J Rhee, Stuart L Goldstein, Amy T Nathan, Juan C Kupferman, Alok Bhutada, Shantanu Rastogi, Elizabeth Bonachea, Susan Ingraham, John Mahan, Arwa Nada, Jennifer Jetton, Patrick D Brophy, Tarah T Colaizy, Jonathan M Klein, F Sessions Cole, T Keefe Davis, Joshua Dower, Lawrence Milner, Alexandra Smith, Mamta Fuloria, Kimberly Reidy, Frederick J Kaskel, Danielle E Soranno, Jason Gien, Aftab S Chishti, Sangeeta Hingorani, Sandra Juul, Michelle Starr, Craig S Wong, Catherine Joseph, Tara DuPont, Robin Ohls, Amy Staples, Smriti Rohatgi, Sidharth K Sethi, Sanjay Wazir, Surender Khokhar, Sofia Perazzo, Patricio E Ray, Mary Revenis, Cherry Mammen, Anne Synnes, Pia Wintermark, Michael Zappitelli, Robert Woroniecki, Shanthy Sridhar Neonatal nephrotoxic medication exposure and early acute kidney injury: results from the AWAKEN study J Perinatol 1038/s41372-023-01684-7
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- William J Muller, Shabir A Madhi, Beatriz Seoane Nuñez, Manuel Baca Cots, Miroslava Bosheva, Ron Dagan, Laura L Hammitt, Conrado J Llapur, Jose M Novoa, Xavier Saez Llorens, Amy Grenham, Elizabeth J Kelly, Vaishali S Mankad, Manish Shroff, Therese Takas, Amanda Leach, Tonya Villafana, MELODY Study Group: Conrado Juan Llapur, Adriana Elvira Soto, David Metz, Peter Richmond, Christoph Binder, Bernhard Resch, Wim Decaluwe, Elke De Wachter, Heidi Schaballie, Françoise Vermeulen, Victoria Atanosova, Antoaneta Blazheva, Miroslava Bosheva, Svetoslav Dachev, Maya Krasteva-Vilmosh, Radka Maslarska, Kina Nikolova, Mark Chilvers, Ian Mitchell, Jesse Papenburg, Jose Manuel Novoa Pizarro, Nany Katrini Castilla Herrera, Viviana Marquez Ricaurte, Juan Mesa, Humberto Reynales Londono, Monica Trujillo Honeysberg, Lila Piedad Visbal Spirko, Magdalena Chvilova Weberova, Ingrid Alt, Kaia Kiiroja, Riin Lanno, Jaak Tälli, Liis Toome, Heili Varendi, Satu Kokko, Susanna Koski, Outi Laajalahti, Pauliina Paavola, Lauri Peltonen, Mika Rämet, Ilkka Seppa, Benita Ukkonen, Ann Bourlet, Ralph Epaud, Elodie Lecorps, André Leke, Kim Nguyen, Stéphane Rioualen, Oliver Tandonnet, Michael Horn, Lothar Maurer, Falko Panzer, Ulrich Thome, Ron Dagan, Aryeh Simmonds, Piero Valentini, Naoto Fujita, Shin Hoshino, Kazuyuki Iwai, Yusuke Kobayakawa, Ichiro Kobayashi, Norimoto Kobayashi, Shozo Maeda, Akira Manki, Atsushi Matsui, Yutaka Nishimura, Takafumi Okada, Miho Sato, Masashi Shiomi, Kei Tamai, Toshihiro Tanaka, Takatoshi Tsuchihashi, Masato Yasui, Yuka Yotsumoto, Yong Hoon Jun, Min Soo Park, Dina Apele-Freimane, Ilze Eglite, Ineta Grantina, Inguna Kaleja, Baiba Treija, Alina Kucinskiene, Andzelika Panaviene, Rasa Tameliene, Sarbelio Moreno Espinosa, Jane Alsweiler, Timothy Hill, Thorsten Stanley, Tony Walls, Tirza Areli De Leon Castrejon, Dora Isabel Estripieaut Calderon, Kathia Luciani, Luis Eduardo Marquez Lorenzo, Ximena Norero, Xavier Sáez Llorens, Hanna Czajka, Iwona Domzalska-Popadiuk, Elzbieta Kopinska, Malgorzata Ras, Boguslaw Tetiurka, Tomasz Zajac, Marta Zolnowska, Tatiana Antonova, Nina Baltserovich, Anna Galustyan, Olga Perminova, Daynia Ballot, Shaun Barnabas, Andreas H Diacon, Jonathan Egner, Shabir Madhi, Salphy Mogashoa, Renate Strehlau, Esme Venter, Azeem Walele, Heather Joy Zar, Josep Lluis Arimany Montaña, Manuel Baca Cots, Fernando Cabañas Gonzalez, Javier Fernandez Sarabia, Maria Luz Garcia-Garcia, Jose Antonio Hurtado Suazo, Jesus Lucas García, Jose Antonio Martinez Orgado, Federico Martinon-Torres, Silvina Natalini Martinez, Ana Pineda Caplliure, María Dolores Ruiz González, Francisco Sánchez, Eduard Solé Mir, Caridad Tapia Collados, Ana Zayas, Eva Berggren Broström, Lennart Nilsson, Hasan Celik, Ayla Gunlemez, Mehmet Yalaz, Hacer Yildizdas, Iryna Makedonska, Yurii Nechytailo, Oleksandr Smiyan, Olga Yablon, Tetiana Znamensk, Eva Galiza, Daniel B Hawcutt, Armando Acevedo, Haider Afzal, Jorge Alsina, Evan Anderson, Sandra Arnold, Mohammed Bailony, Thomas Benton, Abhay Bhatt, Marilou Cruz, Orrin Davis, Liberation DeLeon, Joseph Domachowske, Kenneth Etokhana, Janet Englund, Ezekiel Fink, Daniel Finn, Nathan Forbush, Alan Garscadden, Max Hale, Laura Hammitt, Dynio Honrubia, Michael Husseman, William Johnston, Ryan Kagan, William Koch, Aarti Kulshrestha, Michael Leonardi, Joseph Ley, John Lonas, Santiago Lopez, Darvy Mann, Judith Martin, David Meduna, William Muller, Vivek Narendran, David Nelson, Diana Nguyen, Richard Ohnmacht, Uzoma Okorie, Khozema Palanpurwala, John Pardalos, William Parker, Tarak Patel, Daniel Pelzer, Mark Polak, Anthony Pruitt, Sandeep Puranik, Octavio Ramilo, Elizabeth Reyes, Aparna Roy, Erica Sapp, Martin Schear, Gary Schlichter, Shelley Senders, Clifford Seyler, Julie Shepard, Eric A F Simões, Michael W Simon, Kari Simonsen, Michael Tekippe, Mary Tipton, Jerry Twiggs, Robert Welliver, Paul Wisman, Anne Zomcik, Sanjeev Ahuja, Catherine Auge, Lillian Fakoya, Robert J Kubiak, Melissa Larick, Sumit Markanday, Jon Heinrichs Nirsevimab for Prevention of RSV in Term and Late-Preterm Infants N Engl J Med 1056/NEJMc2214773
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School of Veterinary Medicine (31)
- Baillie Sarah, Marc Dilly and Rebecca Parkes, Teaching and Learning in Clinical Skills Laboratories In: Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide, In press
- Bruhl Day, R (ed.). Errors and Complications in Surgery. Surgery atlas, step by step guide. Translated into Taiwanese. © Ho-Chi Book Publishing Co. (Taiwan) and Grupo Asis Biomedia (Spain), 2023.
- Charles, K. E., Morrall, C. E., Edwards, J. J., Carter, K. D., Afema, J. A., Butler, B. P., & Marancik, D. P. (2023). Environmental and Nesting Variables Associated with Atlantic Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) Embryonic and Hatching Success Rates in Grenada, West Indies. Animals, 13(4), 685. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
- Cheetham S, Stone D, Marancik D, Kaplan RM, Olson NC. Biomedical research with a Caribbean one-health perspective. Am J Vet Res. 2022 Dec 19;84(1):ajvr.22.10.0175. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.22.10.0175. PMID: 36516011.
- Chikweto A, Beals N, Taylor A , McConnell S , Frank C, Bhaiyat MI. Retrospective study of Oestrus ovis larvae infestation in small ruminants in Grenada, West Indies. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional studies and Reports- accepted.
- Denwood M.J., R.M. Kaplan, I.J. McKendrick, S.M. Thamsborg, M.K. Nielsen and B. Levecke. A statistical framework for calculating prospective sample sizes and classifying efficacy results for faecal egg count reduction tests in ruminants, horses and swine (2023). Veterinary Parasitology, DOI: DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011146
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- Dután, J., Samaniego, J., Perea, F., Hernández-Fonseca, H., Pesántez, J.L., Jácome, A., Garay, G. Relationship of anti-müllerian hormone with the quantity and quality of oocytes collected by ultrasound-guided aspiration in Holstein heifers. Revista Científica, 33: rcfcv-e33202. 2023. Doi: 10.52973/rcfcv-e33202.
- Gordon, S.; Parkinson, T.; Byers, S.; Nigito, K.; Rodriguez, A.; Werners-Butler, C.; Haynes, J.; Guttin, T. The Changing Face of Veterinary Professionalism—Implications for Veterinary Education. Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 182.
- Guilding, C; White, PJ; Cunningham, M; Kelly-Laubscher, R; Koenig, J; Babey, A; Tucker, S; Kelly, JP; Gorman, L; Aronsson, P; Hawes, M; Ngo, SNT; Misfud, J; Werners, AH; Hinton, T; Khan, F; Aljofan, M; Angelo, T. Defining and unpacking the core concepts of pharmacology: A global initiative. Br. J. Pharmacol. (2023) doi:10.1111/bph.16222.
- Guttin T, McKay T, Wise LN, Penny Light T, Baillie S. Growth Mindset in Veterinary Educators: An International Survey. J Vet Med Educ 2023, May 25:e20220128. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2022-0128. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37229549.
- Harrylal, C. -A., Lensink, A. V., Gupta, S. K., & Aire, A. (2023). The ultrastructural features of the infundibulum of the green iguana, Iguana iguana. Journal of Morphology , (Accepted)
- Hewson I, Ritchie IT, Evans JS, Altera A, Behringer D, Bowman E, Brandt M, Budd KA, Camacho RA, Cornwell TO, Countway PD, Croquer A, Delgado GA, DeRito C, Duermit-Moreau E, Francis-Floyd R, Gittens S Jr, Henderson L, Hylkema A, Kellogg CA, Kiryu Y, Kitson-Walters KA, Kramer P, Lang JC, Lessios H, Liddy L, Marancik D, Nimrod S, Patterson JT, Pistor M, Romero IC, Sellares-Blasco R, Sevier MLB, Sharp WC, Souza M, Valdez-Trinidad A, van der Laan M, Vilanova-Cuevas B, Villalpando M, Von Hoene SD, Warham M, Wijers T, Williams SM, Work TM, Yanong RP, Zambrano S, Zimmermann A, Breitbart M. A scuticociliate causes mass mortality of Diadema antillarum in the Caribbean Sea. Scientific Advances. 9(16):eadg3200. 2023.
- Kabuusu RM, Aire TA, Stroup DF, Macpherson CNL, Beltran S, Reyes E, Ferguson HW. Hematologic changes observed in syncytial hepatitis of farmed tilapia (SHT), Oreochromis niloticus. Journal Fish Diseases, 2023; 00:1-4.
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- Kiran Afshan, Sabahat Khan, Bilal Khan, Sobia Hussain, Sabika Firasat, Ghulam Narjis, Umer Chaudhry (2023) A new record of the occurrence of Trichuris skrjabini Baskakov, 1924 in goats of Pakistan (PLOS ONE
- Kumar B, Kumawat BL, Khan FA, Das GK, Maurya SK, Chandra P, Vandana, Singh J, Sachan V, Jan MH, Narayanan K. Comparative analysis of biochemical, hormonal, and mineral compositions of preovulatory and cystic ovarian follicles in buffalo during the non-breeding season. Zygote. 2023;31(3):246-252. doi: 10.1017/S0967199423000084
- Macpherson MLA, Zendejas-Heredia P.A, Sylvester W, Gasser RB, Traub RJ, Colella V, Macpherson CNL (2023). Zoonotic helminths of dogs and risk factors associated with polyparasitism in Grenada, West Indies. Parasitology. 2023 Jul;150(8):754-759. doi: 10.1017/S0031182023000495.
- Martin K. Nielsen, Ray M. Kaplan, Ghazanfar Abbas, and Abdul Jabbar (2023). Biological implications of long-term anthelmintic treatment: What else besides resistance are we selecting for? Trends in Parasitology, 24;S1471-4922(23)00193-9. PMID: 37633759 DOI: 10.1016/
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- Miller, J., Simpson, A., Bloom, P., Diesel, A., Friedeck, A., Paterson, T., Wisecup, M., Yu, C., 2023. 2023 AAHA Management of Allergic Skin Diseases in Dogs and Cats Guidelines. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 59. DOI 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-7396.
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- Muhammad Asim Khan, Kiran Afshan, Umer Chaudhry, Sabika Firasat, Neil D Sargison (2023) Histopathology and antibody responses describe the seasonal pattern of dicrocoeliosis in small ruminants in the himalayan ranges of Pakistan (Veterinary Parasitology
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- Sabatini G, Fernando de Almeida Borges, Edwin Claerebout, Leonor Sicalo Gianechini, Johan Höglund, Ray Kaplan, Welber Daniel Zanetti Lopes, Sian Mitchell, Laura Rinaldi, Georg von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Pedro Steffan, Robert Woodgate. Practical guide to the diagnostics of ruminant gastrointestinal nematodes, liver fluke and lungworm infection: interpretation and usability of results (2023), Parasites & Vectors, Vol. 16 Issue 1 Pages 58; DOI: 10.1186/s13071-023-05680-w
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- Xuejin Zhang, Leonor Sicalo Gianechini, Kun Li, Ray M. Kaplan, William H. Witola. (2023). Broad-Spectrum Inhibitors for Conserved Unique Phosphoethanolamine Methyltransferases in Parasitic Nematodes Possess Anthelmintic Efficacy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. e00008-23, DOI:10.1128/aac.00008-23
School of Arts & Sciences (8)
- Charles, K. E., Morrall, C. E., Edwards, J. J., Carter, K. D., Afema, J. A., Butler, B. P., & Marancik, D. P. (2023). Environmental and Nesting Variables Associated with Atlantic Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) Embryonic and Hatching Success Rates in Grenada, West Indies. Animals, 13(4), 685. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
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2022 Publications
2022 SOM Basic Sciences Publications (155)
Anatomical Sciences (120)
Rimanatou Seyni-Boureima, Zongze Zhang, Malyn M.L.K Antoine & Chrystal D. Antoine-Frank A review on the anesthetic management of obese patients undergoing surgery BMC Anesthesiology volume 2022 Apr 5;22(1):98 doi: 10.1186/s12871-022-01579-8
Matthew Protas, Juan J Cardona, Arada Chaiyamoon, David Ezra, Ryan M Glynn, Sassan Keshavarzi, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs The Échancrure of the Uncovertebral Joint: A Forgotten Structure of the C3-C7 Cervical Vertebral Bodies Cureus Dec 13;14(12):e32471 doi: 10.7759/cureus.32471
Dany Hage, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Herniation of Fat from the Infraorbital Canal into the Maxillary Sinus: A Cadaveric Case Report Kurume Med J 2022 Nov 30 doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj
Tess Decater, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs A Unique Foramen Magnum with a Posterior Notch Kurume Med J 2022 Nov 30 doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS674003
Andrea Yazbeck, Joe Iwanaga, Jerzy A Walocha, Łukasz Olewnik, R Shane Tubbs The clinical anatomy of the accessory submandibular gland: a comprehensive review Anat Cell Biol 2022 Nov 17 doi: 10.5115/acb.22.118.
Joe Iwanaga, Puhan He, Keiko Fukino, Mi-Sun Hur, Hee-Jin Kim, Aya Han, Koichi Watanabe, Soichiro Ibaragi, Norio Kitagawa, R Shane Tubb What is a superior labial frenulum? An anatomical and histological study Clin Anat Epub 2022 Nov 11 doi: 10.1002/ca.23973
Jenilkumar Patel, Graham Dupont, Joho Katsuta, Joe Iwanaga, Łukasz Olewnik, R Shane Tubbs Concomitant variations of the tibialis anterior, and extensor hallucis longus, and extensor hallucis brevis muscles Anat Cell Biol 2022 Oct 6 doi: 10.5115/acb.22.009.
Tina K Reddy, Łukasz Olewnik, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Cadaveric findings of a duplicated superior petrosal sinus Anat Cell Biol 2022 Sep 30;55(3):384-389. doi: 10.5115/acb.22.012
Kinuko Ogata, Joe Iwanaga, Seigo Ohba, Izumi Asahina, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Remarkably Elongated Coronoid Processes: A Cadaveric Case Report Kurume Med J 2022 Nov 16;67(2.3):117-119 doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS6723008
Daniel Gottlieb, Tess Decater, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Simultaneous Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve and Sciatic Nerve Variations: A Case Report Kurume Med J 2022 Nov 16;67(2.3):113-115 doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS6723007
Redwan Jabbar, Bartosz Szmyd, Jakub Jankowski, Weronika Lusa, Agnieszka Pawełczyk, Grzegorz Wysiadecki, R Shane Tubbs, Joe Iwanaga, Maciej Radek Intramedullary Spinal Cord Abscess with Concomitant Spinal Degenerative Diseases: A Case Report and Systematic Literature Review J Clin Med 2022 Aug 31;11(17):5148 doi: 10.3390/jcm11175148
Norio Kitagawa, Joe Iwanaga, R Shane Tubbs, Hongtae Kim, Yong-Suk Moon, Mi-Sun Hur Variant muscle fibers connecting the orbicularis oculi to the orbicularis oris: case report Anat Cell Biol 2022 Dec 31;55(4):497-500 doi: 10.5115/acb.22.108
Adil Asghar, Ananya Priya, Kumar Satish Ravi, Joe Iwanaga, R Shane Tubbs, Shagufta Naaz, Padamjeet Panchal An evaluation of mandibular canal variations: a systematic review and meta-analysis Anat Sci Int 2022 Aug 29 doi: 10.1007/s12565-022-00682-7
Tristan Chun, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Trifid and ventrally curved xiphoid process with two sternal foramina Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Sep;44(9):1253-1255 doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-03011-9
Julia Walkowska, Nicol Zielinska, R Shane Tubbs, Michał Podgórski, Justyna Dłubek-Ruxer, Łukasz Olewnik Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis Diagnostics (Basel) 2022 Aug 15;12(8):1974 doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12081974
Bartosz Szmyd, Redwan Jabbar, Weronika Lusa, Filip Franciszek Karuga, Agnieszka Pawełczyk, Maciej Błaszczyk, Jakub Jankowski, Julia Sołek, Grzegorz Wysiadecki, R Shane Tubbs, Joe Iwanaga, Maciej Radek What Is Currently Known about Intramedullary Spinal Cord Abscess among Children? A Concise Review J Clin Med 2022 Aug 4;11(15):4549 doi: 10.3390/jcm11154549
Joe Iwanaga, Mi-Sun Hur, Shogo Kikuta, Soichiro Ibaragi, Koichi Watanabe, R Shane Tubbs Anatomical contribution of the orbicularis oculi to the zygomaticus major: An improved understanding of the smile with consideration for facial cosmetic procedures PLoS One 2022 Jul 28;17(7):e0272060 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272060
Elisabeth Pechriggl, Michael Blumer, R Shane Tubbs, Łukasz Olewnik, Marko Konschake, René Fortélny, Hannes Stofferin, Hanne Rose Honis, Sara Quinones, Eva Maranillo, José Sanudo Embryology of the Abdominal Wall and Associated Malformations-A Review Front Surg 2022 Jul 7;9:891896 doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.891896
Bartosz Szmyd, Julia Sołek, Maciej Błaszczyk, Jakub Jankowski, Paweł P Liberski, Dariusz J Jaskólski, Grzegorz Wysiadecki, Filip F Karuga, Agata Gabryelska, Marcin Sochal, R Shane Tubbs, Maciej Radek The Underlying Pathogenesis of Neurovascular Compression Syndromes: A Systematic Review Front Mol Neurosci 2022 Jul 4;15:923089 doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.923089
Aaron Albuck, Yuto Haikata, Koichi Watanabe, R Shane Tubbs, Joe Iwanaga A large sublingual glandular branch of the lingual nerve: a rare case report Anat Cell Biol 2022 Sep 30;55(3):380-383 doi: 10.5115/acb.22.016
Craig Ballard, Jonathan Deck, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Bilateral Coronal Synostosis and Mega Cisterna Magna: A Case Report Cureus 2022 Jun 7;14(6):e25717 doi: 10.7759/cureus.25717
Uduak-Obong I Ekanem, Łukasz Olewnik, Andrea Porzionato, Veronica Macchi, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, Aaron S Dumont, Raffaele De Caro, R Shane Tubbs Morphology of the groove of the inferior petrosal sinus: application to better understanding variations and surgery of the skull base Anat Cell Biol 2022 Jun 30;55(2):135-141 doi: 10.5115/acb.22.023
Andrzej Węgiel, Nicol Zielinska, R Shane Tubbs, Joe Iwanaga, Łukasz Olewnik Coexistence of accessory band with the second type of extensor hallucis longus Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Jun;44(6):845-849 doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02966-z
Joe Iwanaga, Yuki Matsushita, Koichi Watanabe, Ikuo Kageyama, R Shane Tubbs, Soichiro Ibaragi Clinical Anatomy Research Association in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery J Craniofac Surg 2022 May 1;33(3):942-944 doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008053
Charles Peper, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs A giant foramen of Vesalius: case report Anat Cell Biol 2022 Sep 30;55(3):373-375 doi: 10.5115/acb.22.017
Casey P Spinelli, Joe Iwanaga, Mi-Sun Hur, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Discovery of a trans-sellar vascular supply for the pituitary gland Anat Cell Biol 2022 Jun 30;55(2):124-129 doi: 10.5115/acb.21.255
Alexis Edmonson, Joe Iwanaga, Łukasz Olewnik, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs The function of the tensor tympani muscle: a comprehensive review of the literature Anat Cell Biol 2022 Jun 30;55(2):113-117 doi: 10.5115/acb.21.032
Adil Asghar, Apurba Patra, Kumar Satish Ravi, R Shane Tubbs, Ashutosh Kumar, Shagufta Naaz Bifid median nerve as an anatomical risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome: A meta-analysis Clin Anat 2022 Oct;35(7):946-952 doi: 10.1002/ca.23900
Joe Iwanaga, Nicholas Gerard 3rd 4, Basem Ishak, Łukasz Olewnik, George P Georgiev, Anand P Patel, Norio Kitagawa, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs The interosseus crural nerve: An anatomical study of a rarely described structure Clin Anat 2022 Oct;35(7):927-933 doi: 10.1002/ca.23897
Nicol Zielinska 1, Adrian Balcerzak 1, R Shane Tubbs, Łukasz Olewnik Additional head of the rectus femoris muscle: a case report Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Jun;44(6):829-834 doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02937-4
Edward C Muo, Joe Iwanaga, Łukasz Olewnik, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Duplication of the ovarian vein: comprehensive review and case illustration Anat Cell Biol 2022 Jun 30;55(2):251-254 doi: 10.5115/acb.21.256
Laphatrada Yurasakpong, Somluk Asuvapongpatana, Wattana Weerachatyanukul, Krai Meemon, Nopporn Jongkamonwiwat, Nutmethee Kruepunga, Arada Chaiyamoon, Thanwa Sudsang, Joe Iwanaga, R Shane Tubbs, Athikhun Suwannakhan Anatomical variants identified on chest computed tomography of 1000+ COVID-19 patients from an open-access dataset Clin Anat 2022 Sep;35(6):723-731 doi: 10.1002/ca.23873
Annie Syed, Łukasz Olewnik, Georgi P Georgiev, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Three ipsilateral paracondylar processes with other skull base variations: case report Anat Cell Biol 2022 Jun 30;55(2):247-250 doi: 10.5115/acb.22.004
Seung Jin Lee, Aaron Damon, Mark A Pichelmann, R Shane Tubbs, Ronald A Lehman, Archer K Martin, William Clifton An Anatomical Method for Rib Disconnection During Posterior Costotransversectomy for Paravertebral Access to the Ventral Thoracic Spine World Neurosurg 2022 Aug;164:367-373 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.03.099
Aaron Yu, Graham Dupont, Przemysław A Pękala, Grzegorz Wysiadecki, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, Jerzy A Walocha, R Shane Tubbs Duplication and Fenestration of the Inferior Petrosal Sinus: Cadaveric Study with Application to Imaging, Skull Base Surgery, and Neurointerventional Procedures World Neurosurg 2022 Aug;164:e59-e66 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.03.023
Preston M Terle, Joe Iwanaga, Łukasz Olewnik, R Shane Tubbs Previously Unreported Case of Variant Posterior Tibial Vein Forming a Loop Adjacent to the Posterior Tibial Artery Cureus 2022 Feb 15;14(2):e22248 doi: 10.7759/cureus.22248
Simone Moroni, Javier Márquez, Alejandro Fernández-Gibello, Gabriel Camunas Nieves, Ruben Montes, Teresa Vázquez, José Ramon Sanudo, Bernhard Moriggl, Carla Stecco, R Shane Tubbs, Marko Konschake The hallucal interphalangeal ossicle: anatomy and basis for ultrasound-guided surgical shaving Sci Rep 2022 Mar 21;12(1):4789 doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-08805-w
Joe Iwanaga, Soichiro Ibaragi, Tatsuo Okui, Vasu Divi, Yoshio Ohyama, Koichi Watanabe, Jingo Kusukawa, R Shane Tubbs Cutaneous branch of the nerve to the mylohyoid muscle: Potential cause of postoperative sensory alteration in the submental area Ann Anat 2022 Aug;243:151934 doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2022.151934
Evan Courville, Benjamin J Ditty, Christopher M Maulucci, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Effects of thigh extension on the position of the femoral nerve: application to prone lateral transpsoas approaches to the lumbar spine Neurosurg Rev 2022 Jun;45(3):2441-2447 doi: 10.1007/s10143-022-01772-w
Krzysztof Koptas, Nicol Zielinska, R Shane Tubbs, Łukasz Olewnik, Piotr Łabętowicz A newly reported muscle: an accessory infraspinatus or a deep layer of the latissimus dorsi? Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Apr;44(4):617-620 doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02917-8
Joe Iwanaga, Vishram Singh, Sén Takeda, Julius Ogeng’o, Hee-Jin Kim, Janusz Moryś, Kumar Satish Ravi, Domenico Ribatti, Paul A Trainor, José Ramón Sañudo, Nihal Apaydin, Anu Sharma, Heather F Smith, Jerzy A Walocha, Ahmed M S Hegazy, Fabrice Duparc, Friedrich Paulsen, Mariano Del Sol, Philip Adds, Stephane Louryan, Valéria Paula Sassoli Fazan, R K Boddeti, R Shane Tubbs Standardized statement for the ethical use of human cadaveric tissues in anatomy research papers: Recommendations from Anatomical Journal Editors-in-Chief Clin Anat 2022 May;35(4):526-528 doi: 10.1002/ca.23849
Brendan Huang, Pervez A Khan, Joe Iwanaga, Mi-Sun Hur, R Shane Tubbs, Christopher M Maulucci Asymmetry of the C2 pars interarticularis: a clinical anatomical study with relevance to screw placement Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Mar;44(3):423-429 doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02901-2
Kacper Ruzik, Karolina Westrych, Marko Konschake, R Shane Tubbs, Piotr Karauda 2, Łukasz Olewnik Case report of unusual insertion of the fibularis brevis muscle Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Mar;44(3):485-489 doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02894-y
Humza Faisal Siddiqui, Marko Konschake, Nicolás E Ottone, Łukasz Olewnik, Uduak-Obong I Ekanem, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, Jose Sanudo, R Shane Tubbs Prevalence of Petrooccipital Fissure Fusion: Osteological Study with Application to Approaches to the Skull Base and Imaging Interpretation World Neurosurg 2022 Jul;163:e53-e58 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.02.040
Lauren Wahl, Joe Iwanaga, A Bert Chabot, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Hypoplasia of the Tentorium Cerebelli: Case Report and Review of the Literaturef Kurume Med 2022 Mar 11;67(1):49-52 doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS671009
Santiago Gutierrez, Pervez A Khan, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Review of the Petroclinoid Ligament Kurume Med J 2022 Mar 11;67(1):5-10 doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS671007
Tyler Warner, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Previously Unreported Sciatic Nerve Variation: Case Report Kurume Med J 2022 Mar 11;67(1):53-55 doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS671006
Shogo Kikuta, Joe Iwanaga, Basem Ishak, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs A Comprehensive Review of the Superficial Anterior Atlanto-Occipital Ligament of the Craniocervical Junction Kurume Med J 2022 Mar 11;67(1):1-4 doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS671005
Nicol Zielinska, Kacper Ruzik, Georgi P Georgiev, Iva N Dimitrova, R Shane Tubbs, Łukasz Olewnik A new variety of chondrocoracoideus muscle, or an additional head of pectoralis major muscle Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Feb;44(2):233-237 doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02887-x
Katherine Cironi, Cindy Wang, Joe Iwanaga, Joseph Lockwood, Mansour Mathkour, C J Bui, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Anatomical study of the internal carotid venous plexus: new findings with application to skull base surgery Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2022 Jul;164(7):1923-1928 doi: 10.1007/s00701-021-05081-x
William L Smith, Przemysław A Pękala, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, Aaron S Dumont, Jerzy Walocha, R Shane Tubbs The Forgotten Intermediate Condylar Canal: Anatomic Study with Application to Skull Base Surgery World Neurosurg 2022 May;161:e75-e79. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.01.028
Joe Iwanaga, Apurba Patra, Kumar Satish Ravi, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Anatomical relationship between the foramen ovale and the lateral plate of the pterygoid process: application to percutaneous treatments of trigeminal neuralgia Neurosurg Rev 2022 Jun;45(3):2193-2199 doi: 10.1007/s10143-021-01715-x.
Georgi P Georgiev, Manasi Telang, Boycho Landzhov, Łukasz Olewnik, Svetoslav A Slavchev, Robert F LaPrade, Kacper Ruzik, R Shane Tubbs The novel epiligament theory: differences in healing failure between the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments J Exp Orthop 2022 Jan 14;9(1):10 doi: 10.1186/s40634-021-00440-0
Anthony V D’Antoni, R Shane Tubbs, Alexandria C Patti, Quinn M Higgins, Hallie Tiburzi, Fortunato Battaglia The Critical Appraisal Tool for Anatomical Meta-analysis: A framework for critically appraising anatomical meta-analyses Clin Anat 2022 Apr;35(3):323-331 doi: 10.1002/ca.23833. Epub 2022 Jan 23
Stephen E Glennon, Kalu Ram, Tulika Gupta, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, Juan E Small, Daisy Sahni, R Shane Tubbs Basilar Artery Bands: Anatomic and Histologic Study with Application to Coiling and Stenting Procedures World Neurosurg 2022 Apr;160:e227-e233 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.12.114
Mansour Mathkour, Cassidy Werner, John F Berry, Grzegorz Wysiadecki, Jerzy Walocha, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Hakuba’s triangle: a cadaveric study detailing its anatomy and neurovascular contents with vascular and skull base implications Neurosurg Rev 2022 Jun;45(3):2087-2093 doi: 10.1007/s10143-021-01707-x
Isabella G McCormack, Paul E Neumann, R Shane Tubbs Torcular Herophili: A Review of the History of the Term and Synonyms World Neurosurg 2022 Mar;159:120-125 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.12.104
Kennedy Carpenter, Joe Iwanaga, Aimee Aysenne, Aaron S Dumont, C J Bui, R Shane Tubbs An anatomical model for studying cerebellar tonsillar herniation related to raised intracranial pressure Clin Anat 2023 Mar;35(2):251-255 doi: 10.1002/ca.23827
Seanna Yang, Joe Iwanaga, Łukasz Olewnik, Marko Konschake, Marios Loukas, Aaron S Dumont, Nicolás E Ottone, Jose Sañudo, R Shane Tubbs The Anterolateral Cervical Atlanto-Occipital Plexus: A Novel Finding with Application to Skull Base and Spine Surgery and Pain Disorders of the Head and Neck World Neurosurg 2022 Mar;159:e84-e90 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.12.008
Mitchell W Couldwell, Viktoriya S Grayson, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, R Shane Tubbs Top 100 most cited journal articles in anatomy Clin Anat 2022 Mar;35(2):228-237 doi: 10.1002/ca.23822
Nikhil K Murthy, Joe Iwanaga, R Shane Tubbs, Robert J Spinner Hamstring branches of the sciatic nerve as donors for neurotization of the superior gluteal nerve: A cadaveric feasibility study Clin Anat 2022 May;35(4):477-481 doi: 10.1002/ca.23823
Joe Iwanaga, Yohei Takeshita, Yuki Matsushita, Mi-Sun Hur, Soichiro Ibaragi, R Shane Tubbs What are the retromolar and bifid/trifid mandibular canals as seen on cone-beam computed tomography? Revisiting classic gross anatomy of the inferior alveolar nerve and correcting terminology Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Jan;44(1):147-156 doi: 10.1007/s00276-021-02862-y
Joe Iwanaga, Soichiro Ibaragi, Tatsuo Okui, Mi-Sun Hur, Ikuo Kageyama, R Shane Tubbs An anatomical study of the blood supply to the mylohyoid muscle: the so-called “mylohyoid branch” of the inferior alveolar artery is an arterial anastomosis Ann Anat 2022 Feb;240:151852 doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2021.151852
Casey P Spinelli, Joe Iwanaga, C J Bui, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Novel Use of Nerve Branch to Sartorius as Donor for Intrapelvic Neurotization of the Sciatic Nerve and Its Contributions World Neurosurg 2022 Feb;158:e148-e153 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.10.147
Adrian Balcerzak, Joanna Hajdys, R Shane Tubbs, Piotr Karauda, Georgi P Georgiev, Łukasz Olewnik Clinical importance of variability in the branching pattern of the internal iliac artery – An updated and comprehensive review with a new classification proposal Ann Anat 2022 Jan;239:151837 doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2021.151837
Nicol Zielinska, R Shane Tubbs, Marko Konschake, Łukasz Olewnik Unknown variant of the accessory subscapularis muscle? Anat Sci Int 2022 Jan;97(1):138-142 doi: 10.1007/s12565-021-00633-8
Skyler Jenkins, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs A comprehensive review of the “supracondylar process” with translation of Adachi Clin Anat 2022 May;35(4):434-441 doi: 10.1002/ca.23794
Mansour Mathkour, Cassidy Werner, Tyler Scullen, Vernard S Fennell, John Nerva, Peter S Amenta, Joe Iwanaga, Aaron S Dumont, C J Bui, Martin M Mortazavi, Mi-Sun Hur, R Shane Tubbs Detethering the superficial temporal artery: Application to tension free superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery bypasses Clin Anat 2022 May;35(4):428-433 doi: 10.1002/ca.23789
Joe Iwanaga, Hiroshi Fukuoka, Nobuko Fukuoka, Hirokazu Yutori, Soichiro Ibaragi, R Shane Tubbs A narrative review and clinical anatomy of herpes zoster infection following COVID-19 vaccination Clin Anat 2022 Jan;35(1):45-51 doi: 10.1002/ca.23790
Joe Iwanaga, Emre Yilmaz, Marios Loukas, Lu Xu, Aysun Uz, Jerzy A Walocha, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs An anatomical study of the pharyngeal plexus: Application to avoiding postoperative dysphagia following anterior approaches to the cervical spine Clin Anat 2022 Apr;35(3):264-268 doi: 10.1002/ca.23785
Kohga Nakai, Satoshi Terada, Ayaka Takahara, Dany Hage, R Shane Tubbs, Joe Iwanaga Anatomy education for medical students in a virtual reality workspace: A pilot study Clin Anat 2022 Jan;35(1):40-44 doi: 10.1002/ca.23783
Kara Ashby, Emre Yilmaz, Mansour Mathkour, Łukasz Olewnik, Dany Hage, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, R Shane Tubbs Ligaments stabilizing the sacrum and sacroiliac joint: a comprehensive review Neurosurg Rev 2022 Feb;45(1):357-364 doi: 10.1007/s10143-021-01625-y
Joe Iwanaga, Nicole A Boggio, C J Bui, Aaron S Dumont, R Shane Tubbs Can anatomical feasibility studies drive neurosurgical procedures and reach patients faster than traditional translational research? Neurosurg Rev 2022 Feb;45(1):891-896 doi: 10.1007/s10143-021-01626-x.
