Hernández Fonseca H.J., Sayre B.L., Butcher R., Inskeep E.K. Embryotoxic effects adjacent and opposite to the early regressing bovine corpus luteum. Theriogenology, 54: 83-91, 1998.
H. J. Hernández-Fonseca, S. Sirisathien, P. Bosch, H.S., Cho H, J.D.
Lott, L.L Hawkins, R.B. Hollett, S.L. Coley, and B.G. Brackett. Offspring resulting from direct transfer of cryopreserved bovine Embryos produced in vitro in chemically defined media. Animal Reproduction Science, 69: 151-158, 2002.
Kubisch HM, Sirisathien S, Bosch P, Hernández Fonseca HJ, Clements G, Liukkonen JR, Brackett BG. Effects of developmental stage, embryonic interferon-tau secretion and recipient synchrony on pregnancy rate after transfer of in Vitro produced bovine blastocysts. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 39 (2): 120-124, 2004.
Hernandez Fonseca H, Bosch P, Sirisathien S, Wininger JD, Massey JB, Brackett BG. Effect of site of transplantation on follicular development of human ovarian tissue transplanted intro intact castrated immunodeficient mice. Fertility & Sterility: 81 (Suppl 1): 888-892, 2004.
Hernandez Fonseca H, Bosch P, Wininger JD, Massey JB, BracKett BG. Recovery of oocytes from bovine ovarian tissue transplanted in NOD SCID mice. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 3 (9): 598-604, 2004.
Bosch P, Hernandez Fonseca HJ, Miller DM, Wininger JD, Massey JB, Lamb SV, Brackett BG. Development of antral follicles in cryopreserved cat ovarian tissue transplanted to immunodeficient mice. Theriogenology 61 (2-3): 581-94, 2004.
Nava-Trujillo H., De Ondiz A., Soto-Belloso E., Velarde J.C., Hernández-Fonseca H., Brackett G.B. Calves born under tropical conditions after direct transfer (DT) of cryopreserved in vitro produced embryos. (Becerros nacidos bajo condiciones tropicales luego de la transferencia directa de embriones producidos in vitro criopreservados). Revista Científica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias XV (5): 429-436, 2005.
Hernández Fonseca H, Bosch P, Millar D, Wininger JD, Massey JB, Brackett BG. Time course of follicular development after bovine ovarian tissue transplantation in male non-obese diabetic severe combined immunodeficient mice. Fertility & Sterility, 83 (Supple. 1): 1180, 2005.
F. Perea G., E. Soto B., H. Hernández., D. González V. R. Palomares N., A. De Ondiz S., C. González S. Monthly Variation of Fertility and Oestrus Frequency in Crossbred Dual-Purpose Cows in Three Agro ecological Areas of the South American Tropics. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 38: 353-363, 2006.
Hugo Hernández Fonseca, Héctor Nava Trujillo, Saksiri Sirisathien. Lawrence A. Johnson, David Guthrie, Glenn R. Welch, Adirmo Hernandez y Benjamin G. Brackett. Effect of db-cAMP on Embryonic Development of Bovine Oocytes Fertilized with Sex Sorted Semen. Revista Científica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, XVII (2): 131-135, 2007.
MJ Starbock, H Hernández -Fonseca, N Ahmad. G Seidel, and EK Inskeep. Association of Fertility with Numbers of Antral Follicles Within a Follicular Wave During the Oestrous cycle in Beef Cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 42: 337-342, 2007.
F.P. Perea, A.D. De Ondiz, R.A. Palomares, H. J. Hernández, R Gonzalez, E.R. Soto. Control of Postpartum Anoestrous with an Intra-Vaginal Progesterone Device Plus eCG or Calf Removal for 120 h in Suckled Crossbred Cows Managed in a Pasture-Based System. Animal Reproduction Science, 106 :298-310, 2008.
Jossany Peláez-Gutiérrez, Yadira Urribarri-Rodríguez, Amaru Pirela-Pirela, Francisco Báez-Contreras, Patricia Villamediana-Monreal y Hugo Hernández-Fonseca. Influence of breed predominance over the competence of in vitro maturation, fertilization and development of bovine oocytes. (Influencia de la predominancia racial sobre la competencia de maduración, fecundación y desarrollo in vitro de ovocitos bovinos.) Revista Científica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Año 3 (5): 21-42, 2012.
Pírela, A.A., Hernández, H.J., Osorio, C.C., Urdaneta, A., Aranguren, J., Hernández, J.P., Mosquera, J. Effect of Melatonin on the competence of the bovine oocyte. (Efecto de la melatonina sobre la competencia ovocitaria de ovocitos bovinos.) MASKANA, Volumen: 8:129-131, 2017.
Hugo Hernández Fonseca. Bioeconomy of the in vitro embryo Production. (Bio-economía de la producción in vitro de embriones). Revista Ecuatoriana de Ciencia Animal 1 (2), 2017.