School of Veterinary Medicine
Watch the Ceremony
Commencement Speeches
Messages from Faculty and Staff
Family and Friends
We thank and congratulate all of the friends and family who supported our students on the journey toward fulfillingĀ their dreams.Ā Your guidance and support throughout their studies complemented their drive to succeed, and now with their degree in hand,Ā we join you in celebrating their incredible accomplishment.Ā
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We inviteĀ you to join our SGU Parents GroupĀ to assist parents of future SGUĀ students, current students, and graduates.
Use Our GIFs Too!
Search terms like
#SGUGrad #SGU2023 #SGU #StGeorgesUniversity #VeterinarianĀ
to use these on Instagram Stories.
The best way to take part in the celebration is through using our hashtagā#SGUGrad.Ā
Simply add it to your post. It will automatically appear on this page, and by clicking on it on any social media channel, you and your classmates will be able to see the excitement thatās going on around you.