G P Georgiev, V Karabinov, Ł Olewnik, B Landzhov, R Shane Tubbs Unusual case of the saphenous plexus in the thigh and why we should have borne this variation in mind Morphologie 2022 Feb;106(352):66-69 doi: 10.1016/j.morpho.2021.01.002
Mohammad Mozafar, Hamidreza Haghighatkhah, Reza Jalili Khoshnoud, Sina Zarrintan, Nasser Rakhshani, Ehsan Parvas, Mehrdad Mozafar, R Shane Tubbs Saccular mycotic aneurysm of descending thoracic aorta secondary to vertebral hydatid disease: A rare case Vascular 2022 Feb;30(1):21-26 doi: 10.1177/1708538121994370
Maciej Kula, Łukasz Olewnik, Kacper Ruzik, Richard Shane Tubbs, Adrian Balcerzak, Nicol Zielinska Branching pattern of the internal iliac artery accompanied by a venous anastomosis: rare vascular variations Folia Morphol (Warsz) 2022 Dec 27 doi: 10.5603/FM.a2022.0111
Diana Noriego, Anna Carrera, Richard Shane Tubbs, Jorge Guibernau , Marta San Millán, Joe Iwanaga, Aïda Cateura , Jose Sañudo, Francisco Reina The lateral ulnar collateral ligament: Anatomical and structural study for clinical application in the diagnosis and treatment of elbow lateral ligament injuries Clin Anat 2022 Dec 12 doi: 10.1002/ca.23991
Adrian Andrzej Balcerzak, Kacper Ruzik, Richard Shane Tubbs, Marko Konschake, Michał Podgórski, Andrzej Borowski, Marek Drobniewski, Łukasz Olewnik How to Differentiate Pronator Syndrome from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Comprehensive Clinical Comparison Diagnostics (Basel) 2022 Oct 8;12(10):2433 doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12102433
Georgi P Georgiev, Richard Shane Tubbs, Łukasz Olewnik, Nicol Zielinska, Manasi Telang, Julian Ananiev, Iva N Dimitrova, Svetoslav A Slavchev, Yordan Yordanov, Robert F LaPrade, Kacper Ruzik, Boycho Landzhov A comparative study of the epiligament of the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments in the human knee: Immunohistochemical analysis of CD 34, α-smooth muscle actin and vascular endothelial growth factor in relation to epiligament theory Knee 2022 Dec;39:78-90 doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2022.07.013
Maite Bovaira, Carles García-Vitoria, Ana Carrera, Miguel A Reina, André P Boezaart, Richard Shane Tubbs, Marta San Millán, Francisco Reina Human lumbar sympathetic blockade: An anatomical study to address potential block failure Clin Anat 2022 Jul 23 doi: 10.1002/ca.23938
Vanessa Intriago, Miguel A Reina, André P Boezaart, Richard Shane Tubbs, Ana V Montaña, Francisco José Pérez-Rodríguez, Margarita Sanroman-Junquera Microscopy of structures surrounding typical acupoints used in clinical practice and electron microscopic evaluation of acupuncture needles Clin Anat 2022 Apr;35(3):392-403 doi: 10.1002/ca.23845
Adrian Balcerzak, Richard Shane Tubbs, Anna Waśniewska-Włodarczyk, Elżbieta Rapacka, Łukasz Olewnik Classification of the superior mesenteric artery Clin Anat 2022 May;35(4):501-511 doi: 10.1002/ca.23841
Andrzej Węgiel, Nicol Zielinska, Richard Shane Tubbs, Lukasz Olewnik Possible points of compression of the ulnar nerve: Tricks and traps that await clinicians from an anatomical point of view Clin Anat 2022 Mar;35(2):155-173 doi: 10.1002/ca.23798
Krzysztof Koptas, Nicol Zielinska, Richard Shane Tubbs, Lukasz Olewnik An unreported infraspinatus muscle variation – twoheaded infraspinatus minor muscle and threeheaded fusion with the teres minor muscle Surg Radiol Anat 2022 Sep;44(9):1305-1308 doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02999-4
Nicol Zielinska, Shane Tubbs, Michał Podgórski,7Marko Konschake Paloma Aragonés, Dariusz Grzelecki and Lukasz Olewnik Relationships among Coracobrachialis, Biceps Brachii, and Pectoralis Minor Muscles and Their Correlation with Bifurcated Coracoid Process BioMed Research International 2022 Mar 25;2022:8939359 doi: 10.1155/2022/8939359
Joe Iwanaga, R. Shane Tubbs, Hongtae Kim, Mi-Sun Hur Valves’ of the angular vein: Orbicularis oculi, depressor supercilii, and zygomaticus minor Plus One 13-Oct-22
Manasi Telang, Boycho Landzhov, Łukasz Olewnik, R. Shane Tubbs, Georgi P. Georgiev Median nerve entrapment by variant anatomical structures Eur J Anat 26 (2): 251-262 (2022)
Lauren Wahl, Rebecca Lee, Łukasz Olewnik, Joe Iwanaga, Georgi P. Georgiev, Kumar Satish Ravi, Aaron S. Dumont, R. Shane Tubbs Atavistic muscles in human anatomy: Evolutionary origins and clinical implications Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 2022 May;51(3):321-331 doi: 10.1111/ahe.12796
Joe Iwanaga, Edward C. Muo, Yoko Tabira, Koichi Watanabe, Susan J. Tubbs, Anthony V. D’Antoni, Mathangi Rajaram-Gilkes, Marios Loukas, Mohammed K. Khalil, R. Shane Tubbs Who really needs a Metaverse in anatomy education? A review with preliminary survey results Clinical Anatomy Volume 36, Issue 1 p. 77-82 doi: 10.1002/ca.23949.
W Marcinkowska, M Malicki, P Karauda, R S Tubbs, N Zielinska, L Olewnik Clinical significance of morphological variations of the inferior phrenic arteries Folia Morphol (Warsz) doi: 10.5603/FM.a2022.0061 DOI: 10.5603/FM.a2022.0061
Julia Walkowska, Nicol Zielinska, Piotr Karauda, R. Shane Tubbs, Konrad Kurtys and Lukasz Olewnik The Pancreas and Known Factors of Acute Pancreatitis J. Clin. Med 2022, 11(19), 5565
Gilad A. Hampel, Emre Yilmaz, Chrissie Massrey, William Clifton, Joe Iwanaga, Marios Loukas, R. Shane Tubbs History of Bone Grafts in Spine Surgery Cureus (May 01, 2022) DOI: 10.7759/cureus.24655
Maira du Plessis, Marios Loukas A comprehensive study of the abdominal ganglia part 3: An overview of the most commonly observed ganglion patterns Clin Anat 2022 Oct;35(7):1014-1024 doi: 10.1002/ca.23940
Maira du Plessis, Anthony V D’Antoni, Marios Loukas A comprehensive study of the abdominal ganglia part 2: Aorticorenal ganglia Clin Anat 2022 Oct;35(7):1007-1013 doi: 10.1002/ca.23937
Maira du Plessis, Marios Loukas A comprehensive study of the abdominal ganglia part 1: Celiac, phrenic and superior mesenteric ganglia Clin Anat 2022 Oct;35(7):998-1006 doi: 10.1002/ca.23894
Pius E Ojemolon, Rebecca E Enejo, Endurance O Evbayekha, Livio U Ituah, Hafeez Shaka More Than Meets the Eye: Isolated Bilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy as the Initial Presentation of Multiple Sclerosis Cureus 2022 Jul 23;14(7):e27176 doi: 10.7759/cureus.27176
Fisayo Kayode-Ajala, Neil Williams, Chidinma Ejikeme, Ali Walji, William Farrer A Case of Adult Clival Osteomyelitis “J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep
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Sabyasachi Maity, Raman Abbaspour, David Nahabedian, Steven A Connor Norepinephrine, beyond the Synapse: Coordinating Epigenetic Codes for Memory Int J Mol Sci 2022 Aug 31;23(17):9916. doi: 10.3390/ijms23179916
Mary Maj, Christie L Taylor, Kevin Landau, Helga V Toriello, Dong Li, Elizabeth J Bhoj, Hakon Hakonarson, Beverly Nelson, Sarah Gluschitz, Ruth H Walker, Andrew K Sobering A novel SYNJ1 homozygous variant causing developmental and epileptic encephalopathy in an Afro-Caribbean individual Mol Genet Genomic Med 2022 Sep 23;e2064 doi: 10.1002/mgg3.2064
Giavanna Verdi, Dong Li, Sarah H Elsea, Beverly Nelson, Elizabeth J Bhoj, Hakon Hakonarson, Katherine R Yearwood, Sharmila Upadhya, Sarah Gluschitz, Janice L Smith, Andrew K Sobering A novel unbalanced translocation between chromosomes 5p and 18q leading to dysmorphology and global developmental delay Mol Genet Genomic Med 2022 Apr;10(4):e1900 doi: 10.1002/mgg3.1900
Bukunmi Michael Idowu, Babalola Ishmael Afolabi, Stephen Olaoluwa Onigbinde, Oghenetejiri Denise Ogholoh, Nkem Nnenna Nwafor Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Ankle Disorders in Adult Nigerians in Lagos J West Afr Coll Surg 2022 Apr-Jun;12(2):81-87 doi: 10.4103/jwas.jwas_134_22
Bukunmi Michael Idowu, Stephen Olaoluwa Onigbinde, Allen Li Chen, Jordan B Hughes 3, Oluwaseun Olaniyi Awe5, Joseph Adetola Adedigba Relationship Between the Computed Tomographic Volumetry of the Eyeballs and Lacrimal Glands in a Nigerian Population J West Afr Coll Surg 2022 Jan-Mar;12(1):34-40 doi: 10.4103/jwas.jwas_66_22
Ahmed Siddig, Mohamed Elhassan, Mazin M Ali, Abduraheem Farah, Mohammed Elkhalifa, Emeirii H Elawad, Israa Hassan, Omnia Haboura, Mutaz F Digna, Hussam Mohamedalhadi Alamin Alkhalifamohamed Non-prescription pharmacy syringes sales to people who inject drugs (PWID) in Khartoum, Sudan: policy, practice, and perceptions Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2022 May 4;48(3):328-333 doi: 10.1080/00952990.2021.2024559
Nikhilesh Anand, Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla, and Saravana Babu Chidambaram The Role of Gut Dysbiosis in the Pathophysiology of Neuropsychiatric Disorders Cells 23-Dec-22
Peter Alexander, Shakthi Visagan, Sara Jawhar, Amogh Kare, Noor Issa, Reem Issa, Abbas Jawhar, Sneha Thomas, and Vasavi Gorantla Antiplatelets and Vascular Dementia: A Systematic Review Journal of Aging Research Volume 2022, Article ID 9780067, 20 pages
Shawn Ziff, Benjamin Stern, Gregory Lewis, Maliha Majeed, Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla Analysis of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy in Medicine: A Narrative Review Cureus February 05, 2022 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.21944
Venkata Sathya Burle, Amelia Panjwani, Kesava Mandalaneni, Sunitha Kollu, Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla Vertebral Artery Stenosis: A Narrative Review Cureus August 16, 2022 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.28068
Manjunath Kalyan, Ahmed Hediyal Tousif, Sharma Sonali, Chandrasekaran Vichitra, Tuladhar Sunanda, Sankar Simla Praveenraj, Bipul Ray, Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla, Wiramon Rungratanawanich, Arehally M. Mahalakshmi, M. Walid Qoronfleh, Tanya M. Monaghan, Byoung-Joon Song, Musthafa Mohamed Essa and Saravana Babu Chidambaram Role of Endogenous Lipopolysaccharides in Neurological Disorders Cells 14-Dec-22
Arjun Patel, Catherine A. Olang, Gregory Lewis, Kesava Mandalaneni, Nikhilesh Anand, Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla An Overview of Parkinson’s Disease: Curcumin as a Possible Alternative Treatment Cureus May 15, 2022 doi:10.7759/cureus.25032
Mohamed A. Ahmed, Divya Parwani, Anmol Mahawar, Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla Subclavian Artery Calcification: A Narrative Review Cureus 19-Mar-22 doi:10.7759/cureus.23312
Rhea Raj, Akil Paturi, Mohamed A. Ahmed, Sneha E. Thomas, Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla Obstructive Sleep Apnea as a Risk Factor for Venous Thromboembolism: A Systematic Review Cureus 28-Feb-22 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.22729
Andrea Porzionato 1, Veronica Macchi 1, Carla Stecco 1, Rafael Boscolo-Berto 1, Marios Loukas 2, Ronald Shane Tubbs 2 3, Raffaele De Caro Clinical Anatomy and Medical Malpractice-A Narrative Review with Methodological Implications Healthcare (Basel) 2022 Sep 30;10(10):1915. DOI: 10.3390/healthcare10101915
Wojciech Przybycień 1, Michał Bonczar 1, Patryk Ostrowski 1, Mateusz Koziej 1, Ewa Mizia 1, Grzegorz Wysiadecki 2, Marios Loukas 3, Jerzy Walocha 1 The deep brachial artery-A meta-analysis of its origin and diameter with a review of the literature Clin Anat 2022 Oct;35(7):838-846. DOI: 10.1002/ca.23853
Keaton Ott 1, Joe Iwanaga 2, Aaron S Dumont 2, Marios Loukas 3, R Shane Tubbs 2 4 Postprandial Referred Shoulder Pain: A Case Report Cureus 2022 May 31;14(5):e25535. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.25535
Przemysław A Pękala 1 2 3, Małgorzata Jasińska 4, Dominik Taterra 1 2 3, Katelyn M Skoczen 1 2, Agata Jarosz 5, Tomasz Konopka 6, Marios Loukas 7, Jerzy A Walocha 1 2, Krzysztof A Tomaszewski 1 2 3, Grzegorz Lis 4 Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism influence on lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration Clin Anat 2022 Sep;35(6):738-744. DOI: 10.1002/ca.23877
YuAn Fang 1, Łukasz Olewnik 2, Joe Iwanaga 3, Marios Loukas 4, Aaron S Dumont 5, R Shane Tubbs 6 Variations and Classification of Bony Septations of the Jugular Foramen: An Anatomic and Histologic Study With Application to Imaging and Surgery of the Skull Base World Neurosurg 2022 Jul;163:e464-e470. DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.04.010
Connor Thimjon 1, Łukasz Olewnik 2, Joe Iwanaga 3 4, Marios Loukas 1, Aaron S Dumont 5, Amgad Hanna 6, R Shane Tubbs 5 7 8 9 10 C6 and not C5 nerve fibers more commonly contribute most to deltoid muscle innervation: anatomical study with application to better diagnosing cervical nerve injuries Neurosurg Rev 2022 Jun;45(3):2401-2406 DOI: 10.1007/s10143-022-01761-z
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- Priya, S. K. Ghosh, J. A. Walocha, A. Pasternak, J. Iwanaga, M. Loukas Variations in extra-hepatic biliary tree morphology and morphometry: a narrative review of literature with focus on cystohepatic triangle 7/28/2022 DOI: 10.5603/FM.a2022.0069
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Biochemistry (1)
Ashley M Vanasse, Tracey Weiler, Elizabeth A Roth, Sharmila Upadhya, Helga V Toriello, Ariel J VanLeuven, John R Norris, John C Carey, Andrew K Sobering Teaching perspectives on the communication of difficult news of genetic conditions to medical students Am J Med Genet A 2023 Jan;191(1):299-305; Epub 2022 Oct 26 doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.63003
Clinical Skills (1)
Onyinye Sylvia Ugoala, Okorie Kalu Kalu, Atendi Blessing Akande, Ugochukwu Jerome Ebubechukwu, Precious Uhunamure, Evelyn Ogedegbe A Rare Case of Eisenmenger Syndrome in a Young Nigerian Male with an Undiagnosed Atrial Septal Defect 2022 Annals of Clinical Cardiology 2022 10.4103/ACCJ.ACCJ_8_22
Microbiology, Immunology & Pharmacology (6)
Ziyaana Kabani, Maria E Ramos-Nino, Prakash V A K Ramdass Endometriosis and COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Int J Mol Sci 2022 Oct 26;23(21):12951. DOI: 10.3390/ijms232112951
Maria E Ramos-Nino, Charles D MacLean, Benjamin Littenberg Association between the prevalence of obstructive lung disease and the use of aspirin in a diabetic population Interv Pulmonol (Middlet) 2022;1(1):5-10.
Sanamveer S Dhillon, Nimrit K Toor, Maria E Ramos-Nino, Prakash V A K Ramdass Mepolizumab as a Potential Protective Factor of COVID-19 Mortality: A Case Report of Chronic Bronchitis and Asthma in an Elderly Patient Am J Case Rep 2022 Dec 13;23:e938450. DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.938450
Maria E. Ramos-Nino, Gregory Anash, Daniel M. Fitzpatrick, Julie A. Dragon and Sonia Cheetham Antiviral RNAi Mechanisms to Arboviruses in Mosquitoes: microRNA Profile of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus from Grenada, West Indies Appl. Microbiol. 2022, 2(2), 381-396;
Eman Soliman, Sophia Bhalla, Ahmed E. M. Elhassanny, Anagha Malur, David Ogburn, Nancy Leffler, Achut G. Malur and Mary Jane Thomassen Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Cells of Murine Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Induced Granuloma Model Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(1), 47;
Connor E Fewel, Joshua R Weiss, Jane C Harrington Case report: chronic acalculous cholecystitis preceded by Coxsackievirus B4 infection J Surg Case Rep 2022 Mar 15;2022(3):rjac074. DOI: 10.1093/jscr/rjac074
Pathology (1)
Aishwarya Singh, Rohit Mishra, Rajesh Ranjan Gastrointestinal Lesions and Its Associated Factors in Adult Males With Iron Deficiency Anaemia: A Cross-Sectional Study From Tertiary Care Centre of North India Cureus 2022 Jul 15;14(7):e26905. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.26905
Physiology, Neuroscience & Behavioral Sciences (13)
Eeshika Chatterjee, talha Khan, Laura S Renzi, Earlan J Charles, Kesava Mandalaneni A Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Scientific Literature From the English-Speaking Caribbean Cureus 2022 Nov 1;14(11):e30958 10.7759/cureus.30958
Venkata Sathya Burle, Amelia Panjwani, Kesava Mandalaneni, Sunitha Kollu, Vasavi Rakesh Gorantla Vertebral Artery Stenosis: A Narrative Review Cureus 16-Aug-22 10.7759/cureus.28068
Gabrielle Walcott-Bedeau A Pilot Study to Determine if Playing Music Before Class Enhanced the “Zoom” Online Learning Environment in a Preclinical Science Course Med Sci Educ 2022 Jul 29;32(5):947-952 10.1007/s40670-022-01596-9
Sabyasachi Maity, Jadzia Wray, Tamara Coffin, Reetuparna Nath, Shreya Nauhria, Ramsagar Sah, Randall Waechter, Prakash Ramdass, Samal Nauhria Academic and Social Impact of Menstrual Disturbances in Female Medical Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Feb 15;9:821908 10.3389/fmed.2022.821908.
Randall Waechter, Kemi S Burgen, Bianca Punch, Roberta Evans, Karen Blackmon, Ytrevor Noel, Michelle Fernandes, Barbara Landon Improving neurodevelopment in Zika-exposed children: A randomized controlled trial PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2022 Mar 8;16(3):e0010263. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0010263.
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Randall Waechter, Roberta Evans, Sean Hanna, Toni Murray, Cassandra Mobley, Stephanie Holmes, Rashida Isaac, Rebeca Wolfe, Elbernezer Andrew, Barbara Landon, Michelle Fernanades Adaptation of the INTERGROWTH-21st neurodevelopment assessment (INTER-NDA) to the context of the English-speaking Caribbean BMC Pediatr 2022 Jan 4;22(1):21. 10.1186/s12887-021-03039-7.
Randall Waetcher RE: Mitigating medical student stress and anxiety: Should schools mandate participation in wellness intervention programs? Med Teach 2022 Sep;44(9):1064-1065 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1993580
Barbara Landon, Randall, Waetcher IV. Rescuing child development: from science to interventions BMJ Journals Mar-22 10.1136/archdischild-2022-ichgc.8
Randall Waetcher, Cassamdra Gallant, Kristen DeWilde, Gabrielle Arens, Taylor Brady, Jamin Custodio, Yusuke Wakita, Barbara Landon, Yvonne Boateng, Nadeem Parthab, Anjali Bhagat Prevention of Mental Illness within Public Health: An Analysis of Progress and a Pathway Forward SSRN 26 PagesPosted: 2 Nov 2022
Alhadi Khogali, Almegdad Ahmed, Mona Ibrahim, Karrar Karrar, Mohamed Elsheikh, Elfatih Abdelraheem, Lucie Cluver, Elsiddig Elmukashfi Building power-ful health systems: the impacts of electrification on health outcomes in LMICs Psychol Health Med 2022 Jan-Dec;27(sup1):124-137 10.1080/13548506.2022.2109049.
Sophie Moittie, Rachel Jarvis, Stephan Bandelow, Sarah Byrne, Phillipa Dobbs, Melissa Grant, Christopher Reeves, Kate White, Matyas Liptovszky, Kerstin Baiker Vitamin D status in chimpanzees in human care: a Europe wide study Sci Rep 2022 Oct 21;12(1):17625 10.1038/s41598-022-21211-6.
Simrandeep Kaur, Karamjit S Girll, Mridu Manjari, Surinder Kumar, Shreya Nauhria, Reetuparna Nath, Chandni Patel, Kamal Hamdan, Yujin Jeong, Narendra P Nayak, Sabyaschi Maity, Rob Hilgers, Samal Nauhria Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) Expression in Colorectal Carcinoma: A Potential Area of Focus for Future Diagnostics Cureus 3-Mar-22 10.7759/cureus.22811
Public Health & Preventive Medicine (13)
Darren Dookeeram, Satesh Bidaisee, Caitlyn Hatcher, Nicole Nguyen, Sandeep Maharaj Assessment of Risk Factors, Prehospital Measures and Clinical Needs of Patients Admitted With Snake Envenomation at a Rural Hospital in Trinidad and Tobago Cureus 2022 Sep 26;14(9):e29616 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.29616
Regan Schwar, Satesh Bidaisee, Paul J.Fields, Maxine L.A.Macpherson, Calum N.L. Macpherson The epidemiology and control of Toxocara canis in puppies Parasite Epidemiology and Control Volume 16, February 2022, e00232
Troyer, Hannah L; Bidaisee, Satesh. The impact of COVID-19 on the aviation industry: A literature review International Public Health Journal; Hauppauge Vol. 14, Iss. 1, (2022): 13-21.
Maxine L.A. Macpherson , Rhonda Pinckney, Wayne Sylvester, Satesh Bidaisee, Calum N.L. Macpherson Man’s best friend and our shared infectious diseases CABI Reviews 2022
Collins, Njoku, MD MPH MSc; Krutee, Laad, MD; Satesh Bidaisee, DVM MSPH EdD CPH FRSPH. Food pantry-based intervention may help improve diabetes self-management in low socioeconomic status individuals: A narrative review International Public Health Journal; Hauppauge Vol. 14, Iss. 1, (2022): 3-12.
Gill, Nisha DS, BS; Bidaisee, Satesh, DVM MSPH EdD; Coffin, Tamara, MPH. The effect of growth promoters in livestock on pubertal onset age in girls International Public Health Journal; Hauppauge Vol. 14, Iss. 1, (2022): 23-30.
Martin S Forde , Suzanne Côté , Elhadji A Laouan Sidi , Éric Gaudreau , Pierre Ayotte Evaluation of Bisphenol A in Pregnant Women from 10 Caribbean Countries Toxics 2022 Sep 22;10(10):556. DOI: 10.3390/toxics10100556
Nicholas Dirienzo , Kerry Mitchell, Martin Forde , Daniel Rainham 3, Paul J Villeneuve Temporal trends in ambient fine particulate matter and the impacts of COVID-19 on this pollutant in Grenada, West Indies J Air Waste Manag Assoc 2022 Dec 8;1-12. DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2022.2126555
Mentor Ali Ber Lucien , Martin S Forde, Marc R Isabel , Maurice Boissinot , Sandra Isabel Infectious diseases genomic surveillance capacity in the Caribbean: A retrospective analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Lancet Reg Health Am 2023 Feb;18:100411. DOI: 10.1016/j.lana.2022.100411
Ibraheem O Alimi , Arielle Archibald, Odera Nwankwo , Deepak Palanichami , Tolulope Oladimeji, Emmanuel Keku Increasing the Awareness of Stroke Among Canadian Women Cureus 2022 Mar 14;14(3):e23159. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.23159
Luke Beesley, Lukas Trakal, Rupert Hough, Kerry Mitchell Mobility and crop uptake of Zn in a legacy sludge-enriched agricultural soil amended with biochar or compost: insights from a pot and recirculating column leaching test Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2022 Nov;29(55):83545-83553. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-21744-3
Roberto Macías 1ORCID,Magdalena Samanta Ramos 1,Alma Lilian Guerrero 1,María Guadalupe Farfán 1,Kerry Mitchell 2ORCID andFrancisco Javier Avelar 1,*ORCID Contamination Assessment and Chemical Speciation of Lead in Soils and Sediments: A Case Study in Aguascalientes, México Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(17), 8592
Michelle Y Nabi 1, Samal Nauhria 2, Morgan Reel 1, Simon Londono 1, Anisha Vasireddi 1, Mina Elmiry 1, Prakash V A K Ramdass 1 Endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analyses Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Jul 25;9:914356. DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2022.914356
SOM Clinical Faculty Publications 2022
Emergency Medicine (36)
Noa Biran, Binod Dhakal, Suzanne Lentzsch, David Siegel, Saad Z. Usmani, Adriana Rossi, Cara Rosenbaum, Divaya Bhutani, David H. Vesole, Cesar Rodriguez, Ajay K. Nooka, Frits van Rhee, Lisette Stork-Sloots, Femke de Snoo, Pritish K. Bhattacharyya, Durga Prasad Dash, Sena Zümrütçü, Martin H. van Vliet, Parameswaran Hari, Ruben Niesvizky Gene expression profiling impacts treatment decision making in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients in the prospective PROMMIS trial eJHaem 2021 May 11;2(3):375-384
Saul Grullon 1, Samuel Bechmann 2 Mastodynia StatPearls [Internet] 2022 Jan. 2022 Jun 11.
Paula R. Patel 1, Samuel Bechmann 2 Discharge Planning StatPearls [Internet] 2022 Jan. 2022 Apr 5.
Paula R. Patel 1, Samuel Bechmann 2 Elevated Hemidiaphragm StatPearls [Internet] 2022 Jan. 2022 Aug 1.
Tatyana Feldman, Maher Albitar, Hong Cheng, Kar Chow, Alessandra Petrillo, Ahmetmursel Ulusan, Andrew Ip, Alexandra Della Pia, Gabriella Magarelli, Brittany Lukasik, Lori Leslie, Pritish K. Bhattacharyya, Andrew L. Pecora, Andre H. Goy Dose-Intense Frontline Chemotherapy Changes Molecular Classifier Prognostication in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma(DLBCL) Blood November 15 2022
Michael M Neeki 1, Jan Serrano 2, Fanglong Dong 1, Mason H Chan 3, Danny Fernandez 1, Arianna S Neeki 1, Richard Vara 4, David T Wong 4, Rodney Borger 1, Louis Tran 1 Variation in Trauma Team Response Fees in United States Trauma Centers: An Additional Undisclosed Variable Cost in Trauma Care Cureus 2022 Jan 31;14(1):e21776 10.7759/cureus.21776
Hochman SM, Catapano A, Shawl A, Somwaru B Emergency department management of acute asthma exacerbations. Emerg Med Pract 2022 Feb 1;24(2):1-32
Paez Perez, Yenisleidy DO1; Rimm, Sarah MD2; Bove, Joseph DO3; Hochman, Steven MD4; Liu, Tianci MD5; Catapano, Anthony DO6; Shroff, Ninad MD7; Lim, Jessica DO8; Rimm, Brian9 “Does the Electrocardiogram Machine Interpretation Affect the Ability to Accurately Diagnose ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction by Emergency Physicians?” Critical Pathways in Cardiology 30-Dec-22 10.1097/HPC.0000000000000310
Deepak Chandwani; Matthew Varacallo. Exertional Compartment Syndrome StatPearls [Internet] September 4, 2022.
Edward T Ha 1, Brandon Ng 2, Abeer Afshaq 1, Eitan Fleischman 1, Batool Hosain 1, Roohi Sharma 1, Theodore J Gaeta 1, Manish Parikh 1 3, Stephen J Peterson 1 3, Wilbert S Aronow 4 5 Clinical variables for predicting type-1 and type-2 non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction in those presenting with ischemic symptoms Arch Med Sci Atheroscler Dis 2022 Jul 8;7:e42-e48. 10.5114/amsad/149921
Lewis S.NelsonMD((Chair))YvetteCalderonMD(Vice Chair)Felix K.AnkelMDJ. DavidBarryMDMichael S.BeesonMDCarl R.ChudnofskyMDKim M.FeldhausMDMarianneGausche-HillMDTheodore J.GaetaDODiane L.GorgasMDDeepi G.GoyalMDSamuel M.KeimMDFrom theResearch Committee, American Board of Emergency MedicineLaura A.Clark-RoumpzRobert G.PuroskyMary M.JohnstonPhD American Board of Emergency Medicine Report on Residency and Fellowship Training Information (2021-2022) Annals of Emergency Medicine 2022 Jul;80(1):74-83.e8 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2022.05.014.
David Salo,Patrick Hinfey, Devansh Pandey ,Renae Bernard ,Randy Gill , Frederick Fiesseler A Prospective Study Regarding the Need for Repeat Potassium Testing in ED Patients with Hemolysis-Associated Pseudo-Hyperkalemia EJMED Vol. 4 No. 1 Jan 27, 2022
Ilya Aleksandrovskiy, Nicholas D. Caputo, Karlene Hosford & Muhammad Waseem Incision and Drainage of Abscess Atlas of Emergency Medicine Procedures 16-Jul-22
Oliver Michael Berrett, Jeffrey Joseph Harroch, Karlene Hosford, Muhammad Waseem & Nicholas Fusco Wound Closure Atlas of Emergency Medicine Procedures 16-Jul-22
Jaan Hasan; Mark Hug Pasteurella Multocida StatPearls [Internet] “2022 Jan.
2022 May 23.”
Andrea Green 1, Mark Hug 2 Simulation Training and Skill Assessment in EMS StatPearls [Internet] “2022 Jan.
2022 May 8.”
Frederick A Waldron, Irina Benenson, Patrick Hinfey, Shreni Zinzuwadia, Shelley Jones-Dillon and Jochena Dort Abstract P322: 2-year Morbidity And Mortality Due To Hypertensive Crisis In A Predominantly African American Population Hypertension 2022;79:AP322
Sarah Kappus; Orinthia King. Mediastinitis StatPearls [Internet] “2022 Jan.
2022 May 30”
Casey Clark, David Ledrick 1, Aaron Moore 2 Facial Burns StatPearls [Internet] “2022 Jan.
2022 July 10”
Michael M Neeki 1, Jan Serrano 2, Fanglong Dong 1, Mason H Chan 3, Danny Fernandez 1, Arianna S Neeki 1, Richard Vara 4, David T Wong 4, Rodney Borger 1, Louis Tran 1 Variation in Trauma Team Response Fees in United States Trauma Centers: An Additional Undisclosed Variable Cost in Trauma Care Cureus 2022 Jan 31;14(1):e21776 10.7759/cureus.21776.
Kia Nikoomanesh 1 2, Alexander T Phan 2 3, Julian Choi 1 2, Sarkis Arabian 1 2, Michael M Neeki 2 4 Dantrolene Administration in the Management of the Prehospital Patient with Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Overdose: A Case Series and Literature Review Case Rep Crit Care 2022 Aug 27;2022:5346792 10.1155/2022/5346792.
Cuong D. Tran • Christina Cheung • Benjamin Archambeau • Fanglong Dong • Michael M. Neeki Pediatric Intussusception Following COVID-19 Infection: A Rare Presentation Cureus 2022 Mar 25;14(3):e23488 10.7759/cureus.23488
Nicholas George, Gabriel Consunji, Jordan Storkersen, Fanglong Dong, Benjamin Archambeau, Richard Vara, Jan Serrano, Reza Hajjafar, Louis Tran & Michael M. Neeki Comparison of emergency airway management techniques in the performance of emergent Cricothyrotomy International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2022 May 30;15(1):24. 10.1186/s12245-022-00427-3
Samir Johna • Nina Bowman • Olivia Mac • Fanglong Dong • David T. Wong • Michael M. Neeki The Role of the Urinary Bladder in the Diagnosis of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome: A Prospective Study in Trauma Patients Cureus 2022 Apr 18;14(4):e24238 10.7759/cureus.24238
Alexandra Nguyena, d, Catherine Trana, Aldin Malkoca, Vivian Davisa, b, Michael M. Neekia, b, c Development of Early Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Leading to Emergent Decompressive Laparotomy in Full-Thickness Burn Injury Journal of Medical Cases 2022;13(9):438-442
Yasmyne Ronquillo 1, Kenneth J. Robinson 2, Patricia P. Nouhan 3 Expert Witness StatPearls [Internet] 2022 Jun 27
Beau Abar 1, Chanjun Syd Park 1, Preeti Dalawari 2, Howard Klausner 3, Chinwe Ogedegbe 4, Steven Valassis 5, Haran Koneswaran 5, David Adler 1, Keith Bradley 6 Intervention during wait time: identification and referral of individuals non-adherent for colorectal cancer screening Emergency Cancer Care 2022;1(1):12. 10.1186/s44201-022-00012-7
Lakshmi Rekha Narra,a Ndausung Udongwo,a,f Jerry Lorren Dominic,b Shriya Doreswamy,c Anam Bhasir,d Islam Elkherpitawy,a and Chinwe Ogedegbee Obesity and the Other Independent Predictors in Elective Endotracheal Tube Intubations: A Narrative Review J Clin Med Res 2022 May;14(5):177-187 10.14740/jocmr4727
Martinus Megalla • Chinwe Ogedegbe • Angeline M. Sanders • Nicole Cox • Thomas DiSanto • Haley Johnson • Michael Kelly • John D. Koerner Factors Associated With Repeat Emergency Department Visits for Low Back Pain Curues 2022 Feb 4;14(2):e21906 10.7759/cureus.21906
Megan Winters DO, Bryan EzemaMS III, Chinwe Ogedegbe MD, George Stoupakis MD A Pressing Matter: Compressive Postoperative Hematoma Causing Acute Diastolic Heart Failure The Journal of Emergency Medicine December 2022, Pages 781-786
Alexandra D. Haluska, MD Austin Davis Noor Tarabishy, MD Margarita E. Pena, MD USE OF NALOXONE IN ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITOR OVERDOSE: A CASE REPORT Journal of Emergency Medicine 25-Dec-22
Paez Perez, Yenisleidy DO1; Rimm, Sarah MD2; Bove, Joseph DO3; Hochman, Steven MD4; Liu, Tianci MD5; Catapano, Anthony DO6; Shroff, Ninad MD7; Lim, Jessica DO8; Rimm, Brian9 “Does the Electrocardiogram Machine Interpretation Affect the Ability to Accurately Diagnose ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction by Emergency Physicians?” Critical Pathways in Cardiology December 30, 2022. 10.1097/HPC.0000000000000310
Ninad M. Desai 1, Alexander Tsukerman 2 Vaginal Delivery StatPearls [Internet] “2022 Jan.
2022 July 25”
Mollie V. Williams, MD, MPH and Olaitan Ajisafe, MD, PharmD How Should Exposure Risk to Tactical Personnel Be Balanced Against Clinical and Ethical Rescue Demand? AMA Journal Ethics 2022 Feb 1;24(2):E140-144 10.1001/amajethics.2022.140.
Ho-Wang Yuen 1, Wenxia Becker 2 Iron Toxicity StatPearls [Internet] “2022 Jan.
2022 July 27”
Ho-Wang Yuen 1, Marc H. Hohman 2, Thomas Mazzoni 3 Mandible Fracture StatPearls [Internet] “2022 Jan.
2022 September 25”
Family Medicine & General Practice (18)
Nazik Al-Hashimi 1, Sherly Abraham 2 Cholecalciferol StatPearls [Internet] 2022 Jan/2022 Aug 1
Sherly Abraham 1, Shama Patel Monoarticular Arthritis StatPearls [Internet] 2022 Jan/2022 Aug 8
Sungyub Lew 1, Jacqueline Lau JD, MD 2, Nada Al-Hashimi 2 Descending Maculopapular Rash in a Child Am Fam Physician 2022 Jul;106(1):83-84
Daniel Cruz 1, Matthew Lichten 2, Kevin Berg 1, Preethi George 1 Developmental trauma: Conceptual framework, associated risks and comorbidities, and evaluation and treatment Front Psychiatry 2022 Jul 22;13:800687 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.800687
Richard K Williams 1, John Raimondo 2, David Cahn 3, Aldon Williams 4, Daniel Schell 5 Whole-organ transdermal photobiomodulation (PBM) of COVID-19: A 50-patient case study J Biophotonics 2022 Feb;15(2):e202100194 10.1002/jbio.202100194
Richard K Williams 1, John Raimondo 2, David Cahn 3, Aldon Williams 4, Daniel Schell 5 Clarification: Whole-organ transdermal photobiomodulation (PBM) of COVID-19: A 50-patient case study J Biophotonics 2022 Mar;15(3):e202190015 10.1002/jbio.202190015
Daniel Cruz 1, Matthew Lichten 2, Kevin Berg 1, Preethi George 1 Developmental trauma: Conceptual framework, associated risks and comorbidities, and evaluation and treatment Front Psychiatry 2022 Jul 22;13:800687 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.800687
Elena S Hill 1, Doug Reich 2, Eniola Ayeni 2 From ‘pain management’ to ‘integrated health clinic’: a quality improvement project to transition patients on chronic opioid therapy to more evidence-based therapies for chronic pain BMJ Open Qual 2022 Sep;11(3):e001852 10.1136/bmjoq-2022-001852
Veena Panthangi 1, Patricia West, Ruth T Savoy-Moore, Manjeet Geeta, Eileen Reickert Is seasonal variation another risk factor for postpartum depression? J Am Board Fam Med 2009 Sep-Oct;22(5):492-7. 10.3122/jabfm.2009.05.080066.
Rachel D Havyer 1, Nauzley Abedini 2, Robert L Jayes 3, Brenda Matti-Orozco 4, Daniel H Pomerantz 5, Aziz A Ansari 6 Palliative care: An update for internists Cleve Clin J Med 2022 May 2;89(5):262-268. 10.3949/ccjm.89a.21075
Olamide Oyenubi, Omolegho Momoh, Priscila Hirst, Patrick Benjamin, Daniel Pomerantz, Marvyn Allen G Chan, Stephen Jesmajian Abstract 15623: Arrhythmia Burden and Associated Outcomes Among Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndromes Circulation 30-Oct-22
Dotun Ogunyemi 1 2, Ali Ghassan Darwish 3, Gregory Young 3, Erica Cyr 3, Carol Lee 3, Sarkis Arabian 3 4, Kedar Challakere 3 4, Tommy Lee 3 4, Shirley Wong 3 4, Niren Raval 3 4 Graduate medical education-led continuous assessment of burnout and learning environments to improve residents’ wellbeing BMC Med Educ 2022 Apr 18;22(1):292. 10.1186/s12909-022-03366-y.
Maria Mercedes Ferreira Caceres 1, Juan Pablo Sosa 1, Jannel A Lawrence 1, Cristina Sestacovschi 1, Atiyah Tidd-Johnson 1 2, Muhammad Haseeb Ui Rasool 1, Vinay Kumar Gadamidi 1, Saleha Ozair 1, Krunal Pandav 1, Claudia Cuevas-Lou 3, Matthew Parrish 3, Ivan Rodriguez 1 4, Javier Perez Fernandez 1 5 The impact of misinformation on the COVID-19 pandemic AIMS Public Health 2022 Jan 12;9(2):262-277 10.3934/publichealth.2022018.
Prakriti Singh Shrestha 1 2, Angela Ishak 1, Arun R Napit 3, Sarosh Sarwar 4, Niraj Rai 5, Zoha Nizami 1, Niharika Bheemisetty 1, Prashanth Jayaraj 6, Amardeep Shrestha 2, Ivan D Rodriguez 6 Portal vein thrombosis as a thrombotic complication of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: A case report and literature review IDCases 2022;29:e01582 10.1016/j.idcr.2022.e01582
Maryam Bayat Mokhtari 1, Moein Bayat Mokhtari 2, Blanca Z Rodriguez 3, Ting Yu Yen 1, Ivan D Rodriguez 1 Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion Following Ayahuasca Use in a Satanic Ritual: A Case Report Cureus 2022 Apr 20;14(4):e24310. 10.7759/cureus.24310.
