Stephen Nimrod, MSc
Instructor in Marine Biology
Department of Life Sciences
Phone: (473) 444-4175 ext. 3652
Stephen Nimrod received a Bachelors of Science honors degree (BSc) in Marine Biology from the University of Plymouth, UK in 2004, and subsequently completed a Masters of Science degree (MSc) in Tropical Coastal Management at Newcastle University, UK in 2006.
Mr. Nimrod has been working closely with the Grenada Fisheries Division within the Ministry of Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and other stakeholders towards the development of Grenada’s Marine Protected Areas (MPA) program. He is also a research scientist at the Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) at St. George’s University, Grenada, and his research interest is in the areas of coral reef conservation, sustainable MPA’s and macroalgal overgrowth on coral reefs.
Mr. Nimrod has been an Instructor in Marine Biology at St. George’s University, School of Arts and Sciences, since 2007. His main teaching interests include the biology and ecology of major tropical ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves. Some of his teaching and research activities include mentoring students at St. George’s University on research projects, supervising, coordinating and facilitating marine research in Grenada for undergraduate and graduate students from international Universities. Mr. Nimrod also has assisted the Grenada Fisheries Division with the collection of data for the Socio-economic Monitoring for Caribbean Coastal Management (SocMon) Project done in collaboration with CERMIES at the University of the West Indies, and has conducted a number of benthic and fish census on coral reefs in Grenada, and participated in the training of local volunteers to conduct reef surveys in Grenada.