Joshua Hauser, January 2009

Joshua Hauser
School Of Medicine Keynote Speaker – January 15, 2009

Dr. Joshua Hauser, a graduate of Harvard Medical School in 1995, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Palliative Care at Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University; Director of Education at the Buehler Center on Aging, Health and Society; and Director of the Education on Palliative and end of Life (EPEC) Project.

Dr. Hauser has held numerous leadership roles in national efforts in Palliative Care and Medical Ethics has been recognized with the International Society for the Advancement of Humanistic Studies in Medicine’s Young Physicians Award for Humanism and the Department of Medicine’s Teaching Award by Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University.

He has served as past chairman of a National Institutes of Health study section on research ethics; past co-chairman of the program committee for the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities; and a current member of the ethics committee for the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. His research which focuses on the development of strategies to support family caregivers in palliative care has been published in highly regarded peer-reviewed journals including JAMA; the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management; Journal of Palliative Care; and Academic Medicine. Dr. Hauser has also dedicated his services in many different volunteer positions including a physician at the New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans and the Maria Shelter, a physician advisor for the Southside Sarcoidosis Support Group and a volunteer physician for Connections for the homeless in Evanston, Illinois.