Maryam Bayat Mokhtari 1, Vanessa Samaniego 1, Moein Bayat Mokhtari 2, Angela Ishak 3, Arvin Esgandanian 1 Relationship of prior COVID-19 infection and side effects of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine: Results from a community hospital J Med Virol 2-Dec-22
Robin O Winter 1 When the Unthinkable Happens Fam Med 2022 Nov;54(10):839 10.22454/FamMed.2022.487609
Hong, Joseph; Koshy, Tony T.; Diaz, Bianca; Alanazi, Mohammed; Chirumamilla, Sirisha; Sharma, Richa; Lerman, Ben; Tiburcio, Jose; Reich, Douglas Presentation of Acute Transverse Myelitis Leading to Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Family Doctor: A Journal of the New York State Academy of Family Physicians Spring2022; 10(4): 40-41. (2p)
Obstetrics & Gyneocolgy (11)
Sylvie Lagodka 1, Samantha Petrucci 2, Michael L Moretti 3, Michael Cabbad 1, Nisha A Lakhi Fetal and maternal inflammatory response in the setting of maternal intrapartum fever with and without clinical and histologic chorioamnionitis Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2022 Mar;4(2):100539 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2021.100539
Neil F Moran 1, David G Bishop 2, Susan Fawcus 3, Edward Morris 4, Haleema Shakur-Still 5, Adam J Devall 6, Ioannis D Gallos 7, Mariana Widmer 7, Olufemi T Oladapo 7, Arri Coomarasamy 8, G Justus Hofmeyr 9 Tranexamic acid at cesarean delivery: drug-error deaths Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2022 Dec;279:195-198 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2022.09.016
Michael S Bloom 1, Sarah Commodore 2, Pamela L Ferguson 3, Brian Neelon 3, John L Pearce 3, Anna Baumer 4, Roger B Newman 5, William Grobman 6, Alan Tita 7, James Roberts 8, Daniel Skupski 9, Kristy Palomares 10, Michael Nageotte 11, Kurunthachalam Kannan 12, Cuilin Zhang 13, Ronald Wapner 14, John E Vena 3, Kelly J Hunt 3 Association between gestational PFAS exposure and Children’s adiposity in a diverse population Environ Res 2022 Jan;203:111820 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111820
Kelly J Hunt 1, Pamela L Ferguson 1, Brian Neelon 1, Sarah Commodore 2, Michael S Bloom 3, Anthony C Sciscione 4, William A Grobman 5, Michelle A Kominiarek 5, Roger B Newman 6, Alan T Tita 7, Michael P Nageotte 8, Kristy Palomares 9, Daniel W Skupski 10, Cuilin Zhang 11 12, Stefanie Hinkle 13, Ronald Wapner 14, John E Vena 1; ECHO-FGS Study Group The association between maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain and child adiposity: A racial-ethnically diverse cohort of children Pediatr Obes 2022 Aug;17(8):e12911 10.1111/ijpo.12911
adan S Mehraban 1, Joanna C Pessolano 2, Jane M Ponterio 2, Katherine Williamson 1, Anastasiya Holubyeva 3, Michael Moretti 1, Nisha Lakhi 1 2 The vertical dimension of obesity: adverse pregnancy outcomes in the short obese versus tall obese parturient J Obstet Gynaecol 2022 Jan;42(1):43-48 10.1080/01443615.2021.1871887
Connie W Cheng 1, Karim ElSahwi 2, Mark E Borowsky 2, Noelle Aikman 1, Verda Hicks 1 Sex cord stromal tumor presenting with hair loss in postmenopausal women Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2022 Oct;159(1):313-315 10.1002/ijgo.14293
Antonia P Francis 1 2, Khadija Alshowaikh 1 2, Melissa Napoleon 1 2, Abdulla Al-Khan 1 2, Emre Kayaalp 1 2 Venous Thromboembolism Risk Assessment Models in Obstetrics: A Review of Current Practices and Future Directions Am J Perinatol 2022 May 6. 10.1055/a-1785-8948
Abdulla Al-Khan 1, Khadija Alshowaikh 1, Kaila Krishnamoorthy 1 2, Shelley Saber 1, Manuel Alvarez 1, Leigh Pappas 1, Ciaran Mannion 1, Emre Kayaalp 1, Antonia Francis 1, Jesus Alvarez-Perez 1 Pulsatile vessel at the posterior bladder wall: A new sonographic marker for placenta percreta J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2022 May;48(5):1149-1156. 10.1111/jog.15208
Sadia Mobeen 1, Radu Apostol 2 Ovarian Cyst StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing 2022 Jan. 2022 Jun 13. Bookshelf ID: NBK560541
J Preston Parry 1, Serena H Chen 2, Lowell Ku 3, Kelsey Anderson 4, Sarah L Keller 4, Kenan Omurtag 4, Ruben Alvero 5 Is telehealth a valuable resource in reproductive endocrinology and infertility? Fertil Steril 2022 Apr;117(4):690-695 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2022.02.001
Vasileios Mitsopoulos 1, Anni Innamaa 1, Jonathan Lippiatt 1, Sarah Collins 2, Ioannis Biliatis 3 Differences in Patterns of Recurrence Between Primary and Interval Debulking Surgery for Advanced Ovarian Cancer Anticancer Res 2022 Apr;42(4):2003-2008. 10.21873/anticanres.15679
Internal Medicine (362)
Arunima Sarkar , Manisha Parulekar , Angeline Sanders Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Utilization of the Inpatient Hospice Services (General Inpatient Hospice) Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2022 Aug;39(8):996-1000 10.1177/10499091211064833
Arunima Sarkar, MD , Manisha Parulekar, MD, Angeline Sanders, MS Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Utilization of the Inpatient Hospice Services (General Inpatient Hospice) Sage Journals Volume 39, Issue 8 January 18, 2022
Sam Jenkins , Mohamed G Shiha , Eron Yones , James Wardley , Alisdair Ryding , Chris Sawh , Marcus Flather 3, Paul Morris 1, Andrew J Swift , Vassilios S Vassiliou , Pankaj Garg Cardiovascular examination using hand-held cardiac ultrasound J Echocardiogr 2022 Mar;20(1):1-9 10.1007/s12574-021-00540-x.
Hosamadin Assadi 1, Bhalraam Uthayachandran , Rui Li , James Wardley 4, Tha H Nyi , Ciaran Grafton-Clarke , Andrew J Swift , Ana Beatriz Solana , Jean-Paul Aben , Kurian Thampi , David Hewson , Chris Sawh , Richard Greenwood , Marina Hughes , Bahman Kasmai , Liang Zhong , Marcus Flather , Vassilios S Vassiliou , Pankaj Garg Kat-ARC accelerated 4D flow CMR: clinical validation for transvalvular flow and peak velocity assessment Eur Radiol Exp 2022 Sep 22;6(1):46 10.1186/s41747-022-00299-5
Ioannis Merinopoulos , Tharusha Gunawardena , Natasha Corballis , U Bhalraam , Tim Gilbert , Clint Maart , Paul Richardson , Alisdair Ryding , Toomas Sarev , Chris Sawh , Sreekumar Sulfi , Upul Wickramarachchi , Trevor Wistow , Mohamed O Mohamed , Mamas A Mamas , Vassilios S Vassiliou , Simon C Eccleshall Paclitaxel drug-coated balloon-only angioplasty for de novo coronary artery disease in elective clinical practice Clin Res Cardiol 2022 Sep 14 10.1007/s00392-022-02106-y
Paul Njoku , Ciaran Grafton-Clarke , Hosamadin Assadi , Rebecca Gosling , Gareth Archer , Andrew J Swift , Paul D Morris , Abdulaziz Albaraikan , Gareth Williams , Jos Westenberg , Jean-Paul Aben , Leon Ledoux , Samer Alabed , Marcus Flather , Donnie Cameron , Jordi Broncano Cabrero , Javier Royuela Del Val , Sunil Nair , Alisdair Ryding , Chris Sawh , Peter P Swoboda , Eylem Levelt , Amrit Chowdhary , Vassilios Vassiliou , Liang Zhong , Pankaj Garg Validation of time-resolved, automated peak trans-mitral velocity tracking: Two center four-dimensional flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance study Int J Cardiol 2022 Oct 1;364:148-156 10.1016/j.ijcard.2022.06.032
Carla Bodagh, Chris Sawh, Pankaj Garg The role of rivaroxaban in eosinophilic myocarditis European Heart Journal Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2022, ytac219
Nyan Bethel , Henna Asrar , Jenna Dacosta , Andreas Savopoulos , Hamid Shaaban A Rare Case of Solitary Plasmacytoma Arising From the Sternum Cureus 2022 Apr 4;14(4):e23819 10.7759/cureus.23819
Noreen Mirza , Sindhusha Veeraballi , Mohammad Nabil Rayad , Fatima Kamal , Hamid Shaaban , Derek Lee , Andreas Savopoulos A Rare Case of Aggressive Metastatic Laryngeal Chondrosarcoma Presenting as Bilateral Necrotizing Pneumonia Ear Nose Throat J 2022 May 29;1455613221100005 10.1177/01455613221100005
Sindhusha Veeraballi , Noreen Mirza , Zaineb Khawar , Hamid Shaaban Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma With Histological Transformation to Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cureus 2022 Jul 11;14(7):e26738 10.7759/cureus.26738.
Ben Weber , Nicholas D Luke , Alyssa M Payette , Hamid Shaaban Lung Cancer Presenting as Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Pain: A Case Report Cureus 2022 Sep 2;14(9):e28706 10.7759/cureus.28706
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Taruna Chandok 1, Zaheer A Qureshi 2 1, Laura Yapor 3, Misbahuddin Khaja 4 Furosemide-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Report of a Rare Case Cureus 2022 Jun 6;14(6):e25689 doi: 10.7759/cureus.25689
Misbahuddin Khaja 1, Asim Haider 2, Anuhya Alapati 3, Zaheer A Qureshi 2, Laura Yapor 3 Percutaneous Tracheostomy: A Bedside Procedure Cureus 2022 Apr 12;14(4):e24083 doi: 10.7759/cureus.24083
Misbahuddin Khaja 1, Zaheer A Qureshi 2, Sameer Kandhi 3, Faryal Altaf 2, Laura Yapor 4 Mitomycin-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Treated Successfully With Plasmapheresis and Steroid: A Case Report Cureus 2022 Mar 26;14(3):e23525 doi: 10.7759/cureus.23525
Misbahuddin Khaja 1, Hitesh Gurjar 2, Laura Yapor 1, Minu C Abraham 2, Nolberto Hernandez 2, Asim Haider 3 Reversible Systolic Heart Failure in a Patient on Ibrutinib Chemotherapy Cureus 2022 Mar 17;14(3):e23266 doi: 10.7759/cureus.23266
Taruna Chandok, Zaheer A. Qureshi, Laura Yapor, Misbahuddin Khaja Furosemide-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Report of a Rare Case Cureus June 06, 2022 14(6): e25689 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.25689
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Andrea Porzionato 1, Veronica Macchi 1, Carla Stecco 1, Rafael Boscolo-Berto 1, Marios Loukas 2, Ronald Shane Tubbs 2 3, Raffaele De Caro 1 Clinical Anatomy and Medical Malpractice-A Narrative Review with Methodological Implications Healthcare (Basel) 2022 Sep 30;10(10):1915. DOI: 10.3390/healthcare10101915
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Tess Decater 1, Joe Iwanaga 2 3, Marios Loukas 1 4, Aaron S Dumont 2, R Shane Tubbs 1 2 5 6 A Unique Foramen Magnum with a Posterior Notch Kurume Med J 2022 Nov 30. DOI: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS674003
Tyler Warner 1, Joe Iwanaga 2 3, Marios Loukas 1, Aaron S Dumont 2, R Shane Tubbs 1 2 4 5 Previously Unreported Sciatic Nerve Variation: Case Report Kurume Med J 2022 Mar 11;67(1):53-55. DOI: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS671006
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Keaton Ott 1, Joe Iwanaga 2, Aaron S Dumont 2, Marios Loukas 3, R Shane Tubbs 2 4 Postprandial Referred Shoulder Pain: A Case Report Cureus 2022 May 31;14(5):e25535. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.25535
Maira du Plessis 1, Anthony V D’Antoni 2 3, Marios Loukas 1 4 A comprehensive study of the abdominal ganglia part 2: Aorticorenal ganglia Clin Anat 2022 Oct;35(7):1007-1013. DOI: 10.1002/ca.23937
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William L Smith 1, Przemysław A Pękala 2, Joe Iwanaga 3, Marios Loukas 4, Aaron S Dumont 5, Jerzy Walocha 2, R Shane Tubbs 6 The Forgotten Intermediate Condylar Canal: Anatomic Study with Application to Skull Base Surgery World Neurosurg 2022 May;161:e75-e79. DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.01.028
Daniel Gottlieb 1, Tess Decater 2, Joe Iwanaga 1 3, Marios Loukas 2 4, Aaron S Dumont 1, R Shane Tubbs 1 5 6 2 Simultaneous Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve and Sciatic Nerve Variations: A Case Report Kurume Med J 2022 Nov 16;67(2.3):113-115. DOI: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS6723007
Maira du Plessis 1, Marios Loukas 1 2 A comprehensive study of the abdominal ganglia part 1: Celiac, phrenic and superior mesenteric ganglia Clin Anat 2022 Oct;35(7):998-1006 DOI: 10.1002/ca.23894
YuAn Fang 1, Łukasz Olewnik 2, Joe Iwanaga 3, Marios Loukas 4, Aaron S Dumont 5, R Shane Tubbs 6 Variations and Classification of Bony Septations of the Jugular Foramen: An Anatomic and Histologic Study With Application to Imaging and Surgery of the Skull Base World Neurosurg 2022 Jul;163:e464-e470 DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.04.010
Uduak-Obong I Ekanem 1, Łukasz Olewnik 2, Andrea Porzionato 3, Veronica Macchi 3, Joe Iwanaga 4 5, Marios Loukas 6, Aaron S Dumont 4, Raffaele De Caro 3, R Shane Tubbs 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Morphology of the groove of the inferior petrosal sinus: application to better understanding variations and surgery of the skull base Anat Cell Biol 2022 Jun 30;55(2):135-141. DOI: 10.5115/acb.22.023
Connor Thimjon 1, Łukasz Olewnik 2, Joe Iwanaga 3 4, Marios Loukas 1, Aaron S Dumont 5, Amgad Hanna 6, R Shane Tubbs 5 7 8 9 10 C6 and not C5 nerve fibers more commonly contribute most to deltoid muscle innervation: anatomical study with application to better diagnosing cervical nerve injuries Neurosurg Rev 2022 Jun;45(3):2401-2406. DOI: 10.1007/s10143-022-01761-z
Seanna Yang 1, Joe Iwanaga 2, Łukasz Olewnik 3, Marko Konschake 4, Marios Loukas 5, Aaron S Dumont 6, Nicolás E Ottone 7, Jose Sañudo 8, R Shane Tubbs 9 The Anterolateral Cervical Atlanto-Occipital Plexus: A Novel Finding with Application to Skull Base and Spine Surgery and Pain Disorders of the Head and Neck World Neurosurg 2022 Mar;159:e84-e90. DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.12.008
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Abhishek Nimkar 1, Michael Mandel 2, Arzu Buyuk 3, Christos Stavropoulos 4, Ashutossh Naaraayan 1 Spindle Cell Hemangioma of the Lung: A Case Report Cureus 2022 Jan 13;14(1):e21191 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.21191
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Sewar H Abuarqob 1, Brooke E Kania 1, Ariana R Tagliaferri 1, Sherif Roman 1, Rajapriya Manickam 2 Atypical Stroke-Like Presentation in a Critically-Ill Patient With Serratia marcescens Bullous Cellulitis Cureus 2022 Jun 28;14(6):e26404. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.26404
Erinie Mekheal 1, Marina Mekheal 2, Sherif Roman 1, David Mikhael 3, Nader Mekheal 4, Rajapriya Manickam 5 A Case Report of Autoimmune Encephalitis: Could Post-COVID-19 Autoimmunity Become a Lethal Health Issue? Cureus 2022 Jun 13;14(6):e25910. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.25910
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Christopher Millet 1, Emily Racoosin 1, Spandana Narvaneni 1, George Horani 1, Sherif Roman 1, Alisa Farokhian 1, Arslan Chaudhry 1, Yezin Shamoon 1, Sohail Chaudhry 1, Humberto Jimenez 1, Jin Suh 1, Patrick Michael 1 The Racial Divide: A Follow Up Study on Racial Disparity Amongst COVID-19 Survivors in an Urban Community J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect 2022 May 2;12(3):66-70. DOI: 10.55729/2000-9666.1054
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Ghulam Mujtaba Ghumman 1, Muhammad Ahsan 2, Jay Shah 3, Kritika Luthra 3, Syed S Ali 4 Covered Stenting for a Large Coronary Artery Aneurysm With Adjacent Stenosis in a Poor Surgical Candidate Cureus 2022 Aug 15;14(8):e28037 10.7759/cureus.28037
Jay Shah 1, Amir Khan 1, Ghulam Mujtaba Ghumman 2, Kritika Luthra 3, Ma’en Al-Dabbas 1, Muhammad Ahsan 1, Muhammad Shayan Khan 1, Mohammed Taleb 1, Hemindermeet Singh 1, Syed Sohail Ali 1 Comparison of In-Hospital Outcomes After Insertion of Watchman Device in Men Versus Women (from the National Inpatient Data) Am J Cardiol 2022 Oct 15;181:55-58 10.1016/j.amjcard.2022.07.007
Ghulam Mujtaba Ghumman 1, Jay Shah 2, Muhammad Ahsan 2, Kritika Luthra 2, Amir Khan 2, Ma”en Al-Dabbas 2, Behram Khan 3, Mohammed Taleb 2, Syed Sohail Ali 2, Ameer Kabour 2 A CABG complication – LIMA graft to cardiac venous system anastomosis rescued by percutaneous coronary intervention Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2022 May 30;S1553-8389(22)00286-X 10.1016/j.carrev.2022.05.034
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Vikram Sumbly 1, Ian Landry 1, Vincent Rizzo 1 Ivosidenib for IDH1 Mutant Cholangiocarcinoma: A Narrative Review Cureus 2022 Jan 7;14(1):e21018 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.21018
Mahmoud Nassar 1, Victoria Ghernautan 1, Nso Nso 1, Akwe Nyabera 1, Francisco Cuevas Castillo 1, Wan Tu 1, Luis Medina 1, Camelia Ciobanu 2, Mostafa Alfishawy 3, Vincent Rizzo 1, Saphwat Eskaros 4, Mamdouh Mahdi 5, Mohamed Khalifa 6, Mohamed El-Kassas 7 Gastrointestinal involvement in systemic sclerosis: An updated review Medicine (Baltimore) 2022 Nov 11;101(45):e31780. DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000031780
Nso Nso 1, Mahmoud Nassar 2, Yolanda Mbome 3, Kelechi E Emmanuel 4, Anthony Lyonga Ngonge 5, Solomon Badejoko 6, Shahzad Akbar 7, Ian Landry 8, Mostafa Alfishawy 9, Most Munira 10 11, Vincent Rizzo 12 Comparative Assessment of the Long-Term Efficacy of Home-Based Versus Center-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Cureus 2022 Mar 25;14(3):e23485. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.23485
Mallorie Vest 1, Camelia Ciobanu 2, Akwe Nyabera 3, John Williams 1, Matthew Marck 1, Ian Landry 4, Vikram Sumbly 1, Saba Iqbal 1, Deesha Shah 1, Mahmoud Nassar 1, Nso Nso 4, Vincent Rizzo 1 Biliary Anastomosis Using T-tube Versus No T-tube for Liver Transplantation in Adults: A Review of Literature Cureus 2022 Apr 18;14(4):e24253 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.24253
Nso Nso 1, Mahmoud Nassar 1, Mia Trimingham 2, Yolanda Mbome 3, Anthony Lyonga Ngonge 4, Solomon O Badejoko 5, Shahzad Akbar 6, Atika Azhar 7, Sofia Lakhdar 8, Muhammad Ghallab 1, Laura M Guzman Perez 1, Vincent Rizzo 1, Most Sirajum Munira 9 10 Invasive Management of Vertebrobasilar Artery Stenosis and Occlusion: A Meta-Analysis on Efficacy and Safety Endpoints Cureus 2022 May 5;14(5):e24751. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.24751
Saba Iqbal 1, Mahmoud Nassar 1, Howard Chung 1, Tanveer Shaukat 1, Jeffrey E Penny 2nd 2, Vincent Rizzo 1 Fahr’s Disease With Late Onset: A Case Report Cureus 2022 Mar 19;14(3):e23316. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.23316
Nso Nso 1, Mahmoud Nassar 1, Milana Zirkiyeva 1, Sofia Lakhdar 1, Tanveer Shaukat 1, Laura Guzman 1, Mohsen Alshamam 1, Allison Foster 1, Rubal Bhangal 1, Solomon Badejoko 2, Anthony Lyonga Ngonge 3, Mpey Tabot-Tabot 3, Yolanda Mbome 4, Vincent Rizzo 1, Most S Munira 5, Senthil Thambidorai 6 Outcomes of cardiac surgery with left atrial appendage occlusion versus no Occlusion, direct oral Anticoagulants, and vitamin K Antagonists: A systematic review with Meta-analysis Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc 2022 Apr 26;40:100998. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2022.100998
Nso Nso 1, Mahmoud Nassar 1, Milana Zirkiyeva 1, Yolanda Mbome 2, Anthony Lyonga Ngonge 3, Solomon O Badejoko 4, Shahzad Akbar 5, Atika Azhar 6, Sofia Lakhdar 7, Laura M Guzman Perez 8, Yousef Abdalazeem 9, Vincent Rizzo 1, Most Munira 10 11 Factors Impacting Stent Thrombosis in Patients With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Coronary Stenting: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Cureus 2022 Apr 9;14(4):e23973. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.23973
Mallorie Vest 1, Harneet Grewal 2, Tanveer Shaukat 1, Ian Landry 1, Nso Nso 1, James O’Connor 3, Vincent Rizzo 1 Acute Pancreatitis and Prognosticating Its Severity in Young Adults: A Case Report Cureus 2022 Mar 1;14(3):e22749 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.22749
Nso Nso 1, Mahmoud Nassar 2, Sofia Lakhdar 2, Sostanie Enoru 3, Laura Guzman 2, Vincent Rizzo 2, Most S Munira 4, Farshid Radparvar 4, Senthil Thambidorai 5 Comparative Assessment of Transvenous versus Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter-defibrillator Therapy Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Int J Cardiol 2022 Feb 15;349:62-78. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2021.11.029
Deesha Shah 1, Zaryab Umar 1, Usman Ilyas 1, Nso Nso 1, Milana Zirkiyeva 1, Vincent Rizzo 1 New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation in COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report and Review of Literature Cureus 2022 Apr 7;14(4):e23912 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.23912
Saliaj, Merjona MD, MPH; Li, Matthew PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP; Rizzo, Vincent MD, MBA; Nassar, Mahmoud MD, PhD, MHA, MPA; Nso, Nso MD, MPH; Idrees, Zarwa MD; Medina, Luis A. MD; Novikov, Anastasia MD; Yaghi, Salim MD; Cuevas, Francisco J. MD; Salafia, Carolyn M. MD, MSci; Razaki, Hamid PharmD, BCPS; Berman, Charles MD; Sachmechi, Issac MD; Trandafirescu, Theo MD; Brennessel, Debra MD; Martin, George T. MD; Mantis, Jazila MD Tocilizumab Treatment Reduces Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study at a New York City Hospital Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice 30(4):e1146, July 2022. DOI: 10.1097/IPC.0000000000001146
Nso, Nso MD/MPH1; Emmanuel, Kelechi MD2; Nassar, Mahmoud MD/PhD1; Bookani, Kaveh Rezaei MD3; Antwi-Amoabeng, Daniel MD/MS4; Alshamam, Mohsen MD1; Kondaveeti, Ravali MD1; Kompella, Ritika MS4,5; Lakhdar, Sofia MD1; Rizzo, Vincent MD/MBA1; Sorkin, Miry Psy.D.6; Munira, Most Sirajum MD/FACC7; Radparvar, Farshid MD/FACC7 “Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Heart Failure Patients
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Ruhma Ali 1, Aditya Patel 1, Ahmed Abbas 1, Muhammad Hussain 2, Jihad Slim 2, Jack Boghossian 2 Persistent Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteremia Secondary to Infected Seroma: A Rare Case Report Cureus 2022 Feb 19;14(2):e22390. 10.7759/cureus.22390
William Woodward 1, Cameron Dockerill 1, Annabelle McCourt 1, Ross Upton 1 2, Jamie O’Driscoll 3 4, Katrin Balkhausen 5, Badrinathan Chandrasekaran 6, Soroosh Firoozan 7, Attila Kardos 8, Kenneth Wong 9, Gary Woodward 2, Rizwan Sarwar 2 10, Nikant Sabharwal 10, Elena Benedetto 1, Nancy Spagou 2, Rajan Sharma 3, Daniel Augustine 11, Apostolos Tsiachristas 12, Roxy Senior 13 14 15, Paul Leeson 1; EVAREST Investigators; EVAREST Investigators; Henry Boardman 8 10, Joanna d’Arcy 10, Abraheem Abraheem 16, Sanjay Banypersad 17, Christopher Boos 18, Sudantha Bulugahapitiya 19, Jeremy Butts 20, Duncan Coles 21, Jacob Easaw 11, Haytham Hamdan 22, Shahnaz Jamil-Copley 23, Gajen Kanaganayagam 24, Tom Mwambingu 25, Antonis Pantazis 26, Alexandros Papachristidis 27, Ronak Rajani 28, Muhammad Amer Rasheed 29, Naveed A Razvi 30, Sushma Rekhraj 23, David P Ripley 31, Kathleen Rose 32, Michaela Scheuermann-Freestone 33, Rebecca Schofield 34, Ayyaz Sultan 22 Real-world performance and accuracy of stress echocardiography: the EVAREST observational multi-centre study European Heart Journal May 2022, Pages 689–698
Rabeea Maqsood 1, Ahmed Khattab 1, Alexander N Bennett 2 3, Christopher J Boos 1 4 Association between non-acute traumatic injury (TI) and heart rate variability (HRV) in adults: A systematic review protocol Journal Pone 2022 Aug 26;17(8):e0273688 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273688
Christopher J Boos 1 2 3 4, Susie Schofield 5, Paul Cullinan 5, Daniel Dyball 6 2, Nicola T Fear 2, Anthony M J Bull 7, David Pernet 2, Alexander N Bennett 6 5; ADVANCE study Association between combat-related traumatic injury and cardiovascular risk Heart Hournal 2022 Mar;108(5):367-374 DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2021-320296
Christopher John Boos 1 2 3, Adrian Mellor 3 4 5, David Richard Woods 4 6 7, John Paul O’Hara 3 The Effect of High-Altitude Acclimatisation on Ultra-Short Heart Rate Variability Front Cardiovasc Med 2022 Mar 28;9:787147 DOI: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.787147
Daniel Dyball, Alexander N. Bennett, Susie Schofield, Paul Cullinan, Christopher J. Boos, Anthony M. J. Bull, Sharon A. M. Stevelink, Nicola T. Fear Post-traumatic growth amongst UK armed forces personnel who were deployed to Afghanistan and the role of combat injury, mental health and pain: the ADVANCE cohort study Psychological Medicine 2022 August DOI:
Mohamed Wali 1, Muhammad T Latif 2, Mary Lockwood 3, Ayman Saeyeldin 2, Carolina Borz-Baba 2 Warfarin-Induced Skin Necrosis Despite Enoxaparin Bridging Therapy Cureus 2022 Jan 2;14(1):e20883. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.20883
Saliaj, Merjona MD, MPH; Li, Matthew PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP; Rizzo, Vincent MD, MBA; Nassar, Mahmoud MD, PhD, MHA, MPA; Nso, Nso MD, MPH; Idrees, Zarwa MD; Medina, Luis A. MD; Novikov, Anastasia MD; Yaghi, Salim MD; Cuevas, Francisco J. MD; Salafia, Carolyn M. MD, MSci; Razaki, Hamid PharmD, BCPS; Berman, Charles MD; Sachmechi, Issac MD; Trandafirescu, Theo MD; Brennessel, Debra MD; Martin, George T. MD; Mantis, Jazila MD Tocilizumab Treatment Reduces Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study at a New York City Hospital Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice 30(4):e1146, July 2022 DOI: 10.1097/IPC.0000000000001146
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Meredith Coyle 1, Shawn Depcinski 1, Muthayipalayam Thirumoorthi 1 Prevention of congenital syphilis using ceftriaxone in a woman with Stevens-Johnson syndrome reaction to penicillin: A case report Case Rep Womens Health 2022 Aug 20;36:e00446 doi: 10.1016/j.crwh.2022.e00446
Ashish Bhargava, MD, FACP, FIDSA, Hemang Patel, PhD, Elisa Akagi, MD, Mamta Sharma, MD, Claudia V Santos, MD, Wei Zhao, MD, Natali Salaytah, BS, Goutham Kondapi, MD, Nilamben Mangukia, Masters, Meredith M Coyle, MD, 1042. Inflammatory Representation of COVID-19 at the Time of Hospitalization: An Insight into the Mild, Moderate, Severe and Critical COVID-19 Disease Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 9, Issue Supplement_2, December 2022, ofac492.883
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Julia Villanueva 1, Martha Chavez 2, La Nyka A Christian 3, Louisdon Pierre 4 5, Aziza Sedrak 6 Acute Pediatric Pancreatitis Presenting with Splenic Vein Thrombosis Cureus 2022 Sep 22;14(9):e29462 doi: 10.7759/cureus.29462
Assia Miller 1 2, Risa Bochner 1 2, Nancy Sohler 3, Rose Calixte 2, Cameron Chan 3, Vatcharapan Umpaichitra 1 2, Elman Shalmiyev 4, Natalia Novikova 4, Ninad Desai 1, Warren Seigel 5, Vivian Chin 1 2, Sundari Periasamy 6, Lee Waldman 1, Mahrukh Bamji 7, Nikita Nagpal 8 9, Carol Duh-Leong 8 9, Makhmood Reznik 5, Mary Messito 1 9, Renee Bargman 1 2 5 Modified body mass index z-scores in children in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic Pediatr Obes 2022 Nov;17(11):e12958. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12958
S Sethuram 1, T Levy 2 3, J Foss-Feig 2 3 4, D Halpern 2 3, S Sandin 2 3 5, P M Siper 2 3 4, H Walker 2 3, J D Buxbaum 2 3 4 6 7, R Rapaport 8, A Kolevzon 9 10 11 A proof-of-concept study of growth hormone in children with Phelan-McDermid syndrome Mol Autism 2022 Jan 29;13(1):6 doi: 10.1186/s13229-022-00485-7.
Emily Haseler 1, Cheentan Singh 2, Joanna Newton 1, Nabil Melhem 1, Manish D Sinha 3 4 Demographics of childhood hypertension in the UK: a report from the Southeast England J Hum Hypertens 2022 Aug 6 doi: 10.1038/s41371-022-00732-7
Brian Pavilonis 1, Andrew Maroko 2, Bo Cai 3, Jin Shin 4, Nadine Lahage 5, Arpit Gupta 5, Marcy Stein-Albert 5, Uday Patil 5, Tom Elena Dubov 5, Hoda Karbalivand 5, Suzanne McDermott 2 Characterization of fetal exposure to multiple metals among an urban population: A case study of New York City Environ Res 2022 Aug;211:113050 doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113050
Alasdair P S Munro 1 2, Charles Hungwe 3, Pratisksha Patel 4, Nick Ward 3, Simon Struthers 4, Kordo Saeed 2 5 The utility of point of care testing of procalcitonin in paediatric acute assessment Infez Med 2022 Dec 1;30(4):587-592 doi: 10.53854/liim-3004-14
Michelle Fernandes 1 2 3, Lucinda Winckworth 4, Lyrille Lee 4, Madiha Akram 4, Simon Struthers 4 Screening for early-onset neonatal sepsis on the Kaiser Permanente sepsis risk calculator could reduce neonatal antibiotic usage by two-thirds Pediatr Investig 2022 Aug 24;6(3):171-178 doi: 10.1002/ped4.12344
Meredith Coyle 1, Shawn Depcinski 1, Muthayipalayam Thirumoorthi 1 Prevention of congenital syphilis using ceftriaxone in a woman with Stevens-Johnson syndrome reaction to penicillin: A case report Case Rep Womens Health 2022 Aug 20;36:e00446. doi: 10.1016/j.crwh.2022.e00446
Adebayo Adeyinka 1, Audra S. Rouster, Menogh Valentine 1 Enteric Feedings Treasure Island 2022 Jan. (last update 2022 Nov 4) Bookshelf ID: NBK532876
Aminat S. Ogun 1, Neena V. Joy 2, Menogh Valentine 3 Biochemistry, Heme Synthesis Treasure Island 2022 Jan. (2022 May 8) Bookshelf ID: NBK537329
Trisha Lepa 1, Menogh Valentine 2, Abdullah O Alshehry 3, Eva Paige Morgan 4, Kelly Sessa 5, Briann Fischetti 6 Use of Lidocaine Cream for Pain Management During Immunizations of Infants at an Urban Health Clinic J Pharm Pract 2022 Dec;35(6):911-915 doi: 10.1177/08971900211017862
Sabita Uthaya 1, Suzan Jeffries 2, Izabela Andrzejewska 2, Vimal Vasu 3, Nicholas D Embleton 4, Neena Modi 5 Randomised controlled trial of human derived breast milk fortifier versus bovine milk fortifier on body composition in very preterm babies Early Hum Dev 2022 Aug;171:105619 doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2022.105619
Alexandra L Coria 1 2, Tracy L Rabin 3, Amy R L Rule 4 5, Heather Haq 6 7, James C Hudspeth 8, Leah Ratner 9 10 11, Ingrid Walker-Descartes 12 13 Global Health Crisis, Global Health Response: How Global Health Experiences Prepared North American Physicians for the COVID-19 Pandemic J Gen Intern Med 2022 Jan;37(1):217-221 doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-07120-w
Allison M. Torlincasi 1, Muhammad Waseem 2 Cervical Injury Treasure Island 2022 Jan. (Last Update 2022 Aug 22) Bookshelf ID: NBK448146
Jessica Yee 1, Muhammad Waseem 2 Mallet Finger Injuries Treasure Island 2022 Jan. (Last Update 2022 Aug 8) Bookshelf ID: NBK459373
Victoria Tapia 1, Muhammad Waseem 2 Setup and Execution of In Situ Simulation Treasure Island 2022 Jan. (Last Update 2022 May 8) Bookshelf ID: NBK551657
Anna L Funk 1, Nathan Kuppermann 2 3, Todd A Florin 4 5, Daniel J Tancredi 3, Jianling Xie 1, Kelly Kim 1, Yaron Finkelstein 6 7, Mark I Neuman 8 9, Marina I Salvadori 10, Adriana Yock-Corrales 11, Kristen A Breslin 12, Lilliam Ambroggio 13 14, Pradip P Chaudhari 15, Kelly R Bergmann 16, Michael A Gardiner 17, Jasmine R Nebhrajani 18, Carmen Campos 19, Fahd A Ahmad 20, Laura F Sartori 21, Nidhya Navanandan 13 14, Nirupama Kannikeswaran 22 23, Kerry Caperell 24 25, Claudia R Morris 26, Santiago Mintegi 27, Iker Gangoiti 27, Vikram J Sabhaney 28, Amy C Plint 29 30 31, Terry P Klassen 32 33, Usha R Avva 34, Nipam P Shah 35, Andrew C Dixon 36, Maren M Lunoe 37, Sarah M Becker 38, Alexander J Rogers 39 40, Viviana Pavlicich 41, Stuart R Dalziel 42 43 44, Daniel C Payne 45, Richard Malley 46, Meredith L Borland 47 48 49, Andrea K Morrison 50, Maala Bhatt 51, Pedro B Rino 52, Isabel Beneyto Ferre 53, Michelle Eckerle 54 55, April J Kam 56, Shu-Ling Chong 57, Laura Palumbo 58, Maria Y Kwok 59, Jonathan C Cherry 60, Naveen Poonai 61, Muhammad Waseem 62, Norma-Jean Simon 5 63, Stephen B Freedman 64 Post-COVID-19 Conditions Among Children 90 Days After SARS-CoV-2 Infection JAMA Netw Open 2022 Jul 1;5(7):e2223253 doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.23253
Muhammad Waseem 1 2 3, Nidhi Garg 4 5, Bernard P Chang 6, Juan Acosta 7 8, John DeAngelis 9, Mary E McLean 10, Laura D Melville 11 2, Timothy Pistor 11, Kaushal H Shah 2, JoAnne Tarantelli 11, Susan M Wojcik 12, James Gerard Ryan 7 Impact of COVID-19 on Emergency Medicine Residency Programs: A Cross-Sectional Study in New York State West J Emerg Med 2022 Jan 18;23(2):246-250. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2021.10.54266.
