SGU dean honored for helping launch new care management organization

Dr. Robert Grant, the senior associate dean of clinical studies at St. George’s University, was honored in October 2021 for his contributions to help launch the Association of Physician Leadership in Care Management (APLCM).
Dr. Robert Grant, the senior associate dean of clinical studies at St. George’s University, was recently honored for his contributions to help launch the Association of Physician Leadership in Care Management (APLCM).
Founded in November 2017, APLCM is a nonprofit association that falls under the umbrella of the American Case Management Association (ACMA), the group that represents and supports the wider care management community. APCLM develops and directs activities to benefit the physician members of ACMA, and ultimately patients and their families.
As the inaugural president of the APLCM, Dr. Grant was instrumental in defining the association’s role, mission, and bylaws. He was recognized for his contributions on October 29 at the 2021 ACMA/APCLM annual advisor leadership conference in Scottsdale, AZ.
“It became clear that an increasing number of physicians who were part of the care management field needed an outlet for advocacy and professional development. Because I was a physician advisor (at the time) at a large academic health care system, I was approached to help organize the group,” said Dr. Grant, who served as president from inception through April 2020. “I am honored to receive this recognition from my peers. I am thrilled I was able to make a positive contribution that will support physician advisors and physician leaders in case management. Ultimately physician advisors assure that patients are placed in the optimal location so that they receive the best care possible during and upon their discharge from a hospital stay.”
In order to identify additional peer physicians to be recognized for their contributions in case management, APLCM developed a Care Management Physician Certification (CMPC) for physician advisors, Dr. Grant added.
Launched in 2021, the CMPC credential seeks to “improve patient outcomes by establishing national standards and requisite knowledge for the physician advisor role as well as establishing increased visibility for the profession and validation of holders for their engagement and commitment with care management physician leadership.”
Added Dr. Grant: “Students should know that the journey to become and then practice as a physician can open up many doors. In addition to active roles as clinicians there are many kinds of opportunities in health care delivery that doctors can become involved with over their careers as a physician.”
– Laurie Chartorynsky
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