Muhammad Waseem 1, Hina Asad 1, Masood A Shariff 1, Eric Epstein 1, Yusif Umar 2, Mark Leber 3 Parent and Physician Preference for Anxiolytic Medication Prior to Laceration Repair in Young Children Cureus 2022 Dec 11;14(12):e32412 doi: 10.7759/cureus.32412
Hanne Stotesbury 1, Patrick W Hales 1, Melanie Koelbel 1, Anna M Hood 1, Jamie M Kawadler 1, Dawn E Saunders 2, Sati Sahota 1, David C Rees 3, Olu Wilkey 4, Mark Layton 5, Maria Pelidis 6, Baba Pd Inusa 6, Jo Howard 6, Subarna Chakravorty 3, Chris A Clark 1, Fenella J Kirkham 1 Venous cerebral blood flow quantification and cognition in patients with sickle cell anemia J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2022 Jun;42(6):1061-1077 doi: 10.1177/0271678X211072391
Hanne Stotesbury 1, Patrick W Hales 1, Anna M Hood 2, Melanie Koelbel 1, Jamie M Kawadler 1, Dawn E Saunders 3, Sati Sahota 1, David C Rees 4, Olu Wilkey 5, Mark Layton 6, Maria Pelidis 7, Baba P D Inusa 7, Jo Howard 7, Subarna Chakravorty 4, Chris A Clark 1, Fenella J Kirkham 8 Individual Watershed Areas in Sickle Cell Anemia: An Arterial Spin Labeling Study Front Physiol 2022 May 3;13:865391 doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.865391
Hanne Stotesbury 1, Jamie M Kawadler 1, Jonathan D Clayden 1, Dawn E Saunders 1, Anna M Hood 1 2, Melanie Koelbel 1, Sati Sahota 1, David C Rees 3, Olu Wilkey 4, Mark Layton 5, Maria Pelidis 6, Baba P D Inusa 6, Jo Howard 6, Subarna Chakravorty 3, Chris A Clark 1, Fenella J Kirkham 1 7 Quantification of Silent Cerebral Infarction on High-Resolution FLAIR and Cognition in Sickle Cell Anemia Front Neurol 2022 Jun 29;13:867329 doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.867329
Jonathan D Clayden 1, Hanne Stotesbury 2, Jamie M Kawadler 2, April Slee 3, Melanie Koelbel 2, Dawn E Saunders 2, Anna M Hood 4, Olu Wilkey 5, Mark Layton 6, Baba Pd Inusa 7, Maria Pelidis 8, Subarna Chakravorty 9, David C Rees 10, Jo Howard 11, Moji Awogbade 12, Christina Liossi 13, Fenella J Kirkham 14, Chris A Clark 2 Structural connectivity mediates the relationship between blood oxygenation and cognitive function in sickle cell anemia Blood Adv 2022 Aug 10 doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021006751
Gabriel Chain 1, Mudit Kalia 2, Karen Kestenbaum 3, Lara Pappas 3, Anna Sechser-Perl 3, Gadi Abebe Campino 4, Nibal Zaghloul 2 3 A novel case of prolonged Ifosfamide encephalopathy and long-term treatment with methylene blue: a case report and review of literature BMC Pediatr 2022 Feb 2;22(1):76 doi: 10.1186/s12887-022-03144-1
Michelle H Lucena 1, Adel Zauk 2 Large Skin Lesion and Bilious Emesis in a Premature Newborn Neoreviews 2022 Nov 1;23(11):782-787 doi: 10.1542/neo.23-10-e782
Irina Gavryutina 1, Renee Bargman 1 2, Asma Shaoba 1, Hussam Alharash 2, Anil Mongia 3 4 Chronic hyponatremia in a 19-month-old child with gross developmental delay: Answers Pediatr Nephrol 2022 Jun 24. (Online ahead of print) 10.1007/s00467-022-05648-5
Irina Gavryutina 1, Renee Bargman 1 2, Asma Shaoba 1, Hussam Alharash 2, Anil Mongia 3 4 Chronic hyponatremia in a 19-month-old child with gross developmental delay: Questions Pediatr Nephrol 2023 Jun 24. (Online ahead of print) 10.1007/s00467-022-05648-6-w
Paridhi Anand 1, Navpreet Bhurji 1, Nadia Williams 1, Ninad Desai 1 Comparison of PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 as Screening Tools for Depression and School Related Stress in Inner City Adolescents J Prim Care Community Health 2021 Jan-Dec 10.1177/21501327211053750
Keerthana Reddy Banala 1, Shada Al-Anani 1, Premchand Anne 1, Stuart Covi 1 Outcome of Post-Covid Vaccination Myocarditis in an Adolescent Male Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2023 Feb;62(2):162-165 10.1177/00099228221116207
Robert Solomon 1, Premchand Anne 2, Jordan Swisher 3, Beshoy Nazeer 2, Howard Rosman 3, Rajendra H Mehta 3, James J Maciejko 3 2 Evaluating Statin Tolerability in Historically Intolerant Patients After Correcting for Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Vitamin D Insufficiency High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev 2022 Sep;29(5):409-415. 10.1007/s40292-022-00537-2
Mojisola Dehinwa, MD, MPH; James Maciejko, PHD; Premchand Anne, MD, MBA, MPH, FACC, FACP, FAAP Familial Chylomicronemia Syndrome Presenting with Abdominal Distention, Non-bilious Emesis and Hypertriglyceridemia in an Infant Pediatrics (2022) 149 (1 Meeting Abstracts February 2022): 402. FEBRUARY 23 2022
Isra Idris, John R. Diez, Betty Ansong Assoku, Susan Beker Accidental Ingestion of Tetrahydrocannabinol-Laced Gummies Causing Bradycardia and First-Degree Atrioventricular Block in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report Cureus 14(7): e26826 13-Jul-22 10.7759/cureus.26826
Andrea C Lo 1 2, Ajay Major 3, Leanne Super 4 5 6, Burton Appel 7, Ananth Shankar 8, Louis S Constine 9 10, Lianna J Marks 11, Kara M Kelly 12, Monika L Metzger 13, Ilia N Buhtoiarov 14, Christine Mauz-Körholz 15 16, Ana Rosa S Costa 17, Michael S Binkley 18, Jamie Flerlage 13 Practice patterns for the management of nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL): an international survey by the Global NLPHL One Working Group (GLOW) Leuk Lymphoma 2022 Aug;63(8):1997-2000. 10.1080/10428194.2022.2053533
Jennifer Krajewski 1, Jing Chen 2, Juhi Motiani 3, Aryeh Baer 4, Burton Appel 2, Johannes Zakrzewski 1, Melanie Hankewycz 1, Nancy Durning 1, Alfred Gillio 1 Hematopoietic stem cell transplant in two pediatric patients testing positive for SARS-CoV-2: A case report Pediatr Transplant 2022 Mar;26(2):e14179. 10.1111/petr.14179
Justine M Kahn 1, Qinglin Pei 2, Debra L Friedman 3, Joel Kaplan 4, Frank G Keller 5, David Hodgson 6, Yue Wu 2, Burton E Appel 7, Smita Bhatia 8, Tara O Henderson 9, Cindy L Schwartz 10, Kara M Kelly 11, Sharon M Castellino 5 Survival by age in paediatric and adolescent patients with Hodgkin lymphoma: a retrospective pooled analysis of children’s oncology group trials Lancet Haematol 2022 Jan;9(1):e49-e57. 10.1016/S2352-3026(21)00349-5.
Jessica L. Feuerstein1, Burton Appel 2 Sperm Banking in Post-Pubertal Males with Newly Diagnosed High-Risk ALL 902.HEALTH SERVICES AND QUALITY-LYMPHOID MALIGNANCIES 11/15/2022 Blood (2022) 140 (Supplement 1): 10796–10797. 10.1182/blood-2022-156111
Flerlage, Jamie E.1; Birz, Suzi2; Castellino, Sharon M.3; Appel, Burton4; Furner, Brian2; Graglia, Luca2; Henderson, Tara O.2; Hodgson, David5; Hoppe, Bradford S.6; Kahn, Justine7; Keller, Frank G.8; Kessel, Sandy9; Li, Chen1; Li, Mei2; Lucas, John1; Mccarten, Kathleen10; Metzger, Monika1; Milgrom, Sarah11; Parsons, Susan K.12; Pei, Qinglin13; Wu, Yue13; Zhou, Yiwang1; Watkins, Michael2; Volchenbaum, Sam2; Kelly, Kara M.14 P086: Advancing Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma Research Through NODAL PEDIATRIC HL 6():p 39-40, October 2022. 10.1097/01.HS9.0000890912.56229.80
Irina Gavryutina 1, Renee Bargman 1 2, Asma Shaoba 1, Hussam Alharash 2, Anil Mongia 3 4 Chronic hyponatremia in a 19-month-old child with gross developmental delay: Answers Pediatr Nephrol 2022 Jun 24. (Online ahead of print) 10.1007/s00467-022-05648-5
Irina Gavryutina 1, Renee Bargman 1 2, Asma Shaoba 1, Hussam Alharash 2, Anil Mongia 3 4 Chronic hyponatremia in a 19-month-old child with gross developmental delay: Questions Pediatr Nephrol 2023 Jun 24. (Online ahead of print) 10.1007/s00467-022-05648-6-w
Assia Miller 1 2, Risa Bochner 1 2, Nancy Sohler 3, Rose Calixte 2, Cameron Chan 3, Vatcharapan Umpaichitra 1 2, Elman Shalmiyev 4, Natalia Novikova 4, Ninad Desai 1, Warren Seigel 5, Vivian Chin 1 2, Sundari Periasamy 6, Lee Waldman 1, Mahrukh Bamji 7, Nikita Nagpal 8 9, Carol Duh-Leong 8 9, Makhmood Reznik 5, Mary Messito 1 9, Renee Bargman 1 2 5 Modified body mass index z-scores in children in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic Pediatr Obes 2022 Nov;17(11):e12958.; Epub 2022 Jun 30. 10.1111/ijpo.12958.
Assia Miller, MD; Risa E. Bochner, MD; Nancy Sohler, PhD; ELMAN SHALMIYEV, MA; Natalia Novikova, MA; Rose Saint Fleur-Calixte, phD; Vatcharapan Umpaichitra, MD; Vivian L. Chin, MD; Warren M. Seigel, MD, MBA, FAAP; Sundari Periasamy, MD; Lee M. Waldman, MD; Mahrukh Bamji, MD; Nikita Nagpal, MD, MS; Carol Duh-Leong, MD; Makhmood Reznik, MD; Mary Messito, MD; Ninad Desai, MD; Renee Bargman, MD Changes in Adiposity as Measured by Modified BMI Z-scores Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Well Children and Adolescents Within a Large Urban Health System Pediatrics (2022) 149 (1 Meeting Abstracts February 2022): 746.
Renee Bargman and Irina Gavryutina, MD PMON318 Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis in a 19 months old child with gross developmental delay J Endocr Soc. 2022 Nov 1; 6(Suppl 1): A626. 10.1210/jendso/bvac150.1298
Miller, A.; Joseph, S.; Badran, A.; Umpaichitra, V.; Bargman, R.; Chin, V. L.. Increased Rates of Hospitalized Children with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in NYC Hospital During COVID19 Pandemic Hormone Research in Paediatrics 202295(SUPPL 1):39-40, 2022
Yarden S Fraiman 1 2 3, Christine C Cheston 4, Howard J Cabral 5, Celeste Allen 6, Andrea G Asnes 7, Jefferson T Barrett 8 9 10, Maneesh Batra 11, William Bernstein 12, Tammy Bleeker 13, Pam M Dietz 14, Joanna Lewis 15, Su-Ting T Li 16, T Marsha Ma 17, John D Mahan 18, Catherine D Michelson 4, Sue E Poynter 19, Mark A Vining 20, Katherine Watson 21, Colin M Sox 4 Effect of a Novel Mindfulness Curriculum on Burnout During Pediatric Internship: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA Pediatr 2022 Apr 1;176(4):365-372 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.5740
Marissa J DeFreitas 1, Russell Griffin 2, Keia Sanderson 3, Arwa Nada 4, Jennifer R Charlton 5, Jennifer G Jetton 6, Alison L Kent 7 8, Ronnie Guillet 7, David Askenazi 9, Carolyn L Abitbol 1; Neonatal Kidney Collaborative; University of Alabama, Birmingham; Cincinnati Children’s Hospital; Canberra Hospital; (currently at the University of Rochester); Children’s Hospital of Colorado; (currently Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH); Children’s Hospital at Montefiore/Albert Einstein; Children’s National Medical Center; Golisano Children’s Hospital University of Rochester; (currently Union Hospital, Terre Haute); Maimonides Medical Center; McGill University; Medanta, Medicity The Cradle; Metrohealth Medical Center; Nationwide Children’s Hospital; Stonybrook University; Texas Children’s Hospital; Tufts Medical Center; University of British Columbia; University of Iowa; Patrick Brophy (currently University of Rochester); University of Kentucky; University of Miami; University of Michigan; (currently Medical University of South Carolina); University of New Mexico; (currently Texas Children’s Hospital); (currently University of Utah); University of Virginia; (currently University of Wisconsin); University of Washington. Collaborators: David Askenazi, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Russell Griffin, Stuart Goldstein, Amy Nathan, James Greenberg, James Greenberg, Alison Kent, Jeffrey Fletcher, Farah Sethna, Danielle Soranno, Jason Gien, Katja Gist, Mamta Fuloria, Kim Reidy, Frederick Kaskel, Natalie Uy, Mary Revenis, Sofia Perrazo, Shantanu Rastogi, George Schwartz, Carl T D’Angio, Ronnie Guillet, Erin Rademacher, Ahmed El Samra, Ayesa Mian, Juan Kupferman, Alok Bhutada, Michael Zappitelli, Pia Wintermark, Sanjay Wazir, Sidharth Sethi, Sandeep Dubey, Maroun Mhanna, Deepak Kumar, Rupesh Raina, Susan Ingraham, Arwa Nada, Elizabeth Bonachea, Richard Fine, Robert Woroniecki, Shanthy Sridhar, Ayse Ariken, Christopher Rhee, Lawrence Milner, Alexandra Smith, Julie Nicoletta, Cherry Mammen, Avash J Singh, Anne Synnes, Jennifer Jetton, Tarah Colaizy, Jonathan Klein, Aftab Chishti, Mina Hanna, Carolyn Abitbol, Marissa Defreitas, Shahnaz Duara, Salih Yasin, David Selewski, Subrata Sarker, Craig Wong, A Staples, Robin Ohls, Catherine Joseph, Tara Dupont, Jennifer Charlton, Jonathan Swanson, Matthew Harer, Patricio Ray, Sangeeta Hingorani, Christine Hu, Sandra Juul Maternal Hypertension Disorders and Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury: Results from the AWAKEN Study Am J Perinatol 2022 Apr 18; online ahead of print 10.1055/a-1780-2249
Oluwatobi O Adegboyega 1 2, Yamini Singh 2, Alok Bhutada 2, Juan C Kupferman 2, Shantanu Rastogi 3 Recurrent acute kidney injury in preterm neonates is common and associated with worse outcomes and higher mortality Pediatr Res 2022 Jul;92(1):284-290 10.1038/s41390-021-01740-y
Abby M Basalely 1 2, Russell Griffin 3, Katja M Gist 4, Ronnie Guillet 5, David J Askenazi 3, Jennifer R Charlton 6, David T Selewski 7, Mamta Fuloria 8, Frederick J Kaskel 9, Kimberly J Reidy 9; AWAKEN Study Group. Collaborators: AWAKEN Study Group: David Askenazi, N Ambalavanan, Stuart Goldstein, Amy Nathan, James Greenberg, Alison Kent, Jeffrey Fletcher, Farah Sethna, Danielle Soranno, Jason Gien, Katja Gist, Mamta Fuloria, Kim Reidy, Frederick Kaskel, Natalie Uy, Mary Revenis, Sofia Perrazo, Shantanu Rastogi, George Schwartz, Carl T D’Angio, Erin Rademacher, Ahmed El Samra, Ayesa Mian, Juan Kupferman, Alok Bhutada, Michael Zappitelli, Pia Wintermark, Sanjay Wazir, Sidharth Sethi, Sandeep Dubey, Maroun Mhanna, Deepak Kumar, Rupesh Raina, Susan Ingraham, Arwa Nada, Elizabeth Bonachea, Richard Fine, Robert Woroniecki, Shanthy Sridhar, Ayse Ariken, Christopher Rhee, Lawrence Milner, Alexandra Smith, Julie Nicoletta, Cherry Mammen, Avash Jeet Singh, Anne Synnes, Jennifer Jetton, Tarah Colaizy, Jonathan Klein, Patrick Brophy, Aftab Chishti, Mina Hanna, Carolyn Abitbol, Marissa Defreitas, Shahnaz Duara, Salih Yasin, David Selewski, Subrata Sarker, Craig Wong, A Staples, Robin Ohls, Catherine Joseph, Tara Dupont, Jennifer Charlton, Jonathan Swanson, Matthew Harer, Patricio Ray, Sangeeta Hingorani, Christine Hu, Sandra Juul Association of early dysnatremia with mortality in the neonatal intensive care unit: results from the AWAKEN study J Perinatol 2022 Oct;42(10):1353-1360 10.1038/s41372-021-01260-x
Jennifer Chmielewski 1, Paulomi M Chaudhry 2, Matthew W Harer 3, Shina Menon 4, Andrew M South 5 6, Ashley Chappell 7, Russell Griffin 7, David Askenazi 8, Jennifer Jetton 9, Michelle C Starr 10 11; Neonatal Kidney Collaborative: Namasivayam Ambalavanan, David T Selewski, Subrata Sarkar, Alison Kent, Jeffery Fletcher, Carolyn L Abitbol, Marissa DeFreitas, Shahnaz Duara, Jennifer R Charlton, Jonathan R Swanson, Ronnie Guillet, Carl D’Angio, Ayesa Mian, Erin Rademacher, Maroun J Mhanna, Rupesh Raina, Deepak Kumar, Jennifer G Jetton, Patrick D Brophy, Tarah T Colaizy, Jonathan M Klein, Ayse Akcan Arikan, Christopher J Rhee, Stuart L Goldstein, Amy T Nathan, Juan C Kupferman, Alok Bhutada, Shantanu Rastogi, Elizabeth Bonachea, Susan Ingraham, John Mahan, Arwa Nada, F Sessions Cole, T Keefe Davis, Joshua Dower, Lawrence Milner, Alexandra Smith, Mamta Fuloria, Kimberly Reidy, Frederick J Kaskel, Danielle E Soranno, Jason Gien, Katja M Gist, Aftab S Chishti, Mina H Hanna, Sangeeta Hingorani, Sandra Juul, Craig S Wong, Catherine Joseph, Tara DuPont, Robin Ohls, Amy Staples, Smriti Rohatgi, Sidharth K Sethi, Sanjay Wazir, Surender Khokhar, Sofia Perazzo, Patricio E Ray, Mary Revenis, Cherry Mammen, Anne Synnes, Pia Wintermark, Michael Zappitelli, Robert Woroniecki, Shanthy Sridhar Documentation of acute kidney injury at discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit and role of nephrology consultation J Perinatol 2022 Jul;42(7):930-936 10.1038/s41372-022-01424-3
Arwa Nada 1, David Askenazi 2, Juan C Kupferman 3, Maroun Mhanna 4, John D Mahan 5, Louis Boohaker 2, Linzi Li 2, Russell L Griffin 6; AWAKEN Collaborative: David T Selewski, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Subrata Sarkar, Alison Kent, Jeffery Fletcher, Carolyn L Abitbol, Marissa DeFreitas, Shahnaz Duara, Jennifer Charlton, Jonathan R Swanson, Patrick D Brophy, Ronnie Guillet, Carl D’Angio, Ayesa Mian, Erin Rademacher, Rupesh Raina, Deepak Kumar, Jennifer G Jetton, Tarah T Colaizy, Jonathan M Klein, Ayse Akcan-Arikan, Catherine Joseph, Christopher J Rhee, Alok Bhutada, Shantanu Rastogi, F Sessions Cole, T Keefe Davis, Lawrence Milner, Alexandra Smith, Mamta Fuloria, Frederick J Kaskel, Kimberly Reidy, Katja M Gist, Danielle E Soranno, Jason Gien, Mina Hanna, Aftab S Chishti, Sangeeta Hingorani, Michelle Starr, Craig S Wong, Tara DuPont, Robin Ohls, Surender Khokhar, Sofia Perazzo, Patricio E Ray, Mary Revenis, Sidharth K Sethi, Smriri Rohatgi, Cherry Mammen, Anne Synnes, Sanjay Wazir, Michael Zappitelli, Robert Woroniecki, Shanty Sridhar, Stuart L Goldstein, Amy T Nathan, Amy Staples, Pia Wintermark Low albumin levels are independently associated with neonatal acute kidney injury: a report from AWAKEN Study Group Pediatr Nephrol 2022 Jul;37(7):1675-1686 10.1007/s00467-021-05295-2
Omar Beckett, DO, Yelena Kogelman, MD, Alok Bhutada, MD, and Antonios Likourezos, N/A ODP188 Does Introduction of Oral Dextrose Gel Pathway Decrease the Length of stay in Neonates with Asymptomatic Hypoglycemia? J Endocr Soc 2022 Nov 1; 6(Suppl 1): A309–A310 10.1210/jendso/bvac150.640
David R Brown 1, Jeremy J Moeller 2, Douglas Grbic 3, Dorothy A Andriole 3, William B Cutrer 4, Vivian T Obeso 5, Mark D Hormann 6, Jonathan M Amiel 7 8; Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency Pilot: Jonathan Amiel, Beth Barron, Marina Catallozzi, Vivian Obeso, Jefry Biehler, David R Brown, Mark Hormann, Sasha Adams, Allison R Ownby, Jennifer Swails, Dianne Wagner, Matthew Emery, Aron Sousa, Angela Thompson-Busch, Patrick M Cocks, Colleen C Gillespie, Melvin Rosenfeld, Linda Tewksbury, George Mejicano, Tracy Bumsted, Carrie A Phillipi, Jamie Warren, Sandra Yingling, Meenakshy Aiyer, Janet Jokela, Asra R Khan, William B Cutrer, Cody Chastain, Kendra Parekh, Eduard Vasilevskis, Michael S Ryan, Diane M Biskobing, Nicole Deiorio, Gregory Trimble, Michael Green, Katherine Gielissen, Jeremy J Moeller, Barry Wu, Alison J Whelan Comparing Entrustment Decision-Making Outcomes of the Core Entrustable Professional Activities Pilot, 2019-2020 JAMA Netw Open 2022 Sep 1;5(9):e2233342 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.33342
Nassr Nama 1, Matt Hall 2, Mark Neuman 3, Erin Sullivan 4, Risa Bochner 5, Amy De Laroche 6, Teena Hadvani 7, Shobhit Jain 8, Yiannis Katsogridakis 9, Edward Kim 10, Manoj Mittal 11, Alison Payson 12, Melanie Prusakowski 13, Nirav Shastri 8, Allayne Stephans 14, Kathryn Westphal 15, Victoria Wilkins 16, Joel Tieder 17; Brief Resolved Unexplained Event Research and Quality Improvement Network Risk Prediction After a Brief Resolved Unexplained Event Hosp Pediatr 2022 Sep 1;12(9):772-785 10.1542/hpeds.2022-006637
Assia Miller 1 2, Risa Bochner 1 2, Nancy Sohler 3, Rose Calixte 2, Cameron Chan 3, Vatcharapan Umpaichitra 1 2, Elman Shalmiyev 4, Natalia Novikova 4, Ninad Desai 1, Warren Seigel 5, Vivian Chin 1 2, Sundari Periasamy 6, Lee Waldman 1, Mahrukh Bamji 7, Nikita Nagpal 8 9, Carol Duh-Leong 8 9, Makhmood Reznik 5, Mary Messito 1 9, Renee Bargman 1 2 5 Modified body mass index z-scores in children in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic Pediatr Obes 2022 Nov;17(11):e12958 10.1111/ijpo.12958
Assia Miller, MD; Risa E. Bochner, MD; Nancy Sohler, PhD; ELMAN SHALMIYEV, MA; Natalia Novikova, MA; Rose Saint Fleur-Calixte, phD; Vatcharapan Umpaichitra, MD; Vivian L. Chin, MD; Warren M. Seigel, MD, MBA, FAAP; Sundari Periasamy, MD; Lee M. Waldman, MD; Mahrukh Bamji, MD; Nikita Nagpal, MD, MS; Carol Duh-Leong, MD; Makhmood Reznik, MD; Mary Messito, MD; Ninad Desai, MD; Renee Bargman, MD Changes in Adiposity as Measured by Modified BMI Z-scores Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Well Children and Adolescents Within a Large Urban Health System Pediatrics Volume 149, Issue 1 Meeting Abstracts February 2022
RECOVERY Collaborative Group: RECOVERY Collaborative Group: Obbina Abani, Ali Abbas, Fatima Abbas, Joshua Abbas, Kasim Abbas, Mustafa Abbas, Sadia Abbasi, Hakam Abbass, Alfie Abbott, Alison Abbott, Nabeel Abdallah, Ammar Abdelaziz, Ashraf Abdelaziz, Mohamed Abdelfattah, Bushra Abdelqader, Audrey Abdul, Basir Abdul, Siddiqui Abdul, Althaf Abdul Rasheed, Ajibode Abdulakeem, Rezan Abdul-Kadir, Abdullah Abdullah, Abdulfatahi Abdulmumeen, Rasheed Abdul-Raheem, Niyaz Abdulshukkoor, Kula Abdusamad, Yazeed Abed El Khaleq, Mai Abedalla, Abeer Ul Amna, Lynn Abel, Katrina Abernethy, Movin Abeywickrema, Chandra Abhinaya, Affyarsyah Abidin, Adebanke Aboaba, Abigail Aboagye-Odei, Heba Aboelela, Hani Abo-Leyah, Karim Abouelela, Ahmed Abou-Haggar, Mahmoud Abouibrahim, Ahmed Abousamra, Mona Abouzaid, Miriam Abraham, Tizzy Abraham, Abraheem Abraheem, Judith Abrams, Rebecca Abrams, Hyacinth-John Abu, Ahmed Abu-Arafeh, Syed Mohamed Abubacker, Akata Abung, Yousuf Abusamra, Yaa Aceampong, Amaka Achara, Devikumar Acharya, Prince Acheampong, Sarah Acheampong, Janet Acheson, Shiella Achieng, Andres Acosta, Rebecca Acquah, Catherine Acton, Jacqueline Adabie-Ankrah, Paul Adair, Fiona Adam, Matthew Adam, Huzaifa Adamali, Marta Adamczyk, Carol Adams, Charlotte Adams, Daniel Adams, Kate Adams, Laura Adams, Nikkita Adams, Richard Adams, Tim Adams, Laura Adamu-Ikeme, Krishma Adatia, Kirsty Adcock, Afua Addo, Oluwatobi Adeagbo, Ade Adebiyi, Ogunlana Adedeji, Yewande Adegeye, Ken Adegoke, Vicki Adell, Sherna Adenwalla, Femi W Adeoye, Oluwasegun A Adesemoye, Emmanuel O Adewunmi, Adedamola Adeyanju, Joyce Adeyemi, Tenifayo Adeyemo, Binay Adhikari, Rina Adhikary, Adhikarla Aditya, Gabrielle Adkins, Adnan Adnan, John Aeron-Thomas, Debbie Affleck, Carmel Afnan, Muhammad Afridi, Zainab A Aftab, Meenakshi Agarwal, Rachel Agbeko, Chris Agbo, Sunil Aggarwal, Arameh Aghababaie, Laura Aguilar Jimenez, Shafana Ahamed Sadiq, Mohamed H Ahammed Nazeer, Mohammad Ahmad, Syed Ahmad, Afshan Ahmed, Ashar Ahmed, Asim Ahmed, Basheer A R Ahmed, Bilal Ahmed, Forizuddin Ahmed, Hamze Ahmed, Hanad Ahmed, Irshad Ahmed, Khaled Ahmed, Khalil Ahmed, Liban Ahmed, Mahin Ahmed, Maria C Ahmed, Muhammad S Ahmed, Naseer Ahmed, Nausheen Ahmed, Osama Ahmed, Rajia A Ahmed, Rawya Ahmed, Rizwan Ahmed, Saif Ahmed, Sammiya Ahmed, Sana G Ahmed, Syed Ahmed, Syed H Ahmed, Roa Ahmed Ali, Bilal Ahmed Mohamud, Sana Ahmed, Sana Ahmer, Augustine Ahonia, Christine Aiken, Dhiraj Ail, Mark Ainsworth, Myriam Aissa, Lindianne Aitken, Bini Ajay, Abdulakeem Ajibode, Ayesha Ajmi, Nasim Akhtar, Nauman Akhtar, Suha Akili, Bolutito Akinbiyi, Oludoyinsola Akindolie, Yinka Akinfenwa, Olugbenga Akinkugbe, Ibrahim Akinpelu, Mohammad Akram, Olugbenro Aktinade, Uzayr Akudi, Ahmad S A R Al Aaraj, Asma Al Balushi, Majd Al Dakhola, Aladdin Al Swaifi, Eslam Al-Abadi, Adegoke Alabi, Narendra Aladangady, Mohamed Alafifi, Ayaz Alam, Sajid Alam, Abbas Al-Asadi, Kyriaki Alatzoglou, Paul Albert, Lorraine Albon, Angela Alcala, Gemma Alcorn, Stephen Alcorn, Aggie Aldana, David Alderdice, Abdullah Aldesouki, Rayan Aldouri, Jonathan Aldridge, Nicolas Aldridge, Ram M Ale, Ana Alegria, Alison Alexander, Courtney Alexander, John Alexander, Peter D G Alexander, Julyan Al-Fori, Laith Alghazawi, Osama Alhabsha, Bahij Al-Hakim, Rafil Alhameed, Mohammed Al-Hayali, Shams Al-Hity, Ali Ali, Amanda Ali, Asad Ali, Fawzia R Ali, Jawad Ali, Mariam Ali, Mohamed Ali, Mohammad Ali, Muhammad S Ali, Nayab Ali, Oudai Ali, Ramla Ali, Sakina Ali, Syed Ali, Emilio Aliberti, Jade Alin, Abid Alina, Analyn Alipustain, Fine Aliyuda, Katrin Alizadeh, Maithem Al-Jibury, Saba Al-Juboori, Majid Al-Khalil, Abdullah Alkhudhayri, Moutaz Alkhusheh, Fiona Allan, Nataliya Allan, Alison Allanson, Robert Allcock, Eireann Allen, Jade Allen, Kerry Allen, Louise Allen, Poppy Allen, Rebecca Allen, Sam Allen, Sharon Allen, Simon Allen, Tania Allen, Abiola Alli, Kathryn Allison, Bethan Allman, Helen K Allsop, Lynne Allsop, David Allsup, Amal F T Almahroos, Hassan Al-Moasseb, Magda Al-Obaidi, Lina Alomari, Akram Al-Rabahi, Bahar Al-Ramadhani, Zayneb Al-Saadi, Riyam Al-Sammarraie, Inji Alshaer, Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, Warkaq Al-Shamkhani, Fadia Alsheikh, Bashar Al-Sheklly, Sara Altaf, Amanda Alty, Mary Alvarez, Maria Alvarez Corral, Edward Alveyn, Maysaa Alzetani, Susan Amamou, Noor Amar, Sakkarai Ambalavanan, Robert Ambrogetti, Chris Ambrose, Amir Ameen, Katharine Ames, Maria R Amezaga, Allison Amin, Amina Amin, Kanish Amin, Syed Amin, Tara Amin, Badshah Amit, Amjad Amjad, Neelma Amjad, Victoria Amosun, Muhammad Amsal, Khaled Amsha, Noelia Amutio Martin, Pugh Amy, Ann Anada, Atul Anand, Samantha Anandappa, Satya D Anantapatnaikuni, Ellen Anderson, Julie Anderson, Laura Anderson, Marina Anderson, Michelle Anderson, Nicola Anderson, Rachel Anderson, Rebecca Anderson, Rory Anderson, Samantha Anderson, Wendy Anderson, Prematie Andreou, Angela Andrews, Antonette Andrews, Jill Andrews, Joyann Andrews, Kanayochukwu Aneke, Andrew Ang, Wan Wei Ang, Tammy Angel, Aramburo Angela, Paola Angelini, Lazarus Anguvaa, Oleg Anichtchik, Millicent Anim-Somuah, Krishnan Aniruddhan, Jessica Annett, Louise Anning, Patrick J Anstey, Rebekah Anstey, Alpha Anthony, Aaron Anthony-Pillai, Philip Antill, Zhelyazkova Antonina, Varghese Anu, Muhammad Anwar, Elena Apetri, Aristeidis Apostolopoulos, Sarah Appleby, Diane Appleyard, Maia F Aquino, Bianca Araba, Samuel Aransiola, Mariana Araujo, Ann Archer, Denise Archer, Samuel Archer, Simon Archer, Daniele Arcoria, Christian Ardley, Ana-Maria Arias, Oluwatoyin Aribike, Ryoki Arimoto, Charlotte Arkley, Charlotte Armah, Ilianna Armata, Jennifer Armistead, Adam Armitage, Ceri Armstrong, Maureen Armstrong, Sonia Armstrong, Wendy Armstrong, Philippa Armtrong, Heike Arndt, Clare Arnison-Newgass, David Arnold, Rachael Arnold, Andrew Arnott, Dhawal Arora, Kavan Arora, Pardeep Arora, Rishi Arora, Arslam Arter, Armena Arumaithurai, Ayush Arya, Rita Arya, Denisa Asandei, Adeeba Asghar, Malik Asghar, Arif Ashab, Catherine Ashbrook-Raby, Helen Ashby, Jan Ashcroft, John Ashcroft, Samuel Ashcroft, Georgia Asher, Zakariya Ashfak, Ayesha Ashfaq, Abdul Ashish, Dawn Ashley, Sally Ashman-Flavell, Sundar Ashok, Abd-El-Aziz Ashour, Muhammad Z Ashraf, Saima Ashraf, Mohammad B Ashraq, Deborah Ashton, Susan Ashton, Andrew Ashworth, Fiona J Ashworth, Rebecca Ashworth, Arshia Aslam, I Aslam, Suhail Aslam, Laura Aslett, Harshini Asogan, Atif Asrar, Omar Assaf, Raine Astin-Chamberlain, Deborah Athorne, Billie Atkins, Christopher Atkins, Stacey Atkins, John Atkinson, Vicki Atkinson, Abolaji Atomode, Brygitta Atraskiewicz, Abdul A Attia, Eva Attubato, Marie Attwood, Paula Aubrey, Zoltan Auer, Avinash Aujayeb, Aye C T Aung, Hnin Aung, Hnin W W Aung, Ko K Aung, Kyaw T Aung, Nwe Aung, Yin Aung, Zaw M Aung, Emily Austin, Karen Austin, Abdusshakur Auwal, Malcolm Avari, Miriam Avery, Nicholas Aveyard, Joanne Avis, Georgina Aviss, Cristina Avram, Paula Avram, Abuzar Awadelkareem, Gabriel Awadzi, Mahmoud Awaly, Atia Awan, Aszad Aya, Eman Ayaz, Amanda Ayers, Jawwad Azam, Ahmed Azeem, Mohammed Azharuddin, Ammar Aziz, Ghazala Aziz, Imran Aziz, N Aziz, Ali Azkoul, Ashaari Azman Shah, Giada Azzopardi, Hocine Azzoug, Fiyinfoluwa Babatunde, Melvin Babi, Babiker Babiker, Gayna Babington, Matthew Babirecki, Marta Babores, Adetona O Babs-Osibodu, Sammy Bacciarelli, Roudi Bachar, Michel-Elie Bachour, Gina Bacon, Jenny Bacon, Bibi Badal, Maryuma Bader, Gurpreet R Badhan, Shreya Badhrinarayanan, Joseph P Bae, Alice Baggaley, Amy Baggott, Graham Bagley, Dinesh Bagmane, Lynsey Bagshaw, Kasra Bahadori, Angela Bailey, James Bailey, Katie Bailey, Lindsey Bailey, Liz Bailey, Lucy Bailey, Maria A Bailey, Morgan Bailey, Pippa Bailey, Sarah Bailey, Hamish Baillie, J Kenneth Baillie, Jennifer Bain, Vikram Bains, David Baird, Eilidh Baird, Kevin Baird, Susan Baird, Tracy Baird, Yolanda Baird, Aiysha Bajandouh, Danielle C Baker, Elizabeth Baker, Evelyn Baker, Johanne Baker, Josephine Baker, Kenneth Baker, Mark Baker, Rebecca Baker, Terri-Anne Baker, Victoria Baker, Hugh Bakere, Nawar Bakerly, Michelle Baker-Moffatt, Ameet Bakhai, Nauman Bakhtiar, Panos Bakoulas, Dhanalakshmi Bakthavatsalam, Niranjan Balachandran, Andrea Balan, Prasath Balasingam, Theodosios Balaskas, Madhu Balasubramaniam, Nicola Balatoni, Alison Balcombe, Alexander Baldwin, Ashley Baldwin, Caron Baldwin, Danielle Baldwin, Fiona Baldwin, Rebekah Baldwin-Jones, Nichola Bale, James Balfour, Matthew Ball, Robert Ball, K Ballard, Ismael Balluz, Craig Balmforth, Emese Balogh, Abeir Baltmr, Amir Baluwala, Gabby Bambridge, Alasdair Bamford, Amy Bamford, Peter Bamford, Adefunke Bamgboye, Elizabeth Bancroft, Hollie Bancroft, Joyce Banda, Krishna Bandaru, Srini Bandi, Nageswar Bandla, Somaditya Bandyopadhyam, Amit Banerjee, Ritwik Banerjee, Omar Bani-Saad, Harrison Banks, Luke Banks, Paul Banks, Claudia Bann, Helen Bannister, Oliver Bannister, Laura Banton, Tran Bao, Mariamma Baptist, Tanya Baqai, Ananya M Baral, Desislava Baramova, Russel Barber, Emma Barbon, Monica Barbosa, Jamie Barbour, Alexander Barclay, Amanda Barclay, Claire Barclay, George Bardsley, Stephanie Bareford, Shahedal Bari, Morris Barimbing, Amy Barker, Debbie Barker, Erandi Barker, Helen Barker, Joseph Barker, Leon Barker, Lesley Barker, Oliver Barker, Kerry Barker-Williams, Sinha Barkha, Juliana Barla, Gavin Barlow, Richard Barlow, Valerie Barlow, James Barnacle, Alex Barnard, Debi Barnes, Nicky Barnes, Rory Barnes, Theresa Barnes, Calum Barnetson, Amy Barnett, Ashton Barnett-Vanes, William Barnsley, Andrew Barr, David Barr, James Barr, Charlotte Barr, Nina Barratt, Shaney Barratt, Manuella Barrera, Amy Barrett, Fiona Barrett, Jessica Barrett, Sue Barrett, Esther Barrow, Jazz Bartholomew, Claire Bartlett, Georgina Bartlett, James Bartlett, Louise Bartlett, Shauna Bartley, Sandra Bartolmeu-Pires, Anna Barton, Greg Barton, Jill Barton, Lorna Barton, Rachael Barton, Rosaleen Baruah, Sonia Baryschpolec, Hannah Bashir, Archana Bashyal, Betsy Basker, Buddha Basnyat, Ayten Basoglu, Alexander Basran, John Bassett, G Bassett, Chris Bassford, Bengisu Bassoy, Victoria Bastion, Anup Bastola, Anupam Basumatary, Precious Basvi, Vipula R Bataduwaarachchi, Tristan Bate, Harry J Bateman, Kathryn Bateman, Vhairi Bateman, Eleanor Bates, Hayley Bates, Michelle Bates, Simon Bates, Sally Batham, Ana Batista, Amit Batla, Dushyant Batra, Harry Batty, Thomas Batty, Alice Batty, Miranda Baum, Rachel Baumber, Carina Bautista, Fareha Bawa, Tanveer Bawa, Fatima S Bawani, Simon Bax, Matt Baxter, Nicola Baxter, Zachary Baxter, Hannah Bayes, Lee-Ann Bayo, Farid Bazari, Rohit Bazaz, Ahmad Bazli, Laura Beacham, Wendy Beadles, Kirsten Beadon, Philip Beak, Andy Beale, Kathy Beard, Jack Bearpark, Alanna Beasley, Sandee Beattie, Karen Beaumont, Dawn Beaumont-Jewell, Theresa Beaver, Sarah Beavis, Christy Beazley, Sarah Beck, Virginia Beckett, Rosie Beckitt, Sarah Beckley, Heidi Beddall, Seonaid Beddows, Deborah Beeby, Sophia Beeby, Gail Beech, Michelle Beecroft, Nigel Beer, Sally Beer, Jane Beety, Gabriela Bega, Alison Begg, Susan Begg, Sara Beghini, Ayesha Begum, Salman Begum, Selina Begum, Teresa Behan, Roya Behrouzi, Jon Beishon, Claire Beith, James Belcher, Holly Belfield, Katherine Belfield, Ajay Belgaumkar, Dina Bell, Gareth Bell, Gillian Bell, Jessica Bell, Lauren Bell, Louise Bell, Nicholas Bell, Pippa Bell, Stephanie Bell, Jennifer Bellamu, Mary Bellamy, Tammy Bellamy, Arianna Bellini, Amanda Bellis, Fionn Bellis, Lesley Bendall, Naveena Benesh, Nicola Benetti, Leonie Benham, Guy Benison-Horner, Sarah Benkenstein, Tracey Benn, Ann Bennett, Caroline Bennett, Denise Bennett, Gillian Bennett, Kaytie Bennett, Kristopher Bennett, Lorraine Bennett, Miriam R Bennett, Sara Bennett, Karen Bennion, Gautham Benoy, Vivienne Benson, Andrew Bentley, James Bentley, Ian Benton, Eva Beranova, Matthew Beresford, Colin Bergin, Malin Bergstrom, Jolanta Bernatoniene, Thomas Berriman, Zoe Berry, Frida Best, Kimberley Best, Ans-Mari Bester, Yvonne Beuvink, Emily Bevan, Sarah Bevins, Tom Bewick, Andrew Bexley, Sonay Beyatli, Fenella Beynon, Arjun Bhadi, Sanjay Bhagani, Shiv Bhakta, Rekha Bhalla, Khushpreet Bhandal, Kulbinder Bhandal, Ashwin Bhandari, Lila N Bhandari, Sangam Bhandari, Jennifer Bhanich Supapol, Aashutosh Bhanot, Ravina Bhanot, Swati Bhasin, Abdul Bhat, Prashanth Bhat, Rahul Bhatnagar, Karan Bhatt, Janki Bhayani, Deepika Bhojwani, Parminder Bhuie, Salimuzzaman Bhuiyan, Anna Bibby, Fatima Bibi, Naheeda Bibi, Salma Bibi, Tihana Bicanic, Sarah Bidgood, Julie Bigg, Sarah Biggs, Alphonsa Biju, Andras Bikov, Sophie Billingham, Jessica Billings, Alice Binns, Muhammad BinRofaie, Oliver Bintcliffe, Catherine Birch, Janine Birch, Jenny Birch, Katherine Birchall, Sam Bird, Sumedha Bird, Sarah Bird, Mark Birt, Claire Bishop, Kilanalei Bishop, Linda Bishop, Lisa Bishop, Karen Bisnauthsing, Nibedan Biswas, Sahar Biuk, Karen Blachford, Ethel Black, Helen Black, Karen Black, Mairead Black, Polly Black, Virginia Black, Hayley Blackgrove, Bethan Blackledge, Joanne Blackler, Samantha Blackley, Helen Blackman, Caroline Blackstock, Cameron Blair, Francesca Blakemore, Helen Blamey, Alison Bland, Sujata Blane, Simon Blankley, Parry Blaxill, Katie Blaylock, Jane Blazeby, Natalie Blencowe, Ben Bloom, Jack Bloomfield, Angela Bloss, Alex Blowers, Samuel Blows, Hannah Bloxham, Susan Blrd, Louise Blundell, Andrew Blunsum, Mark Blunt, Tadhg Blunt, Ian Blyth, Kevin Blyth, Andrew Blythe, Karen Blythe, Marilyn Boampoaa, Sarah Board, Boniface Bobie, Karen Bobruk, Pritesh N Bodalia, Neena Bodasing, Marianne Boden, Tanya Bodenham, Gabriele Boehmer, Marta Boffito, Katherine Bohanan, Kristyna Bohmova, Niamh Bohnacker, Sumit Bokhandi, Maria Bokhar, Saba Bokhari, Sakina Bokhari, Syed O Bokhari, Idan Bokobza, Ambrose Boles, Clare Bolger, Charlotte Bond, Helena Bond, Stuart Bond, Thomas Bond, Alice Bone, Georgia Boniface, Lizzy Bonney, Lauren Booker, Sarah Boot, Matthew Boothroyd, Joanne Borbone, Naomi Borman, Samantha Bosence, Kirsty Bostock, Neil Botting, Fiona Bottrill, Hannah Bouattia, Laura Bough, Hayley Boughton, Zoe Boult, Tarek Boumrah, Miriam Bourke, Stephen Bourke, Michelle Bourne, Rachel Bousfield, Lucy Boustred, Alexandra Bowes, Amy Bowes, Philip Bowker, Tabitha Bowker, Helen Bowler, Louise Bowman, Simon Bowman, Rachel Bowmer, Angie Bowring, Helen Bowyer, Aileen Boyd, Jenny Boyd, Laura Boyd, Nicola Boyer, Namoi Boyle, Pauline Boyle, Rosalind Boyle, Louise Boyles, Leanna Brace, Abbey Bracken, Jodie Bradder, Clare J Bradley, Pamela Bradley, Patrick Bradley, Paul Bradley, Joanne Bradley-Potts, Lynne Bradshaw, Zena Bradshaw, Clare Brady, Rebecca Brady, Shirin Brady, Pedro Braga Sardo, Denise Braganza, Megan Braithwaite, Susan Brammer, Marie Branch, Thomas Brankin-Frisby, Jamie Brannigan, Sophie Brattan, Fiona Bray, Nancy Bray, Manny Brazil, Lucy Brear, Tracy Brear, Stephen Brearey, Laura Bremner, Morwenna Brend, Carolin Bresges, Catherine Bressington, Giovanna Bretland, Chris Brewer, Michael Bridgett, Gavin Bridgwood, Sara Brigham, John Bright, Christopher Brightling, Tracey Brigstock, Lutece Brimfield, Philip Brinksman, Elaine Brinkworth, Robin Brittain-Long, Vianne Britten, Hannah Britton, Lauren Broad, Sarah Broadhead, Rosie Broadhurst, Andrew Broadley, Marie Broadway, Christopher Brockelsby, Megan Brocken, Tomos Brockley, Mary Brodsky, Fiona Brogan, Liz Brohan, Felicity Brokke, Jacob Brolly, David Bromley, Hannah Brooke-Ball, Verity Brooker, Matthew Brookes, Deirdre Brooking, Alison Brooks, Daniel Brooks, Jolene Brooks, Karen Brooks, Nicole Brooks, Philip Brooks, Rachel Brooks, Samuel Brooks, Sophie Brooks, Malcolm Broom, Natalie Broomhead, Chloe Broughton, Nathaniel Broughton, Matt Brouns, Alison Brown, Ammani Brown, Andrew Brown, Ashley Brown, Caitlin Brown, Carly Brown, Catrin Brown, Ellen Brown, Heather Brown, Janet Brown, Jo Brown, Louise Brown, Niall Brown, Nicola Brown, Pauline Brown, Richard Brown, Robert Brown, Steven Brown, Tom Brown, Bria Browne, Charlotte Browne, Duncan Browne, Mitchell Browne, Stephen Brownlee, Alba Brraka, Johanna Bruce, Michelle Bruce, Wojciech Brudlo, Andrei Brunchi, Nigel Brunskill, Alan Brunton, Margaret Brunton, Meera Bryant, Emma Bryden, Hannah Brzezicki, April Buazon, Maya H Buch, Ruaridh Buchan, Danielle Buche, Amanda Buck, Lisa Buck, Matthew Buckland, Clare Buckley, Laura Buckley, Philip Buckley, Sarah Buckley, Carol Buckman, Alex Budds, George Bugg, Ramadan Bujazia, Marwan Bukhari, Shanze Bukhari, Richard Bulbulia, Alex Bull, Damian Bull, Kate Bull, Rhian Bull, Thomas Bull, Emily Bullock, Susan Bullock, Naomi Bulteel, Kasun Bumunarachchi, Roneleeh Bungue-Tuble, Oliver Burbidge, Caroline Burchett, Dorota Burda, Christy Burden, Thomas G Burden, Mika Burgess, Richard Burgess, Sophia Burgess, Hasan Burhan, Hannah Burke, Kerry Burke, Adrian Burman, Sara Burnard, Caroline Burnett, Sharon Burnett, Amy Burns, Collette Burns, James Burns, Karen Burns, Kiki Burns, Daniel Burrage, Kate Burrows, Claire Burston, Anna Burton, Ben Burton, Fiona Burton, Helen Burton, Matthew Burton, Mannaria Butar Butar, Deborah Butcher, Aaron Butler, Emily Butler, Jessica Butler, Joanne Butler, Joshua Butler, Peter Butler, Susan Butler, Jenny Butler, Al-Tahoor Butt, Massawer Butt, Mohammad M Butt, Caryl Butterworth, Nicola Butterworth-Cowin, Robert Buttery, Tom Buttle, Heather Button, Daniel Buttress, Hannah Bye, Jane Byrne, Wendy Byrne, Victoria Byrne-Watts, Amanda Cabandugama, Luisa Cabrero, Simone Caddy, Ruth Cade, Anthony Cadwgan, Zhen Cahilog, Ajeng Cahyareny, Donna Cairney, James Calderwood, Darren Caldow, Emily Cale, Giorgio Calisti, Debbie Callaghan, Jennifer Callaghan, Claire Callens, Donaldson Callum, Caroline Calver, Melissa Cambell-Kelly, Tracey Camburn, David R Cameron, Eleanor Cameron, Fraser Cameron, Sheena Cameron, Christian Camm, Renee F D Cammack, Alison Campbell, Amy Campbell, Barbara Campbell, Bridget Campbell, Debbie Campbell, Helen Campbell, Hilary Campbell, Jonathan Campbell, Karen Campbell, Marion Campbell, Mark Campbell, Rachael Campbell, Robyn Campbell, Wynny Campbell, Quentin Campbell Hewson, Julie Camsooksai, Lisa Canclini, Shaula Mae Candido, Janie Candlish, Cielito Caneja, Alexandra Cann, Johnathon Cann, Ruby Cannan, Abigail Cannon, Emma Cannon, Michael Cannon, Petra Cannon, Vivienne Cannons, Ebnier Canonizado, Jane Cantliff, Ben Caplin, Santino Capocci, Noemi Caponi, Angelika Capp, Richard Capstick, Thomas Capstick, Catalin Caraenache, Aimee Card, Mary Cardwell, Charles Carey, Rachel Carey, Simon Carley, Ffion Carlin, Tammy Carlin, Samantha Carmichael, Margaret Carmody, Mandy Carnahan, Charlotte Caroline, Jodi Carpenter, Sharon Carr, Anna Carrasco, Zoe Carrington, Amy Carroll, Anne Carroll, Paul Carroll, Rachel Carson, Cindy Cart, Emma Carter, Jonathan Carter, Michael Carter, Natasha Carter, Paul Carter, Penny Carter, Douglas Cartwright, Jo-Anne Cartwright, Claire Carty, Lotoyah Carty, Jaime Carungcong, Charlotte Carver, Emma Carver, Rachel Carver, Susan Casey, Annie Cassells, Teresa Castiello, Gail Castle, Bridget Castles, Melanie Caswell, Ana Maria Catana, Heidi Cate, Anelise Catelan Zborowski, Susanne Cathcart, Katrina Cathie, Darwin Catibog, Christine Catley, Laura Catlow, Matthew Caudwell, Anna Cavazza, Ashleigh Cave, Luke Cave, Simon Cavinato, Frianne Cawa, Kathryn Cawley, Chloe Caws, Kay Cawthorne, Hankins Cendl, Hannah Century, Jeva Cernova, Mansur Cesay, Ed Cetti, Stephanie Chabane, Manish Chablani, Cathleen Chabo, Cyril Jacob Chacko, David Chadwick, Julie Chadwick, Robert Chadwick, Ela Chakkarapani, Arup Chakraborty, Mallinath Chakraborty, Mollika Chakravorty, Petya Chalakova, Bimal S Chalise, James Chalmers, Richard Chalmers, Georgina Chamberlain, Sarah Chamberlain, Emma Chambers, Jonathan Chambers, Lucy Chambers, Naomi Chambers, Alex Chan, Carmen Chan, Cheuk Chan, Evelyn Chan, Jay M Chan, Kawai Chan, Kayen Chan, Kimberley Chan, Ping Chan, Rebekah Pui-Ching Chan, Xin Hui S Chan, Chris Chandler, Heidi Chandler, Kim J Chandler, Stuart Chandler, Zoe Chandler, Sumit Chandra, Navin Chandran, Badrinathan Chandrasekaran, Yvonne Chang, Grace Chaplin, Josephine Chaplin, Graeme Chapman, John Chapman, Katie Chapman, Laura Chapman, Lianne Chapman, Matthew Chapman, Polly Chapman, Timothy Chapman, Lucy Chappell, Amanda Charalambou, Bethan Charles, Dianne Charlton, Sam Charlton, Kevin Chatar, Calvin Chatha, Debra Chatterton, Ritesh Chaube, Muhammad Y N Chaudhary, Iram Chaudhry, Zain Chaudhry, Nazia Chaudhuri, Muhammad Chaudhury, Anoop Chauhan, Ruchi S Chauhan, Alexander Chavasse, Nicola Chavasse, Vipal Chawla, Lindsay Cheater, James Cheaveau, Charlotte Cheeld, Michelle Cheeseman, Fang Chen, Hui Min Chen, Terence Chen, Floria Cheng, Lok Yin Cheng, Zhihang Cheng, Helen Chenoweth, Chun How Cheong, Shiney Cherian, Mary Cherrie, Helen Cheshire, Chee Kay Cheung, Elaine Cheung, Kayan Cheung, Michelle Cheung, Claire Cheyne, Swati Chhabra, Wei Ling Chia, Eric Chiang, Angela Chiapparino, Rosavic Chicano, Moses Chikungwa, Zviedzo A Chikwanha, Gemma Chilcott, Sam Chilcott, Alison Chilvers, Phillipa Chimbo, KokWai Chin, Wen Jie Chin, Rumbidzai Chineka, Amol Chingale, Ezomike Chinonso, Chloe Chin-Saad, Margaret Chirgwin, Heather Chisem, Claire Chisenga, Catherine Chisholm, Ben Chisnall, Carolyn Chiswick, Sunder Chita, Nihil Chitalia, Matthew Chiu, Laura Chiverton, Brenda Chivima, Catherine Chmiel, Soha Choi, Willy Choon Kon Yune, Meena Chopra, Michelle Chopra, Vandana Choudhary, Omur Choudhury, Sarah Choudhury, Bing-Lun Chow, Mahibbur Chowdhury, Shahid Chowdhury, Angela Chrisopoulou, Victoria Christenssen, Peter Christian, Alexander Christides, Fiona Christie, Daniel Christmas, Georgios Christoforou, Thereza Christopherson, Anna Christou, Mark Christy, Paris Chrysostomou, Yunli Chua, Dip Chudgar, Richard Chudleigh, Srikanth Chukkambotla, Michael E Chukwu, Izu Chukwulobelu, Chi Yee Chung, Elaine Church, Sara R Church, David Churchill, Nicole Cianci, Paola Cicconi, Paola Cinardo, Zdenka Cipinova, Bessie Cipriano, Sarah Clamp, Bridget Clancy, Melanie Clapham, Edel Clare, Sarbjit Clare, Andrew Clark, Charlotte Clark, Diane Clark, Emma Clark, Felicity Clark, Gabrielle Clark, James Clark, Julia Clark, Katherine Clark, Kaylea Clark, Louise Clark, Lucy Clark, Martyn Clark, Matthew Clark, Nicola Clark, Patricia Clark, Richard Clark, Thomas Clark, Tonia Clark, Zoe Clark, Alison Clarke, Andrea Clarke, Jude Clarke, Paul Clarke, Robert Clarke, Roseanne Clarke, Samantha Clarke, Sheron Clarke, Alleyna Claxton, Louis Claxton, Kate Clay, Catherine Clayton, Elizabeth Clayton, Olivia Clayton, Jill Clayton-Smith, Bethan Clearyb, Chris Cleaver, Rose Cleeton, Ian Clement, Carlota Clemente de la Torre, Jayne Clements, Suzanne Clements, Sue Clenton, Sheryl Cliff, Rachael Clifford, Sarah Clifford, Amelia Clive, Jonathan Clouston, Vincent Clubb, Samantha Clueit, Lisa Clutterbuck, Andrea Clyne, Michelle Coakley, Peter G L Coakley, Kathryn Cobain, Alexandra Cochrane, Patricia Cochrane, Laura Cockayne, Maeve Cockerell, Helen Cockerill, Shirley Cocks, Rachel Codling, Adam Coe, Samantha Coetzee, David Coey, Danielle Cohen, Jonathan Cohen, Oliver Cohen, David Cohen, Mike Cohn, Louise Coke, Olutoyin Coker, Nicholas Colbeck, Roghan Colbert, Esther Cole, Jade Cole, Joby Cole, Garry Coleman, Matt Coleman, Nick Coleman, Holly Coles, Macleod Colin, Alicia Colino-Acevedo, Julie Colley, Kathleen Collie, Alexandra Collier, Danielle Collier, Dawn Collier, Heather Collier, Terry Collingwood, Paul Collini, Emma Collins, Jaimie Collins, Joanne Collins, Kayleigh Collins, Megan Collins, Nicola Collins, Sally Collins, Vicky Collins, Andrew Collinson, Bernadette Collinson, Jennifer Collinson, Matthew Collis, Madeleine Colmar, Hayley E Colton, James Colton, Katie Colville, Carolyn Colvin, Edward Combes, David Comer, Alison Comerford, Dónal Concannon, Alison Condliffe, Robin Condliffe, Emma Connell, Lynne Connell, Natalie Connell, Karen Connelly, Gavin Connolly, Emma Connor, Antonia Conroy, Kevin Conroy, Veronica Conteh, Rory Convery, Francesca Conway, Grainne Conway, Rhiannon Conway, Robert Conway, Jo-Anna Conyngham, Amanda Cook, Amber Cook, Colette Cook, Eloise Cook, Gemma Cook, Helen Cook, Julie Cook, Martin Cook, Sarah Cook, Danielle Cooke, Graham Cooke, Hannah Cooke, Justin Cooke, Katrina Cooke, Tim Cooke, Vikki Cooke, Adele Cooper, Chris Cooper, David Cooper, Helen Cooper, Jamie Cooper, Lauren Cooper, Nick Cooper, Rowena Cooper, Samantha Cooray, Thomas Cope, Sinead Corbet, Carolyn Corbett, Ailsa Corbishley, John Corcoran, Chris Cordell, Jessica Cordle, Alasdair Corfield, John Corless, Alison Corlett, Joe Cornwell, Michael Cornwell, Diana Corogeanu, Aisling Corr, Mirella Corredera, Ruth Corrigan, P Corry, Rita Corser, Jon Cort, Denise Cosgrove, Tracey Cosier, Patricia Costa, Telma Costa, Charlie Coston, Susannah Cotgrove, Zoe Coton, Lisa-Jayne Cottam, Rhiannon Cotter, Donna Cotterill, Caroline Cotton, George Couch, Martina Coulding, Andrew Coull, David Counsell, David Counter, Cherry Coupland, Ellie Courtney, Julia Courtney, Rebecca Cousins, Amanda J Coutts, Alexander Cowan, Elena Cowan, Richard Cowan, Richard Cowell, Louise Cowen, Steve Cowman, Amanda Cowton, Ellie Cox, Emma Cox, Giles Cox, Helen Cox, Karina Cox, Miriam Cox, Karen Coy, Andrea Cradduck-Bamford, Hannah Craig, Jayne Craig, John Craig, Victoria Craig, Felicity Craighead, Matthew Cramp, Hayley Cranston, Sheetal S Crasta, Jacolene Crause, Angie Crawford, Emma Crawford, Isobel Crawford, Sarah Crawshaw, Ben Creagh-Brown, Andrew Creamer, Amanda Creaser-Myers, Joanne Cremona, Saveria Cremona, Anna Crepet, Janet Cresswell, Mark Cribb, Charles Crichton, Declan Crilly, Lauren Crisp, Nikki Crisp, Dominic Crocombe, Maria Croft, Jennifer Crooks, Harriet Crosby, Elizabeth Cross, Tim Cross, Amy Crothers, Stephen Crotty, Susan Crouch, Madeleine Crow, Amanda Crowder, Kate Crowley, Teresa Crowley, Rebecca Croysdill, Callum Cruickshank, Conor Cruickshank, Irena Cruickshank, James Cruise, Carina Cruz, Trino Cruz Cervera, Dominic Cryans, Guanguo Cui, Helen Cui, Lorraine Cullen, Gillian Cummings-Fosong, Victoria Cunliffe, Neil Cunningham, Nicola Cunningham, Jason Cupitt, Hollie Curgenven, Gerens Curnow, David Curran, Simon Curran, Craig Currie, Jacqueline Currie, Scarlett Currie, Susan Currie, Susie Currie, Jonathan Curtis, Katrina Curtis, Matthew Curtis, Olivia Curtis, Thomas Curtis, Rebecca Cuthbertson, Jennifer Cuthill, Sean Cutler, Sarah Cutts, Marta Czekaj, Patrycja Czylok, Shane D’Souza, Joana da Rocha, Mohammed Dafalla, Andrew Dagens, Helen Daggett, Jacqui Daglish, Sandeep Dahiya, Anne Dale, Katie Dale, Michaela Dale, Sam Dale, Susan Dale, Jolyon Dales, Helen Dalgleish, Helen Dallow, Carlo D’aloia, Dermot Dalton, Morag Dalton, Zoe Daly, Mansi Damani, Eleanor Damm, Akila Danga, Joanne Dangerfield, Amelia Daniel, Priya Daniel, Allison Daniels, Adela Dann, Sandra Danso-Bamfo, Suzanne Darby, Alex Darbyshire, Janet Darbyshire, Paul Dargan, Paul Dark, Kate Darlington, Sarah Darnell, Tom Darton, Guledew Darylile, Avisnata Das, Manjusha Das, Sukamal Das, Martin Daschel, Joanne Dasgin, Dibyendu Datta, Anna Daunt, Vaishali Dave, Emily Davenport, Mark Davey, Miriam Davey, Molly Davey, Mini David, Alexander Davidson, Laura Davidson, Neil Davidson, Richard Davidson, Albert Davies, Alison Davies, Amanda Davies, Amy Davies, Angela Davies, Bethan Davies, Caroline Davies, Carolyn Davies, Catrin Davies, Dawn Davies, Drew Davies, Elaine Davies, Elinor Davies, Ellie Davies, Ffyon Davies, Gwyneth Davies, Helen Davies, Jennifer Davies, Jim Davies, Karen Davies, Kelly Davies, Kim Davies, Llinos Davies, Louisa Davies, Matthew Davies, Michelle Davies, Nina Davies, Owen Davies, Patrick Davies, Rachel Davies, Rhys Davies, Ruth Davies, Sally Davies, Sarah Davies, Simon Davies, Sue Davies, Alison Davis, Julie-Ann Davis, Katherine Davis, Peter Davis, Andrea Davis-Cook, Alexander Davison, Christine Dawe, H Dawe, Mark Dawkins, Angela Dawson, Danielle Dawson, Elizabeth Dawson, Joy Dawson, Lucinda Dawson, Mike Dawson, Susan Dawson, Tom Dawson, Isla Dawson, Andrew Daxter, Andrew Day, Jacob Day, Jeremy N Day, Jamie D’Costa, Parijat De, Pradip De, Duneesha de Fonseka, Toni de Freitas, Roberta De Pretto, Frederico De Santana Miranda, Eleanor de Sausmarez, Shanika de Silva, Thushan de Silva, Jessica De Sousa, Paulo De Sousa, James de Souza, Phillip De Souza, Anthony De Soyza, Natasha de Vere, Johannes de Vos, Bethan Deacon, Sharon Dealing, Anna Dean, Julie Dean, Katrina Dean, Stephen Dean, Tessa Dean, Jill Deane, James Dear, Effie Dearden, Catherine Deas, Samuel Debbie, Gabor Debreceni, Vashist Deelchand, Matthew Deeley, Joanne Deery, Emmanuel Defever, Manuela Del Forno, Arnold Dela Rosa, Gonzalo De-La-Cedra, Amanda Dell, Pamela De Los Santos Dominguez, Carrie Demetriou, David DeMets, Jane Democratis, Jacqueline Denham, Emmanuelle Denis, Laura Denley, Craig Denmade, Alexandra Dent, Kathy Dent, Martin Dent, Elise Denton, Tom Denwood, Nishigandh Deole, Darshita Depala, Maria Depante, Susan Dermody, Amisha Desai, Asmita Desai, Purav Desai, Sanjeev Deshpande, Vai Deshpande, Sirjana Devkota, Usha Devkota, Debbie Devonport, Matthew Devonport, Prakash Dey, Vishal Dey, Rogin Deylami, Kevin Dhaliwal, Sundip Dhani, Amandeep Dhanoa, Mili Dhar, Ankush Dhariwal, Dawpadee Dharmasena, Devesh Dhasmana, Ekanjali Dhillon, Reiss Dhillon, Syra Dhillon, Meghnath Dhimal, Dipali Dhiru, Trupti Dhorajiwala, Priya Dias, Stephanie Diaz, Kayleigh Diaz-Pratt, Mohammed Dibas, Debbie Dickerson, Pamela Dicks, Matt Dickson, Stuart Dickson, J Digby, Ronneil Digpal, Sean Dillane, Sarah Diment, Paul Dimitri, Georgios Dimitriadis, Sajeel Din, Thai Ha Dinh, Alex Dipper, Sabiq Dipro, Laura Dirmantaite, Lorelle Dismore, Lisa Ditchfield, Sarah Diver, Lavanya Diwakar, Preeti Diwan, Caroline Dixon, Giles Dixon, Kate Dixon, Brice Djeugam, Petr Dlouhy, Andrea D’Mello, Paul Dmitri, Laurence Dobbie, Marinela Dobranszky Oroian, Charlotte Dobson, Lee Dobson, Marie Docherty, David Dockrell, Jacqueline Dodd, James Dodd, Jackie Dodds, Rebecca Dodds, Steve Dodds, Richi Dogra, Conor Doherty, Erin Doherty, Warren Doherty, Yumiko Doi, Iain Doig, Eleanor Doke, Daniel Dolan, Mark Dolman, Rozzie Dolman, Lisa Donald, Katie Donald, Callum Donaldson, Christopher Donaldson, Denise Donaldson, Gillian Donaldson, Kate Donaldson, Sinead Donlon, Joanne Donnachie, Eilish Donnelly, Ronan Donnelly, Phil Donnison, Aravindhan Donohoe, Gemma Donohoe, Bryan Donohue, Emma Dooks, Reece J Doonan, Grainne Doran, Rachael Dore, Kane Dorey, Sharon Dorgan, Kataryna Dos Santos, Moonira Dosani, Davinder Dosanjh, Paula Dospinescu, Isabelle Doss, Theonymfi Doudouliaki, Andrew Dougherty, Jill Doughty, Katie Douglas, Jonathan Douse, Allyn Dow, Lucy Dowden, Michelle Dower, Sud Dowling, Nicola Downer, Charlotte Downes, Rob Downes, Thomas Downes, Damian Downey, Robert Downey, Caroline Downing, Louise Downs, Simon Dowson, Cornel Dragan, Cristina Dragos, Maire Drain, Chelsea Drake, Victoria Drew, Olivia Drewett, Anthony Drexel, Celine Driscoll, Helena Drogan, Odysseas Drosos, Graham Drummond, Katie Drury, Kay Druryk, Ronald Druyeh, Jack Dryburgh-Jones, Simon Drysdale, An Du Thinh, Hazel Dube, Judith Dube, Stephen Duberley, Paige K Duckenfield, Hayley Duckles-Leech, Nicola Duff, Emma Duffield, Heather Duffy, Helen Duffy, Katharine Duffy, Lionel Dufour, Annette Duggan, Parveen Dugh, Rauand Duhoky, Janice Duignan, Jennifer Dulay, Simon Dummer, Alexis Duncan, Andrew Duncan, Christopher Duncan, Fullerton Duncan, Gregory Duncan, Holly Duncan, Robert Duncan, Stephanie Dundas, Aileen Dunleavy, Julia Dunleavy, Alessia Dunn, Charlotte Dunn, Damian Dunn, Laura Dunn, Paul Dunn, Charlene Dunne, Karen Dunne, Fiona Dunning, Aidan Dunphy, Venkat Duraiswamy, Beatriz Duran, Ingrid DuRand, Leanne Durdle, Natalie Duric, Alison Durie, Emily Durie, Samuel Durogbola, Chris Durojaiye, Laura Durrans, Katie Durrant, Hannah Durrington, Iheukwumere Duru, Haris Duvnjak, Akshay Dwarakanath, Laasya Dwarakanath, Ellen Dwyer, Zara Dyar, Claudia Dyball, Kristyn Dyer, Harvey Dymond, Tom Dymond, Chris Eades, Lauren Eadie, Rebekah Eadie, Laura Eagles, Beena Eapen, Naomi Earl, Joanne Early, Melissa Earwaker, Nicholas Easom, Clare East, Amy Easthope, Fraser Easton, Jack Easton, Patrick Easton, Ruth Eatough, Oluwadamilola Ebigbola, Martin Ebon, Alison Eccles, Sinan Eccles, Chloe Eddings, Michael Eddleston, Maureen Edgar, Katharine Edgerley, Nicholas Edmond, Mary Edmondson, Tracy Edmunds, Abby Edwards, Alexandra Edwards, Catherine Edwards, Joy Edwards, Kennedy Edwards, Mandy Edwards, Martin Edwards, Sophie Edwards, Jenny Eedle, Aline Eggink, Dawn Egginton, Sam Eggleston, Loveth Ehiorobo, Sarah Eisen, Ugochukwu Ekeowa, Mohamed Ekoi, Ayomide Ekunola, Soha El Behery, Nagla Elashhar, Lisa Elawamy, Mohamed Elbeshy, Kate El-Bouzidi, Jennifer Elder, Mohammed El-Din, Emma Eldridge, Diana Eleanor, Uchenna Elenwa, Ibrahim Eletu, Em Baricitinib in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial and updated meta-analysis Lancet 2022 Jul 30;400(10349):359-368 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01109-6
Tracy Evans-Gilbert 1, Paula Michele Lashley 2, Emmeline Lerebours 3, Corrine Sin Quee 4, Indira Singh-Minott 5, Maritza Fernandes 6, Joycelyn Walter Thomas 7, Beverly Nelson 8, Jozan Braithwaite 9, Ian Hambleton 2 Children and the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a Caribbean perspective Rev Panam Salud Publica 2022 Aug 30;46:e135 10.26633/RPSP.2022.135.
Joseph Mariduena 1, Maya Ramagopal 2, Mark Hiatt 3, Shakuntala Chandra 3, Robert Laumbach 4, Thomas Hegyi 1 Vascular endothelial growth factor levels and bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2022 Apr;35(8):1517-1522 10.1080/14767058.2020.1760826
Josh Johnikutty Daniel DO1 , Bethany Jung RD CNSC2, Mark Hiatt MD2, 3 , Shakuntala Chandra MD2, 3 Early Human Milk Fortification on Growth Outcomes in Infants Rutgers
Jeff A Clark 1 Education in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Pediatr Clin North Am 2022 Jun;69(3):621-631 10.1016/j.pcl.2022.01.016.
Joseph Domachowske 1, Shabir A Madhi 2, Eric A F Simões 3, Victoria Atanasova 4, Fernando Cabañas 5, Kenji Furuno 6, Maria L Garcia-Garcia 7, Ineta Grantina 8, Kim A Nguyen 9, Dennis Brooks 10, Yue Chang 10, Amanda Leach 10, Therese Takas 10, Yuan Yuan 10, M Pamela Griffin 10, Vaishali S Mankad 11, Tonya Villafana 12; MEDLEY Study Group: Bernhard Resch, Olivier Danhaive, Kristof Vandekerckhove, Victoria Atanasova, Antoaneta Blazheva, Miroslava Bosheva, Svetoslav Dachev, Anesa Georgieva, Tanya Kamburova, Anna Kaneva-Nencheva, Radka Maslarska, Kina Nikolova, Zdravka Pironova-Grebenarova, Allison Carroll, Mark Chilvers, Peter Korcek, Liis Toome, Heili Varendi, Mika Ramet, Latif Adamon, Veronique Brevaut-Malaty, Ralph Epaud, André Leke, Thierry Mansir, Kim Nguyen, Isabelle Pin, Stéphane Rioualen, Olivier Tandonnet, Lothar Maurer, Falko Panzer, Ulrich Thome, László Ablonczy, Eva Karoly, Tamas Kovacs, Ildiko Szucs, Gyula Talosi, Paolo Biban, Diego Peroni, Kenji Furuno, Kazushige Ikeda, Kazuyuki Iwai, Atsushi Matsui, Jun Muneuchi, Hiroshi Ono, Dina Apele-Freimane, Ineta Grantina, Inguna Kaleja, Rasa Tameliene, Egle Vaitkaitiene, Sarbelio Moreno Espinosa, Mercedes Paredes-Paredes, Malgorzata Bederska, Hanna Czajka, Iwona Domzalska-Popadiuk, Piotr Korbal, Malgorzata Ras, Yun Sil Chang, Byung Min Choi, Moon Sung Park, Irina Asherova, Nina Baltserovich, Anna Galustyan, Sergey Ivanov, Olga Perminova, Titiana Pervunina, Dinara Sadykova, Daynia Ballot, Shaun Lawrence Barnabas, Shabir Madhi, Salphy Mokgadi Mogashoa, Renata Strehlau, Esme Louise Venter, Azeem Hassan Walele, Susana Ares Segura, Josep Lluis Arimany Montaña, Manuel Baca Cots, Fernando Cabañas Gonzalez, Maria Luz Garcia Garcia, Constancio Medrano Lopez, Laura Monterde Alvarez, Jose Pastor Rosado, Isabel Romero Blanco, Eduard Solé Mir, Caridad Tapia Collados, Eva Berggren-Broström, Ayla Gunlemez, Mehmet Yalaz, Hacer Yildizdas, Mykola Aryayev, Yuriy Bolbot, Margaryta Gonchar, Iryna Makedonska, Yuriy Nechtaylo, Oleksandr Smiyan, Olga Synoverska, Olga Yablon, Jayesh Bhatt, Frances Bu’Lock, Elizabeth Whittaker, Mohammed Bailony, Abhay Bhatt, Liberation DeLeon, Audra Deveikis, Scott Dobson, Joseph Domachowske, Janey Englund, Jaime Fergie, Nathan Forbush, Alan Garscadden, James Harris, Leonard Krilov, Aarti Kulshrestha, William Malcolm, William Muller, Vivek Narendran, David Nelson, Pia Pannaraj, John Pardalos, Daniel Pelzer, Mark Polak, Clement Ren, Tonya Robinson, Charlie Sang, Eric Simões, Jerry Twiggs, Paul Wisman, Sanjeev Ahuja, Catherine Auge, Priti Singh, Irfana Banu, Stephanie Chen, Lillian Fakoya, Amy Grenham, Robert J Kubiak, Anis A Khan, Sumit Markanday, Ulrika Wählby Hamrén, Jon Heinrichs Safety of Nirsevimab for RSV in Infants with Heart or Lung Disease or Prematurity “N Engl J Med
” 2022 Mar 3;386(9):892-894 10.1056/NEJMc2112186
C Buddy Creech 1, Evan Anderson 1, Vladimir Berthaud 1, Inci Yildirim 1, Andrew M Atz 1, Ivan Melendez Baez 1, Daniel Finkelstein 1, Paul Pickrell 1, Judith Kirstein 1, Clifford Yut 1, Ronald Blair 1, Robert A Clifford 1, Michael Dunn 1, James D Campbell 1, David C Montefiori 1, Joanne E Tomassini 1, Xiaoping Zhao 1, Weiping Deng 1, Honghong Zhou 1, Daniela Ramirez Schrempp 1, Kelly Hautzinger 1, Bethany Girard 1, Karen Slobod 1, Roderick McPhee 1, Rolando Pajon 1, Rituparna Das 1, Jacqueline M Miller 1, Sabine Schnyder Ghamloush 1; KidCOVE Study Group: Anil K Gupta, Bhavya Gandhi, Shrey Acharya, Suresh Boppana, Swetha Pinninti, Misty Purser Latting, Gary Berman, Krista Sullivan, Amy Roehl, Heidi Olson, Barbara Rizzardi, Vanesa Abad, Lori Luth, Katherine Luzuriaga, John L Sullivan, Jesica Pagano-Therrien, Mark Turner, Nick Tuttle, Audra Weslowski, Leonard B Weiner, Kristen Fluno, Lori J Ferguson, C Buddy Creech, Stephanie Rolsma, Shannon Walker, Shanda Phillips, Sharon Nachman, Barsha Chakraborty, Jennifer Russell, Fredric B Garner, Joseph P Balsamo, Sarah O Crespo, Christopher A Smith, Danielle Allen, Melinda Morgan, William J Muller, Laura Fearn, Sarah Berlatsky, Evan J Anderson, Christina A Rostad, Satoshi Kamidani, Lisa Macoy, Judith M Martin, Alejandro Hoberman, Gysella B Muniz, John Clinton, Evelyn Thomas, Kimberly Bundy, Daniel Finkelstein, Ana Merkovic, Rupert Vallarta, Shuchismita Bhatt, David F Jativa, Marcela Jativa, Johanna Garcia, Michael L Leonardi, J Bruce Etheridge, Sandi Judkins, Myron Levin, Tori Rutherford, Julianne Randlemon, Deina Barton, Clifford W Yut, Thipsavanh Douangboupha, Jenny Pleitez, Walter Dehority, Hengameh H Raissy, Matthew Kadish, Jeffrey S Gerber, Rasheeda Lawler, William R Otto, Jason G Newland, David A Hunstad, Carol Kao, Daniel S Hsia, Amy N Thomassie, Claire Hazlett, Judith L Kirstein, Hanna He, Julie Kasarjian, Erin G Nicholson, C Mary Healy, Hana M El Sahly, Mary T Caserta, Jennifer Nayak, Grant C Paulsen, Robert Frenk, Jennifer Whitaker, William J Towner, Randi Kendrick, Marissa Barron, William Hartman, James Conway, Sheryl Henderson, Marcos Zervos, Mayur Ramesh, Charles Barone, Stephen A Spector, Amaran Moodley, Megan Loughran, Kashif R Ali, Bonnie Elizabeth Colville, Berenice Ferrero, Khozema A Palanpurwala, Amy Starr, Christina Schmitt, Madhavi Ampajwala, Heema Marwah, Jacob Meadors, Carey Chronis, Rocio Ma, Anthony Sana, Oscar De Valle, Nixcela Ares Valdes, Elizabeth Reyes, Filipinas Vitug, Ronald Blair, Robin Scurlark, David Martinez, Samantha Villa, Nathan G Forbush, Candace K Smith, Adam M Hutchinson Sr, Renu Garg, Richard K Ohnmacht, Lynne Haughey, Ariana Stanton, C Steven Plimpton, Jason Wallace, Victoria Quiah, Michael A Rausch, Ariel Welty, Melissa Burton, Jorge G Sainz, David Leiman, Harold Minkowitz, Robert A Clifford, Jordan Hitchcock, Christine Butler, Lisanne Zharsky, Michael M Pfeffer, James D Campbell, E Adrianne Hammershaimb, Ginny Cummings, Andrea A Berry, Andrew M Atz, Natasha M Ruth, John M Costello, Kreighton Milks, Sreedhar Chava, Nichole Lopez, Monica Lopez, Mobeen Rathore, Erin Zornes, Jamilah Tejan, Michael Dunn, Saneetria Shannon, Elizabeth Olan, Melissa Frampton, Kimball A Johnson, Heather Beitz, Joy Becker, Daniel J Leonard, Kristine Johnson, Dionna Gydesen, Arin Piramzadian, Marriah Decosta, Brianna Bruggeman, Konda M Reddy, Maria Reynoso, Nilsa Cruz, Richard L Bennett Jr, Robert Call, Banks Tuner, Quito O Carr, Nicol Chavez, Maria Rascon, Christelle Ilboudo, Amruta Padhye, Britlyn Brown, Andrew Siesennop, Brian Chow, Vidya Iyer, Ivan Melendez, Athanasi Orfanos, Braulio Vizcayno, Carlos Del Ángel, Vladimir Berthaud, Xylina D Bean, Shahana Choudhury, Christopher J Keefer, Michael Bolton, JoAnne Hollingsworth, Micah Klumpp, Walter J Rok, Theresa Ferland, Anne Marie Rezendes, Randall Reese, Jami Steinmetz, Carol Andrews, David Hensley, Carina A Rodriguez, Reed Ryan, Amanda Morton, Monika Dietrich, Leslie Smitley, Nicole Falgout, George J Fuchs, John Bauer, Richard H Leggett, Debbie Gerloff, Eric Castillo, Shane McAllister, Jill Foster, Gwen Fischer, Rambod Rouhbakhsh, John Johnson, Kenneth Gooch, Inci Yildirim, Heidi Zapata, Kelly Anastasio, Carl P Griffin, Chalimar Rojo, Dalia Tovar, Wayne Shreffler, Lael Yonker, Keith Vrbicky, Charles Harper, Chelsie Nutsch, Frank S Eder, Abigail Wine, Carolyn Grausgruber, Liberation B De Leon, Joseph Anthony Villanueva Vasco, Catalina Villanueva, Paul K Pickrell, Hussain Shabbir Malbari, Carol Ann Linebarger, Rita Pokuaa Yankyera Evaluation of mRNA-1273 Covid-19 Vaccine in Children 6 to 11 Years of Age N Engl J Med 2022 May 26;386(21):2011-2023 10.1056/NEJMoa2203315
“Evan J Anderson 1, C Buddy Creech 1, Vladimir Berthaud 1, Arin Piramzadian 1, Kimball A Johnson 1, Marcus Zervos 1, Fredric Garner 1, Carl Griffin 1, Khozema Palanpurwala 1, Mark Turner 1, Jeffrey Gerber 1, Richard L Bennett 1, Kashif Ali 1, Madhavi Ampajwala 1, Gary Berman 1, Jennifer Nayak 1, Carey Chronis 1, Barbara Rizzardi 1, William J Muller 1, Christopher A Smith 1, George Fuchs 1, Daniel Hsia 1, Joanne E Tomassini 1, Dianne DeLucia 1, Caroline Reuter 1, Barbara Kuter 1, Xiaoping Zhao 1, Weiping Deng 1, Honghong Zhou 1, Daniela Ramirez Schrempp 1, Kelly Hautzinger 1, Bethany Girard 1, Karen Slobod 1, Roderick McPhee 1, Rolando Pajon 1, Anne Aunins 1, Rituparna Das 1, Jacqueline M Miller 1, Sabine Schnyder Ghamloush 1; KidCOVE Study Group: Anil K Gupta, Bhavya Gandhi, Shrey Acharya, Swetha Pinninti, Suresh Boppana, Misty Purser Latting, Gary Berman, Krista Sullivan, Amy Roeh, Heidi Olson, Barbara Rizzardi, Vanesa Abad, Lori Luth, Katherine Luzuriaga, John L Sullivan, Jesica Pagano-Therrien, Mark Turner, Nick Tuttle, Audra Weslowski, Leonard B Weiner, Kristen Fluno, Lori J Ferguson, Buddy Creech, Stephanie Rolsma, Shannon Walker, Shanda Phillips, Sharon Nachman, Barsha Chakraborty, Jennifer Russell, Fredric B Garner, Joseph P Balsamo, Sarah O Crespo, Christopher A Smith, Danielle Allen, Melinda Morgan, William J Muller, Laura Fearn, Sarah Berlatsky, Evan J Anderson, Christina A Rostad, Satoshi Kamidani, Lisa Macoy, Judith M Martin, Alejandro Hoberman, Gysella B Muniz, John Clinton, Evelyn Thomas, Kimberly Bundy, Daniel Finkelstein, Ana Merkovic, Rupert Vallarta, Shuchismita Bhatt, David F Jativa, Marcela Jativa, Johanna Garcia, Michael L Leonardi, J Bruce Etheridge, Sandi B Judkins, Myron Levin, Tori Rutherford, Julianne Randlemon, Deina Barton, Clifford W Yut, Thipsavanh Douangboupha, Jenny Pleitez, Walter Dehority, Hengameh H Raissy, Matthew Kadish, Jeffrey S Gerber, Rasheeda Lawler, William R Otto, Jason G Newland, David A Hunstad, Carol Kao, Daniel S Hsia, Amy N Thomassie, Claire Hazlett, Judith L Kirstein, Hanna He, Julie Kasarjian, Erin G Nicholson, C Mary Healy, Hana M El Sahly, Mary T Caserta, Jennifer Nayak, Michell Heiman, Noya Rackovsky, Grant C Paulsen, Robert Frenk, Jennifer Whitaker, William J Towner, Randi Kendrick, Marissa Barron, William Hartman, James Conway, Sheryl Henderson, Marcos Zervos, Mayur Ramesh, Charles Barone, Stephen A Spector, Amaran Moodley, Megan Loughran, Kashif R Ali, Bonnie Elizabeth Colville, Berenice Ferrero, Khozema A Palanpurwala, Amy Starr, Christina Schmitt, Madhavi Ampajwala, Heema Marwah, Jacob Meadors, Carey Chronis, Rocio Ma, Anthony Sana, Oscar De Valle, Nixcela Ares Valdes, Elizabeth Reyes, Filipinas Vitug, Ronald Blair, Robin Scurlark, David Martinez, Samantha Villa, Nathan G Forbush, Candace K Smith, Adam M Hutchinson Sr, Richard K Ohnmacht, Lynne Haughey, Ariana Stanton, Michael A Rausch, Ariel Welty, Melissa Burton, Jorge G Sainz, David Leiman, Harold Minkowitz, Robert A Clifford, Jordan Hitchcock, Christine Butler, Lisanne Zharsky, Michael M Pfeffer, James D Campbell, E Adrianne Hammershaimb, Andrea A Berry, Ginny Cummings, Andrew Atz, Natasha M Ruth, John M Costello, Kreighton Milks, Sreedhar Chava, Nichole Lopez, Monica Lopez, Mobeen Rathore, Erin Zornes, Jamilah Tejan, Michael Dunn, Saneetria Shannon, Elizabeth Olan, Melissa Frampton, Kimball A Johnson, Heather Beitz, Joy Becker, Daniel J Leonard, Kristine Johnson, Dionna Gydesen, Arin Piramzadian, Marriah Decosta, Brianna Bruggeman, Konda M Reddy, Maria Reynoso, Nilsa Cruz, Richard L Bennett Jr, Robert Call, Banks Tuner, Quito O Carr, Nicol Chavez, Maria Rascon, Christelle Ilboudo, Amruta Padhye, Britlyn Brown, Andrew Siesennop, Brian Chow, Vidya Iyer, Ivan Melendez, Athanasi Orfanos, Braulio Vizcayno, Carlos Del Ángel, Vladimir Berthaud, Xylina D Bean, Shahana Choudhury, Christopher J Keefer, Michael Bolton, JoAnne Hollingsworth, Micah Klumpp, Walter J Rok, Theresa Ferland, Anne Marie Rezendes, Randall Reese, Jami Steinmetz, Carol Andrews, David Hensley, Carina A Rodriguez, Reed Ryan, Amanda Morton, Monika Dietrich, Leslie Smitley, Nicole Falgout, George J Fuchs, John Bauer, Richard H Leggett, Debbie Gerloff, Eric Castillo, Shane McAllister, Jill Foster, Gwen Fischer, Rambod Rouhbakhsh, John Johnson, Kenneth Gooch, Inci Yildirim, Heidi Zapata, Kelly Anastasio, Carl P Griffin, Chalimar Rojo, Dalia Tovar, Wayne Shreffler, Lael Yonker, Keith Vrbicky, Charles Harper, Chelsie Nutsch, Frank S Eder, Abigail Wine, Carolyn Grausgruber, Liberation B De Leon, Joseph Anthony Villanueva Vasco, Catalina Villanueva, Paul K Pickrell, Hussain Shabbir Malbari, Carol Ann Linebarger, Rita Pokuaa Yankyera, Michael W Simon, Teresa L Sutherland, Sandy Hippe, Edgar Guardado-Rosales, Robert Jeanfreau, Shonna James, Kynisha Johnson, Matthew Pitts, Soren Gantt, Mitchell Shiller, Deirdre McCormack, Sergio Fanella, Lise Bourrier, Barb Fletcher, Charles Hui, Jason Brophy, Jennifer Bowes, Scott Halperin, Joanne Langley, Jeannette Comeau, James D Kellner, Jessica K Dunn, Joslyn D Gray, Manish Sadarangani, Hana Mitchell, Helen He, Sean Bitnun, Ari Bitnun, Valerie Waters, Yamna Ali
Affiliation” Evaluation of mRNA-1273 Vaccine in Children 6 Months to 5 Years of Age N Engl J Med 2022 Nov 3;387(18):1673-1687 10.1056/NEJMoa2209367
Helen Kest 1, Ashlesha Kaushik 2, Somia Shaheen 3, William Debruin 4, Sahil Zaveri 5, Mario Colletti 4, Sandeep Gupta 6 Epidemiologic Characteristics of Adolescents with COVID-19 Disease with Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Crit Care Res Pract 2022 Sep 5;2022:7601185 10.1155/2022/7601185
Sahil Zaveri 1, Helen Kest 2, Bhavin Shah 1, William DeBruin 3, Mario Colletti 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Complications: A Case Series on Implications of Marijuana in Adolescents With Myopericarditis Cureus 2022 May 2;14(5):e24665 10.7759/cureus.24665
Assia Miller, Risa Bochner, Nancy Sohler, Rose Calixte, Cameron Chan, Vatcharapan Umpaichitra, Elman Shalmiyev, Natalia Novikova, Ninad Desai, Warren Seigel, Vivian Chin, Sundari Periasamy, Lee Waldman, Mahrukh Bamji, Nikita Nagpal, Carol Duh-Leong, Makhmood Reznik, Mary Messito, Renee Bargman Modified body mass index z-scores in children in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic Pediatr Obes 2022 Nov;17(11):e12958 10.1111/ijpo.12958
Andrew K Sobering 1 2 3, Laura M Bryant 4, Dong Li 4, Julie McGaughran 5, Isabelle Maystadt 6, Stephanie Moortgat 6, John M Graham Jr 7, Arie van Haeringen 8, Claudia Ruivenkamp 8, Roos Cuperus 9, Julie Vogt 10, Jenny Morton 11, Charlotte Brasch-Andersen 12 13, Maria Steenhof 12, Lars Kjærsgaard Hansen 14, Élodie Adler 15, Stanislas Lyonnet 15, Veronique Pingault 15, Marlin Sandrine 16, Alban Ziegler 16, Tyhiesia Donald 17, Beverly Nelson 17, Brandon Holt 18, Oleksandra Petryna 19, Helen Firth 20, Kirsty McWalter 21, Jacob Zyskind 21, Aida Telegrafi 21, Jane Juusola 21, Richard Person 21, Michael J Bamshad 22 23 24, Dawn Earl 22; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics; Anne Chun-Hui Tsai 25, Katherine R Yearwood 26, Elysa Marco 27, Catherine Nowak 28, Jessica Douglas 28, Hakon Hakonarson 4 29 30, Elizabeth J Bhoj 4 29 30 Variants in PHF8 cause a spectrum of X-linked neurodevelopmental disorders and facial dysmorphology HGG Adv 2022 Mar 26;3(3):100102 10.1016/j.xhgg.2022.100102
Andrew K Sobering, Laura M Bryant, Dong Li, Julie McGaughran, Isabelle Maystadt, Stephanie Moortgat, John M Graham Jr, Arie van Haeringen, Claudia Ruivenkamp, Roos Cuperus, Julie Vogt, Jenny Morton, Charlotte Brasch-Andersen, Maria Steenhof, Lars Kjærsgaard Hansen, Élodie Adler, Stanislas Lyonnet, Veronique Pingault, Marlin Sandrine, Alban Ziegler, Tyhiesia Donald, Beverly Nelson, Brandon Holt, Oleksandra Petryna, Helen Firth, Kirsty McWalter, Jacob Zyskind, Aida Telegrafi, Jane Juusola, Richard Person, Michael J Bamshad, Dawn Earl; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics; Anne Chun-Hui Tsai, Katherine R Yearwood, Elysa Marco, Catherine Nowak, Jessica Douglas, Hakon Hakonarson, Elizabeth J Bhoj Erratum: Variants in PHF8 cause a spectrum of X-linked neurodevelopmental disorders and facial dysmorphology HGG Adv 2022 Dec 20;4(1):100168 10.1016/j.xhgg.2022.100168
Prakesh S Shah 1 2, Mikael Norman 3, Franca Rusconi 4, Satoshi Kusuda 5, Brian Reichman 6, Malcolm Battin 7, Dirk Bassler 8, Neena Modi 9, Stellan Hakansson 10, Jie Yang 11, Shoo K Lee 2 11, Kjell Helenius 12 13, Maximo Vento 14, Liisa Lehtonen 12 13, Mark Adams 8, Tetsuya Isayama 15, Kei Lui 16, Luigi Gagliardi 17; International Network for Evaluating Outcomes of Neonates (iNeo) Investigators: Kei Lui, Peter Marshall, Peter Schmidt, Anjali Dhawan, Larissa Korostenski, Javeed Travadi, Mary Sharp, Andy Gill, Jane Pillow, Jacqueline Stack, Pita Birch, Karen Nothdurft, Lucy Cooke, Dan Casalaz, Jim Holberton, Alice Stewart, Lyn Downe, Michael Stewart, Andrew Berry, Rod Hunt, Peter Morris, Tony De Paoli, Kei Lui, Mary Paradisis, Mark Greenhalgh, Pieter Koorts, Carl Kuschel, Sue Jacobs, Lex Doyle, John Craven, Andrew Numa, Hazel Carlisle, Nadia Badawi, Himanshu Popat, Guan Koh, Jonathan Davis, Melissa Luig, Bevan Headley, Chad Andersen, Linda Ng, Georgina Chambers, Nicola Austin, Adrienne Lynn, Brian Darlow, Liza Edmonds, Mariam Buksh, Malcolm Battin, Jutta van den Boom, Vaughan Richardson, David Barker, Barbara Hammond, Victor Samuel Rajadurai, Simon Lam, Genevieve Fung, Prakesh S Shah, Marc Beltempo, Jaideep Kanungo, Joseph Ting, Zenon Cieslak, Rebecca Sherlock, Ayman Abou Mehrem, Jennifer Toye, Carlos Fajardo, Jaya Bodani, Lannae Strueby, Mary Seshia, Deepak Louis, Ruben Alvaro, Amit Mukerji, Orlando Da Silva, Mohammad Adie, Kyong-Soon Lee, Eugene Ng, Brigitte Lemyre, Thierry Daboval, Faiza Khurshid, Ermelinda Pelausa, Keith Barrington, Anie Lapoint, Christine Drolet, Bruno Piedboeuf, Martine Claveau, Marie St-Hilaire, Valerie Bertelle, Edith Masse, Roderick Canning, Hala Makary, Cecil Ojah, Luis Monterrosa, Emberley Julie, Jehier Afifi, Andrzej Kajetanowicz, Shoo K Lee, Marjo Metsäranta, Liisa Lehtonen, Outi Tammela, Ulla Sankilampi, Timo Saarela, Iris Morag, Shmuel Zangen, Tatyana Smolkin, Francis Mimouni, Arieh Riskin, Karen Lavie-Nevo, Zipora Strauss, Ramat Gan, Clari Felszer, Hussam Omari, Smadar Even Tov-Friedman, Smadar Even Tov-Friedman, Amit Hochberg, Nizar Saad, Orna Flidel-Rimon, Aryeh Simmonds, Daniel Lubin, Sofia Bauer, Amir Kugelman, Eric Shinwell, Gil Klinger, Yousif Nijim, Alona Bin-Nun, Eilon Shani, Dror Mandel, Vered Fleisher-Sheffer, Anat Oron, Lev Bakhrakh, Satoshi Hattori, Masaru Shirai, Toru Ishioka, Toshihiko Mori, Takasuke Amizuka, Toru Huchimukai, Hiroshi Yoshida, Ayako Sasaki, Junichi Shimizu, Toshihiko Nakamura, Mami Maruyama, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Shinichi Hosokawa, Atsuko Taki, Machiko Nakagawa, Kyone Ko, Azusa Uozumi, Setsuko Nakata, Akira Shimazaki, Tatsuya Yoda, Osamu Numata, Hiroaki Imamura, Azusa Kobayashi, Shuko Tokuriki, Yasushi Uchida, Takahiro Arai, Mitsuhiro Ito, Kuniko Ieda, Toshiyuki Ono, Masashi Hayashi, Kanemasa Maki, MieToru Yamakawa, Masahiko Kawai, Noriko Fujii, Kozue Shiomi, Koji Nozaki, Hiroshi Wada, Taho Kim, Yasuyuki Tokunaga, Yasuyuki Tokunaga, Akihiro Takatera, Toshio Oshima, Hiroshi Sumida, Yae Michinomae, Yoshio Kusumoto, Seiji Yoshimoto, Takeshi Morisawa, Tamaki Ohashi, Yukihiro Takahashi, Moriharu Sugimoto, Noriaki Ono, Shinichiro Miyagawa, Takahiko Saijo, Takashi Yamagami, Kosuke Koyano, Shoko Kobayashi, Takeshi Kanda, Yoshihiro Sakemi, Mikio Aoki, Koichi Iida, Mitsushi Goshi, Yuko Maruyama, Alejandro Avila-Alvarez, José Luis Fernandez-Trisac, Mª Luz Couce Pico, María José Fernández Seara, Andrés Martínez Gutiérrez, Carolina Vizcaíno, Miriam Salvador Iglesias, Honorio Sánchez Zaplana, Belén Fernández Colomer, José Enrique García López, Rafael García Mozo, M Teresa González Martínez, Mª Dolores Muro Sebastián, Marta Balart Carbonell, Joan Badia Barnusell, Mònica Domingo Puiggròs, Josep Figueras Aloy, Francesc Botet Mussons, Israel Anquela Sanz, Gemma Ginovart Galiana, W Coroleu, Martin Iriondo, Laura Castells Vilella, Roser Porta, Xavier Demestre, Silvia Martínez Nadal, Cristina de Frutos Martínez, María Jesús López Cuesta, Dolores Esquivel Mora, Joaquín Ortiz Tardío, Isabel Benavente, Almudena Alonso, Ramón Aguilera Olmos, Miguel A García Cabezas, Mª Dolores Martínez Jiménez, Mª Pilar Jaraba Caballero, Mª Dolores Ordoñez Díaz, Alberto Trujillo Fagundo, Lluis Mayol Canals, Fermín García-Muñoz Rodrigo, Lourdes Urquía Martí, María Fernanda Moreno Galdo, José Antonio Hurtado Suazo, Eduardo Narbona López, José Uberos Fernández, Miguel A Cortajarena Altuna, David Mora Navarro, María Teresa Domínguez, Mª Yolanda Ruiz Del Prado, Inés Esteban Díez, María Teresa Palau Benavides, Santiago Lapeña, Teresa Prada, Eduard Soler Mir, Araceli Corredera Sánchez, Enrique Criado Vega, Cristina Fernández, Lucía Cabanillas Vilaplana, Irene Cuadrado Pérez, Luisa López Gómez, Laura Domingo Comeche, Isabel Llana Martín, Carmen González Armengod, Carmen Muñoz Labián, Mª José Santos Muñoz, Dorotea Blanco Bravo, Vicente Pérez, Mª Dolores Elorza Fernández, Celia Díaz González, SusanaAres Segura, Manuela López Azorín, Ana Belén Jimenez, Tomás Sánchez-Tamayo, Elías Tapia Moreno, María González, José Enrique Sánchez Martínez, José María Lloreda García, Concepción Goñi Orayen, Javier Vilas González, María Suárez Albo, Eva González Colmenero, Elena Pilar Gutiérrez González, Beatriz Vacas Del Arco, Josefina Márquez Fernández, Laura Acosta Gordillo, Mercedes Granero Asensio, Carmen Macías Díaz, Mar Albújar, Pedro Fuster Jorge, Sabina Romero, Mónica Rivero Falero, Ana BelénEscobar Izquierdo, Javier Estañ Capell, Mª Isabel Izquierdo Macián, Mª Mar Montejo Vicente, Raquel Izquierdo Caballero, Mª Mercedes Martínez, Aintzane Euba, Amaya Rodríguez Serna, JuanMaría Lópezde HerediaGoya, Alberto Pérez Legorburu, Ana Gutiérrez Amorós, Víctor Manuel Marugán Isabel, Natalio Hernández González, Segundo Rite Gracia, Mª Purificación Ventura Faci, Mª Pilar Samper Villagrasa, Zeljka Mustapic, Katarina Strand Brodd, Andreas Odlind, Per Friskopp, Sofia Arwehed, Ola Hafström, Anna Kasemo, Karin Nederman, Thomas Hägg, Fredrik Ingemarsson, Henrik Petersson, Ulrik Lindström, Eva Albinsson, Bo Selander, Thomas Abrahamsson, Ingela Heimdahl, Kristbjorg Sveinsdottir, Erik Wejryd, Johanna Kusima-Löfbom, Maria Katarina Söderberg, Lars Navér, Thomas Brune, Jens Bäckström, Peder Helmersson, Aijaz Farooqi, Erik Normann, Magnus Fredriksson, Anders Palm, Urban Rosenqvist, Bengt Walde, Linda Resman, Miriam Pettersson, Christina Ziegel, Kari Arhimaa, Mark Adams, Philipp Meyer, Rachel Kusche, Sven Schulzke, Mathias Nelle, Bendicht Wagner, Thomas Riedel, Grégoire Kaczala, Riccardo E Pfister, Jean-François Tolsa, Matthias Roth, Martin Stocker, Bernhard Laubscher, Andreas Malzacher, John P Micallef, Lukas Hegi, Dirk Bassler, Romaine Arlettaz, Carlo Dani Vera Bernet, Patrizio Fiorini, Paolo Ghirri, Barbara Tomasini, Anita Mittal, Jonathan Kefas, Anand Kamalanathan, Michael Grosdenier, Christopher Dewhurst, Andreea Bontea, Delyth Webb, Ross Garr, Ahmed Hassan, Priyadarshan Ambadkar, Mark Dyke, Katharine McDevitt, Glynis Rewitzky, Angela D’Amore, P Kamath, Paul Settle, Natasha Maddock, Ngozi Edi-Osagie, Christos Zipitis, Carrie Heal, Jacqeline Birch, Abdul Hasib, Aung Soe, Bushra Abdul-Malik, Hamudi Kisat, Vimal Vasu, Savi Sivashankar, Richa Gupta, Chris Rawlingson, Tim Wickham, Marice Theron, Giles Kendall, Aashish Gupta, Narendra Aladangady, Imdad Ali, Neeraj Jain, Khalid Mannan, Vadivelam Murthy, Caroline Sullivan, Shu-Ling Chuang, Tristan Bate, Lidia Tyszcuzk, Lidia Tyszcuzk, Geraint Lee, Ozioma Obi, John Chang, Vinay Pai, Charlotte Huddy, Salim Yasin, Richard Nicholl, Poornima Pandey, Jonathan Cusack, Venkatesh Kairamkonda, Dominic Muogbo, Liza Harry, Pinki Surana, Penny Broggio, Pinki Surana, Liza Harry, Tilly Pillay, Sanjeev Deshpande, Alison Moore Mahadevan, Porus Bastani, Mehdi Garbash, Mithilesh Lal, Majd Abu-Harb, Mehdi Garbash, Alex Allwood, Michael Selter, Paul Munyard, David Bartle, Siba Paul, Graham Whincup, Sanghavi Rekha, Philip Amess, Philip Amess Ben Obi, Peter Reynolds, Indranil Misra, Peter De Halpert, Sanjay Salgia, Rekha Sanghavi, Nicola Paul, Abby Deketelaere, Minesh Khashu, Mark Johnson, Charlotte Groves, Jim Baird, Nick Brennan, Katia Vamvakiti, John McIntyre, Jennifer Holman, Stephen Jones, Alison Pike, Pamela Cairns, Megan Eaton, Karin Schwarz, David Gibson, Lawrence Miall, David Gibson, Krishnamurthy Five-minute Apgar score and outcomes in neonates of 24-28 weeks’ gestation Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2022 Jul;107(4):437-446 10.1136/archdischild-2021-322230
Ala Elayyan, MD, MPH, FAAP, CNSC, Dipl. of ABOM* A Text Message Intervention for Weight Management in Childhood Obesity at the Pediatric Office Int J Pediatr Res 2022 2022, 8:090 /Volume 8 | Issue 1 10.23937/2469-5769/1510090
Pradeep Kumar Velumula 1, Faesal Elbakoush 2 3, Carl Tabb 2nd 2 3, Ahmad Farooqi 4, Mirjana Lulic-Botica 2 5, Sanket Jani 2 3 4, Girija Natarajan 2 3 4, Monika Bajaj 2 3 4 Breast milk vs 24% sucrose for procedural pain relief in preterm neonates: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial J Perinatol 2022 Jul;42(7):914-919 10.1038/s41372-022-01352-2
Leanna Laor 1, Suhas Ganguli 2, Esra Fakioglu 3 Granulomatous mastitis, erythema nodosum, and polyarthritis: a case report J Med Case Rep 2022 Apr 5;16(1):146 10.1186/s13256-022-03327-5
Radhika Maddali 1, Esra Fakioglu 1, Karim Masrouha 2, Lily Q Lew 1 Acute Multifocal Nonhematogenous Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Osteomyelitis in a Healthy Adolescent: An Atypical Presentation Cureus 2022 Feb 21;14(2):e22453 10.7759/cureus.22453
Rani S Gereige 1, Toni Gross 2, Ebaa Jastaniah 3 4; COUNCIL ON SCHOOL HEALTH AND COMMITTEE ON PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE Individual Medical Emergencies Occurring at School Pediatrics 2022 Jul 1;150(1):e2022057987 10.1542/peds.2022-057987
Ashley M Price 1, Samantha M Olson 1, Margaret M Newhams 1, Natasha B Halasa 1, Julie A Boom 1, Leila C Sahni 1, Pia S Pannaraj 1, Katherine Irby 1, Katherine E Bline 1, Aline B Maddux 1, Ryan A Nofziger 1, Melissa A Cameron 1, Tracie C Walker 1, Stephanie P Schwartz 1, Elizabeth H Mack 1, Laura Smallcomb 1, Jennifer E Schuster 1, Charlotte V Hobbs 1, Satoshi Kamidani 1, Keiko M Tarquinio 1, Tamara T Bradford 1, Emily R Levy 1, Kathleen Chiotos 1, Samina S Bhumbra 1, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 1, Sabrina M Heidemann 1, Melissa L Cullimore 1, Shira J Gertz 1, Bria M Coates 1, Mary A Staat 1, Matt S Zinter 1, Michele Kong 1, Brandon M Chatani 1, Janet R Hume 1, Katri V Typpo 1, Mia Maamari 1, Heidi R Flori 1, Mark W Tenforde 1, Laura D Zambrano 1, Angela P Campbell 1, Manish M Patel 1, Adrienne G Randolph 1; Overcoming Covid-19 Investigators BNT162b2 Protection against the Omicron Variant in Children and Adolescents N Engl J Med 2022 May 19;386(20):1899-1909 10.1056/NEJMoa2202826
Samantha M Olson 1, Margaret M Newhams 1, Natasha B Halasa 1, Ashley M Price 1, Julie A Boom 1, Leila C Sahni 1, Pia S Pannaraj 1, Katherine Irby 1, Tracie C Walker 1, Stephanie P Schwartz 1, Aline B Maddux 1, Elizabeth H Mack 1, Tamara T Bradford 1, Jennifer E Schuster 1, Ryan A Nofziger 1, Melissa A Cameron 1, Kathleen Chiotos 1, Melissa L Cullimore 1, Shira J Gertz 1, Emily R Levy 1, Michele Kong 1, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 1, Mary A Staat 1, Satoshi Kamidani 1, Brandon M Chatani 1, Samina S Bhumbra 1, Katherine E Bline 1, Mary G Gaspers 1, Charlotte V Hobbs 1, Sabrina M Heidemann 1, Mia Maamari 1, Heidi R Flori 1, Janet R Hume 1, Matt S Zinter 1, Kelly N Michelson 1, Laura D Zambrano 1, Angela P Campbell 1, Manish M Patel 1, Adrienne G Randolph 1; Overcoming Covid-19 Investigators Effectiveness of BNT162b2 Vaccine against Critical Covid-19 in Adolescents N Engl J Med 2022 Feb 24;386(8):713-723 doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2117995
Natasha B Halasa 1, Samantha M Olson 1, Mary A Staat 1, Margaret M Newhams 1, Ashley M Price 1, Pia S Pannaraj 1, Julie A Boom 1, Leila C Sahni 1, Kathleen Chiotos 1, Melissa A Cameron 1, Katherine E Bline 1, Charlotte V Hobbs 1, Aline B Maddux 1, Bria M Coates 1, Kelly N Michelson 1, Sabrina M Heidemann 1, Katherine Irby 1, Ryan A Nofziger 1, Elizabeth H Mack 1, Laura Smallcomb 1, Stephanie P Schwartz 1, Tracie C Walker 1, Shira J Gertz 1, Jennifer E Schuster 1, Satoshi Kamidani 1, Keiko M Tarquinio 1, Samina S Bhumbra 1, Mia Maamari 1, Janet R Hume 1, Hillary Crandall 1, Emily R Levy 1, Matt S Zinter 1, Tamara T Bradford 1, Heidi R Flori 1, Melissa L Cullimore 1, Michele Kong 1, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 1, Suzanne M Gilboa 1, Kara N Polen 1, Angela P Campbell 1, Adrienne G Randolph 1, Manish M Patel 1; Overcoming Covid-19 Investigators Maternal Vaccination and Risk of Hospitalization for Covid-19 among Infants N Engl J Med 2022 Jul 14;387(2):109-119 10.1056/NEJMoa2204399
Laura D Zambrano, Margaret M Newhams, Samantha M Olson, Natasha B Halasa, Ashley M Price, Julie A Boom, Leila C Sahni, Satoshi Kamidani, Keiko M Tarquinio, Aline B Maddux, Sabrina M Heidemann, Samina S Bhumbra, Katherine E Bline, Ryan A Nofziger, Charlotte V Hobbs, Tamara T Bradford, Natalie Z Cvijanovich, Katherine Irby, Elizabeth H Mack, Melissa L Cullimore, Pia S Pannaraj, Michele Kong, Tracie C Walker, Shira J Gertz, Kelly N Michelson, Melissa A Cameron, Kathleen Chiotos, Mia Maamari, Jennifer E Schuster, Amber O Orzel, Manish M Patel, Angela P Campbell, Adrienne G Randolph; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators Effectiveness of BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) mRNA Vaccination Against Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Among Persons Aged 12-18 Years – United States, July-December 2021 MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 Jan 14;71(2):52-58 10.15585/mmwr.mm7102e1
Natasha B Halasa, Samantha M Olson, Mary A Staat, Margaret M Newhams, Ashley M Price, Julie A Boom, Leila C Sahni, Melissa A Cameron, Pia S Pannaraj, Katherine E Bline, Samina S Bhumbra, Tamara T Bradford, Kathleen Chiotos, Bria M Coates, Melissa L Cullimore, Natalie Z Cvijanovich, Heidi R Flori, Shira J Gertz, Sabrina M Heidemann, Charlotte V Hobbs, Janet R Hume, Katherine Irby, Satoshi Kamidani, Michele Kong, Emily R Levy, Elizabeth H Mack, Aline B Maddux, Kelly N Michelson, Ryan A Nofziger, Jennifer E Schuster, Stephanie P Schwartz, Laura Smallcomb, Keiko M Tarquinio, Tracie C Walker, Matt S Zinter, Suzanne M Gilboa, Kara N Polen, Angela P Campbell, Adrienne G Randolph, Manish M Patel; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators; Overcoming COVID-19 Network Effectiveness of Maternal Vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy Against COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization in Infants Aged <6 Months - 17 States, July 2021-January 2022 MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 Feb 18;71(7):264-270 10.15585/mmwr.mm7107e3 Anoopindar K Bhalla 1 2, Margaret J Klein 3, Vicent Modesto I Alapont 4, Guillaume Emeriaud 5, Martin C J Kneyber 6 7, Alberto Medina 8, Pablo Cruces 9 10, Franco Diaz 11 12, Muneyuki Takeuchi 13, Aline B Maddux 14 15, Peter M Mourani 16, Cristina Camilo 17, Benjamin R White 18, Nadir Yehya 19, John Pappachan 20 21, Matteo Di Nardo 22, Steven Shein 23, Christopher Newth 3 24, Robinder Khemani 3 24; Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network: Rossana Poterala, Analia Fernandez, Antonio Avila Vera, Nilda Agueda Vidal, Deheza Rosemary, Gonzalo Turon, Cecilia Monjes, Alejandro Siaba Serrate, Thomas Iolster, Silvio Torres, Pablo Castellani, Martin Giampieri, Claudia Pedraza, Luis Martin Landry, Maria Althabe, Yanina Vanesa Fortini, Simon Erickson, Samantha Barr, Sara Shea, Warwick Butt, Carmel Delzoppo, Alyssa Pintimalla, Alejandro Fabio Martinez Leon, Gustavo Alfredo Guzman Rivera, Philippe Jouvet, Guillaume Emeriaud, Mariana Dumitrascu, Mary Ellen French, Daniel Caro I, Carlos Acuna, Franco Diaz, Maria Jose Nunez, Yang Chen, Yurika Paola Lopez Alarcon, Ledys Maria Izquierdo, Byron Enrique Piñeres Olave, Pablo Vasquez Hoyos, Pierre Bourgoin, Florent Baudin, George Briassoulis, Stavroula Ilia, Matteo Di Nardo, Fabrizio Chiusolo, Nobuaki Shime, Shinichiro Ohshimo, Yoshiko Kida, Michihito Kyo, Swee Fong Tang, Chian Wern Tai, Lucy Chai See Lum, Ismail Elghuwael, Carlos Gil Escobar, Marta Sousa Moniz, Cristina Camilo, Tarek Hazwani, Nedaa Aldairi, Ahmed Al Amoudi, Ahmad Alahmadti, Yolanda Lopez Fernandez, Juan Ramon Valle, Lidia Martinez, Javier Pilar Orive, Vicent Modesto I Alapont, Marti Pons Odena, Alberto Medina, Susana Reyes Dominguez, Oguz Dursun, Ebru Atike Ongun, Fulya Kamit Can, Ayse Berna Anil, Jon Lillie, Shane Tibby, Paul Wellman, Holly Belfield, Joe Brierley, Troy E Dominguez, Eugenia Abaleke, Yael Feinstein, James Weitz, Peter-Marc Fortune, Gayathri Subramanian, Claire Jennings, David Inwald, Calandra Feather, Rachel Agbeko, Angela Lawton-Woodhall, Karen McIntyre, Ryan Nofziger, Samir Latifi, Heather Anthony, Ron Sanders, Glenda Hefley, Manpreet Virk, Nancy Jaimon, Robinder Khemani, Christopher Newth, Anoopindar Bhalla, Jeni Kwok, Rica Morzov, Sidharth Mahapatra, Edward Truemper, Lucinda Kustka, Sholeen T Nett, Marcy Singleton, J Dean Jarvis, Nadir Yehya, Natalie Napolitano, Marie Murphy, Laurie Ronan, Ryan Morgan, Sherri Kubis, Elizabeth Broden, Rainer Gedeit, Kathy Murkowski, Katherine Woods, Mary Kasch, Yong Y Han, Jeremy T Affolter, Kelly S Tieves, Amber Hughes-Schalk, Ranjit S Chima, Kelli Krallman, Erin Stoneman, Laura Benken, Toni Yunger, James Schneider, Todd Sweberg, Aaron Kessel, Christopher L Carroll, James Santanelli, Kate G Ackerman, Melissa Cullimore, Courtney Rowan, Melissa Bales, W Keith Dockery, Shirin Jafari-Namin, Dana Barry, Keary Jane't, Shira Gertz, Bria Coates, Lawren Wellisch, Kiona Allen, Avani Shukla, Neal J Thomas, Debbie Spear, Steven L Shein, Margaret M Parker, Daniel Sloniewsky, Christine Allen, Amy Harrell, Natalie Cvijanovich, Katri Typpo, Connor Kelley, Caroline King, Anil Sapru, Anna Ratiu, Neda Ashtari, Asumthia S Jeyapalan, Alvaro Coronado-Munoz, Janet Hume, Dan Nerheim, Lincoln Smith, Silvia Hartmann, Erin Sullivan, Courtney Merritt, Awni Al-Subu, Andrea Blom, Deyin D Hsing, Steve Pon, Jim Brian Estil, Richa Gautam, John S Giuliano Jr, Joana Tala Mechanical power in pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome: a PARDIE study Crit Care 2022 Jan 3;26(1):2 10.1186/s13054-021-03853-6 Erwin Ista 1, Juliana Redivo 2, Paurav Kananur 2, Karen Choong 3 4, Jose Colleti Jr 5, Dale M Needham 6 7, Ronke Awojoodu 2, Sapna R Kudchadkar 2 7 8 9; International PARK-PICU Investigators: Michael S D Agus, Kerry Coughlin-Wells, Christopher J Babbitt, Sangita Basnet, Allison Spenner, Christine Bailey, Kristen N Lee, Deanna Behrens, Ramona Donovan, Kristina A Betters, Marguerite O Canter, Meredith F Bone, Sara VandenBranden, Gokul Kris Bysani, Maddie Chrisman, Ericka L Fink, LeeAnn Christie, Jean Christopher, Christina Cifra, Weerapong Lilitwat, David S Cooper, Alicia Rice, Allison S Cowl, Jason W Custer, Melissa G Chung, Danielle Van Damme, Kristen A Smith, Erin Bennett, Rebecca Dixon, Molly V Dorfman, Ashley Mancini, Sharon P Dial, Jane L Di Gennaro, Leslie A Dervan, Lesley Doughty, Laura Benken, Mark C Dugan, Judith Ben Ari, Melanie Cooper Flaigle, Vianne Smith, Shira J Gertz, Katherine Gregersen, Shamel A Abd-Allah, Justin Hamrick, Katherine Irby, Jodi Herbsman, Yasir M Al-Qaqaa, John Holcroft, Erin Hulfish, Kathleen Culver, Susan Hupp, Andrea DeMonbrun, Kelechi Iheagwara, Shelli Lavigne-Sims, Christine Joyce, Chani Traube, Pradip Kamat, Cheryl Stone, Sameer S Kamath, Melissa Harward, Priscilla Kaszubski, Joanne Daguanno, Robert P Kavanagh, Debbie Spear, Yu Kawai, Karen Fryer, Bree Kramer, Erin M Kreml, Brian T Burrows, Andrew W Kiragu, John Lane, Truc M Le, Stacey R Williams, John C Lin, Amanda Florin, Peter M Luckett, Tammy Robertson, Vanessa N Madrigal, Ashleigh B Harlow, Barry Markovitz, Fernando Beltramo, Michael C McCrory, Robin L McKinney, Maryam Y Naim, Asha G Nair, Ravi Thiagarajan, Shilpa Narayan, Kathleen Murkowski, Keshava Murthy, Narayana Gowda, Jhoclay See, Pooja A Nawathe, William E Novotny, Cynthia Keel, Peter Oishi, Neelima Marupudi, Laura Ortmann, A M Iqbal O’Meara, Nikki Miller Ferguson, Megan E Peters, Neethi Pinto, Allison Kniola, Courtney M Rowan, Jill Mazurczyk, Shilpa Shah, Sage Lachman, Marcy N Singleton, Sholeen T Nett, Michael C Spaeder, Jenna V Zschaebitz, Thomas Spentzas, Sue S Sreedhar, Katherine M Steffen, Michelle Chen, Anne Stormorken, Allison Blatz, Sachin D Tadphale, Robert C Tasker, John F Griffin, Tammy L Uhl, Melissa Harward, Karen H Walson, Cynthia Bates, Christopher M Watson, Mary Lyn Sheram, Cydni N Williams, Aileen Kirby, Michael Wolf, Kellet Lowry, Heather A Wolfe, Andrew R Yates, Brian Beckman, Paul C Ritson, Filippia Nikolaou, Marjorie de Neef, Martin Kneyber, Barnaby R Scholefield, Kate Penny-Thomas, Christina Linton, Reinis Balmaks, Matthias Richter, Fabrizio Chiusolo, Corrado Cecchetti, Marco Roberti, Michela Di Furia, Alicja Bartkowska-Śniatkowska, Chantal Grandjean, Bettina Nygaard, Yolanda Lopez, Tolga Koroglu, Tolga Besci, Simona Calza, Rachel S Agbeko, Emma Borrows, Nathalie Bochaton, Orsola Gawronski, Anne-Sylvie Ramelet, Janet Mattsson, Anne Ksellmann, Barbara Hero, Jowita Rosada-Kurasinska, Magdalena Świder, Irene Harth, Amabile Bonaldi, Cristina Giugni, Siva Oruganti, Joseph C Manning, Simon Gates, Hazel Smith, Annelies van Zwol, Jenna Hills, Johanna Conroy, Mark Bebbington, Felix Neunhoeffer, Jozef De Dooy, Karen Choong, David J Zorko, Laurence Ducharme-Crevier, Fontela Fontela, Laurie A Lee, Anne-Marie Guerguerian, Gonzalo Garcia Guerra, Kristina Krmpotic, Kusum Menon, Srinivas Murthy, Anupam Sehgal, Matthew J Weis, Nelson Kazunobu Horigoshi, Graziela de Araújo Costa, Taísa Roberta Ramos de Castilho, Paula Peres Domingues Peron, Walter Perez Scaranto, Daniela Nasu Monteiro Medeiros, Toshio Matsumoto, Carlos Gustavo de Almeida, Felipe Rezende Caino de Oliveira, Marcelo Barciela Brandão, Fernanda Lima-Setta, Arnaldo Prata-Barbosa, Glaciele Nascimento Xavier, Livia Barbosa de Andrade, Agda Ultra de Aguiar, Marcos Paulo Galdino Coutinho, Roberta Esteves Viera de Castro, Glazia André Landy, Suzana Lopes Bonfim Balaniuc, Ricardo Silveira Yamaguchi ABCDEF Bundle Practices for Critically Ill Children: An International Survey of 161 PICUs in 18 Countries Crit Care Med 2022 Jan 1;50(1):114-125 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005168 Samantha M Olson 1, Margaret M Newhams 2, Natasha B Halasa 3, Leora R Feldstein 1, Tanya Novak 2 4, Scott L Weiss 5, Bria M Coates 6, Jennifer E Schuster 7, Adam J Schwarz 8, Aline B Maddux 9, Mark W Hall 10, Ryan A Nofziger 11, Heidi R Flori 12, Shira J Gertz 13, Michele Kong 14, Ronald C Sanders 15, Katherine Irby 15, Janet R Hume 16, Melissa L Cullimore 17, Steven L Shein 18, Neal J Thomas 19, Laura S Stewart 3, John R Barnes 1, Manish M Patel 1, Adrienne G Randolph 2 4 20; Pediatric Intensive Care Influenza Investigators: Kong Michele, Meghan Murdock, Ronald C Sanders, Katherine Irby, Glenda Hefley, Adam J Schwarz, Cathy Flores, Ofelia Vargas-Shiraishi, Aline B Maddux, Peter M Mourani, Kevin A Van, Bria M Coates, Avani Shukla, Jairo Chavez, Adrienne G Randolph, Margaret M Newhams, Tanya Novak, Sabrina R Chen, Emily Jung, Heidi R Flori, Mary K Dahmer, Chaandini Jayachandran, Janet R Hume, Lexie Goertzen, Brittany Faanes, Jennifer E Schuster, Megan C Bledsoe, Shannon E Clark, Melissa L Cullimore, Rachel L Wellman, Shira J Gertz, Ryan A Nofziger, Nicole Twinem, Steven L Shein, Amanda N Lansell, Rajashri Rasal, Mark W Hall, Maggie Flowers, Lisa Steele, Scott L Weiss, Jenny L Bush, Ryan H Burnett, Neal J Thomas, Debra Spear, Natasha B Halasa, Laura S Stewart, Tricia L Lynch, Samantha M Olson, Manish M Patel, Leora R Feldstein, John R Barnes, Shoshona Le, Juliana DaSilva, Lisa Keong, Thomas Stark, Garten Kondor Rebecca, Wu Michael Vaccine Effectiveness Against Life-Threatening Influenza Illness in US Children Clin Infect Dis 2022 Aug 25;75(2):230-238 10.1093/cid/ciab931 Natasha B Halasa 1, Andrew J Spieker 2, Cameron C Young 3, Samantha M Olson 4, Margaret M Newhams 3, Justin Z Amarin 1, Kristin L Moffitt 5 6, Mari M Nakamura 5 6 7, Emily R Levy 8, Vijaya L Soma 9, Rana Talj 1, Scott L Weiss 10, Julie C Fitzgerald 10, Elizabeth H Mack 11, Aline B Maddux 12, Jennifer E Schuster 13, Bria M Coates 14, Mark W Hall 15, Stephanie P Schwartz 16, Adam J Schwarz 17, Michele Kong 18, Philip C Spinella 19, Laura L Loftis 20, Gwenn E McLaughlin 21, Charlotte V Hobbs 22, Courtney M Rowan 23, Melania M Bembea 24, Ryan A Nofziger 25, Christopher J Babbitt 26, Cindy Bowens 27, Heidi R Flori 28, Shira J Gertz 29, Matt S Zinter 30, John S Giuliano 31, Janet R Hume 32, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 33, Aalok R Singh 34, Hillary A Crandall 35, Neal J Thomas 36, Melissa L Cullimore 37, Manish M Patel 4, Adrienne G Randolph 3; Pediatric Intensive Care Influenza; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators Life-Threatening Complications of Influenza versus COVID-19 in U.S. Children Clin Infect Dis 2022 Jun 19;ciac477 10.1093/cid/ciac477 Leila C Sahni 1, Ashley M Price 2, Samantha M Olson 2, Margaret M Newhams 3, Pia S Pannaraj 4, Aline B Maddux 5, Natasha B Halasa 6, Katherine E Bline 7, Melissa A Cameron 8, Stephanie P Schwartz 9, Tracie C Walker 9, Katherine Irby 10, Kathleen Chiotos 11, Ryan A Nofziger 12, Elizabeth H Mack 13, Laura Smallcomb 14, Tamara T Bradford 15, Satoshi Kamidani 16, Keiko M Tarquinio 17, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 18, Jennifer E Schuster 19, Samina S Bhumbra 20, Emily R Levy 21, Charlotte V Hobbs 22, Melissa L Cullimore 23, Bria M Coates 24, Sabrina M Heidemann 25, Shira J Gertz 26, Michele Kong 27, Heidi R Flori 28, Mary A Staat 29, Matt S Zinter 30, Janet R Hume 31, Brandon M Chatani 32, Mary G Gaspers 33, Mia Maamari 34, Adrienne G Randolph 3 35, Manish M Patel 2, Julie A Boom 1 Factors associated with COVID-19 non-vaccination in adolescents hospitalized without COVID-19 J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc 2022 Oct 30;piac113 10.1093/jpids/piac113 Aline B Maddux 1, Jocelyn R Grunwell 2, Margaret M Newhams 3, Sabrina R Chen 3, Samantha M Olson 4, Natasha B Halasa 5, Scott L Weiss 6, Bria M Coates 7, Jennifer E Schuster 8, Mark W Hall 9, Ryan A Nofziger 10, Heidi R Flori 11, Shira J Gertz 12, Michele Kong 13, Ronald C Sanders Jr 14, Katherine Irby 14, Janet R Hume 15, Melissa L Cullimore 16, Steven L Shein 17, Neal J Thomas 18, Kristen Miller 1, Manish Patel 4, Anne M Fitzpatrick 19, Wanda Phipatanakul 20, Adrienne G Randolph 21; PALISI Pediatric Intensive Care Influenza Network Investigators Association of Asthma With Treatments and Outcomes in Children With Critical Influenza J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2022 Nov 12;S2213-2198(22)01190-4 10.1016/j.jaip.2022.10.045 Audrey Dionne 1, Kevin G Friedman 1, Cameron C Young 2, Margaret M Newhams 2, Suden Kucukak 2, Ashley M Jackson 3, Julie C Fitzgerald 4, Laura S Smallcomb 5, Sabrina Heidemann 6, Gwenn E McLaughlin 7, Katherine Irby 8, Tamara T Bradford 9, Steven M Horwitz 10, Laura L Loftis 11, Vijaya L Soma 12, Courtney M Rowan 13, Michele Kong 14, Natasha B Halasa 15, Keiko M Tarquinio 16, Adam J Schwarz 17, Janet R Hume 18, Shira J Gertz 19, Katharine N Clouser 20, Christopher L Carroll 21, Kari Wellnitz 22, Melissa L Cullimore 23, Sule Doymaz 24, Emily R Levy 25, Katri V Typpo 26, Amanda N Lansell 27, Andrew D Butler 28, Joseph D Kuebler 29, Laura D Zambrano 3, Angela P Campbell 3, Manish M Patel 3, Adrienne G Randolph 2 30, Jane W Newburger 1; Overcoming COVID‐19 Investigators Tachyarrhythmias During Hospitalization for COVID-19 or Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children and Adolescents J Am Heart Assoc 2022 Oct 18;11(20):e025915 10.1161/JAHA.122.025915 Aline B Maddux 1, Laura Berbert 2, Cameron C Young 3, Leora R Feldstein 4, Laura D Zambrano 4, Suden Kucukak 3, Margaret M Newhams 3, Kristen Miller 1, Madyson M FitzGerald 3, Jie He 2, Natasha B Halasa 5, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 6, Laura L Loftis 7, Tracie C Walker 8, Stephanie P Schwartz 8, Shira J Gertz 9, Keiko M Tarquinio 10, Julie C Fitzgerald 11, Michele Kong 12, Jennifer E Schuster 13, Elizabeth H Mack 14, Charlotte V Hobbs 15, Courtney M Rowan 16, Mary A Staat 17, Matt S Zinter 18, Katherine Irby 19, Hillary Crandall 20, Heidi Flori 21, Melissa L Cullimore 22, Ryan A Nofziger 23, Steven L Shein 24, Mary Glas Gaspers 25, Janet R Hume 26, Emily R Levy 1, Sabrina R Chen 3, Manish M Patel 4, Mark W Tenforde 4, Edie Weller 2 27, Angela P Campbell 4, Adrienne G Randolph 3 27 28; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators Health Impairments in Children and Adolescents After Hospitalization for Acute COVID-19 or MIS-C Pediatrics 2022 Sep 1;150(3):e2022057798 10.1542/peds.2022-057798 Sebastian Gonzalez-Dambrauskas 1, Pablo Vasquez-Hoyos 2, Anna Camporesi 3, Edwin Mauricio Cantillano 4, Samantha Dallefeld 5, Jesus Dominguez-Rojas 6, Conall Francoeur 7, Anar Gurbanov 8, Liliana Mazzillo-Vega 9, Steven L Shein 10, Adriana Yock-Corrales 11, Todd Karsies 12; Critical Coronavirus and Kids Epidemiological (CAKE) Study Investigators: Ryan Nofziger, Shashikanth Ambati, Tanil Kendirli, Ronald Sanders, Lee Polikoff, Siobhan Whelan, Anna Camporesi, Conall Francoeur, Francisca Castro, Claudia Beltrán, Rosalba Pardo, Gonzalo Vega, Mauricio Yunge, Lorena Acevedo, Ivan Jose Ardila, Diego Aranguiz, Samantha Dallefeld, MarthaI Alvarez-Olmos, Jaime Fernandez-Sarmiento, Arieth Figueroa-Vargas, Maribel Valencia-Benavides, Juan David Roa, Rubén Lasso-Palomino, Alessia Franceschi, Carina Venthur, Sebastian Gonzalez-Dambrauskas, Camila Ampuero, Jhovana E Paco-Barral, Jaime Tasayco-Muñoz, Jesús Domínguez-Rojas, Francisca Rafael-Patricio, Solana Pellegrini, Marcela Zuazaga, Silvana Brusca, Marisa Viera, Vladmir Ivan Aguilera-Avendano, F Alejandro, L Martínez, E Thelma, M Terán, Mariela Coronado-Lujan, Fabiola Castro-Mancilla, Franco Diaz-Rubio, Karina Cinquegrana, Alicia Sandoval, Andrea Gonzalez, Marta Zamora, Yurika Lopez-Alarcon, María Slöcker-Barrio, Javier Urbano-Villaescusa, Humberto Camacho, Liliana Mazzillo, Beatriz Giraldo, Pitas Suarez, Miguel Cespedes-Lesczinsky, Jorge Omar Castillo, Juan Pablo Fabris, Carolina Paladino, Silvia Sanabria, Erika Urena-Chavarría, Adriana Yock-Corrales, Gaudi Quispe, Manuel Munaico-Abanto, Miriam Colombo, Ana Carola Blanco, Byron Enrique Pineres-Olave, Ricardo Carvajal-Veas, Patricia Correa, Ricardo Garcia-De-Jesus, Arani Ferre, Pietro Pietroboni, Edwin Mauricio-Cantillano, Linda Banegas-Pineda, Nils Casson-Rodriguez, Agustin Cavagnaro, Adriana Wegner, Eliana Zemanate, Emilce Beltran-Zuñiga, Maria Alejandra Suarez, Deyanira Quiñonez, Leonardo Valero, Alejandra Repetur, Pablo Castellani, Adriana Bordogna, Alfredo De-la-Hoz-Pastor, Evelyn Obando-Belalcazar, Andrew Prout, Roberto Jabornisky, Andy Wen, Bria Coates, Christopher Watson, Elizabeth Mack, Jahee Hong, Todd Karsies, Steven Pon, Heda Dapul, Steven Shein, Murat Kangin, Pablo Vasquez-Hoyos, Shira Gertz, Laurence Ducharme-Crevier, Ilana Harwayne-Gidansky, Marisol Fonseca-Flores, Juan Carlos Nunez-Enriquez, Armando Leon-Villanueva, Ledys Maria, Teddy Muisyo, Michael Spaeder Paediatric critical COVID-19 and mortality in a multinational prospective cohort Lancet Reg Health Am 2022 Aug;12:100272 10.1016/j.lana.2022.100272 Daniel T Cater 1, Julie C Fitzgerald 2, Shira J Gertz 3, Jennifer A McArthur 4, Megan C Daniel 5, Kris M Mahadeo 6, Deyin D Hsing 7, Lincoln S Smith 8, Francis Pike 9, Courtney M Rowan 10; Hematopoietic Cell Transplant subgroup of the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigator Network Noninvasive Ventilation Exposure Prior to Intubation in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients Respir Care 2022 Sep;67(9):1121-1128 10.4187/respcare.09776 Jennifer E Schuster 1, Natasha B Halasa 2, Mari Nakamura 3 4, Emily R Levy 5, Julie C Fitzgerald 6, Cameron C Young 7, Margaret M Newhams 7, Florence Bourgeois 8, Mary A Staat 9, Charlotte V Hobbs 10, Heda Dapul 11, Leora R Feldstein 12, Ashley M Jackson 12, Elizabeth H Mack 13, Tracie C Walker 14, Aline B Maddux 15, Philip C Spinella 16, Laura L Loftis 17, Michele Kong 18, Courtney M Rowan 19, Melania M Bembea 20, Gwenn E McLaughlin 21, Mark W Hall 22, Christopher J Babbitt 23, Mia Maamari 24, Matt S Zinter 25, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 26, Kelly N Michelson 27, Shira J Gertz 28, Christopher L Carroll 29, Neal J Thomas 30, John S Giuliano 31, Aalok R Singh 32, Saul R Hymes 33, Adam J Schwarz 34, John K McGuire 35, Ryan A Nofziger 36, Heidi R Flori 37, Katharine N Clouser 38, Kari Wellnitz 39, Melissa L Cullimore 40, Janet R Hume 41, Manish Patel 12, Adrienne G Randolph 7 42; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators A Description of COVID-19-Directed Therapy in Children Admitted to US Intensive Care Units 2020 J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc 2022 May 30;11(5):191-198 10.1093/jpids/piab123 Juanjie Tang # 1, Tanya Novak # 2 3, Julian Hecker # 4, Gabrielle Grubbs # 1, Fatema Tuz Zahra 1, Lorenza Bellusci 1, Sara Pourhashemi 1, Janet Chou 5 6, Kristin Moffitt 5 7, Natasha B Halasa 8, Stephanie P Schwartz 9, Tracie C Walker 9, Keiko M Tarquinio 10, Matt S Zinter 11, Mary A Staat 12, Shira J Gertz 13, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 14, Jennifer E Schuster 15, Laura L Loftis 16, Bria M Coates 17, Elizabeth H Mack 18, Katherine Irby 19, Julie C Fitzgerald 20, Courtney M Rowan 21, Michele Kong 22, Heidi R Flori 23, Aline B Maddux 24, Steven L Shein 25, Hillary Crandall 26, Janet R Hume 27, Charlotte V Hobbs 28, Adriana H Tremoulet 29, Chisato Shimizu 29, Jane C Burns 29, Sabrina R Chen 2, Hye Kyung Moon 2, Christoph Lange 30, Adrienne G Randolph 2 3 5, Surender Khurana 31 Cross-reactive immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant is low in pediatric patients with prior COVID-19 or MIS-C Nat Commun 2022 May 27;13(1):2979 10.1038/s41467-022-30649-1 Aaron Bodansky 1, Sara E Vazquez 2, Janet Chou 3, Tanya Novak 4, Amer Al-Musa 5, Cameron Young 6, Margaret Newhams 6, Suden Kucukak 6, Laura D Zambrano 7, Anthea Mitchell 8, Chung-Yu Wang 9, Kristin Moffitt 10, Natasha B Halasa 11, Laura L Loftis 12, Stephanie P Schwartz 13, Tracie C Walker 13, Elizabeth H Mack 14, Julie C Fitzgerald 15, Shira J Gertz 16, Courtney M Rowan 17, Katherine Irby 18, Ronald C Sanders Jr 18, Michele Kong 19, Jennifer E Schuster 20, Mary A Staat 21, Matt S Zinter 22, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 23, Keiko M Tarquinio 24, Bria M Coates 25, Heidi R Flori 26, Mary K Dahmer 26, Hillary Crandall 27, Melissa L Cullimore 28, Emily R Levy 29, Brandon Chatani 30, Ryan Nofziger 31; Overcoming COVID-19 Network Study Group Investigators; Raif S Geha 5, Joseph DeRisi 8, Angela P Campbell 7, Mark Anderson 32, Adrienne G Randolph 33 NFKB2 haploinsufficiency identified via screening for IFNα2 autoantibodies in children and adolescents hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2-related complications J Allergy Clin Immunol 2022 Dec 9;S0091-6749(22)01655-4 10.1016/j.jaci.2022.11.020 Juanjie Tang # 1, Tanya Novak # 2 3, Julian Hecker # 4, Gabrielle Grubbs # 1, Fatema Tuz Zahra 1, Lorenza Bellusci 1, Sara Pourhashemi 1, Janet Chou 5 6, Kristin Moffitt 5 7, Natasha B Halasa 8, Stephanie P Schwartz 9, Tracie C Walker 9, Keiko M Tarquinio 10, Matt S Zinter 11, Mary A Staat 12, Shira J Gertz 13, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 14, Jennifer E Schuster 15, Laura L Loftis 16, Bria M Coates 17, Elizabeth H Mack 18, Katherine Irby 19, Julie C Fitzgerald 20, Courtney M Rowan 21, Michele Kong 22, Heidi R Flori 23, Aline B Maddux 24, Steven L Shein 25, Hillary Crandall 26, Janet R Hume 27, Charlotte V Hobbs 28, Adriana H Tremoulet 29, Chisato Shimizu 29, Jane C Burns 29, Sabrina R Chen 2, Hye Kyung Moon 2, Christoph Lange 30, Adrienne G Randolph 2 3 5, Surender Khurana 31 Author Correction: Cross-reactive immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant is low in pediatric patients with prior COVID-19 or MIS-C Nat Commun 2022 Aug 12;13(1):4732 10.1038/s41467-022-32572-x George B Sigal 1, Tanya Novak 2, Anu Mathew 1, Janet Chou 3, Yubo Zhang 4, Navaratnam Manjula 1, Pradeepthi Bathala 1, Jessica Joe 1, Nikhil Padmanabhan 1, Daniel Romero 1, Gabriella Allegri-Machado 5, Jill Joerger 5, Laura L Loftis 6, Stephanie P Schwartz 7, Tracie C Walker 7, Julie C Fitzgerald 8, Keiko M Tarquinio 9, Matt S Zinter 10, Jennifer E Schuster 11, Natasha B Halasa 12, Melissa L Cullimore 13, Aline B Maddux 14, Mary A Staat 15, Katherine Irby 16, Heidi R Flori 17, Bria M Coates 18, Hillary Crandall 19, Shira J Gertz 20, Adrienne G Randolph 2, Nira R Pollock 21; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators Measurement of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Antigens in Plasma of Pediatric Patients With Acute Coronavirus Disease 2019 or Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Using an Ultrasensitive and Quantitative Immunoassay Clin Infect Dis 2022 Oct 12;75(8):1351-1358 10.1093/cid/ciac160 Laura D Zambrano 1, Margaret M Newhams 2, Samantha M Olson 1, Natasha B Halasa 3, Ashley M Price 1, Amber O Orzel 2, Cameron C Young 2, Julie A Boom 4, Leila C Sahni 4, Aline B Maddux 5, Katherine E Bline 6, Satoshi Kamidani 7, Keiko M Tarquinio 8, Kathleen Chiotos 9, Jennifer E Schuster 10, Melissa L Cullimore 11, Sabrina M Heidemann 12, Charlotte V Hobbs 13, Ryan A Nofziger 14, Pia S Pannaraj 15, Melissa A Cameron 16, Tracie C Walker 17, Stephanie P Schwartz 17, Kelly N Michelson 18, Bria M Coates 18, Heidi R Flori 19, Elizabeth H Mack 20, Laura Smallcomb 21, Shira J Gertz 22, Samina S Bhumbra 23, Tamara T Bradford 24, Emily R Levy 25, Michele Kong 26, Katherine Irby 27, Natalie Z Cvijanovich 28, Matt S Zinter 29, Cindy Bowens 30, Hillary Crandall 31, Janet R Hume 32, Manish M Patel 1, Angela P Campbell 1, Adrienne G Randolph 2 33; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination Against COVID-19 is Associated with Decreased Likelihood of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in U.S. Children Ages 5-18 Years Clin Infect Dis 2022 Aug 4;ciac637 10.1093/cid/ciac637 Matt S Zinter 1, Jennifer McArthur 2 3, Christine Duncan 4, Roberta Adams 5, Erin Kreml 6, Heidi Dalton 7, Hisham Abdel-Azim 8, Courtney M Rowan 9, Shira J Gertz 10, Kris M Mahadeo 11, Adrienne G Randolph 12, Prakadeshwari Rajapreyar 3, Marie E Steiner 13, Leslie Lehmann 4; Hematopoietic Cell Transplant and Cancer Immunotherapy Subgroup of the PALISI Network Candidacy for Extracorporeal Life Support in Children After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Position Paper From the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators Network's Hematopoietic Cell Transplant and Cancer Immunotherapy Subgroup Pediatr Crit Care Med 2022 Mar 1;23(3):205-213 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002865 Aaron Bodansky MDa, Sara E.Vazquez PhD b,c, Janet Chou MDd,e, Tanya Novak PhD f,g, Amer Al-Musa MD d, Cameron Young BSf, Margaret Newhams MPHf, Suden Kucukak MDf, Laura D. 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Multicenter Selective Lymphadenectomy Trials Study Group; Jessica S Crystal 1, John F Thompson 2, John Hyngstrom 3, Corrado Caracò 4, Jonathan S Zager 5, Tiina Jahkola 6, Tawnya L Bowles 7, Elisabetta Pennacchioli 8, Peter D Beitsch 9, Harald J Hoekstra 10, Marc Moncrieff 11, Christian Ingvar 12, Alexander van Akkooi 13, Michael S Sabel 14, Edward A Levine 15, Doreen Agnese 16, Michael Henderson 17, Reinhard Dummer 18, Rogerio I Neves 19 20, Carlo Riccardo Rossi 21, John M Kane 3rd 22, Steven Trocha 23, Frances Wright 24, David R Byrd 25, Maurice Matter 26, Eddy C Hsueh 27, Alastair MacKenzie-Ross 28, Mark Kelley 29, Patrick Terheyden 30, Tara L Huston 31, Jeffrey D Wayne 32, Heather Neuman 33, B Mark Smithers 34, Charlotte E Ariyan 35, Darius Desai 36, Jeffrey E Gershenwald 37, Shlomo Schneebaum 38, Anja Gesierich 39, Lisa K Jacobs 40, James M Lewis 41, Kelly M McMasters 42, Cristina O’Donoghue 43, Andre van der Westhuizen 44, Armando Sardi 45, Richard Barth 46, Robert Barone 47, J Greg McKinnon 48, Craig L Slingluff 49, Jeffrey M Farma 50, Erwin Schultz 51, Randall P Scheri 52, Sergi Vidal-Sicart 53, Manuel Molina 54, Alessandro A E Testori 55, Leland J Foshag 56, Lisa Van Kreuningen 57, He-Jing Wang 58, Myung-Shin Sim 59, Richard A Scolyer 60, David E Elashoff 58, Alistair J Cochran 61, Mark B Faries 62 Therapeutic Value of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Patients With Melanoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA Surg 2022 Sep 1;157(9):835-842. 10.1001/jamasurg.2022.2055
Marc D Moncrieff 1, John F Thompson 2 Evaluating and Embracing Modern Imaging Technology to Guide Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Sep;29(9):5350-5352 10.1245/s10434-022-11935-0
Marc D Moncrieff 1, Vernon K Sondak 1, John F Thompson 1, Jonathan S Zager 1 Reply to A. Mangla and E. Hindié J Clin Oncol 2022 Dec 1;JCO2202218. 10.1200/JCO.22.02218.
Prakrit R Kumar 1, Mona Saad 1 2, Charlotte Hellmich 1 3, Jayna J Mistry 1 4, Jamie A Moore 1, Shannon Conway 5, Christopher J Morris 5, Kristian M Bowles 1 3, Marc D Moncrieff 6 7, Stuart A Rushworth 8 PGC-1α induced mitochondrial biogenesis in stromal cells underpins mitochondrial transfer to melanoma Br J Cancer 2022 Jul;127(1):69-78. 10.1038/s41416-022-01783-w
Richard J B Walker 1, Nicole J Look Hong 1, Marc Moncrieff 2, Alexander C J van Akkooi 3, Evan Jost 4, Carolyn Nessim 5, Winan J van Houdt 6, Emma H A Stahlie 6, Chanhee Seo 5, May Lynn Quan 4, J Gregory McKinnon 4, Frances C Wright 1, Michail N Mavros 7 ASO Visual Abstract: Predictors of Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Thin Melanoma-An International Multi-institutional Collaboration Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Oct;29(11):7018. 10.1245/s10434-022-12050-w.
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge 1, Hanna Wesslau 2, Roza Cizek 3, Carl Jacob Holmberg 4, Marc Moncrieff 5, Dimitrios Katsarelias 4, Anders Carlander 6, Roger Olofsson Bagge 4 Health-related quality of life using the FACT-M questionnaire in patients with malignant melanoma: A systematic review Eur J Surg Oncol 2022 Feb;48(2):312-319. 10.1016/j.ejso.2021.09.013
Marc Moncrieff 1 2, Sarah Pywell 3, Andrew Snelling 3, Matthew Gray 4, David Newman 4, Clare Beadsmoore 4, Martin Heaton 3, Davina Pawaroo 4 ASO Author Reflections: Effectiveness of SPECT/CT Imaging for Sentinel Node Biopsy Staging of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma and Patient Outcomes Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Feb;29(2):776-777. 10.1245/s10434-021-11026-6
Zahra Hussain 1, Martin J Heaton 1, Andrew P Snelling 1, Jenny P Nobes 2 3, Gill Gray 2, Jennifer J Garioch 4 3, Marc D Moncrieff 5 6 ASO Visual Abstract: Risk Stratification of Sentinel Node Metastasis Disease Burden and Phenotype in Stage III Melanoma Patients Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Nov 29. 10.1245/s10434-022-12859-5.
Zahra Hussain 1, Martin J Heaton 1, Andrew P Snelling 1, Jenny P Nobes 2 3, Gill Gray 2, Jennifer J Garioch 3 4, Marc D Moncrieff 5 6 Risk Stratification of Sentinel Node Metastasis Disease Burden and Phenotype in Stage III Melanoma Patients Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Nov 29. 10.1245/s10434-022-12804-6
Richard J B Walker 1, Nicole J Look Hong 1, Marc Moncrieff 2, Alexander C J van Akkooi 3, Evan Jost 4, Carolyn Nessim 5, Winan J van Houdt 6, Emma H A Stahlie 6, Chanhee Seo 5, May Lynn Quan 4, J Gregory McKinnon 4, Frances C Wright 1, Michail N Mavros 7 Predictors of Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Thin Melanoma: An International Multi-institutional Collaboration Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Oct;29(11):7010-7017. 10.1245/s10434-022-11936-z
Tom W Andrew 1, Nathan Hamnett 2, Iain Roy 2, Jennifer Garioch 3, Jenny Nobes 4, Marc D Moncrieff 2 5 Machine-learning algorithm to predict multidisciplinary team treatment recommendations in the management of basal cell carcinoma Br J Cancer 2022 Mar;126(4):562-568. 10.1038/s41416-021-01506-7
Ryckie G Wade 1, Samuel Bailey 2, Alyss V Robinson 3, Michelle C I Lo 4, Howard Peach 2, Marc D S Moncrieff 5, James Martin 6 MelRisk: Using neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio to improve risk prediction models for metastatic cutaneous melanoma in the sentinel lymph node J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2022 May;75(5):1653-1660 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.11.088
Zahra Hussain 1, Marc Moncrieff 2 3 ASO Author Reflections: Risk Stratification of Sentinel Node Metastases in Stage III Melanoma Patients in the Era of Adjuvant Systemic Therapy Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Dec 20. 10.1245/s10434-022-12847-9.
Alexander J Rossi 1, Emily A Verbus 1, Mark B Faries 2, Marc Moncrieff 3, Michael Henderson 4, Jonathan M Hernandez 5, Michael C Lowe 6 A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating 1-cm Versus 2-cm Surgical Excision Margins for Stage II Primary Cutaneous Melanoma (MelMarT-II) Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Apr 22 10.1245/s10434-022-11766-z
Marc Moncrieff 1 2, Sarah Pywell 3, Andrew Snelling 3, Matthew Gray 4, David Newman 4, Clare Beadsmoore 4, Davina Pawaroo 4, Martin Heaton 3 Effectiveness of SPECT/CT Imaging for Sentinel Node Biopsy Staging of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma and Patient Outcomes Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Feb;29(2):767-775 10.1245/s10434-021-10911-4
Yeliz Cemal 1, Vivekanandan Kumar 2, Marc Moncrieff 3 Introducing minimally invasive inguinal lymph node dissection in a UK tertiary skin cancer service: Initial experience & outcomes J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2022 Feb;75(2):737-742 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.09.054
Zeynep Eroglu # 1 2, Kristy K Broman # 3 2, John F Thompson 4, Amanda Nijhuis 4, Tina J Hieken 5, Lisa Kottschade 5, Jeffrey M Farma 6, Meghan Hotz 6, Jeremiah Deneve 7, Martin Fleming 7, Edmund K Bartlett 8, Avinash Sharma 8, Lesly Dossett 9, Tasha Hughes 9, David E Gyorki 10, Jennifer Downs 10, Giorgos Karakousis 11, Yun Song 11, Ann Lee 12, Russell S Berman 12, Alexander van Akkooi 13, Emma Stahlie 13, Dale Han 14, John Vetto 14, Georgia Beasley 15, Norma E Farrow 15, Jane Yuet Ching Hui 16, Marc Moncrieff 17, Jenny Nobes 17, Kirsten Baecher 18, Matthew Perez 18, Michael Lowe 18, David W Ollila 19, Frances A Collichio 20, Roger Olofsson Bagge 21, Jan Mattsson 21, Hidde M Kroon 22, Harvey Chai 22, Jyri Teras 23, James Sun 3, Michael J Carr 3, Ankita Tandon 2, Nalan Akgul Babacan 3, Younchul Kim 24, Mahrukh Naqvi 24, Jonathan Zager # 3 2, Nikhil I Khushalani # 3 2 Outcomes with adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with sentinel lymph node-positive melanoma without completion lymph node dissection J Immunother Cancer 2022 Aug;10(8):e004417. 10.1136/jitc-2021-004417
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Marc D Moncrieff 1, Serigne N Lo 2, Richard A Scolyer 2 3 4 5, Martin J Heaton 1, Jenny P Nobes 1, Andrew P Snelling 1, Michael J Carr 6, Carolyn Nessim 7, Ryckie Wade 8, A Howard Peach 8, Rumi Kisyova 9, Jennifer Mason 9, Ewan D Wilson 9, Grant Nolan 10, Rowan Pritchard Jones 10, Iva Johansson 11 12, Roger Olofsson Bagge 11 12, Lucie J Wright 13, Nakul G Patel 13, Vernon K Sondak 6, John F Thompson 2 5, Jonathan S Zager 6 Clinical Outcomes and Risk Stratification of Early-Stage Melanoma Micrometastases From an International Multicenter Study: Implications for the Management of American Joint Committee on Cancer IIIA Disease J Clin Oncol 2022 Dec 1;40(34):3940-3951 10.1200/JCO.21.02488
Marc D Moncrieff 1 2, Serigne N Lo 3, Richard A Scolyer 3 4 5 6, Martin J Heaton 7, Jenny P Nobes 7, Andrew P Snelling 7, Michael J Carr 8, Carolyn Nessim 9, Ryckie Wade 10, A Howard Peach 10, Rumi Kisyova 11, Jennifer Mason 11, Ewan D Wilson 11, Grant Nolan 12, Rowan Pritchard Jones 12, Vernon K Sondak 8, John F Thompson 3 4, Jonathan S Zager 8 Evaluation of the Indications for Sentinel Node Biopsy in Early-Stage Melanoma with the Advent of Adjuvant Systemic Therapy: An International, Multicenter Study Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Sep;29(9):5937-5945 10.1245/s10434-022-11761-4
Kristy K Broman 1, Tasha M Hughes, Brooke C Bredbeck, James Sun, Dennis Kirichenko, Michael J Carr, Avinash Sharma, Edmund K Bartlett, Amanda A G Nijhuis, John F Thompson, Tina J Hieken, Lisa Kottschade, Jennifer Downs, David E Gyorki, Emma Stahlie, Alexander van Akkooi, David W Ollila, Kristin O’shea, Yun Song, Giorgos Karakousis, Marc Moncrieff, Jenny Nobes, John Vetto, Dale Han, Meghan Hotz, Jeffrey M Farma, Jeremiah L Deneve, Martin D Fleming, Matthew Perez, Kirsten Baecher, Michael Lowe, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Jan Mattsson, Ann Y Lee, Russell S Berman, Harvey Chai, Hidde M Kroon, Juri Teras, Roland M Teras, Norma E Farrow, Georgia M Beasley, Jane Yuet Ching Hui, Lukas Been, Schelto Kruijff, Brandy Sinco, Amod A Sarnaik, Vernon K Sondak, Jonathan S Zager, Lesly A Dossett; International High Risk Melanoma Consortium International Center-Level Variation in Utilization of Completion Lymph Node Dissection and Adjuvant Systemic Therapy for Sentinel Lymph Node Positive Melanoma at Major Referral Centers Ann Surg 2022 Jan 27 10.1097/SLA.0000000000005370
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Christopher Hadjittofi 1, Hend Almalki 1, Bahar Mirshekar-Syahkal 1, Simon Pain 1, Katalin Zechmeister 1, Maged Hussien 2 Simple oncoplastic breast defect closure improves long-term cosmetic outcome of breast conserving surgery for breast cancer: A randomised controlled trial Breast 2022 Oct;65:104-109 10.1016/j.breast.2022.07.001
Andrew C Esposito 1, Nathan A Coppersmith 1, Erin M White 1, Marianna V Papageorge 1, Michael DiSiena 2, Donald T Hess 3, Jennifer LaFemina 4, Anne C Larkin 4, Thomas J Miner 5, Dmitry Nepomnayshy 6, John Palesty 7, Kari M Rosenkranz 8, Neal E Seymour 9, Gino Trevisani 10, James F Whiting 11, Kristin D Oliveira 1, Walter E Longo 1, Peter S Yoo 1 Update on the Personal and Professional Well-Being of Surgical Residents in New England J Am Coll Surg 2022 Sep 1;235(3):510-518 10.1097/XCS.0000000000000276.
Stephanie Steiger 1, Vincent Marcucci 2, Vidisha Desai 1, Min Zheng 3, Glenn Parker 2 Refractory Fulminant Colitis Requiring Surgical Intervention in a Patient With Ulcerative Colitis on Atezolizumab Therapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer: An Atypical Case Cureus 2022 May 29;14(5):e25437 10.7759/cureus.25437
Zachary W Fulton 1, Benjamin C Boothby 1, Seth A Phillips 1 Targeted Muscle Reinnervation for Trauma-Related Amputees: A Systematic Review Cureus 2022 Aug 27;14(8):e28474. 10.7759/cureus.28474
Andrew Blankenship 1, Amy Singleton 2, Logan Hiatt 1, Kirk W Evanson 3, Seth Phillips 1, Richard Miller 1 Outcomes following balloon tibioplasty versus conventional osteosynthesis techniques for Schatzker type III tibial plateau fractures: a systematic review J Orthop Surg Res 2022 Apr 7;17(1):210 10.1186/s13018-022-02973-1
Austin Moore 1, Amy Singleton 1, Logan Hiatt 1, Richard Miller 1, Seth Phillips 1, John J Leskovan 2 An Assessment of the Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on a Level 1 Trauma Center Including Subgroup Analysis of Orthopedic Injuries and Mechanism of Injury Cureus 2022 Jan 5;14(1):e20954. 10.7759/cureus.20954
Daniel Barbash 1, Aakash A Trivedi 1, James Y Yang 1, Richard B Nguyen 2, John C Huribal 1, Jamshed Zuberi 1, Osama Elsawy 1, Scott Wessner 1 Incidental discovery of goblet cell carcinoid, a rare appendiceal malignancy case report Journal of Surgical Case Reports, Volume 2022, Issue 7, July 2022, rjac356
Timothy A Amin 1, Steven F Nerenberg 2, Osama A Elsawy 3, Antai Wang 4, Jackie P Johnston 5 Evaluation of levetiracetam for early post-traumatic seizure prophylaxis: A level II trauma center experience The Surgeon 2022 May 31;S1479-666X(22)00084-1. 10.1016/j.surge.2022.05.001
Johnston, Jackie1; Nerenberg, Steven1; LaPietra, Alexis1; Wang, Antai2; Kulig, Caitlin1; Foran, Lindsey1; Hlayhel, Ahmad1; Yang, James1; Parmar, Dinesh1; Elsawy, Osama 1553: EFFECT OF ALTERNATIVES TO OPIATES PROGRAM ON DISCHARGE OPIOID PRESCRIBING IN TRAUMA PATIENTS Critical Care Medicine 50(1):p 780, January 2022. 10.1097/01.ccm.0000812536.34842.d8
Aye Thet, Tarik H. Hadid, Judith Boura, Narendra Gohel, Jeffrey Falk, Maria T. Vlachaki, Allison Jay, Paul J. Chuba Patterns of care and survival outcomes for young women treated for early breast cancers in a community hospital system. Journal of Clinical Oncology (June 01, 2022) e12586-e12586. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2022.40.16_suppl.e12586
Joshua Rui Yen Wong 1, Luke Zhu 1, Sachi Shah 1, Srinivas Gadikoppula A Case of Axial Spondyloarthritis Triggered by SARS-CoV-2 Infection Cureus 2022 Mar 5;14(3):e22860. 10.7759/cureus.22860
Max Murray-Ramcharan 1, Maria Camilla Fonseca Mora 2, Federico Gattorno 3, Javier Andrade 3 Laparoscopic Janeway gastrostomy as preferred enteral access in specific patient populations: A systematic review and case series World J Gastrointest Endosc 2022 Oct 16;14(10):616-627. 10.4253/wjge.v14.i10.616
Valeria Ripa 1, David Ali 2, Anh Nguyen 2, Yasaman Jaladat 2, Stuart R Geffner 2, Matthew I Whang 2 Treatment of Epstein-Barr Virus-Related Post-Renal Transplantation Development of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma of the Distal Ureter: A Case Report Transplantation Proceedings 2022 Jul-Aug;54(6):1618-1623. 10.1016/j.transproceed.2022.05.012.
Masha Osman 1, Maria J Kowzun 2, James E Gervasoni 3 Management of Warfarin-Induced Adrenal Adenoma Hemorrhage in the Setting of a History of Pulmonary Embolism Cureus 2022 Dec 15;14(12):e32556. 10.7759/cureus.32556
Aldin Malkoc 1, Ashley Stading 1, Stephanie Wong 1, Tara Weaver 1, Leslie Ghisletta Novel Treatment of Ventilator Dyssynchrony From Central Alveolar Hypoventilation Syndrome Utilizing Scheduled 5-Hydroxytryptamine-3 Receptor Antagonist J Med Cases 2022 Sep;13(9):443-448. 10.14740/jmc3983
Rovan Evan D’Souza 1, Girish Girish 2, Preethy D’Souza 3, Melissa Glenda Lewis 4, Vishnu Renjith 5 Outcomes of Visceral Arterial Reconstruction: A Systematic Review Vasc Endovascular Surg 2022 Apr;56(3):290-297. 10.1177/15385744211029112
Ioannis Thanasas 1, Giagkos Lavranos 2, Pinelopi Gkogkou 3, Dimitrios Paraskevis 4 The Effect of Health Education on Adolescents’ Awareness of HPV Infections and Attitudes towards HPV Vaccination in Greece Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(1), 503; 10.3390/ijerph19010503
Ersta Ferryanto, Ni lPatel, Mitchell Goldflies Successful treatment of diabetic infections utilizing vessel loop gradual closure: Case report and technique guide Elsevier: Foot & Ankle Surgery: Techniques, Reports & Cases Summer 2022, 100198
John J Kanitra 1, Isabella A Graham 1, Richard D Hayward 1, Darla K Granger 1, Richard A Berg 1, Jimmy C Haouilou 1 Estimated Cost of Transcarotid Arterial Revascularization Compared With Carotid Endarterectomy and Transfemoral Carotid Stenting Cureus 2022 Mar 27;14(3):e23539. 10.7759/cureus.23539
Omar Khalil 1, Akil Gani 1, Omar Al Kadhi 1, Sandeep Kapur 1, Vivekanandan Kumar 1, Anais Rosich-Medina 1, Richard Haywood 1, Irshad Shaikh 1 Robotic versus laparoscopic total pelvic exenteration-A video vignette Colorectal Dis 2022 Nov 11. 10.1111/codi.16382
Weiguang Ho 1, Guido Köhler 2, Richard M Haywood 2, Anais Rosich-Medina 2, Dhalia Masud 2 Microsurgical autologous breast reconstruction in the midst of a pandemic: A single-unit COVID-19 experience J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2022 Jan;75(1):112-117. 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.09.007
Rosa Salzillo 1 2, Filippo Boriani 1, Filippo Carta 3, Melania Tatti 3, Matteo Atzeni 1, Paolo Persichetti 2, Richard M Haywood 4, Roberto Puxeddu 3, Andrea Figus 1 Perforator-based chimeric anterolateral thigh flap U-shaped insetting for total pharyngoesophageal reconstruction: Surgical technique and functional outcomes Microsurgery 2022 Dec 5. 10.1002/micr.30991
Olivia L Sharp 1, Guido Köhler 1, Richard M Haywood 2, Dhalia Masud Breast augmentation using a free lateral thoracic artery perforator flap from the contralateral breast: A case report Microsurgery 2022 Feb;42(2):176-180. 10.1002/micr.30774
Declan C Murphy 1, Sergio Razzano 2, Ryckie G Wade 3, Richard M Haywood 4, Andrea Figus 5 Inferior gluteal artery perforator (IGAP) flap versus profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap as an alternative option for free autologous breast reconstruction J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2022 Mar;75(3):1100-1107. 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.09.043
Matteo Atzeni 1, Rosa Salzillo 2, Richard M Haywood 3, Paolo Persichetti 2, Diego Ribuffo 4, Andrea Figus 1 Unilateral immediate deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap breast reconstruction following skin sparing mastectomy: A comparative study on revision surgeries to improve breast symmetry Microsurgery 2022 Nov;42(8):766-774. 10.1002/micr.30945
Matteo Atzeni 1, Rosa Salzillo 2, Richard Haywood 3, Paolo Persichetti 2, Andrea Figus 4 Breast reconstruction using the profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap: Technical refinements and evolution, outcomes, and patient satisfaction based on 116 consecutive flaps J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2022 May;75(5):1617-1624. 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.11.085
Matthew T Carr 1, Jeffrey Gilligan 1, Zachary L Hickman 1 2, Salazar A Jones Brainstem Hemorrhage Following Lumbar Drain for Post-traumatic Hydrocephalus Cureus 2022 Jun 26;14(6):e26349. 10.7759/cureus.26349
Noah M Nichols 1, Ashia M Hackett 1, Alejandro Carrasquilla 1, Paul Solodnik 2, Hang Byun 3, Salazar Jones 1, Zachary L Hickman 1 Intracranial extramedullary hematopoiesis in a patient with beta-thalassemia presenting with head trauma Surg Neurol Int 2022 Nov 18;13:542. 10.25259/SNI_730_2022
Ernest J Barthélemy 1, Clémentine K Affana 2, Zerubabbel K Asfaw 3, Kristen Dams-O’Connor 4, Jueria Rahman 5, Salazar Jones 5, Jamie Ullman 6, Konstantinos Margetis 7, Zachary L Hickman 5, Neha S Dangayach 8, Al O Giwa 9; New York Neurotrauma Consortium Inc Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Neurotrauma: Research Priorities in the New York Metropolitan Area Through a Global Neurosurgery Paradigm World Neurosurg 2022 Sep;165:51-57. 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.06.031
Zachary L Hickman 1, Lisa A Spielman 2, Ernest J Barthélemy 3, Tanvir F Choudhri 4, Brittany Engelman 2, Al O Giwa 5, Jacob D Greisman 6, Konstantinos Margetis 4, Meaghan Race 7, Jueria Rahman 8, D Roxanne Todor 9, Spyridoula Tsetsou 4, Jamie S Ullman 10, Prashin Unadkat 10, Kristen Dams-O’Connor 11 International Survey of Antiseizure Medication Use in Patients with Complicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A New York Neurotrauma Consortium Study World Neurosurg 2022 Dec;168:e286-e296. 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.09.110
Al Ani M.a · Garas G.b · Hollingshead J.a · Cheetham D.a · Athanasiou T.b · Patel V.a,b Which Electronic Health Record System Should We Use? A Systematic Review Med Princ Pract 2022;31(4):342-351.
Mudathir Ibrahim 1 2, Arsenio Paez 2 3, Jiajie Yu 2 4, Baptiste Vasey 5, Joel Horovitz 1, Peter McCulloch 2 Examining the empirical evidence for IDEAL 2b studies: the effects of preceding prospective collaborative cohort studies on the quality and impact of subsequent randomized controlled trials of surgical innovations – protocol for a systematic review and case-control analysis BMJ Surg Interv Health Technol 2022 Nov 3;4(1):e000120. 10.1136/bmjsit-2021-000120
K Cole, E Jamnadass, J Ward, D Hou 265 Group and Saves for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies: An Unnecessary Expense? British Journal of Surgery, Volume 109 September 2022, znac269.255,
Haisam Saad 1, Francois N Van Niekerk 2, Jakub Kadlec 3 Hemiclamshell approach for left pneumonectomy Multimed Man Cardiothorac Surg 2022 May 6;2022. 10.1510/mmcts.2022.025
Omar Khalil 1, Akil Gani 1, Omar Al Kadhi 1, Sandeep Kapur 1, Vivekanandan Kumar 1, Anais Rosich-Medina 1, Richard Haywood 1, Irshad Shaikh 1 Robotic versus laparoscopic total pelvic exenteration-A video vignette Colorectal Dis 2022 Nov 11. 10.1111/codi.16382
Mohamed Rabie 1 2, Laura Parry 1, Iannish Sadien 1, Sandeep Kapur 1, Adam Stearns 1 3, Irshad Shaikh The management of asymptomatic radiological anastomotic leakage following anterior resection ANZ J Surg 2022 Apr;92(4):801-805. 10.1111/ans.17450
James Laycock 1, Sandeep Kapur 1, Dolly Dowsett 1, Vivekanandan Kumar 2, Irshad Shaikh 1 Robotic salvage abdominoperineal resection with robotic groin lymph node dissection – A Video Vignette Colorectal Dis 2022 Oct 13. 10.1111/codi.16365
Abdul Waheed 1, Audrey McCloskey 2, Frank Kennedy 1, Siamak M Seraj 3, Jaffar Khan 4, Noor Nama 5, Omari Johnson 6, Peter Lo 6, Harres Magee 7, Wazir Akbar 8, Asad Ullah 9, Frederick D Cason 1 Colorectal Cancer Screening Challenges in the Recent Afghan Refugee Population: A Comprehensive Review Article Cureus 2022 Feb 20;14(2):e22400. 10.7759/cureus.22400
Zhobin Moghadamyeghaneh 1 2, Murwarid Rahimi 1, Katherine Kopatsis 1, Anthony Paul Kopatsis 1, Anthony Kopatsis 1 Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach to Toxic Colitis Am Surg 2022 Jul;88(7):1411-1419. 10.1177/00031348221080420
Zhobin Yeganeh 1, Murwarid Rahimi 1, Anthony P Kopatsis 1, Katherine Kopatis 1, Anthony Kopatsis 1 Outcome of Prophylactic Postoperative Negative Pressure Wound Treatment in Colorectal Cancer Patients Am Surg 2022 Apr 22;31348221091936. 10.1177/00031348221091936
Zhobin Yeganeh 1, Dustin Hau Huynh 1, Anthony Paul Kopatsis 2, Anthony Kopatsis 2 Short Term Outcomes of Open and Minimally Invasive Approaches to Segmental Colectomy for Benign Colovesical Fistula Surg Res Pract 2022 Nov 23;2022:9242813. 10.1155/2022/9242813
Zhobin Moghadamyeghaneh 1, Adedolapo Ojo 1, Murwarid Rahimi 1, Anthony Paul Kopatsis 1, Katherine Kopatsis 1, Anthony Kopatsis 1 The Economic Effects on Acute Care Surgery in a New York City Public Hospital During the COVID Pandemic Am Surg 2022 Jan 3;31348211069788. 10.1177/00031348211069788
School of Veterinary Medicine (37)
- Alistair A, Doyle SR, Bartley D, Morrison A, Kaplan R, SHowell S, Neveu C, Busin V, Devaney E, Laing R(2022). Allele specific PCR for a major marker of levamisole resistance in Haemonchus contortus (2022). International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance, 20:17-26. DOI:
- Corrigan AM., Khan F, Guttin T, Kaplan RM, Olson NC (2022). “Student-centered learning in a diverse tropical environment” SPOTLIGHT on St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine, JAVMA accepted 09/22
- Ayala Guanga, L., Astiz, S., Dutan Sanango, J., Samaniego, J. X., López Cabrera, R. X., Perea, F., Hernandez-Fonseca, H. J., & Pesántez Pacheco, J. L. (2022). Relationship between the concentration of anti-Müllerian hormone and antral follicle count in pasture-managed Holstein cows in the high tropics. The Journal of dairy research, 1–5. Advance online publication.
- Bettke JA, Tam JW, Montoya V, Butler BP, van der Velden AWM (2022). Inflammatory Monocytes Promote Granuloma-Mediated Control of Persistent Salmonella Infection. Infect Immun. 2022 Apr 21;90(4):e0007022. doi: 10.1128/iai.00070-22. Epub 2022 Mar 21. PMID: 35311578; PMCID: PMC9022522.
- Chikweto A, Alhassan A, Su C, Macpherson C, Bhaiyat MI, Dubey JP (2022). Toxoplasma gondii clonal type III is the dominant genotype identified in Grenadian pigs. Veterinary Medicine and Science. 8:2005-2011, 2022.
- Collins N., Krutee L., Bidaisee S. (2022). Food pantry-based intervention may help improve diabetes self-management in low socioeconomic status individuals: A narrative review. Int Public Health J 2022;14(1):3-12
- Collins J.B., B. Jordan, A. Vidyashankar, A. Bishop, R.M. Kaplan (2022). Fenbendazole resistance in Heterakis gallinarum, the vector of Histomonas meleagridis, on a broiler breeder farm in South Carolina (2022), Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports. Vol 36: 100785.
- Curry B, Drane A, Atencia R, Feltrer Y, Howatson G, Calvi T, Palmer C, Moittie S, Unwin S, Tremblay J, Sleeper M, Lammey M, Cooper S, Stembridge M, Shave R (2022). Body mass and growth rates in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) cared for in African wildlife sanctuaries, zoological institutions, and research facilities. Zoo Biology, Jul 2022.
- Czaran V, Edwards J, Buchweitz J, Finney C, Chikweto A, Butler BP, Marancik D (2022). Occurrence of Histamine Toxicity and Metal and Mineral Contaminants in Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) in Grenada, West Indies. Caribbean Journal of Science 52 (1), 114-125, 2022.
- Gill N. D.S., Bidaisee S., Coffin T. (2022). The effect of growth promoters in livestock on pubertal onset age in girls. Int Public Health J 2022;14(1):23-30
- Gordon SJ, Bolwell CF, Weston JF, Benschop J, Gardner DH, Parkinson TJ (2022). Using a Card Sort Technique to Determine the Perceptions of First-Year Veterinary Students on Veterinary Professionalism Attributes Important to Future Success in Clinical Practice. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2022 Jul 18:e20220019.
- Guttin T, Penny Light T, Baillie S (2022). Exploring the mindset of veterinary educators for intelligence, clinical reasoning, compassion, and morality. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 2022, 49(5): 603-609.
- Ivaldi F, Ogdon C, Khan FA (2022). A rare case of vulvar discharge associated with exogenous oestrogen exposure in a spayed Weimaraner bitch. Vet Med Sci. 2022;8(5):1872-1876. doi: 10.1002/vms3.860
- Kaya A, Dogan S, Vargovic P, Kutchy NA, Ross P, Topper E, Oko R, van der Hoorn F, Sutovsky P, Memili E (2022). Sperm proteins ODF2 and PAWP as markers of fertility in breeding bulls. Cell Tissue Res. 2022 Jan;387(1):159-171. doi: 10.1007/s00441-021-03529-1. Epub 2021 Nov 11. PMID: 34762184.
- Kutchy NA, Ma R, Liu Y, Buch S and Hu G (2022). Extracellular Vesicle[1][1]Mediated Delivery of Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles to Mice Brain. Front. Pharmacol. 13:819516. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.819516
- Liou MJ, Miller BM, Litvak Y, Nguyen H, Natwick DE, Savage HP, Rixon JA, Mahan SP, Hiyoshi H, Rogers AWL, Velazquez EM, Butler BP, Collins SR, McSorley SJ, Harshey RM, Byndloss MX, Simon SI, Bäumler AJ (2022). Host cells subdivide nutrient niches into discrete biogeographical microhabitats for gut microbes. Cell Host Microbe. 2022 Jun 8;30(6):836-847.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2022.04.012. Epub 2022 May 13. PMID: 35568027; PMCID: PMC9187619.
- Moittié S, Jarvis R, Stephan Bandelow S, Byrne S, Dobbs P, Grant M, Reeves C, White K, Liptovszky M, Baiker K (2022). Vitamin D status in chimpanzees in human care: a Europe wide study. Scientific Reports. Scientific Reports. 2022. In press.
- Nguyen, T, Marancik D, Soto E. (2022). B-glucan immunostimulation against columnaris in a white sturgeon (Acipenser Transmontanus) model. Fish and Shellfish Immunology.
- Perea, Miguel; Perdomo, Daniel; Zambrano, Zenaida; Gonzalez, Mario; Hernandez-Fonseca, Hugo; Perea, Fernando (2022). Lunar cycle influences production of tilapia (Oreochromis spp) eggs in an intensive outdoor production system in the tropics. Journal of Biological Rithyms Vol. 37 (2):177-184.
- Raindi D, Rees J, Hirschfeld J, Wright H, Dobbs P, Moittié S, White K, Stahl W, Martin M, Redrobe S, Hughes F, Liptovszky M, Baiker K, Grant M (2022). Periodontal health, neutrophil activity and cardiovascular health in captive chimpanzees. Arch Oral Biol. 2022 Feb;134:105342.
- Ramos-Nino, M.E.; Anash, G.; Fitzpatrick, D.M.; Dragon, J.A.; Cheetham, S (2022). Antiviral RNAi Mechanisms to Arboviruses in Mosquitoes: microRNA Profile of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus from Grenada, West Indies. Appl. Microbiol. 2022, 2, 381-396.
- Risso A, Campos G, Garcia H, Zerpa H (2022). Insights into equine piroplasmosis in Venezuelan sport horses: Molecular diagnosis, clinical, and cardiovascular findings. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports. 27, January 2022, 100666.
- Roopnarine, R. R., & Boeren, E. (2022). A Focus on Methodology: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Conduct a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Need for One Health Education for Medical and Veterinary Students in the Context of COVID-19. Environmental Health Insights, 16, 11786302221080826.
- Laing Roz, Stephen R. Doyle, Jennifer McIntyre, Kirsty Maitland, Alison Morrison, David J. Bartley, Ray Kaplan, Umer Chaudhry, Neil Sargison, Andy Tait, Matthew Berriman, James A. Cotton, Collette Britton, Eileen Devaney (2022). Transcriptomic analyses implicate neuronal plasticity and chloride homeostasis in ivermectin resistance and response to treatment in a parasitic nematode (2022), PLoS Pathogens, June 13, 2022.
- Schectman SJ, Khanam A, Walters MND, Kirwan E, Sylvester WR, Khan FA (2022). A retrospective study of canine transmissible venereal tumour in Grenada, West Indies. Vet Med Sci. 2022;8(3):1008-1012. doi: 10.1002/vms3.778
- Schwartz R, Bidaisee S, Fields PJ, Macpherson M, Macpherson CNL (2022). The epidemiology and control of Toxocara canis in puppies. Parasite Epidemiology and Control. Volume 16, February 2022, e00232.
- Doyle Stephen R., Roz Laing, David Bartley, Alison Morrison, Nancy Holroyd, Kirsty Maitland, Alistair Antonopoulos, Umer Chaudhry, Ilona Flis, Sue Howell, Jennifer McIntyre, John S. Gilleard, Andy Tait, Barbara Mable, Ray Kaplan, Neil Sargison, Collette Britton, Matthew Berriman, Eileen Devaney, James A. Cotton (2022). Genomic landscape of drug response reveals novel mediators of anthelmintic resistance (2022). Accepted, Cell Reports.
- Sturrock CJ, Stanford K, Moittie S, Baiker K, Redrobe S and Rutland CS(2022). Discovery Of A Bone In Chimpanzee Hearts. Front. Young Minds 9:592105. doi: 10.3389/frym.2021.592105
- Teres D, Stone DM, Strosberg M (2022). Can Intranasal Vaccines Stop Breakthrough COVID? MEDPAGE today COVID-19 Opinion Op-Ed. October 23, 2021.
- Teres D, Stone DM, Strosberg M (2022). Should we worry about animals with COVID-19?. Healio Infectious Disease News Opinion Op-Ed. December 21, 2021.
- Troyer H.L., Bidaisee S (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the aviation industry: A literature review. Int Public Health J 2022;14(1):13-21
- Virendra A, Gulavane SU, Khan FA, Chaudhari RJ, Gaikwad SM, Shelar RR, Dagli NR, Ingole SD, Thorat VD, Ahmed ZA (2022). Analysis of uterine and systemic parameters in fertile and barren mares. Indian J Anim Res. 2022; doi: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4893
- Virendra A, Shrivastava OP, Shukla SN, Shukla MK, Bajaj NK, Khanam A, Khan FA (2022). Evaluation of intratesticular chlorhexidine gluconate for chemical contraception in dogs. Asian Pac J Reprod. 2022;11(5):231-235. doi: 10.4103/2305-0500.356842
- Werners, A., Karasek, I., Butler, C., Yeatts, J., Enomoto, H., & Baynes, R. (2022). Control of ticks on horses using abamectin-impregnated ear tags. A pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study. Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics, 45(5), 473–480.
- Woodyard E, Bierman A, Edwards J, Finney J, Rosser T, Griffin M, Marancik D (2022). Kudoa hypoepicardialis (Myxosporea: Multivalvida: Kudoidae) and associated cardiac lesions -in invasive lionfish Pterois volitans (L., 1758) in Grenada, West Indies. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.
- Zendejas-Heredia PA, Colella V, Macpherson MLA, Sylvester W, Robin B. Gasser RB, Macpherson CNL, Rebecca J. Traub RJ (2022). Ancylostoma ceylanicum in dogs from Grenada, West Indies. Emerging infectious diseases (EID). Vol 28. No 9. September 2022.
- Macpherson MLA, Pinckney R, Sylvester W, Bidaisee S, Macpherson CNL (2022) ‘Man’s best friend and our shared infectious diseases’, CABI Reviews. CABI International. doi: 10.1079/cabireviews202217052.
School of Arts & Sciences (3)
- Pounder P & Hinds MM (2022). Entrepreneurship and Local Culture, Caribbean Quarterly, 68:3, 423-442, DOI: 10.1080/00086495.2022.2105040
- Pounder, P. (2022). Leadership and information dissemination: challenges and opportunities in COVID-19, International Journal of Public Leadership, Vol. 18 No. 2, pp. 151-172.
- Pounder, P. (2022). Intersection of health protection policy and sport during COVID-19: identifying and analyzing behavioral issues. Managing Sport and Leisure, (early cite).
2021 Publications
Basic Sciences(155)
Anatomical Sciences (116)
- Alexander P, Visagan S, Issa R, Gorantla VR, Thomas SE. Current Trends in the Duration of Anticoagulant Therapy for Venous Thromboembolism: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 2021 Oct 23;13(10):e18992. doi: 10.7759/cureus.18992. PMID: 34853735; PMCID: PMC8608253.
- Ahmed M, McPherson R, Abruzzo A, Thomas SE, Gorantla VR. Carotid Artery Calcification: What We Know So Far. Cureus. 2021 Oct 21;13(10):e18938. doi: 10.7759/cureus.18938. PMID: 34815892; PMCID: PMC8605497.
- Plumber N, Majeed M, Ziff S, Thomas SE, Bolla SR, Gorantla VR. Stimulant Usage by Medical Students for Cognitive Enhancement: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 2021 May 22;13(5):e15163. doi: 10.7759/cureus.15163. PMID: 34178492; PMCID: PMC8216643.
- Ojo AS, Balogun SA, Idowu AO. Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder in Africa: What is the current state of knowledge? Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2021 Jul;206:106709. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2021.106709. Epub 2021 May 25. PMID: 34088539.
- Dindial R, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Rare variation of the furcal nerve. Morphologie. 2021 Feb;105(348):75-77. doi: 10.1016/j.morpho.2020.09.001.
- Lewis GD, Majeed M, Olang CA, Patel A, Gorantla VR, Davis N, Gluschitz S. Fournier’s Gangrene Diagnosis and Treatment: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 2021 Oct 21;13(10):e18948. doi: 10.7759/cureus.18948. PMID: 34815897; PMCID: PMC8605831.
- Couldwell MW, Grayson VS, Iwanaga J, Loukas M, Tubbs RS. Top 100 most cited journal articles in anatomy. Clin Anat. 2021 Dec 8. doi: 10.1002/ca.23822. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34881447.
- Sprimont L, Janssen P, De Swert K, Van Bulck M, Rooman I, Gilloteaux J, Massie A, Nicaise C. Cystine-glutamate antiporter deletion accelerates motor recovery and improves histological outcomes following spinal cord injury in mice. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 9;11(1):12227. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91698-y. PMID: 34108554; PMCID: PMC8190126.
- Hage D, Mathkour M, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. The posterior cranial fossa’s dura mater innervation and its clinical implication in headache: a comprehensive review. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2021 Nov 3. doi: 10.5603/FM.a2021.0114. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34730227.
- Turgut AÇ, Tubbs RS, Turgut M. Georges Charles Guillain (1876-1961) and Pierre Mollaret (1898-1987) and their legacy to neuroanatomy: the forgotten triangle of Guillain-Mollaret. Childs Nerv Syst. 2021 Feb;37(2):349-350. doi: 10.1007/s00381-018-04033-8. Epub 2019 Jan 4. PMID: 30610482.
- Peper C, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Giant dural arteriovenous fistula in an infant. Anat Cell Biol. 2021 Oct 18. doi: 10.5115/acb.21.083. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34657838.
- Jenkins S, Iwanaga J, Loukas M, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. A comprehensive review of the “supracondylar process” with translation of Adachi. Clin Anat. 2021 Sep 28. doi: 10.1002/ca.23794. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34585786.
- Scullen T, Teja N, Song SH, Couldwell M, Carr C, Mathkour M, Lee DJ, Tubbs RS, Dallapiazza RF. Use of Stereoelectroencephalography Beyond Epilepsy: A Systematic Review. World Neurosurg. 2021 Nov;155:96-108. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.06.105. Epub 2021 Jul 1. PMID: 34217862.
- Carpenter K, Iwanaga J, Aysenne A, Dumont AS, Bui CJ, Tubbs RS. An Anatomical Model for Studying Cerebellar Tonsillar Herniation Related to Raised Intracranial Pressure. Clin Anat. 2021 Dec 15. doi: 10.1002/ca.23827. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34913515.
- Węgiel A, Zielinska N, Tubbs RS, Olewnik Ł. Possible points of compression of the ulnar nerve: Tricks and traps that await clinicians from an anatomical point of view. Clin Anat. 2021 Oct 5. doi: 10.1002/ca.23798. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34610170.
- Shen D, Do Q, Ohyama H, Tubbs RS, Iwanaga J. Dual innervation of the mylohyoid muscle by the trigeminal and hypoglossal nerves: A case report. Morphologie. 2021 Feb;105(348):72-74. doi: 10.1016/j.morpho.2020.08.005. Epub 2020 Sep 2. PMID: 32891510.
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- Iwanaga J, Zeoli T, Scullen T, Maulucci C, Tubbs RS. Cadaveric Evidence of Complete Transection of the Lumbar Sympathetic Trunk After Extreme Lateral Transpsoas Approach to the Lumbar Spine: A Word of Caution. Cureus. 2021 Apr 7;13(4):e14346. doi: 10.7759/cureus.14346. PMID: 33972904; PMCID: PMC8105255.
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- Dupont G, Iwanaga J, Tubbs RS. Variant Innervation of the Medial Pterygoid Muscle from the Lingual Nerve. Kurume Med J. 2021 Jul 21;66(2):135-138. doi: 10.2739/kurumemedj.MS662005. Epub 2021 Jun 18. PMID: 34135200.
- Osuorji C, Ojumah N, Adedoyin O, Okoye O, Mbonu I. Cul de Sac : An Unusual Presentation of Giant Cell Arteritis. Cureus. 2021 Jul 13;13(7):e16361. doi: 10.7759/cureus.16361. PMID: 34395138; PMCID: PMC8360317.
- Chabot AB, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. A Rare Anatomical Variation of the Lesser Occipital Nerve. Cureus. 2021 Jun 24;13(6):e15901. doi: 10.7759/cureus.15901. PMID: 34336417; PMCID: PMC8312764.
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- Bordes SJ, Iwanaga J, Zarrintan S, Watanabe K, Tubbs RS. Accessory Vertebral Artery: An Embryological Review With Translation from Adachi. Cureus. 2021 Feb 19;13(2):e13448. doi: 10.7759/cureus.13448. PMID: 33767932; PMCID: PMC7982507.
- Thomas SE, Plumber N, Venkatapathappa P, Gorantla V. A Review of Risk Factors and Predictors for Hemorrhagic Transformation in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. Int J Vasc Med. 2021 Dec 6;2021:4244267. doi: 10.1155/2021/4244267. PMID: 34912581; PMCID: PMC8668348.
- Ishak B, Dupont G, Lachkar S, Yilmaz E, Glinski AV, Altafulla J, Kikuta S, Iwanaga J, Chapman JR, Oskouian R, Tubbs RS. Update on the Biomechanics of the Craniocervical Junction-Part I: Transverse Atlantal Ligament in the Elderly. Global Spine J. 2021 Mar;11(2):180-186. doi: 10.1177/2192568219896544. Epub 2020 Jan 7. PMID: 32875854; PMCID: PMC7882814.
- Salandy S, Gutierrez S, Tubbs RS. Ben W. Lichtenstein (1908-2003) and his contributions to our knowledge of spinal dysraphism. Childs Nerv Syst. 2021 Jun;37(6):1807-1808. doi: 10.1007/s00381-019-04106-2. Epub 2019 Mar 2. PMID: 30826956.
- Glinski AV, Elia C, Yilmaz E, Frieler S, Ishak B, Anand MK, Iwanaga J, Abdul-Jabbar A, Oskouian RJ, Tubbs RS, Chapman JR. Space-Occupying Lesions of the Retropharyngeal Space: An Anatomical Study With Application to Postoperative Retropharyngeal Hematomas. Global Spine J. 2021 Jun;11(5):704-708. doi: 10.1177/2192568220922192. Epub 2020 May 13. PMID: 32875906; PMCID: PMC8165929.
- Bordes SJ, Najera E, Obrzut M, Borghei-Razavi H, Adada B. Intracranial Plasmacytoma Mimicking a Cavernous Sinus Meningioma. Cureus. 2021 Jan 15;13(1):e12716. doi: 10.7759/cureus.12716. PMID: 33614321; PMCID: PMC7883569.
- Cesarek MR, Olewnik Ł, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. A previously unreported variant of the auriculotemporal nerve. Morphologie. 2021 Nov 16:S1286-0115(21)00234-4. doi: 10.1016/j.morpho.2021.10.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34799245.
- Scalisi J, Balau B, Deneyer L, Bouchat J, Gilloteaux J, Nicaise C. Blood-brain barrier permeability towards small and large tracers in a mouse model of osmotic demyelination syndrome. Neurosci Lett. 2021 Feb 16;746:135665. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2021.135665. Epub 2021 Jan 23. PMID: 33497716.
- Zielinska N, Szewczyk B, Tubbs RS, Olewnik Ł. Coexistence of two accessory flexor pollicis longus heads or coexistence of two-headed flexor pollicis longus with an unrecognized anatomical structure? Surg Radiol Anat. 2021 May;43(5):763-769. doi: 10.1007/s00276-021-02721-w. Epub 2021 Mar 3. PMID: 33656594; PMCID: PMC8105208.
- Olewnik Ł, Zielinska N, Szewczyk B, Tubbs RS. The ulnar head of the pronator teres muscle originating from the third head of the biceps brachii: a very rare case. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2021 Nov 16. doi: 10.5603/FM.a2021.0122. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34783003.
- Georgiev GP, Karabinov V, Olewnik Ł, Landzhov B, Tubbs RS. Unusual case of the saphenous plexus in the thigh and why we should have borne this variation in mind. Morphologie. 2021 Feb 17:S1286-0115(21)00013-8. doi: 10.1016/j.morpho.2021.01.002. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33610465.
- Asemota J, Oladunjoye O, Babalola A, Nwosu U, Liu PS, Oladunjoye AO, Castro-Webb N, Miksad RA. Comparison of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Patients. Cureus. 2021 May 7;13(5):e14884. doi: 10.7759/cureus.14884. PMID: 34104609; PMCID: PMC8180179.
- Spinelli CP, Iwanaga J, Bui CJ, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Novel Use of Nerve Branch to Sartorius as Donor for Intrapelvic Neurotization of the Sciatic Nerve and Its Contributions. World Neurosurg. 2021 Oct 27:S1878-8750(21)01648-X. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.10.147. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34718197.
- Adedigba JA, Idowu BM, Hermans SP, Okwori OF, Onigbinde SO, Oluwadiya KS, Amoako AA, Weidenhaft MC. Fabella and patella variants: radiographic prevalence, distribution and clinical relevance in a population of black african descent. Anat Cell Biol. 2021 Jun 30;54(2):184-192. doi: 10.5115/acb.20.217. PMID: 33594010; PMCID: PMC8225475.
- Zeoli T, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Multi-level sagittally cleft vertebrae: a case report and review of the literature. Surg Radiol Anat. 2021 Jan;43(1):127-130. doi: 10.1007/s00276-020-02517-4. Epub 2020 Jun 14. PMID: 32537674.
- Olewnik Ł, Gonera B, Kurtys K, Tubbs RS, Polguj M. “Popliteofascial muscle” or rare variant of the tensor fasciae suralis? Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2021;80(4):1037-1042. doi: 10.5603/FM.a2020.0138. Epub 2020 Nov 10. PMID: 33169351.
- Carpenter K, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. A hugely elevated torcular Herophili. Childs Nerv Syst. 2021 Feb;37(2):687-690. doi: 10.1007/s00381-020-04674-8. Epub 2020 May 21. PMID: 32440896.
- Razipour SE, Zarrintan S, Mathkour M, Iwanaga J, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS. Review of the external carotid plexus: anatomy, function, and clinic